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Ooh, good idea!

Sep 6, 06 2:45 pm  · 

I am broke too, tis the season I guess. I mean I had to buy a new computer and then I went on vacation, I can't hardly help it. I'm good at getting close to red ink and then bringing myself back from the edge though. Good times.

Now I digress.

On office hilarity: I have a coworker, one of the 5 registered archs. in our office, who has a tremendous sense of humor. You can never find him in the middle of an argument (like some people) but you will find him at his computer sending deadpan replies to office-wide emails about nothing in particular. Like the email had just been sent announcing that he had received his Mississippi state seal. His response?

"First of all I would like to thank God for guiding me along the way and of course my wonderful parents who I owe my life to.

I would also offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience."

I'm still laughing. My gut hurts.

Sep 6, 06 4:26 pm  · 

Talk about broke, financial aid won't give me enough to cover tuition, let alone living expenses. I may have to drop out of graduate school as a result (no need to over react quite yet though). And they denied me a GA position too! 35 spots in the arch department, and a guy with an A- GPA doesn't make the cut?! I did learn though that all the master students from an undergrad OTHER than UC didn't get GA positions either...hrm...

Hey, no one is posting on my thread. Please someone give a suggestion and bump it.

Sep 6, 06 5:12 pm  · 
vado retro

ahhh its warm out like summer. i like colder weather masself. but this warm evening is a good reason to crack open this bottle of white wine in the fridge snack on some bruchetta and have a slice of roasted red pepper torta. oh im broke too.

Sep 6, 06 7:59 pm  · 
vado retro

35 ga spots in the uc arch department? how many fluffers does one school need???

Sep 7, 06 6:45 am  · 

this nice weather would be a fine time to go out in the woods and make a video, wouldn't it, vado?

rationalist, my book addiction also caused a crisis yesterday. my wife is tired of the 40+ boxes of books sitting in the living room of our new home. they haven't exactly been a priority - with all of the furniture moving, fixing of leaks, and demolition of walls - but apparently they need to be.

Sep 7, 06 7:40 am  · 
vado retro

those squaws rock. but how'd they all fit in that lil ol teepee?

Sep 7, 06 7:47 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, be aware that moving those boxes of books out of the living room will change the acoustics of the space drastically! I was shocked at what an echo chamber our house became when we moved out the boxes lining the perimeter of the living room!

That video, holy crap.....

SBD, I didn't get a TA spot at UMich my third semester there, and when I very self-rightesouly stormed the assistant dean's office complaining of a being denied a spot because I had been on a school exchange program the previous semester he immediately gave me a spot in his own class. Greasy wheel and all - go get'im.

Sep 7, 06 9:32 am  · 

One of the things that pissed me off about my alma mater was that if you decided to go study abroad for a semester then you weren't eligible for the fourth-year design awards (the only awards the school gave out). Blew chunks. They had a serious problem with study abroad, I don't know why.

Sep 7, 06 9:51 am  · 


i feel your pain...literally last week. moved myself (with two friends)
last week from brooklyn into manhattan...i've decided this is the last
move i do without movers. i have about a 3-400 monograph library
and more magazines than that...and my back was stiff for three days.

but it didn't stop me from buying four more books this past weekend.
including this
where my name is officially in print (in a book) for
the first time.

Sep 7, 06 10:39 am  · 

myriam- the people who were studying abroad at my alma mater routinely missed out on picking their topic studios for the next semester, as well as scholarship applications. The school always tried to make it right once they realized that the people in France once again did not recieve scholarship applications or the topic description packet, but I always wondered why they couldn't seem to remember that the exact same thing happened the previous year and it was nobody's fault but their own.

Steven- yeah, it'll be pretty wierd once the books are in the bedroom instead of the living room. But nice, since I read in bed a lot. And it might actually make our living room look a little bigger.

Sep 7, 06 10:51 am  · 
vado retro

i read a book once...

Sep 7, 06 11:25 am  · 

i'll only read the first half of the book...about half way through I go "this shit is long...ooh something shinny" It's a problem.

(and you all think i'm kidding)

Sep 7, 06 2:14 pm  · 

OMG, i'm at work at 10:30 and my friend Pepin just wrote a song out of the blue for me reflecting my current situation:

Man I've got it for that chinzilla!
Girl won't let me think.
But I can't get outta this shithole.
Let loose with a drink.
Oh I got the Archie arch blues so bad.
All these dark days and AutoCAD!
Oh DC you so cold and not rad.
Archie Blues got me on the brink.
Gotta let loose with a drink.

me: I LOVE IT!
pepin: you so cold and not rad, that's the best line I've ever written. It is good like brunch.

Sep 7, 06 10:42 pm  · 

I love Pepin! It IS good like brunch!

Sweet jesus, SBD, i miss you guys. Come home soon.

Also, i think vado should dress up like that Apache guy for Halloween and myself, myriam, and rationalist will be the squaws. I wonder why the bongo guy didn't get any action.

Sep 7, 06 11:29 pm  · 
vado retro

great idea wk butcha gotta do this version!

Sep 7, 06 11:43 pm  · 

the goofball with the keyboard in the apache video is considered 'denmark's pop king' according to wikipedia. i guess because abba is swedish.

Sep 7, 06 11:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i thought pepin was the pop king of denmark? hello pepin!

Sep 8, 06 12:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats on getting your name in print! Sorry it's taken so long for me to tell you that. You can't even count that book as part of your book expenditures, you know - that's really an artifact you must own. God work!

DubK, your Halloween idea sounds great, and I'd pay money to see vado in that fringey costume. I suggested to matteo over on the I'm throwing a party... thread that he contact you re: how to construct a naked slip-n-slide, as I know you have some experience in that area of design.

Sep 8, 06 6:48 am  · 
liberty bell

Oops, make that good work, not The Omnipotent Hand Of The Almighty work.

Sep 8, 06 6:49 am  · 

Perhaps I will dress like a squaw back-up dancer and go down the slip-n-slide like that next year.

Sep 8, 06 8:25 am  · 
brian buchalski

be careful...going down on the slip-n-slide sounds dangerous

and, yeah, i'm still alive

Sep 8, 06 10:34 am  · 

1. dubK also knows how to make a really good penis costume.

2. I need a good drink, gamble, and god knows a prostitute. I think i'm heading off to Vegas baby. I'm so money and I don't even know it.

3. I got instate tuition in Ohio! yay! I can barely afford school now!

Sep 8, 06 11:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, SBD!! Now go blow your financial aid in Vegas! (Or of course you can also get all those things online these days, so maybe just stay home. Hang up blackout shades, though, to set the right disconnected mood.)

Glad your alive, puddles, although I'm a bit confused and definitely intrigued by your phrasing re:what exactly one is doing on the slip-n-slide.

Sep 8, 06 11:13 am  · 

isn't it common knowledge that slip'n' slides are deathtraps?
and i can imagine that it could be particularly dangerous
naked...expecially for those of the male persuasion.

and thanks lb, it's not the first time a project i worked on has
been published..but the first time my name has been included.
glad the book came out so i can finally get some good pictures
into my portfolio.

and isn't all architecture really god's work...let us pray.

Sep 8, 06 12:17 pm  · 

that should be especially..but expecially kind of works too...
maybe exxxpecially would've been better.

Sep 8, 06 12:19 pm  · 

is it time to post a picture of the slip n slide on the internet?

it won't go up today. tomorrow, though. definitely.

Sep 8, 06 12:52 pm  · 

how about the costume you made me?

Sep 8, 06 1:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddle si'm glad you're alive (I used the right version of "you're" that time thank goodness) and DubK I can't wait to see the pics but what I really want to know is: where's abra? Are you out there, you've been quiet lately?

Sep 8, 06 1:20 pm  · 

lb, all you have to do is say the magic words, abracadbra, and he'll appear!

Sep 8, 06 1:31 pm  · 

God makes the best costumes.

Sep 8, 06 1:36 pm  · 

thanks lb. i know we care.
yep, it has been a little hectic trying to juggle few things involving some architecture work and some investigative (!) journalism
'a la cadabra'. thats all i can say right now...
doesn't mean that i am not tuned in to archinect though. i love reading new school blogs, level of writing really going up with some old usual suspects and some new talent. i personally think that writing should be required course in architecture schools. otherwise we are as a profession are pretty much in the hands of sweet decorator columnists who are the only ones read by the greater public design audience.
glen small got a job teaching design studio at u of oregon arch school @ eugene for the fall semester. he is pretty excited and i am curious to see what'll be. he called me up the other day saying school needs a little fireworks, of course this is expected from someone who started sci arc, which was nothing but a dynamite factory during those days..;)
thats all from ol' abra. ( i love the way abra works with almost any pretext).

Sep 8, 06 3:41 pm  · 

oh my god it worked!....eventually.

Sep 8, 06 4:15 pm  · 

hey ya'll-

I'm still alive after a cannonball run from LA to Mpls- 2400 miles in 3 days (including a 200 mile detour into the depths of nevada because of a wrong turn at Tonapah).

Found a house (in a hood called Tangletown) and we move in on monday- when I get my internet connection back, will try to post some of my pics....

so went from summer (90+ degrees) to fall (50-60s) in those three days, it's nice to be back in the temperate zones....

no news on my job search, yet, all my interviews are next week.

Sep 9, 06 1:02 pm  · 

whoa, exciting! good luck, treekiller!

Sep 9, 06 2:05 pm  · 

aw, I miss the Twin Cities

Sep 9, 06 4:35 pm  · 

I just started looking at grad school applications.

I am officially freaked out.

Sep 9, 06 6:32 pm  · 
some person

SBD: I enjoyed Pepin's song, as well. I forgot that you were in DC; hopefully you are enjoying the nice weather this weekend that our Midwestern friends reported earlier this week.

Sep 9, 06 7:23 pm  · 

i sure did...i slept oustide in a hamock last night at a villa in old rural Virginia!

Sep 10, 06 12:46 pm  · 

damn...lots going on...will have to catch up after 18th SEP return to real life. for now, Barcelona is a blast...and such an architecturally charged place! can´t wait to post more on that (in the schoolblog section, most likely)...

picked up lb and dubK´s postcards yesterday...will write and send before leaving for the Netherlands on Tuesday.

the new schoolblogs are blowin´ up....i love it....

be well everyone.

Sep 10, 06 2:17 pm  · 

Too tired to fight the fighting-back variety of interior designers.

I see beta taking a few swings.

Sep 10, 06 3:01 pm  · 

I present to you: PAGE 40

This actually happened on my car the other day, as I pulled into a parking spot. I thought it was relevant.

Sep 10, 06 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

I love you WonderK!!!!!! That was brilliant!!!!!

Also, very good post over on the interior designer thread. And Sir betadinesutures, you are doing a fabulous job. Not a FAB-u-lous job, but a great one.

vado's gay porn interior design clip was also brilliant.

Now I have to go select some light fixtures.

Sep 10, 06 10:25 pm  · 

i very seldom take the time to look at it, especially since it doesn't load as quickly as other pages, but every now and then, jpg du jour has some brilliant sequences.

Sep 11, 06 7:52 am  · 

and who is this rondo?

Sep 11, 06 7:54 am  · 
vado retro

wk how many time have you had that baby up to 160??? i may be posting mucho today as i am typing some architects supplemental logs for the project that i have been doing ca for. god its dull.

Sep 11, 06 10:27 am  · 

You know what's also dull? MY FACE!

Oh SNAP, I'm gonna have to go to the burn ward for that burn.

Sep 11, 06 10:39 am  · 

what are supplemental logs?? oh geez, is this something i'm supposed to be doing for CA and i'm not?! why is there so much paperwork in CA....

Sep 11, 06 11:16 am  · 
Dapper Napper

So can we consider the ID's thoroughly whipped? Not a fair fight.

Sep 11, 06 5:31 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Great discussion though.

Sep 11, 06 6:14 pm  · 

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