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Wilma Buttfit

observant, I don't know what you mean when you ask if I would "believe" an ISTJ? Believe that you are good at labeling people? I think you are probably good at that, yes. 

Curt, MB personality types is a model, and like most models its usefulness has its limits. But if used appropriately it can be a useful tool. There is an art to it. 

Nov 24, 13 2:24 pm  · 

observant, I don't know what you mean when you ask if I would "believe" an ISTJ? Believe that you are good at labeling people? I think you are probably good at that, yes.

I meant if you believed that I am one, given that you noted your brother is an ESTJ and that it is a little trying for you.  I've gotten the ESTJ result too, though in the past.  The two types are not that different from each other.

Nov 24, 13 2:31 pm  · 

I had to take the laptop in to be fixed today, it needs a new hard drive.  I don't understand how my computers always get so beat up compared to my husband's! Thankfully it's under warranty so no cost.  But it means I'm stuck with the iPad and my phone for the next 3-5 days. I dislike the iPad interface - it's so difficult to use, for me.

The Apple Store is like a small scale hell as far as I'm concerned. 

Nov 24, 13 8:51 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

observant, I don't know, I don't know you and I'm not that good with the MB types, if you were more observant, you would have noted that I'm not the judgmental type, I even have a P instead of a J at the end of my MB label. On another note, I think that my personality types is more trying for you (and my brother) than the other way around. You don't really bother me, and if we hung out I would probably get along with you fine, but you probably wouldn't like me. Know what I mean?

Nov 25, 13 8:53 am  · 

Which apple store do you visit?

Nov 25, 13 9:16 am  · 

Oh, you guys need to check out suzanne whites new astrology for a fusion of east & west signs  aquarious-rat?  Hell Yeahss!

Nov 25, 13 11:19 am  · 

You don't really bother me, and if we hung out I would probably get along with you fine, but you probably wouldn't like me. Know what I mean?

Thanks.  I'm thinking a streak, just a small one, of Intermountain West bohemian, or something along those lines.  That's hilarious.  But you never know, we could be simpatico on sun-ascendant-moon type stuff.  I'm starting to understand why curt and I spar.

Nov 25, 13 11:27 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit


Nov 25, 13 11:44 am  · 

ooo, i'm a cancer-snake.  i'm almost affable!

Nov 25, 13 11:45 am  · 

Cancer-snake?  Off hand, that sounds like the most foul beastt imaginable.  But afterreading up, I now appreciate your "cool-headed sagacity"

Nov 25, 13 11:53 am  · 

...By the way, the kid, or young adult, was black, or African-American, whichever is PC on 11/24/13...


ok - it's shit like this that bugs me - first you had to get a jab in about "PC" (give it a fucking rest - by qualifying a statement where you immediately assume that there are people out there who are going to disagree with you, you make it sound like you think you're superior to everyone else) - AND you're using this story to show us, a bunch of random assholes who spend way too much time on this stupid site, that you aren't racist - FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.


I physically cringed when I read your post.  it's like you're David Brent from the original british "the office."

Nov 25, 13 12:15 pm  · 

^^^  Yeah, I saw that.  Fire and water don't mix.  I felt guilty taking up this lady's time at a booth at Parque del Retiro in Madrid with her, so I caved in and let her put together my chart for about $3 (they were on pesetas, pre-Euro) since her booth was about astrology, numerology, palm reading, and all this shit.  For being somewhat bohemian, she was quite friendly, though, and didn't mind talking.  Maybe because she was a Spaniard.  The chart is composed of fire signs everywhere you look, especially in the main ones, except for 1 or 2 in further planets.  I don't believe in it, because there are people in my sign I detest.

Nov 25, 13 12:15 pm  · 

...By the way, the kid, or young adult, was black, or African-American, whichever is PC on 11/24/13...

I made the comment because it's at least a part time job keeping up with the transitions in acceptable nomenclature.  At some point, Mexican transitioned to Hispanic and Oriental transitioned to Asian.  Prior to that, people were not offended and those terms were used by the very people being described.  A friend's ancient grandma described one of her college friends as "that nice colored gal."  She was a Japanese lady who was in a concentration camp in the Midwest during WW2.  It was generational and she meant no harm, so my friend didn't need to correct her 90+ grandma.  One of my soapboxes is how all these concessions, if you will, have never brought people closer together, and never will.  If anything, they have made people walk on eggshells with respect to interpersonal relations.  I liked things better the old way.  Sorry.

I physically cringed when I read your post.  it's like you're David Brent from the original british "the office."

I don't even watch the American version of "The Office" and don't know what you refer to.  Cringe if you must.

Nov 25, 13 12:26 pm  · 

HandsumCa$h, pretty accurate for me, especially the last bit.

Gemini-Dog, The Resourceful Clown

This is the one Dog subject who escapes the knitted brow and ready bark of many Dog characters. The Gemini's sociability lends exactly the right amount of levity to the disquiet Dog's nature. The Gemini/Dog is a bouncy person with many talents and aptitudes who needs, above everything, to adhere faithfully to the rules. Otherwise, if a Gemini/Dog swerves off course, tests authority and tries to get by with less than true hard work and grit, or tries to cheat his way to success, disaster will ensue. Altruism is the Dog's special quarter. People born in Dog years are forever taking up causes and joining crusades for the sake of their fellow human beings. Dogs are good people. The addition here of lighthearted Gemini, with his talent for the verbal and ability to amuse and even show off, to the steady, hardworking and worried Dog person's life is a mixed godsend. Either this Dog will spend too much of himself on the woes of the world and of others, or if, alas, he has allowed the Gemini superficiality to run away with him, he may not give a pig's whistle about others. His or her sexual prowess is legendary. This person is a seduction machine par excellence. Don't expect the humdrum missionary approach. When this Doggie is aroused he or she will....

Nov 25, 13 12:34 pm  · 

His or her sexual prowess is legendary. This person is a seduction machine par excellence. Don't expect the humdrum missionary approach. When this Doggie is aroused he or she will....

Ha.  Will what?  Try the doggy style position? Let's concentrate on the canine aspect.  Perhaps this is why you like dogs so much.

According to this combo system, my late dad was a Leo-Tiger.  Maybe that's why he had a midas touch with cats. He still liked the family dog, too, but cats that didn't take to the rest of us took to him.  Maybe there's something to this malarkey.

Nov 25, 13 12:42 pm  · 

Yeah, I looked up my ex-girlfriend, a pisces/rooster. Dang thing nailed it on the head. A little freaky if you ask me.

Nov 25, 13 12:47 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Mine was pretty good too. Wow. Thanks Ca$h, that's a good one. 

Enneagrams are another, here is a test for them:

I am a 4. Dammit, it figures though. 

Nov 25, 13 1:47 pm  · 

People like to laugh at astrology and maybe their right.   But it can fun too.

Nov 25, 13 2:04 pm  · 

i can't help but wonder about those self-administered tests tint.  have you seen the dove ad where women describe themselves to a sketch artists, then other people describe them, and it turns out they're more beautiful than they think?

i have found that the human mind can be quite fragile, especially in my occasional hobby of trying to find out what's wrong with tea partiers and thayer.  (maybe it's not them that's wrong; maybe it's me.  either way, someone's messed up).  when they ask something like 'are you romantic or pragmatic,' i can't help but think that there are a lot of people who believe they are one thing, but others see them as something else. 

in astrology, i tell them my birthday and they tell me about my personality.  in your test, they ask me questions about how i see myself, which just tells me what i think i am.  just because you think you're a 4) doesn't mean are a 4) if you don't want to be.  maybe everyone else knows you're an 8.

Nov 25, 13 2:14 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Curt, I haven't seen that ad, but I can see what you mean. The way I see it is if it resonates with you, then it provides some insight and it is useful. If you feel that you have skewed your results, or that the results only show what you want to be, then it is probably true. The 4 type resonantes with me, meaning it reverberates, echos, ya know? So I think I did mine right, at least as I see myself or how I feel best. So if you do one of these things, ask if the results resonate with you. If not, why? 

Maybe to understand a tea partyer, don't ask what is wrong with them, ask yourself where are they coming from. I am not a tea-partyer, but I can listen to most of them rant without getting upset. 

Nov 25, 13 2:46 pm  · 

I took Myers-Briggs in college, and I took it this weekend.  I got different results this time.  Then I checked through the descriptions of what each of the 16 profiles means and, lo and behold, they *all* describe me to a T! 

I'm not saying that stuff is *all* bullshit (astrology is), but I think most people are far more complex, over time, than any multiple choice test can evaluate.

Nov 25, 13 2:53 pm  · 

It gives multiple scores. 

I tied on 1 - reformer, 3 - motivator, and 5 - thinker as the highest ones.

I was lowest on 9 - peacemaker. 

I can see thinker, but reformer means one who likes to change things and do things their way (ridiculous when an ISTJ implies you want to maintain traditions) and motivator is about success at any cost (when I'm a "work to live" person and not that ambitious).  Think, as in over think and over analyze, then yes.

Peacemaker is on the low end.  Well, look at all the "friends" I have on archinect ...

Nov 25, 13 2:55 pm  · 

probably worth watching

i started asking myself that tint.  something is off.  not in a 'you came to the wrong conclusion' way, or a 'i disagree with you' way, but in a 'the steps you took to get that conclusion are contradictory and illogical' way.

same thing with thayer and that long thread.  i started with trying to figure out what he actually believes, then backing that up to what process he went through to arrive at that conclusion, but he keeps sidestepping my questions and shifting whatever it is he's saying.  he seems to like to mirror what i say, but since it's reflected back, it end up out of context.  all i can get is that he believes 'traditional' buildings are those he likes, and anyone who thinks otherwise is 'modernist.'  if it's just something we disagreed on, then there should be some sort of departure point where our conclusions were differentiated.  i suppose i occasionally confused that process by interjecting my own opinions, or encouraging people to pull the conversation off topic, too.  it's the same with suri.  'i like traditional buildings, and if you don't you're a modernist.'  that's not even intelligent enough to count as an opinion..... 

Nov 25, 13 2:59 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, perhaps it would be more helpful if you talked about the part that you don't think is bullshit. And I think all of *them* describe me too, this is good news as we all have more in common than we think. 

Nov 25, 13 3:02 pm  · 

In case you're reading over here, t a m m u z (which I'm guessing you are), and because I don't want to muck up the parametricism discussion: I know I'm complicit with all kinds of global oppression. My middle-class middle-aged middle-American lifestyle is drenched in the blood of others, not only in other countries but in my own as well.  I know my iPhone is built on people's miserable lives in faraway places.

I also know that every other middle-aged white middle-class person *I* interact with daily knows this.  We're all aware, and feel guilt when we think about it, and we all try to live as lightly and humanely as we can in all the places we *do* see, and agitate, within the limits we can manage, to improve the lot of those we don't see,

But as Schumacher said: to try to stop every unfortunate scenario for everyone everywhere in the world leads to paralysis. I'm not excusing myself, or anyone else.  We're all complicit.

Do you really live in the US? That shocks me.

Nov 25, 13 3:07 pm  · 

tint, the part that isn't bullshit is anything that allows people able to identify certain traits of their own personality that they can then manage rather than shrug off as just part of their genetic/psychological fate. If the M-B test helps people as a framework for analysis, great.  If it locks them into thinking they are only destined to be one certain way, not great.

Nov 25, 13 3:10 pm  · 

Astrology is not bullshit. think of it this way, the most important influence to life on earth is the sun.  But the sun is just one star whose impacts are obvious.  Lets not forget there are countless more stars out there and although their impacts are diminished by greater distances, those influences nonetheless remain.

At the very least, astrologers have an awareness of stars & their movements that exceeds that of the average "educated" person. That kind of environmental awareness has served many (sailors  & travellers) well for millenia.  Could you find you way without a smartphone?

Nov 25, 13 3:10 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, doesn't that mean you are just super-capable all around? Don't tell me you are disappointed with those results... or confused by them. 

Nov 25, 13 3:12 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

We *are* all made of stardust. 

Nov 25, 13 3:15 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Curt, regarding the Dove commercial, I think those women were each both of their portraits The words they used to describe themselves are accurate, as are the words the other person used. But the stranger was describing the friendly person that was being friendly before meeting someone and the women described themselves more like you would see yourself when you just woke up. Conclusion: We all have a beautiful side and we should all spend more time finding it in ourselves and others. Awwww.

Nov 25, 13 3:28 pm  · 

this is the other side of the coin....

Nov 25, 13 3:38 pm  · 

That's astronomy that one uses to navigate by stars, not astrology.

Nov 25, 13 4:36 pm  · 

What a lovely coincidence: The Myers-Briggs guide to wine:

Key: E (Extraversion) or I (Introversion); S (Sensing) or N (INtuition); T (Thinking) or F (Feeling); J (Judging) or P (Perceiving)

ISTJ – California Chardonnay

ISFJ – Pinot Grigio

INFJ – Cabernet Franc

INTJ – Chianti

ISTP – Malbec

ISFP – Pinot Noir

INFP – Riesling

INTP – Grenache

ESTP – Sauvignon Blanc

ESFP – Sangria

ENFP – Champagne

ENTP – Shiraz/Syrah

ESTJ – Cabernet Sauvignon

ESFJ – Merlot

ENFJ – Rose

ENTJ - Nebbiolo

Nov 25, 13 4:39 pm  · 

Wonder if there is one of those  for Mary Jane?

Nov 25, 13 4:45 pm  · 

Right and wrong.  While not a big wine drinker and certainly not a connoisseur, I know I don't like a white wine such as a Chardonnay; however, my more extroverted counterpart goes with a Cabernet Sauvignon, which I would prefer if someone offered me a glass for FREE.  It would be interesting to see which profile aligns with the most sophisticated and expensive of these listed.

I'd like to see the MB connection to automobiles.

Nov 25, 13 5:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Man, that wine thing has me ALL OVER the place. I like Pinot Grigio, Pinot noir, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah. Not sure if I like Syrah be accuse its delicious, or because it's fun to say. Seerrahhh
Nov 25, 13 5:28 pm  · 

Donna, my guess is that tammy lives in Lebanon and has a world view derived from conflict with Israel, with every US citizen guilty by association. We are all the product of our environment, and there are many aspects to that. Just as we need to unlearn things that we have been taught, so does tammy.

It is dispiriting to see the kind of behavior that is exhibited in the Schumacher thread. There is a vast difference between being critical of a position and being critical of a person. How many times will we here have the opportunity to engage a starchitect directly? Whether you agree with him or not, and I am a fierce critic of starchitecture and isms of and sort, this is a rare opportunity. I for one am surprised and grateful for having the opportunity to engage him in discourse.

Nov 25, 13 5:43 pm  · 

So its either a chianti or grenache depending on how I am feeling on the day. I am partial to a lovely Australian grenache shiraz....

Just checking in, and also so I could post a 50,000+ comment in Thread Central.

I am off to Bavaria and Austria in a few days to look at some prefab projects and a conference. Never been, looking forward to it.

Leaving sunny, hot Auckland (apart from today) to 0 degree's c.


Nov 25, 13 5:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Ok, where I this thread with the starchitect posting? I mostly hide in here.
Nov 25, 13 6:20 pm  · 

Parametric Smackdown

Nov 25, 13 6:58 pm  · 


Nov 25, 13 9:51 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Miles Jaffe "Donna, my guess is that tammy lives in Lebanon and has a world view derived from conflict with Israel, with every US citizen guilty by association. We are all the product of our environment, and there are many aspects to that. Just as we need to unlearn things that we have been taught, so does tammy."

I don't currently live in Lebanon, I've moved around many places. And even if I did, there are varying differences of opinion in the country. Your assumptions are myopic. And since you claim that we all need to be untaught, start with yourself and stop proselytizing your superiority.  My origin is non of your business and trying to enthnologically rationalize me is belittling. I am completely able to take you on at your own level, even if it means stooping down.

I do not hold every US citizen guilty by association. This is an idiotic derivation. In fact, I think that many many US citizens are suffering from ailments common to the rest of the world and brought on by the very very few people who are in control of this frightful universal engine.

That I am critical of Israel, yes naturally. Its a racist country and that has nothing to do with my estimation of the average US citizen.You are drawing your own idiotic conclusions. 

Miles Jaffe "here is a vast difference between being critical of a position and being critical of a person."

I have criticized shcumacher's position and not his person. Exactly as you have, as others have. As for whether Im glad he is here or not, i view him as an equal on here and I am nonchalant about his star status and about whether he wants to stay here or not to stay. This is his issue. If Archinect wants to censor me, for instance, I will obviously just no longer bother to contribute - this is up to the moderators. But you yourself cannot dictate your rules of conduct, ones that really are hypocritical and that you have chosen to apply to a few only. 

Furthermore, Miles Jaffe,  it is obvious that you have a gripe with me, an infatuation or a crush, i dont know that you have assigned and are not willing to let go off. This really is your own imagined issue. Keep on gnashing your gums. 

Nov 25, 13 10:15 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Seriously, I'm too young to grow a (cyber) hernia, so find another host. 

Nov 25, 13 10:22 pm  · 

enthnologically rationalize me is belittling

didn't you ethnologically rationalize many of us with your cranberry blood?

that's alright.  i just made cookies for thanksgiving.  they are good.  i mean really good.  i make a hell of a cookie.  no blood in them at all.

Nov 25, 13 10:24 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

thanksgiving has nothing to do your ethnicity or background; many races in the states celebrate it. But for a country that builds memorials, there is all the more reason to revert back to history and memorialize the day as one that started the historic suffering of the native american people. 

Nov 25, 13 10:29 pm  · 

tammuz, Procter and Gamble called, they want their soapbox back.

And it's not a cyber hernia, it's cyber paranoia. Not everything written here is about you.

Nov 25, 13 11:08 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Miles Jaffe : Donna, my guess is that tammy lives in Lebanon and has a world view derived from conflict with Israel, with every US citizen guilty by association. We are all the product of our environment, and there are many aspects to that. Just as we need to unlearn things that we have been taught, so does tammy.

Previously, on the Schumcher thread

Miles Jaffe: The problem with comment facilities is that they get polluted with senseless invective Thank you Thayer, tammuz and Quondam.

Therefore you have provided ample evidence to prove that you have me in mind on those two points although i have never bothered to even think of directing personal remarks to anyone there. Miles Jaffe is obviously a twisted bitter individual who has nothing better to do than assign cyber grudges for himself.  Some of you might see him as a nice grumpy Archinect mascot, but he is being positively malignant to certain choice, not by reason. 

Again, please find another host, preferably one as bitter and shriveled up inside as you are. 

Nov 25, 13 11:22 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

"there is all the more reason to revert back to history and memorialize the day as one that started the historic suffering of the native american people."

and actually here is the problem. not that your country wishes to forget what happens but that it is a country that memorializes - sometimes even fakes its history, such as with the thannksgiving myth. why don't you then correctly memorialize the tragedies perpetrated against the native indians instead? 

if yours were a country that celebrates amnesia - i would understand this nonchalance. but this is not the case. you celebrate your history with great pomp, you get all epic and so on. so  its blatant and deliberate hypocrisy in your privileging of a tradition based on fakes premises over the judicious acknowledgement of the decimation of  the native americans by the forefathers of the US.

it is this nonchalance that i find offensive. can you not just give thanks on any other day? and anyway, most of you are whom do you give thanks to? providence? please...

Nov 25, 13 11:30 pm  · 

tammuz: The first quote responding to Donna is not deragatory in any way and only says that we are all products of our environment. In other words it's not all about you.

The second was an observation on the bickering about various other people on the Schumaker thread. If you want to deny your actions, better ask archinect to delete your posts.

Your obvious dislike of me is your own burden, the feeling is not mutual. I truly hope that you can become less angry and paranoid, and stop stepping on the landmines you lay for yourself.

Nov 25, 13 11:53 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Miles Jaffe, your insidious attempt at diverting attention from your insistent bickering does not work with me. All you have to do is to treat me with respect and you may expect the same in return.   Do no try to undermine my opinion by trying to say that it is a de facto biased  opinion, that is a product of a certain environment - ie this could only signal to Donna that she should take it with a pinch of salt.

We all come from different backgrounds - that's a given. But you were trying to wield that insiduously against me...especially in connection with the topic of Israel.I have never claimed that the US citiizens are guilty by association. I have never given any sign that indeed I blame the US citizens for anything. Yet, you fabricate a connection in order to project on me a certain cliched image, as a person of a Lebanese background, in order to contextualize me as being to be dealt with solely on his level, not on yours, or hers.

Have I ever bothered to target your being jewish, for example, not that i would care to? Have I ever bothered to even refer to your background? No, I don't. What on arth gives you the right to do so? Have some respect towards others. You are the only one with the personal  senseless invectives. 

Furthermore, don't call me tammy, I did not give you that permission. Especially when you use it with ulterior motives. I remind you of your own request to Thayer not to give you a nickname. What a hypocrite.  As the americans say, you're are so ugly from the inside. 

Nov 26, 13 12:09 am  · 

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