
Thread Central


Furthermore, Miles Jaffe,  it is obvious that you have a gripe with me, an infatuation or a crush, i dont know which

I don't know about Miles, but this redneck digs you.  I don't have one token Middle Eastern friend, but several.  They are so mercurial and mercantile, that they're a lot of fun.  However, most of the ones I know are of the Christian variety.  We don't talk politics because they're caught in the crossfire, if you will, and wish all that turmoil wasn't going on.  We talk about food and they have unwillingly taught me the bad words, and some clean ones, too, in Arabic.  My favorite clean one is "majnoon," written phonetically.

Moving on, there was a coffeehouse near a university that was frequented by many people and which had a bunch of Middle Eastern dudes who drank coffee and checked out the blondes quite well, but hit their books like fickle kittens who didn't like the brand of cat food you picked out for them.  Moreover, they all appeared to be majoring in engineering and not in the 18 to 22 age set, so I'm thinking 7 year plan.  They were amusing to watch and also irritating, so I snagged a bunch of bad words from my Middle Eastern friend.

I told her I was going to go to their table, usually with about 5 of them, and pick out about three of them and say "You, hara"  .... "You, sharmout"  .... "You, ehrr zreer."  Respectively, these are phonetic renditions of shit, bitch (male version), and small penis.  She laughed and, with her accent, said "Oh my God, they will beat you up ... for sure."  I never did it, but I thought it would be funny.  However, my friend did not care for another Middle Eastern guy on her street who was married to a dimwitted American blonde, who I then nicknamed "sha' ara sharmouta."

Lose the political and politically correct chips, t a m m u z.  Happy Thanksgiving from across the border, buddy.

Nov 26, 13 12:17 am  · 
chatter of clouds

observant: Lose the political and politically correct chips, t a m m u z.\

That would be none of your business observant. 

Nov 26, 13 12:23 am  · 

You both hijacked, and jacked, a thread about Thanksgiving with our families, friends, and food - for an even that commemorates the arrival of Europeans in New England in 1620, and on a big boat that didn't have a metal hull, after crossing the North Atlantic, and I stress North Atlantic, if you understand maritime matters.

Nov 26, 13 12:28 am  · 
chatter of clouds

you could have chosen to ignore me. its not a personal salon in your mansion.  entertain my points or not, this is a choice that is available to you. And I have not had a proper decent level headed explanation for my concerns about thanksgiving. instead, i have been called a turd, derided, and what not. 

goodness, what a bunch of infuriated hyenas you were. all i did was raised my concerns and my surprise - i didnt insult anyone personally or racially. and i'm not a snide prick as you were below, observant: 

again, observant: Lose the political and politically correct chips, buddy

Nov 26, 13 12:35 am  · 
chatter of clouds


Myth #1: “The First Thanksgiving” occurred in 1621.

Fact: No one knows when the “first” thanksgiving occurred. People have been giving thanks for as long as people have existed. Indigenous nations all over the world have celebrations of the harvest that come from very old traditions; for Native peoples, thanksgiving comes not once a year, but every day, for all the gifts of life. To refer to the harvest feast of 1621 as “The First Thanksgiving” disappears Indian peoples in the eyes of non-Native children.

Nov 26, 13 12:43 am  · 
chatter of clouds


Myth #3: The colonists came seeking freedom of religion in a new land.

Fact: The colonists were not just innocent refugees from religious persecution. By 1620, hundreds of Native people had already been to England and back, most as captives; so the Plimoth colonists knew full well that the land they were settling on was inhabited. Nevertheless, their belief system taught them that any land that was “unimproved” was “wild” and theirs for the taking; that the people who lived there were roving heathens with no right to the land. Both the Separatists and Puritans were rigid fundamentalists who came here fully intending to take the land away from its Native inhabitants and establish a new nation, their “Holy Kingdom.” The Plimoth colonists were never concerned with “freedom of religion” for anyone but themselves

Nov 26, 13 12:44 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Myth #11: Thanksgiving is a happy time.

Fact: For many Indian people, “Thanksgiving” is a time of mourning, of remembering how a gift of generosity was rewarded by theft of land and seed corn, extermination of many from disease and gun, and near total destruction of many more from forced assimilation. As currently celebrated in this country, “Thanksgiving” is a bitter reminder of 500 years of betrayal returned for friendship.

Nov 26, 13 12:45 am  · 

Salon in a personal mansion?  That's classic.  Many places across the globe have checkered pasts.  Can we move on?  I learned that Argentina's indigenous stock was wiped out while the Spaniards were colonizing, and Catholic priests were in proximity when this was going on.  This is truly embarrassing.  Do the Argentinians have hearts that will be bleeding forever, especially if not personally involved?  No.  Am I supposed to boycott Argentina as a tourist destination because of this?  No.  Do I refrain from joining friends and family for a big dinner on the last Thursday in November?  No.

Indian tribes have strived to remove their names from high school sports teams, restaurants, and other institutions that have had those names for a long time, and have done so successfully.  People WANT to be offended, is what someone I know said.  The operative word is WANT.

Thread Central is open to anyone who wants to comment.

Nov 26, 13 1:01 am  · 
chatter of clouds

You are a citizen of the US, yes? not argentina, yes? you give thanks on a historically tragically significant day for the native americans, yes?  you are easily able to assign another day, yes? you are able to give the remaining native american population and the rest of your people acknowledgement for the tragedies that happened, as happened with slavery, yes? it was a holocaust that your forefathers perpetrated, nothing less. 

observant: Thread Central is open to anyone who wants to comment.

Again, this is not a room in your house. You don't give permission. This seems to be a common ailment with many of the frequent archinect user. They start wanting to give or not give permission to others. 

Nov 26, 13 1:14 am  · 

In your presumed time zone, you should be in bed, t a m m u z.

Nov 26, 13 1:17 am  · 
chatter of clouds

again, none of your business. move on, as you say. 

Nov 26, 13 1:20 am  · 
chatter of clouds

did i post this..ah well, just to be safe, ill post it again, forgive me for the double post if thats what it is: 

Miles Jaffe, your insidious attempt at diverting attention from your insistent bickering does not work with me. All you have to do is to treat me with respect and you may expect the same in return.   Do no try to undermine my opinion by trying to say that it is a de facto biased  opinion, that is a product of a certain environment - ie this could only signal to Donna that she should take it with a pinch of salt.

We all come from different backgrounds - that's a given. But you were trying to wield that insiduously against me...especially in connection with the topic of Israel.I have never claimed that the US citiizens are guilty by association. I have never given any sign that indeed I blame the US citizens for anything. Yet, you fabricate a connection in order to project on me a certain cliched image, as a person of a Lebanese background, in order to contextualize me as being to be dealt with solely on his level, not on yours, or hers.

Have I ever bothered to target your being jewish, for example, not that i would care to? Have I ever bothered to even refer to your background? No, I don't. What on arth gives you the right to do so? Have some respect towards others. You are the only one with the personal  senseless invectives.

Furthermore, don't call me tammy, I did not give you that permission. Especially when you use it with ulterior motives. I remind you of your own request to Thayer not to give you a nickname. What a hypocrite.  As the americans say, you're are so ugly from the inside.

Nov 26, 13 1:23 am  · 
chatter of clouds

bon appétit jla-x

Nov 26, 13 1:39 am  · 

I don't know about Miles, but this redneck digs you.  I don't have one token Middle Eastern friend, but several.  They are so mercurial and mercantile, that they're a lot of fun.  However, most of the ones I know are of the Christian variety.  We don't talk politics because they're caught in the crossfire, if you will, and wish all that turmoil wasn't going on.  We talk about food and they have unwillingly taught me the bad words, and some clean ones, too, in Arabic.  My favorite clean one is "majnoon," written phonetically.

Moving on, there was a coffeehouse near a university that was frequented by many people and which had a bunch of Middle Eastern dudes who drank coffee and checked out the blondes quite well, but hit their books like fickle kittens who didn't like the brand of cat food you picked out for them.  Moreover, they all appeared to be majoring in engineering and not in the 18 to 22 age set, so I'm thinking 7 year plan.  They were amusing to watch and also irritating, so I snagged a bunch of bad words from my Middle Eastern friend.

I told her I was going to go to their table, usually with about 5 of them, and pick out about three of them and say "You, hara"  .... "You, sharmout"  .... "You, ehrr zreer."  Respectively, these are phonetic renditions of shit, bitch (male version), and small penis.  She laughed and, with her accent, said "Oh my God, they will beat you up ... for sure."  I never did it, but I thought it would be funny.  However, my friend did not care for another Middle Eastern guy on her street who was married to a dimwitted American blonde, who I then nicknamed "sha' ara sharmouta."

You are a truly disgusting racist piece of shit like I said last year. You keep proving it time after time. What do you want from Muslims?

Nov 26, 13 1:49 am  · 
chatter of clouds

jlla-x, i was more interested in having positions apropos patrck schumacher's position and rheinhold martin's, both of which have weak this was the topic, not my own imagining of scenarios. 

i only went on about neoliberalism and what i see as a non-architecturally-topical solution  because patrick schumacher dragged politics into this through his defense of neoliberalism..quite ironic for someone who perceives architectural practice as apolitical. he is ultimately entrapping himself in a contradiction. And therefore my straying away from architecture: Because PAtrick Schumacher himself strayed away from architecture by his very definition of architecture as apolitical. In other words, I only followed where he led. So I am not to blame for the non-architectural talk.

As for your question, architecturally, i do not pretend to have a solution as to how to position oneself as an architect. I see critical thought and a sense of justice as necessary equipment for a case-by-case evaluation rather than a blind ideological belief in any system including parametricism or in the fetishism of "politics in architecture". Both are grand fictions. 

But the main issue is not architectural---we are the fourth, fifth, whateverth tier. 

About Thanksgiving, the past is not the past for the native american population. For a country that wants to be judicious in its present, it should address the mass injustices that happened in the past. Otherwise, there is no reason for you to ask for justice in the present. 

Nov 26, 13 2:21 am  · 

You are a truly disgusting racist piece of shit like I said last year. You keep proving it time after time. What do you want from Muslims?

This has nothing to do with religion.  I know very little about Muslims, and don't want anything from them.   You are way off base, Orhan.  Way off base. This is simply about recounting a story.  This Arab friend just happened to be Christian, and I knew her from having a place of worship in common, and these guys at the coffeehouse were funny. The religion of the guys in the coffeehouse was unknown to me and irrelevant.  I've randomly met Middle Eastern Christians from Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon who were also funny ... in the exact same way.    So it's about the funny ... and not the religion.  My inside joke with my friend about using these dirty words was analogous to teenagers deciding how to toilet paper someone's house.  Your comprehension is selective because you wanted to be offended.  It's about nuances, accents, differences, circumstances,  temperaments, anecdotes, and finding humor in the human condition. You needed to jump in here to give t a m m u z a helping hand.  My issues with t a m m u z are not his religion or his ethnicity, but his soapboxes.  I see that L.A.'s tilt toward the PC has affected most of the people who were once a lot looser, a lot friendlier, a lot more relaxed, and more open to diversity, without having walk-on-eggshells prescriptive thinking and behavior, in addition to a higher level of anger and stress due to exorbitant prices and increased density, heaped on them.  It's insidious.  I'll let you calling me a piece of shit be more descriptive of you than of me.  Shoukran / gracias / merci / danke / grazie / arigato / obrigado / efharisto / thank you.

Nov 26, 13 2:27 am  · 

I don't find your coffee shop story funny. Your portrait of the Arab, alluded Muslim (because they are not your friends but Christian ones are) are full of stereotypes. You already rendered them sexist, unambitious and worthy of your insults as vulgar as small penis etc.. If this is your sense of humor, addressing tammuz whose talking about something as serious as a genocide, it contains large amounts of cynicism, said in a double meaning way to make denial easy. I know your level of writing is capable of doing so.

tammuz does not need anybody's helping hand but I appreciate the writing of tammuz and his many aliases going back ten years or so. He has been around and have written beautiful pieces about ideas, analyses and ways of looking at architecture. I appreciate that he is writing from Beirut. He is informative about the discourse. He is critical of America from an area has been dissected by wars and brutality insinuated and inflicted by American and Israeli interests. You don't know about Muslims and that geography but he does. He is ultimately one of a kind here who has proven his worthy correspondence..  

By the way, if don't know much about Muslims after all the wars, conflicts and demonizing and carpet bombing them indiscriminately for oil, you are an uneducated loud mouth. You can't use that as a disclaimer. And if you do, it only shows you are really fucked up.

Nov 26, 13 3:31 am  · 
chatter of clouds

hi Orhan, thank you for the kind words. I appreciate your sincerity .

'observant' cannot, unfortunately observe the extent of his narrow mindedness. He thinks by throwing cliches at me and his petty life stories that he's telling me that he understands where I come from and that he is able to make assumptions.

The brash little prick cannot see how racist and condescending he is by calling middle easterners: "mercurial" for example. He has stated a few times - directly indicating that we are all of the same temperament-  the suggestion being that our anger gets the better of us- the latent suggestion being that we are thusly dismissed as irrational mercurial creatures. He is indeed a culturalist- racist (call it what you will) prick and is playing that background card exactly as was Miles Jaffe, who did it more carefully.

Nov 26, 13 9:30 am  · 
chatter of clouds

to continue this:

'observant' cannot, unfortunately observe the extent of his narrow mindedness. He thinks by throwing cliches at me and his petty life stories that he's telling me that he understands where I come from and that he is able to make assumptions and give me holier-than-thou lessons about how to conduct myself here: observant: Lose the political and politically correct chips, t a m m u z

Nov 26, 13 9:42 am  · 

You are a one-trick pony, tammuz. You accuse everyone of throwing cliches, and you make assumptions about everyone who disagrees with you - labeling them petty - and you are the master of holier-than-thou lessons.

If it weren't so tiresome it would be amusing. out of 29 posts on this page, you have 16, dominating what is usually a lighthearted and entertaining forum with senseless invective.

Not that I care, I'm just being observant. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Nov 26, 13 10:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Wow. You boys were busy last night!

I always thought mercurial meant fun and insightful. It makes me think of Mercutio, and he was fun, insightful, and happy.

What kind of cookies, Curt? I make the BEST shortbread cookies. They get better with age!!

And mashed potatoes for thanksgiving?! That's crazy talk. Must be a Yankee thing.
Nov 26, 13 10:10 am  · 

You guys: I've only skimmed the above 20-30 posts as I really do need to get some work done.  So just a few things.

observant is truly an ignorant racist.  I mean, that's not slamming him it's just factual.  The stories he tells here betray exactly the insidious casual racism (and sexism) and inability to empathize of which millions of Americans are guilty but most of whom I know struggle hard to overcome every day in millions of tiny, forward-looking ways. observant has, IMO, shown himself to be illogical and unlistenable.  So I don't listen to him, but skim his posts to make sure I have a sense of what everyone else is responding to.

tammuz, it's nice to have you over here even if it is lots of accusatory yelling from all sides. I agree with Orhan: your writing is beautiful even though I struggle with the ideas frequently.  Not to pry, but you said something on the paremtricism thread that made me think you live int he US now - do you? I'm fascinated by how the US looks to those who choose to live here.  I'm appalled by it constantly but very aware of my own limitations to choose anything else.

I'm glad Schumacher is still active over there on "his" thread.  I think it's cool that he is joining in, even if I disagree with almost everything he posts and I DEFINITELY disagree with his work (but I do love the Cincy CAC).

Nov 26, 13 10:18 am  · 

I bailed on the Schumacher thread. He is operating in an alternate reality that only a select few can acce$$, with vast implications for the world and absolutely no understanding.

Nov 26, 13 10:21 am  · 

wrong again.  astrology is the study of star movements and our relation to them.  an astronomer would be hard-pressed to find his way.

even plants are aware of the importants of celestial movments, so I say it again, trees know more than you.

Stop being so ignornt and start paying attention to the world. 

Nov 26, 13 10:22 am  · 

Oh, and also, if it clarifies: I have no editorial/moderating powers whatsoever on any of Archinect.  I'm solely a contributor like almost everyone else.  Very few people, as far as I know, have mod capabilities. So there isn't any censorship happening, certainly not from my hands.

Nov 26, 13 10:22 am  · 

Also—as much as i disgree with tammuz on the thankgiving issue & wish he'd shutup about it or lust die already—the way that the rest o you treat is very indicative o f just how ingorant, & stuck up your own asses you really are.  this thread central clique is a malicius, mean-spirited litlle bunch of stupids who are remarkably self assured despite your obivous limited mental facilities.  Clearly  most of you are Americans.  Must be the fluoride in you water than makes you so stupid & naive about the world.

Nov 26, 13 10:28 am  · 

they're peanut butter and powdered sugar rolled up into a ball and then dipped in chocolate.

i keep thinking i'm going to make an architectural masterpiece of a gingerbread house, but then never do.

handsum, i clicked your link and it wanted to install shit on my computer that i don't want on my computer.  that is not a safe link.

Nov 26, 13 10:30 am  · 

Handsum only those who have limited mental facilities are *able* to be self-assured.  I'm very confident that I'm an idiot.

All are welcome on TC.

Nov 26, 13 10:38 am  · 

I'm gonna go listen to the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe podcast now and draft.  It's my favorite part of the week.

Nov 26, 13 10:40 am  · 

I am comfortably self-assured of my idiocy. 

Nov 26, 13 10:42 am  · 

How american schools portray arabs, pointy-nosed & angry:

Nov 26, 13 10:48 am  · 

link to the is perfectly good.  stop spreading lies you filth foes.  learn the truths.

Nov 26, 13 10:50 am  · 

No, that bud link is not safe, Handsum.  It tries to install something that my computer wouldn't allow.

Nov 26, 13 11:07 am  · 

I'd like to enjoy a few buds over the holiday.

Nov 26, 13 11:17 am  · 

Also, observant: to be fair, since I've called you racist, feel free to accuse me of whatever you think is wrong with me as evidenced in the posts I put here, and I promise you I will read it.  I don't want to be unfair. But then after you've said your piece I'll probably go back to ignoring you again.

Also, trust, you're not the only person whose posts I ignore.  We all pick and choose where we want to spend our energies.  You, observant, are just so amazingly prolific that it actually takes effort to skip over your many paragraphs!

suxiurient is in a class by him/herself.  I can't even.

Nov 26, 13 11:37 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Donna, it is not simply obervant -who should be called obvious and not observant.

observe Miles Jaffe's dismissive posts and his accusations against me; you have excused him (as you do a racist friend, for instance)  because you have adopted him as a snarky-grumpy mascot. In actual fact, he has been as irrationally dismissive and as biased, as i said before he has assigned an irrational grudge and has called to my background as a justification for his perception of my person. he is unable to 'live and let live'. and he is unable to take criticism. it is ironic that he pretends to be an individual who criticizes others for their inhumaness and the callousness. He's a liar and a hypocrite, willing to twist things around to fit his ego.

please pay attention to how he attacks vitriolically and cynically sometimes, then when this is called to attention, he goes on to trivialize. this is his ugly pattern - again, ugly from inside he must be.

Nov 26, 13 12:02 pm  · 

You can try to deny the work of Lawrence Edwards & Graham Calderwoor if you want but it won't work.

And lying about the website is really low, even for you dimwitz.

Nov 26, 13 12:07 pm  · 

I'm sorry, I seem to have stepped in something and have tracked it all over the forum.

Nov 26, 13 12:07 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Whoa, whose Irish-car-bomb curdled early on this thread?

Donna, good call on the SGU podcast.

Nov 26, 13 12:15 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

sorry, didn't ignore your question Donna; twas an oversight. No, I don't live in the US.

Nov 26, 13 12:30 pm  · 

Mister Orhan:

You are displacing previous issues with me through the flame.  It's cumulative, and certain other things have irked you:

  • I don't like your alma-mater because it has been full of itself  and when I inquired about a degree program there, including a discussion on the phone with someone about an open house, I heard, "and if you're lucky, you might get to meet ... "
  • You took your sweet time to license.  I did so immediately.  While that says nothing about our talents or abilities, it says that I didn't want to go to a function and not be able to call myself an architect and explain IDP, so I got to work on it.  With friends in other lines of work where passing the professional test is required quickly, I don't understand why people with professional degrees in architecture sit on this, barring something like child rearing or health issues
  • You look up to starchitects and are in the thick of all the avant-garde stuff in the city.  I don't care for them and don't think they're all that.  I thought that a few of them who came to speak to us at school were repugnant,  based on their cavalier attitude while speaking and addressing students afterwards.  I sized up this phenomenon very quickly in a-school. Come up with a non-injectable alternative to insulin and then give a presentation?  You have a right to be arrogant but, guess what, they probably wouldn't be if fielding intelligent questions from people.  After all, they're scientists and not artists, who are inherently less professional.
  • I don't know about Istanbul and the Watts Towers and hijacked a thread or two of yours with questions about basic safety about going.  Well, guess what, safety is an issue in my beloved Rio de Janeiro, too.
  • I recounted the story of the rich shiek's mansion on Sunset Boulevard with the statues, and you may have read about the modifications to the statuary.  Plus, you were in metro LA, I suppose, when this happened.  Well, regular white folks who become rich do tacky things to their mansions, too.
  • The coffeehouse story was funny to most people, including to my Arab friends.  I learned those dirty words from them 5 years prior to this, and not to use them on the Arab students.  Their cat calling of younger girls, making comments about people walking by in Arabic and then laughing, and general boisterousness was distracting, with ARE prep books at my table, but I found it entertaining.  In my book, mercurial is a compliment - again, you and t a m m have chosen to take a different spin on this. 

I'm sorry if I'm not a lexicon of world history, especially the more negative events.  I have forgotten what the American Teapot Dome scandal of the early 1900s was.  I prefer to think of it as a movie theater.  You know the history and issues of the Middle East.  That's your cultural baseline.  I know a good deal about the history and issues of Western Mediterranean Latin Europe, and the places they colonized.  That's my cultural baseline.

Ms. Donna:

I'd like to know, if sitting in Naptown, you play the "love everybody" card, but actually go over to people's houses where Anglo-normative culture and behavior does not exist.  I don't think you do, as the field is pretty white there.  I know that Indy has a Liberian community, for example.  Would you just love them from afar, or would you go for a sandwich with one if you knew them?  Our skirmishes go back to the high school thread, the IDP thread, and you probably internalize the fact that I don't like feminists and can't stand Hillary, thus making me sexist in your eyes.  It's more that I have low tolerance for bitchiness.  There are many smart women who are not bitchy.  We don't have a problem.  Also, Cranbrook would have a force field around it for me.

Sidebar (1): 

Let's talk Japanese.  One of my four best friends in high school was Japanese-American and I started to learn the juicy words from him.  I then had a Japanese coworker who would teach me a new word in Japanese every day.  I then was able to construct my first full sentence:  "Oki jishin-wa pantsu-no naka de unko-wo sasseruh."  Translation:  "A big earthquake will make you shit in your pants."  Some of the otherwise demure (stereotype) Japanese folks I've told this to found it very funny and laughed that an American would come up with something so random.

Sidebar (2):

I had a German coworker who was a hoot and she would teach me words.  In German, we came up with a laundry list of one adjective for almost every European people:  Germans are exacting, Italians are entertaining, French are arrogant, Greeks are mercantile, Spaniards are passionate, Portuguese are melancholy (they lost an empire), English can't cook, Irish drink too much, Scandinavians are sterile (not too emotive), and Dutch are liberal.  The best one, by far, is passionate - the word is leidenschaflich.


What is NOT a racist:

1) someone who impersonates or finds the quirks of a different culture entertaining

2) someone who is willing to befriend someone of another culture

3) even someone who has NO interest whatsoever in dating or becoming involved with the sister, assuming he's male, of a friend from certain groups because they're not into that look

What IS a racist:

1) someone who will not associate with people of different cultures, and that includes the NIMBY liberals who don't practice what they preach, thus making them the worst offenders, in a way

2) someone who will not employ or advance someone of a different culture, assuming they have the requisite skills

3) someone who wishes harm or actually impedes the general QOL of a different culture.

So, for those of you who take issue with me, and there are a few, it's about something else that has transpired between us over cyberspace.

End of rant.

Nov 26, 13 12:33 pm  · 

good afternoon TC!

seem like things have got a bit hot in here...

As for Thanksgiving obviously indigenous Americans don't like what it represents but as jla-x indicated what's not to like about the food...

also Sarah are you crazy? got to have mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving.

Nov 26, 13 12:37 pm  · 

Also, Cranbrook would have a force field around it for me. What does this mean?

Nov 26, 13 12:44 pm  · 
chatter of clouds


"1) someone who impersonates or finds the quirks of a different culture entertaining

2) someone who is willing to befriend someone of another culture"

BS. There is a form of a politically correct multicultural racism. Yes, exactly.  You claim that I am politically correct but in actual fact you have been dropping in your insipid personal stories to alleviate from your more insiduous deeprooted assumptions that are in fact racist, rigin and generalizing. It is you who is so  paralyzed by a form of advanced political correctness that you cannot see your racism.

You are not allowed to describe me or people from my region of the world as "mercurial"  You are not allowed to talk about middle eastern men summarily in that ugly way that your sharmouta racist self allows it to. You are insensitive, stupid and overtly irrelevant in dragging your personal adventures to give us a taste of how much a connaisseur you are of multiculturalism all the while dismissing and belittling others. I don't give a shit about your reference to shawarmas or your adventures with your friends - i care about accepting each other at a respectful level irrespective of background and idiotic assumptions you obviously harbour.

Nov 26, 13 12:45 pm  · 


Check definition 2:  "animated, lively, sprightly, quick-witted"

A list of positive attributes if there ever was one.

Nov 26, 13 1:11 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

don't bullshit me, prick

"characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood <a mercurial temper>"

When you start respecting, expect the same. Unlike you, my disrepect is overt, non sleazy and not below the covers.

Nov 26, 13 1:14 pm  · 


Selective perception on your part, t a m m.  Again, to keep fanning the flames, just like you did in a harmless Thanksgiving thread.

Nov 26, 13 1:18 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

You can choose to ignore my posts that have nothing to do with your person (as they have been priot to your encroachment).. The flame takes two to happen - I have addressed my concern there for those willing to engage, If you are not, choose not to. Again, you prove to be a complete bullshitter.

Nov 26, 13 1:33 pm  · 


Apparently I'm not the only one who stepped in something.

Nov 26, 13 2:23 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Exactly as I said, Miles Jaffe and his pattern .

Nov 26, 13 2:27 pm  · 

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