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Wilma Buttfit

Donna, I saw your name in the credits for set design on a YouTube show. Is that really you?

Jul 2, 13 1:39 pm  · 

i used to have cats.  now i have a dog.  she's getting a bit older now though, a little slow to get up sometimes.  is that what you were asking?

Jul 2, 13 1:39 pm  · 

Yes, I helped John Green figure out his set for the Crash Course program.  I didn't do much; he knew what he wanted, I just helped him source a few things. It was nice of him to credit me.

Jul 2, 13 1:53 pm  · 

Sarah, I was just trying to be realistic more so than depressing.  Marriage is fine if there are no ulterior motives for a marriage and if the parties don't change too drastically so that one, or both, end up falling OUT of love with the other.

Curt, yes and no.  The great thing about pets, any pets, is the unconditional love they offer, though I prefer dogs.  They don't know if you're rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, smart or stupid, and they don't care.  The only issue is that their lifespans are comparatively short, and it's sad to part with one.

Jul 2, 13 2:10 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, I see. That makes sense.

Jul 2, 13 2:36 pm  · 

observant.....our dog loves the one with she goes back and forth between me and Mrs SDD.  So the love is not so unconditional.

Jul 2, 13 3:12 pm  · 

Dogs are food whores and attention whores, but they still have 1 or 2 people in a family they are bonded to.  I was the dog's owner, but if food or novelty attention (new person) was around, her shift in loyalties was temporary. 

Speaking of food, didn't Mickey D's indicate their $1 value menu was going away because it's not profitable?  I just had a $1 chicken sandwich, so I haven't seen the departure yet.

Jul 2, 13 4:56 pm  · 
Our kids are the same. They love the parent who is feeding them. Although hugs are up there too.

Marriage is neither a scam nor a thing with anything like a downside. Its not sacred in my mind and I see no reason why it was ever dis-allowed for mixed races nor gays. What a crock.

Divorce and all the rest will be the same as for everyone else. Not our business nor the point of all the hateful business in the USA lately in any case. No need to worry about it as far as I can tell. I'm just glad America has decided to get out of a few people's lives for a change. The trend has been the other way for some time.
Jul 2, 13 7:34 pm  · 

hi TC!

today was second day in a row i ended up working through lunch....

on a lighter note it will be a short(ish) week?

Jul 2, 13 7:39 pm  · 

Cajun flavored McChicken sandwich.  Can do without the Cajun seasoning.  It's obviously processed.  People go into their 80s smoking cigarettes, so ... for a buck?

Jul 2, 13 8:31 pm  · 

Dogs bond to training. Spend some quality time training each other and you will be bonded for life. We did obedience and agility, and we hate being separated from each other. 

Jul 2, 13 8:52 pm  · 
I just saw a concert that reinforced my belief in people's ability to do amazingly creative things.

That's all. Sometimes that's enough.
Jul 3, 13 12:02 am  · 

I really don't understand why someone who is supposedly interested in leading a "bon vivant" lifestyle is eating at mcdonalds.  that's just plain sad.  you sound like you need both a slap upside the head and a hug.

Jul 3, 13 12:05 am  · 



ruh roh


popcorn time.

Jul 3, 13 12:13 am  · 

toast thought that was an interesting article. personally, I don't see what is wrong with a "performative" architecture which actively works "to shape the social environment".

Isn't that the (at least one version) of the idea behind soft architecture(s) et al?

Now obviously Bjarke has a schtick/schpiel, and may be making canny use of media but the idea of him as being Palin-esque or aligning with a Populist agenda seems off base. if only perhaps, because of my (admittedly baseless) sense of the politics or lack thereof in his work.

Popular - as in marketing to the masses... seems more appropriate?

Jul 3, 13 8:54 am  · 

I like this statement from Bjarke: Our world could be much more accommodating, ecological and enjoyable than it is; our cities could be more fit for human life, more adaptive to the specific climates where they are located. The reason they’re not is that there are interests that are unconcerned with the common good, and not invested in creating the best world possible. The trick is to show the world that while it's easy to paint someone like Bjarke - or any other architect - with the "self-serving ego" brush, what the profession has been focusing on in recent years (recent meaning, for me, since I was in college 25 years ago) is making a built environment that is urbanistically plausible, environmentally responsive and appropriate, well-constructed, and pleasant to use.

Jul 3, 13 9:03 am  · 
Donna I love the Seattle pub library too. Did you get a chance to visit any of the 'lesser' libs, cuz they are all interesting...
Jul 3, 13 11:15 am  · 

I think I miss read  toaster...."I thing you need a slap behind the head and a Bang!"  Ya that will get you straight.....ya da ya da ya da... Observant thinking it might do you good, but please don't go paying for it. Cause we might have to bail you out of JAIL.



Jul 3, 13 7:19 pm  · 

Along another note:  Hope everyone has a wonderful fourth of July Weekend and takes a moment to remember all those brave men,women, kids who made this possible....hopefully American can once again become a, "Beacon to the World."  I believe  one of the greatest Treasures of Life, is Freedom!   May we Live Free!

Jul 3, 13 7:28 pm  · 

Happy 4th TC!

Jul 4, 13 9:41 pm  · 

spam in thread central?  is nothing sacred?

happy friday after 4th, because i'm not going in to work today!

Jul 5, 13 8:58 am  · 

^ They'll let anybody in here. Go figure.

Let's all celebrate the passing of the constitution with Manning, Snowden, Assange and all the detainees being force fed in Guantanamo, with complete respect for their religious freedom, of course.

Jul 5, 13 10:32 am  · 

can't tell from your wording if you are for or against those guys miles, but either way nice ironic gesture.

happy america day!

Jul 5, 13 11:11 am  · 

I would think "celebrate the passing of the constitution" is pretty clear.

Jul 5, 13 11:50 am  · 

ah you mean like bowel movement.  right, ok cool.

Jul 6, 13 5:29 pm  · 

Nice visual metaphor. 

Jul 6, 13 5:49 pm  · 

Hey TC: I'm at GSA taching young minds about architecture again.  Possibly the most interesting part of this year to me is that I've been coming to Lexington for 7 years now and it is great to see how it is improving as a city, with more pop-art stores, cafes, boutiques, breweries, meat smokeries, etc.  It seems most Midwestern cities are finally starting to develop in this way, and it's good that they are remaining individual even as they all add the same types of urban accoutrements.

Jul 7, 13 11:07 pm  · 

Nice long weekend and travel!  Yes to travel!

But, I couldn't believe it when someone told me about Asiana flight 214.  Then, I checked and it was real.  SFO has runways that are plenty long and the approach is often over water (the bay) rather than over urbanized space, so the runways are prominent, since they jut out into SF Bay.  Also, the Boeing 777 has been an exceptional aircraft.  Fortunately, people acted swiftly and exited the aircraft.  We can only feel sadness for those 2 girls who died and those who were injured in the crash.  Given how many people were on board, a small percentage were hospitalized, with few in critical condition with life altering injuries.  How sad.  People who watch planes land at SFO usually use the bayside walking path along Burlingame's Coyote Point and I'm sure some people who like to plane spot as a hobby or just walk there saw that event.

This reminds me of Air France from Paris to Toronto where the Airbus 340, also a very good aircraft, landed during a thunderstorm, the plane did not come to a stop within Toronto's lengthy runways, and then ended up in an embankment next to an expressway, where it broke apart and caught on fire.  In that accident, everybody safely got off.  I'm sure the people driving by will never forget that commute.  Some got out of their cars to help.

This is too weird, having flown into SFO many times, and having always savored the over-the-water approach, thinking it was scenic and a non-event.  This changes my perception of that.

Jul 8, 13 7:38 pm  · 

I really don't understand why someone who is supposedly interested in leading a "bon vivant" lifestyle is eating at mcdonalds.  that's just plain sad.  you sound like you need both a slap upside the head and a hug.

"Bon vivant" means different things to different people.  Simply traveling and enjoying culture (ones that interest me) is bon vivant enough for some.  I use frequent flyer tickets which I accumulate from domestic travel to go overseas, I stay in 3 and 4 star hotels, preferably newer ones belonging to chains, and I eat in the dive type places locals patronize.  You would be surprised what amazing food you can find if you throw away the upmarket travel books and roll up your sleeves.  I am always scouring for specials and usually find them.

Also, when the "2 Big Macs for $4" special is on, how can you beat that?

And, thanks, s-d-d, but I don't need a father figure.

Jul 8, 13 7:46 pm  · 

shoot - I thought I scared you off. ;-)


around here mcdonalds is called "mcshameburger" - you only go in there if you are down on your luck.  maybe it isn't such a huge social faux pas in your neck of the woods, but around here it's were you go for lunch after you've been pan-handling all morning.

Jul 8, 13 10:39 pm  · 

It's not a social faux pas.  If you are on the interstate, rural interchanges in the middle of nowhere typically only have fast food options or cheap chain coffee shops, as opposed to coffeehouses.  Is this London you speak of?   If so, it's much more pretentious than the U.S.  A suit can go get a fast food burger in NY, LA, or Atlanta for lunch without thinking twice about it.

About Asiana, some pictures now shown on-line are also disturbing.  They currently show images at SFO of United heavies, for which the airport is a huge UA nonstop hub to Asia and Oceania, taxiing next to the wreckage.  Asiana and United are both members of Star Alliance.  I hope they move the wreck sooner than later.

Jul 8, 13 10:52 pm  · 
McDonald's invariably makes me ill but I still have this insane pattern of eating there once or twice a year. It's like cut-me-own-throat dribbler and his pies, that place.

I've been to a few in USA that sound like what toaster descr
Jul 9, 13 5:04 am  · 
...what toaster describes (stupid iPhone). Not so surprising but not normal I think ?
Jul 9, 13 5:05 am  · 

Watch Morgan Spurlock's film Supersize Me. 

Jul 9, 13 9:15 am  · 

I'm in new england...


there's also the disdain for non-local chains which might be feeding into it - but people generally know that places like McDs are bad for you and try not to eat there - it's the "food" of last resort.  we do love our dunkin' donuts (which is based here) - however I rarely see people get the food there - only coffee.

Jul 9, 13 11:43 am  · 

Observant...I was thinking Grand Father....Figure...or  Christ Like Figure...Cartoon Legend Figure....

Jul 9, 13 5:33 pm  · 

If I recall correctly the last time I ate at a Mc Dee's I tossed my cookies.  Think it was the girl working behind the counter.  She knew me and musta tossed something on the bun. We had a bad breakup, and I should have seen it coming.

Like Observant I like to eat with the Locals, but I do have a stomach of Iron. My Thai high school friend used to cook up the wildest things in his dorm room which I of course always tried. 

I also love Indian Food

I also love  Greek Food

I can't say I'm Crazy about  beeef and kidney pie.

I'm Crazy about home cooked Chinese  Food. My neighbor is a  Chinese Chef and she is a killer cook...but I still haven't  done the Chicken Feet thing.  But she is always  ask with a big smile.

Jul 9, 13 5:44 pm  · 


I really don't look up to anyone.  I never have.  On this forum, I learned the term architectural atheist.  That's a stretch.  But I like the term architectural agnostic.  I was one of those from the day I began a-school.  I realized there were good architects or, should I say, good work done by some architects, but that they too sit on the toilet bowl and use tissue to wipe themselves, thus precluding them from being gods.

Jul 9, 13 5:45 pm  · 

observant looks up to me.  he just doesn't want to say it because he thinks it would embarrass me.  that's ok.

Jul 9, 13 5:55 pm  · 


No, curt, I find the way you process most things and your general sensibilities to be sharply dichotomous from mine, so I find you entertaining in that way.  Or, I could be completely off in my read of you over cyberspace.

Jul 9, 13 6:48 pm  · 
Yo mommas wooden leg gots stole by Mies VanDeRohe
Jul 9, 13 7:13 pm  · 
( o Y o )

observant: Wiping is for interns.

Jul 9, 13 7:48 pm  · 

I hope I'm entertaining...cause I always told myself when I became registered I would bag it and  go back to  Painting and Sculptor.  It has not happened.  I dabble but nothing to knock your socks off kind of great.  So now I have become a dimensioning addict.  All Architects know what that is.  So I have no room to judge anyone else in the profession except when my design wins over their design.  Then I feel good,  Hell it even feels good when you come in the top ten in a design competition when over a thousand have been submitted.  You  know the winner is always rigged.  On the other hand they are seriously looking at what your doing.   Carry on Yo mommas...I thought he was  the  Cello  guy.

Jul 9, 13 7:53 pm  · 

observant: Wiping is for interns.

Mais non.  Ce n'est pas vrai.  Tout le monde a un cul sale.

Jul 9, 13 8:05 pm  · 

save! [TC almost fell off...]

i saw donna yesterday. she's awesome. 

Jul 11, 13 5:23 pm  · 

Not as awesome as you, Steven. Today I was crabby because we had to bust ass all day to get the gallery hung, and the students were horseplaying and generally being teenagers. But it all got done and I am reminded that teens are fleeting and lovely. And the gallery looks great.

Jul 12, 13 12:42 am  · 

i had fun talking to donna's students.

got to show off this project: of the few for which we've ever actually hired a photographer! 

we're excited about it. 

Jul 12, 13 11:34 am  · 
vado retro

looks great, sw. didn't you have sd's of this when we were at the idea fest in 2008?

Jul 12, 13 1:09 pm  · 
yep, probably. cds were complete in 2009 and then (economy) it SAT for 2+yrs. then they came back and said 'GO!'
Jul 12, 13 9:59 pm  · 

Oh my god.  Trayvon Martin's murderer found not guilty.  He walks.  And Trayvon's poor parents suffer forever, not as if they weren't already, but now they've been denied justice as well.  What a fucking disappointment.

Jul 13, 13 10:33 pm  · 

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