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ok, obviously I did those lyrics from heart... but it's just soooo good I had to test myself...

Aug 2, 11 1:02 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I've been singing that song in my head too!

Aug 2, 11 8:04 am  · 
vado retro

cool cat lookin for a kitty.

the lovin spoonful were a great band. great songwriting and great playing. 

Aug 2, 11 8:21 am  · 

Cool cat lookin' for a kitty?  That's seriously one of the lines from that song?!  I love it.

My summer song is this one, which irresistibly makes me shake my butt every time I hear it:

Whenever I'm with him

something insii-iide (inside) 

Starts burnin', something something

and I'm filled with desii-iire.

Has something something got ahold on me

or its this the way love's supposed to be

It's like a heat wave

Burnin' in my heart

Can't keep from cryin'

It's tearin' me apart

Aug 2, 11 8:32 am  · 

yes donna and the next line is


gonna look in every corner of the city


that song really rocks.  as soon as y'all started talking about gritty city heat up above that song jumped into my mind.  I'm sure it was what Sarah was thinking of...

Aug 2, 11 9:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, mine was somehting from a similar era, but the line is "I missss you sooo-oh"  and there may be an "I love you soo-oh" as well.  Song fragments frustrate me.

Taking Abe to the art museum today, for the first time.  I feel like Donna!  We're even taking the train, and then the bus.  We're so hip.

Aug 2, 11 10:03 am  · 

Abe will love the train and bus more than the museum, no doubt!

Aug 2, 11 12:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

He did.  However, my companion was 1 minute late to the train this morning, so we had to wait 20 minutes for the next one, and that put us late for the bus connection, so we had to wait 30 minutes for that.  30 minutes, next to a busy highway, is not fun with 2 3 year olds and a 6 year old.

Still was fun.  I think Dallas figured out its transit system fairly well.  I just wish they had clearer maps, and maybe posted all the route stops for each bus at the bus stop.  Maybe we couldve found another bus to take to the museum instead of waiting 30 minutes.


And another, completely off topic question...

I found a mud sack full of wierd, worm/cattepillar creatures.  I have a photo in my blog about them.  I can't figure out what they are, but they give me the heebiejeebies.

There's another picture here...

Aug 2, 11 4:53 pm  · 

Jeebus.  Those things are terrifying.

Aug 2, 11 5:15 pm  · 

likely mud wasps.  I think they sometimes collect caterpillars/worms(usually spiders) - and trap them in a mud ball for their larvae to feast on.

Aug 2, 11 5:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've never seen dirt dobbers do that before.  They make a tubular mud house around here.

Aug 2, 11 6:03 pm  · 



for me the summertime song was mungo jerry's version


hi donna. yup am at work, though not at office.  i always work an hour from home first just to keep up with e-mail.  hard to do it in the daytime somehow.

Aug 2, 11 6:04 pm  · 


Aug 3, 11 12:06 am  · 

ew, ew, ew, those look so gross. 

Here's something to which I think you who are still architects would be able to relate: after weeks of nightmares about a bunch of really high quality, expensive business cards, after THREE SETS of proofs getting corrected, and a press check, in the end the printer made three errors, and then blamed me for wanting the job on too short of a timeframe. Not that they ever bothered to say something like, "you know, delivering a week later would produce a much better result." Because that would be too obvious, and not salesy enough. It feels like a flashback to construction admin, having to tell railing people, "wait, I thought we already agreed on this detail. It was right a week ago—what happened???"

Aug 3, 11 12:14 am  · 

Hi Erin!

So you work for Karen Design? Were you the lead on or behind the "new identity" or did you guys hire out for it?

And is identify mean more than just a new website?

Aug 3, 11 8:54 am  · 

elinor - you said you worked in the outer boroughs - have you been to the queens county farm museum?

Aug 3, 11 9:13 am  · 

no, never.  i grew up in queens and always wanted to go...maybe i'll take a trip out there soon. have you been?

queens is full of unexpectedly interesting sights...we drove by the steinway piano factory last night, which is apparently still can see piano parts through the windows.  nearby there's an old steinway 'company town' area with old brick workers' housing and even an old mansion. ...



Aug 3, 11 9:47 am  · 

Is anyone having problems with internet explorer and archinect? Here on my side, the black menu on the left, does not show the entire content above academia and the "search a thread" does not work either. I am now on firefox  and it works fine.

Aug 3, 11 10:36 am  · 

Nam, I would be considered the lead designer on the identity, but we hired out the website. We renamed the company, redid the logo, all collateral, project and marketing presentation materials, marketing emails and postcards, and will be redoing the office signage and printed portfolio in the next step.

Aug 3, 11 10:48 am  · 

@elinor - haven't been either - I'm in NYC a few times a year and keep meaning on going when I'm in that neighborhood.

Aug 3, 11 11:27 am  · 

well congrats to you !

Aug 3, 11 4:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I was supposed to hear from the HS about that position today, and didn't.  They were interviewing one other person this morning, at 10am I think, and then going to decide.  I was out all day, and when I returned home, I had the following email in my inbox...

"Mrs. Hamilton,

Thanks for the e-mail and the compliments, it was my pleasure to have you on our campus. I think you are an outstanding candidate and will have your own room soon, whether that be here or somewhere else. Have a great day and avoid this heat......."

marked 10:44.

Do you think this means I didn't get it?  I was thinking of calling tomorrow if I haven't heard anything by noon.

Aug 3, 11 5:17 pm  · 

Sarah, I don't want to specifically advise you how to proceed, but my gut reaction to your post is that you seem really impatient. Aren't they allowed to think about it a little? Why expect such an immediate decision?

Aug 4, 11 1:14 am  · 

it is a bit vague though.  wouldn't have hurt them to say we will get back to you soonest or whatever....

Aug 4, 11 8:03 am  · 

That is rather vague.  Give it another day and give them a call.  When does the school year start anyway?

So I got the job descriptions for the positions they are hiring for and they are both crap.  One is a glorified CAD Monkey position and the other is basically the same job I did before I worked at my present position which bored me to tears.  Not the CA job like they had posted.  I am though going through with the phone interview tomorrow, despite the fact I'm not really interested.  I'm still not sure why I agreed to it.  Any advise on how to let the interviewer I'm not the least bit interested.  I hate to be ungrateful but it's just not for me.

Aug 4, 11 8:22 am  · 

Sarah, that's very vague.  I guess it's a sort of standard follow-up thank you letter but maybe more glowing than usual because they did really like you?  I'd call them and be honest in expressing your interest in the job - be brief, but honest.

melt, same for you - it can't hurt to tell them the job descriptions aren't what you expected and you think you're overqualified for them but you're still interested in a informational interview so you can both get to know each other better in case a job more appropriate for your skills opens up in the future.  You ARE currently employed, which gives you 1. leeway and 2. more desirability.

I'm doing PTSA stuff pretty much all day today - being a mom.

Aug 4, 11 8:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I shouldn't call them today, or I should?  The first working  day is the 12, so in a week!  I believe school starts the 22.  I'd have all sorts of curriculum, lectures, ect, plus a room to move into if I get the job.

Aug 4, 11 10:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I guess it's all part of the interview going so well, and me being out of work since 08. I mean, I wasn't even worried about them calling until about 2 yesterday. I felt more excited, like when waiting for a special package to come. Now I don't know if the package is coming.

Aug 4, 11 10:08 am  · 

that must be very nerve-wracking sarah


fingers crossed.  toes too, but not so much cuz they cramp up.

Aug 4, 11 10:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I thought about you yesterday.  Did you nose itch?  Or is it ears?  I get confused.  Anyway, I was working a crossword puzzle, and the clue was Winnipeg Province.  Luckily, my mom knew it.  She must have paid more attention in World Geo.

Aug 4, 11 11:17 am  · 

sarah, that is one weird email.  sounds like they're stalling for time, but i don't know why they wouldn't just say so...i'm in a similar situation...had two very positive interviews with a firm about a month ago, and now they're taking their sweet time.  i have other plans (vacation/deferred honeymoon) lined up that i would have to cancel if i was offered the job, so i'd appreciate it if they didn't put everything off to the last second.  also, i have some promising leads on new projects...wondering whether i should press for an answer.  


Aug 4, 11 3:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, since they're closed on Friday, I called them this afternoon.  Turns out, the guy who told me they'd get back to me yesterday was mistaken.  The head of the department I'd be in said that they were still interviewing, and that they would all talk it out Monday.  SO I guess I'll hear something next week.  Sucks since it means less than a week to figure out childcare enrollment, and of course all the curriculum stuff!

Oh well.

Aug 4, 11 3:44 pm  · 

so that was what the itching was.  amazed your mum knows manitoba. 


glad to hear they explained the situation to you.  makes waiting easier.  amazed they give only a week to start job.  wow.

Aug 4, 11 5:58 pm  · 

When I first got laid off, I worked my contacts and got a lead on a great job - perfect for me - at a place where I had not one, but two very strong contacts.  They were interviewing tons of people for the job of course.  I went in, interview started at 9:00am and was supposed to done in an hour; I didn't get out of there till 12:30.  We had talked and talked and talked; the interviewer told me I reminded him of himself, and that he was looking for someone to come in and sort of follow in his footsteps; I got the full office tour, including introductions to other principals & project managers; and much in-depth conversing about archane matters of practice & construction.  Plus one of my contacts wrote a letter of recommendation on my behalf (without my asking, which felt great) that he gave me a copy of, and it was amazing.  Suffice to say I felt on top of the world when I left that place.


Well I was told I'd hear back in a week.  I sent a follow-up thank you, of course.  A week goes by.  No word.  I send a check-in, don't-want-to-bother-you-but email.  Nothing.  Another week.  I give a quick call.  Nothing.  Another week.  By now it's been a month since the interview and I've heard nothing - not a peep.  I send another email, and one last phone call a few weeks later.  And I never heard anything. 

Isn't that great? 

Aug 4, 11 8:06 pm  · 

manta, that sucks... it seems that there is no professionalism or profession courtesy anywhere these days... i've been finding this particularly true in academia... there are a few jobs that i applied for back in november that i never received any sort of rejection letter/email from... my wife, who is currently unemployed, has been having the same experience as you over and over again... great interview... "we'll let you know next week"... then nothing at all... so frustrating...

Aug 4, 11 8:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well you guys are a wet blanket.

Aug 4, 11 9:20 pm  · 

life is one big wet blanket.  as my scottish grandmother says, "be glad for the bloody blanket you wee bugger or i'll knock you into the skuggin."

ok i lied she doesn't say that, but more or less the same thing.  something about scottish culture we revel in misery we do.


don't mean we shoudna bitch mind you.  bitchin and moanin are like breakfast cereal for the soul.  and yeah all of the above totally sucks.  ridiculously so.  here is hoping for better times and soon.  who knows maybe in the usa the rubbish politicians will actually get off their asses now they had their fun yelling at each other across the room.


@philip i am surprised by that.  I always had such nice rejection letters from the universities i applied to.  it was such a nice change after the silent rejections by architects over the years.  i even told my wife that i quite liked being rejected by universities because they did it with such class.



Aug 4, 11 10:01 pm  · 

jump, that has been the case in most instances... but as they say, one (or two or three) bad apples spoils the bunch... particularly bad was the uni that canceled their seach but then their department chair called to ask if i would be interested in a one-year teaching fellowship for "young scholars"... we had a nice conversation on the phone in which she basically said the fellowship was mine... then nothing... i followed up with two emails, one a week or so later and then another a few weeks after that... never got a response... all she had to do was respond to say that the budget money didn't come through for the fellowship... or at least respond somehow...






Aug 4, 11 10:53 pm  · 

@ philip wow, that is shitty.  she must have been embarrassed and by now doubly so.

Aug 5, 11 12:56 am  · 

morning all,

Jump what is a skuggin?




Aug 5, 11 7:49 am  · 

Sorry SH, didn't mean to be a Debbie Downer.

In fact I think your note is a classic "we really liked this candidate and don't want them to give up on us so we're sending them a cheery biding-for-time note while we finish up our interviews".  I'm confident you'll get more from them in a bit.  So you're already way ahead of the game as it's played in arch firms...

Aug 5, 11 8:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, if what you say about the Scots is true, it explains so much about my husband.


Aug 5, 11 8:39 am  · 

a skuggin is just made up.  sounds scottish though.   i been reading terry pratchett to my kids lately and blame all misplaced creativity on him.

but gran would totally say exactly those sentimentals.  she is ver scottish when the mood strikes and as sarah says it explains everything.  i personally think it is also something from being of the great generation.  born in the depression, live through the war, then the 60's, and there just isn't much a person can do but laugh at it all. 

can you imagine going through all the shit going on now but with racism and sexism and all other crap thrown on top?  sarah would have to get permission to work from her husband, and donna wouldn't be allowed to architect cuz she would be takin jobs from able men. 

not that it makes anything going on now any less crappy.

Aug 5, 11 9:12 am  · 

The Irish are known for the same dark humor / cheery stoicism.

Whenever we remarked on something disappointing my granddad always used to say, "Cheer up - you'll soon be dead!"

Aug 5, 11 9:46 am  · 

My  Irish Granda always returned  with the comment...."Well we hope so."  when ever you made a departing statement like, "I will see you tomorrow." I'm sure he was rolling in his grave this past week with all the political crap going on this past week.


Aug 5, 11 1:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Strange 'Green' dilemma...

Texas is in a terrible drought, and tempts are ranging from 103-109 everyday.  My house is built on expansive black clay.  Without the water from rain, the soil shrinks, and cracks.  My house has had serious foundation issues since we bought it (a four inch drop from one ind of the kitchen to the other), but has managed to stay standing.  Now the soil is getting dryer, and the cracks are a near half inch in some parts of the brick.  Should I attempt to water the foundation, at the risk of local water reservoirs, or do nothing, and risk my house falling down?


Aug 5, 11 3:38 pm  · 

Sarah, as a proud Texan, it is your duty to ignore the heat and drought that are part of Libtard Global Warming conspiracy. It's not really happening.

If the house fall over, so be it. You gotta stand your ground! Turbopun!

Aug 5, 11 4:15 pm  · 

If the house falls over it won't get up (referencing the "should I be an architect?" thread).

I had a nice meeting last night for the non-profit on whose board I sit. We all had other commitments until 8:30 pm, so we met and had a drink (bourbon plus I ordered pate - nice dinner!) and discussed our roles in the upcoming projects we're working on.  I thought having a meeting at 8:30 was a little nuts but it turns out my partner on the board had to leave at 10:15 to make it to his 10:30pm Skype interview!  Contemporary work schedules are crazy.

Aug 5, 11 4:39 pm  · 

11 pm meetings are pretty normal nowadays.  stupid but normal.

wish i had an answer for you sarah.  sounds shitty.  how much water would it take to make that problem go away anyway?  would you need to water the ground for a square mile or two to make it work?




Aug 5, 11 7:20 pm  · 

normal for architects and/or self-employed maybe...

not for me. Although with my non work meetings (local boards etc) they sometimes start/go till 8 or 9 pm.

i was wondering where archi was but per his working on status i guess he is on vacation. 

Aug 5, 11 7:27 pm  · 

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