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ack. i meant abra too.

Aug 28, 06 12:55 pm  · 

why the fresno connection, rationalist? i'm 1/2-armo and even i don't see any reason to go to fresno!

also, vado has made me laugh out loud twice today already, most notably for his comment about the girls he dates over on that poor boy's dating thread. heh heh heh.

Aug 28, 06 1:23 pm  · 

the bf's family, who are almost all mechanics, lives in fresno. The car came out of a salvage auction through their dealer number, and chilled at their lot while we accumulated the necessary parts and such. So then we drive up to work on it there with all of their fancy tools, and bring it down when we're done. Sounds ghetto, I know, but it gets me a car for several thousand below blue book.

Aug 28, 06 1:45 pm  · 

Wait- Armo? Armenian? I didn't know there was anything but Mexicans in Fresno.

Aug 28, 06 1:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i have a suspicion that puddles might actually mis-spell some of his words intentionally.

Aug 28, 06 8:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

I came across this book today:

and a synopsis:

What, Bing inquires, do a feng shui consultant, new media executive, wine steward, department store greeter, and Vice President of the United States have in common?...They all have bullshit jobs.

These few, of course, are just the beginning. Across the length and breadth of this shrinking globe, skillful bullshit artists have secured pleasant, lucrative employment, and are enjoying themselves more than you are. In virtually every occupation, from Advertising to Yoga Franchising, lucky individuals who work in these coveted positions enjoy the best lives imaginable — they are paid well, they rarely break a sweat, and their professions are highly respected, because nobody really knows what they do.

So two questions: #1: I found this book while searching for Harry G. Frankfurt's On Bullshit, which I've decided I need to read, as I am trying to eliminate bullshit from my life. Has anyone read it?

And #2: Would vado or puddles be better at creating and employing themselves in a bullshit job?

Aug 28, 06 9:34 pm  · 

Vado. At least he can remember to put pants on.

Aug 28, 06 11:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good point, rationalist.

My partner is in Ft. Lauderdale working on a condo project of ours. He says it's sunny and lovely right now, but people are crazily stocking up on gas, milk, plywood (which we needed for our project, dang!), etc. Ernesto is on its way and I am very, very nervous for him.

Hope your family are all protected and stay safe, AP.

Is it possible to have a case of the Mondays on Tuesday?!

Aug 29, 06 9:35 am  · 

Vado, if he were so inclined, would be better at creating and employing himself in a bullshit job. Puddles, however, would be more likely to do such a thing, especially if he could figure out a way to create a bullshit job that didn't require his wearing pants... ;-)

My family is always over-prepared. Thanks for your kind thoughts, lb.

My dad, an auto mechanic, is ready for the end of stockpiles, emergency power, more flashlights and batteries than he knows what to do with. It verges on ridiculous.
My mom went through the worst of Hurricane Andrew, and that kind of thing sticks with you, whether it's conscious or not. She's also got the generator, food, social network etc to deal with a big storm gracefully...

that said, Ernesto isn't shaping up to be very strong...from what it looks like at the moment.

Recent studies show that "the Mondays" can happen as late as Wednesday.

...I'm looking forward to the next round of schoolblogs...

Aug 29, 06 10:15 am  · 

Ya'll 'necter!

This is a bon voyage post to thread central - the movers show up tommorow, next stop Minneapple!

So with my computer is being disassembeled later today, I'll be incommunicado till next week as I make a cannon ball run out of LA!!

oh- enjoy the good surfing in FLA!

Aug 29, 06 11:24 am  · 

Good luck, treekiller!! How exciting!! I hope you won't miss LA too badly.

I just got back from a week back home in Orange County. Went to my favorite beach and read a REALLY good book ("Middlesex"), went golfing with Grama (she beat the pants off me at 85, with alzheimer's), and just generally hung out and let my parents take care of me.

Today, despite waking up with a terrible migraine that is vibrating in my teeth roots and echoing up my sinus passages and electrifying my eye sockets and taking big swinging hammer arcs to an indeterminate point somewhere just right of the base of my brain, I am bouncing up and down in contained excitement in my office chair. Today is the day FedEx delivers a big surprise to my boyfriend, that I have been saving for and scheming over for weeks! That's right, folks, the boyf is getting a SLOW COOKER today! Just in time for football season and his new apartment!

He's going to be so thrilled, I can't wait.

Aug 29, 06 12:33 pm  · 

that's right, i'm so romantic i buy my manfriends crock pots

Aug 29, 06 12:41 pm  · 

I just bought mine boxer shorts with the London Tube Map on them. He liked them so much he put them on immediately over his pants and eventually went home that way. How long have you two been together, myriam? Perhaps small kitchen appliances is an 8-10 month gift, lol.

Aug 29, 06 12:53 pm  · 

hahaha :) I should have gotten those for the manf when I was in London, shoot. Good idea! That's a cute story.

We've been together about a year and a few months. Except that he lives in Chicago and I live in Boston. So... there should be some kind of handicap for the length-counting accordingly.

Aug 29, 06 1:00 pm  · 

M- thanks... we got a crock pot as an engagement present from my sister's in-laws. used it twice- first time was a miserable disaster for chile and I don't remember the second time. get some good time proven receipes for him, or it will just gather dust.

as a husband- I'd rather get a weber (or those boxers) in time for the football season- flames are better then sloooooooooow cooking (and why wait for dinner when you have a microwave?).

so when will fate intervene and place both of you in the same location?

Aug 29, 06 1:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Today is the 8th anniversary of the day my man-friend became my husband. What did I get him? Nothing but a request to buff out the spots on the Subaru so we can end our lease on it tomorrow, which he is out doing right now. I'm a lousy gift-giver and not at all sentimental about anniversaries. Do I suck? Yeah, pretty much.

Aug 29, 06 1:12 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Well, the 8th is traditionally the bronze or pottery anniversary, but the modern gift is linens or lace, none of which would interest the male of the species. My suggestion...

You in something lacey, and this baby filled with bubbles!!!

Aug 29, 06 1:19 pm  · 

haha! that's cute, l-belle.

Treekiller, I don't know the first thing about cooking. I hate it. HATRED. Hence one of the reasons the manf is great for me. ;) He's obsessed with this stupid crock-pot, I can't tell you how many times I've heard him bemoan the loss of his old one! Apparently he's got all kinds of southern tricks up his sleeve on that thing. He gave his entire kitchen collection away to Katrina refugees last year, since everything was sitting in storage in Baton Rouge still and he hadn't been able to move it up to Chicago yet. So now he's got a new place and is just about to start the collection over again. He'll love it. :D I think if I had one, like you, I'd use it about twice and call it a day.

Also I got him one, thanks to a Cook's Illustrated article, that allows him to use the same pot on the stove, so I'm hoping it's more useful than the typical model.

Aug 29, 06 1:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

An excellent suggestion, Chili! That's the gift that's always appropriate.

Aug 29, 06 1:21 pm  · 

i am trying to get tina to give me a pressure cooker but she keeps giving me barney's gift cards. it's been seven yrs. she just doesn't get what i can do with pressure cooker. she is a bbq steak bitch from ohio. i know she reads archinect.


give it up. get me a pressure cooker. i don't need fuckin' rags from barney's. remember the suede shoes i got from them last year, you know i still haven't put them on even once, as you well know.
have you ever had albondigas soup made in pressure cooker? of course not. how about condensed stew and mashed potatoes on the second tier? not that either ha? do we always have to fuckin' wait for these things for hours to cook and have our dinners at 10 pm every night in our pajamas? have a nice day...

Aug 29, 06 1:22 pm  · 

myriam said manfriends crock pots...

happy 8th, lb and Subaru buffer. ;-)

Aug 29, 06 1:23 pm  · 

lol Orhan, that's hilarious.

Aug 29, 06 1:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

If I had one wish for what my 8th anniversary special meal would be, I'd want Orhan's Slow-Cooked Albondigas. Man, does that sound good!

The buffing is proceeding successfully, by the way. Remember, if you get fresh paint on your car, park it indoors or at least under a cover for a wekk or two - the fresh paint is susceptible to getting "burn spots" from plant material falling on it.

Oh and by the way SmoketyMcSmokeSmoke, I forgot to wish you happy birthday on the 26th! Thirty-five: a big year, but only as significant as you want it to be. Congrats!

Aug 29, 06 1:31 pm  · 

i realized this week that i've been reading smoke's moniker wrong all this time. i was reading it as if it was "smokety M.C. smoke smoke". i'm not sure, now, if i'll ever be able to say it/think it correctly.

Aug 29, 06 1:39 pm  · 

Seriously, I want some abra cookin'. Orhan my mom makes amazing portuguese soups in her pressure cooker. I'm guessing they must be similar to what you're describing. You should put the pressure on tina! (har har har!) Now I know what to get John for NEXT year...

Aug 29, 06 1:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

By the same token, Steven, I call my boy "Angussey McAngus Bangus" to frequent laughter from him (the Bangus part is his own invention and very appropriate).

Also, Steven I'm afraid we scared everyone with our (for us) blistering critiques of SIMPARCH in the news section. I was hoping someone would jump to their defense and thus help me understand them better!

Aug 29, 06 1:47 pm  · 

ooh, lb, how much are you paying for the buffing? Mine got painted about three weeks ago, so in another week it'll be ready for washing, and it needs a buff to get the last of the scratch marks smooth. I have no idea where to find someone to do that, or how much it'll cost, though.

Aug 29, 06 2:08 pm  · 

R- It's LB's anniversery- so HOW do you think she's paying for it?

Happy 8th LB! So what is your next car going to be if you're returning the subaru?

Aug 29, 06 2:56 pm  · 

With the money she's NOT using to buy her man-friend a present, I presume. But I'm just trying to figure out how much to budget for.

Oh, and Steven, I did the same thing with soulikeit. I never read it "so-u-like-it", I read it "soul-i-keit", and even once somebody pointed it out to me, I could never make my brain say "so-u-like-it".

Aug 29, 06 3:02 pm  · 

myriam: I want a crock pot, after all those letters I wrote you its the least you could do...

Aug 29, 06 3:08 pm  · 

Crock pots rock.

I had a weird dream last night. Pixel, you lived in Hollywood, but on the other side of a hill that doesn't exist. If that was true, I would have asked you to start a furniture company by now.

Aug 29, 06 3:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, I still read that one "soul-uh-kite".

My husband did the buffing himself and honestly despite my payment plan (as mentioned above by treekiller and Chili) he's never happier than when he's making/repairing something, so if you were in Indy he'd do it for you for free. No idea what it costs at a body shop, though!

Crok pots do rock - do we need to start an "archinect favorite crock pot recipe" thread for tina to get inspired?

Aug 29, 06 3:40 pm  · 

I think we do, lb...

I can hand buff. Or show you how for cheap. It is labor-intensive, but rewarding.

Aug 29, 06 3:49 pm  · 

behind every person who doesn't bother with cooking that much, is a master chef mom.
i remember you mentioning this subject a while back. my friend j. mardian told me how they put her into a crash course before she married the famous attorney general's son. she learned full armenian cooking in two weeks in something like a boot camp of dolma, kofte and borek making.

even though it is mainly about western everyday life, after reading fernand braudel's the structure of everyday life,
i found armenian and turkish cooking very fascinating to read about and research. going all the way to byzantium and before. and what turks brought with them from central asia as nomadic tribes and influances of mongolian and even some indian cooking. all that were fused further refined in ottoman court kitchen, usually under the direction of armenian head chef which was a very influential and highly trusted position considering the topkapi kitchen was one of the biggest and important sections on the palace grounds feeding the sultans and government officials and the families who lived in the harem section. there were avarage 3000 highly delicate and varied meals on the avarage day.

kitchen compaund with chimneys


sultans lunch (note the variety)

lb, happy anniversary.
AP, i like that your parents have their individual plans for storms.
and i wish treekilla to have great experience in minnipoli.

maybe someday there is gonna be a great archinect cook out...

Aug 29, 06 3:51 pm  · 

thanks. all furniture would be lugged with the skill we would gain from our UBI framebuilding course, which would be a business expense. afterhours would be spent drinking hearty beer and riding bikes!

shit, I want to move.

Aug 29, 06 3:52 pm  · 

I mean, "I can show you how. It is cheap."

Not "I can show you how. My rates are cheap."

Aug 29, 06 3:54 pm  · 
Chili Davis

3 Alarm Texas Chili

1 lb. coarse ground sirloin
1 lb. sirloin steak, cut in bite size pieces
1 can Rotel (tomatoes with green chilies)
1 can Brooks hot chili beans
1 pkg Wick Fowler's Chili Mix, 3 alarm
1 lg. red onion
1 lg. bell pepper

Brown coarse ground beef and bite size stock with chili season mix.
Pour off grease. Dice green pepper, onions and Rotel. Combine all
ingredients including the liquid from the Rotel in a large covered pot.
Put in 225 to 250 degree oven for 2 to 8 hours, stirring every 20 to 30
minutes. The longer cooked the better.

Aug 29, 06 4:01 pm  · 
Chili Davis
More Great Recipes
Aug 29, 06 4:06 pm  · 

Pixel, come on out here. But I was thinking San Francisco or Portland. Or maybe something smaller like Santa Cruz, though I'd miss the urban life.

A guy I knew from Pitt way back made a chair to practice welding before making his bike. No lugs, but pretty cool just the same. I'll try to find a picture.

Nice, Chili. Post that in the Crock Pot thread. Wooo!

Aug 29, 06 4:08 pm  · 

Garpike: San Diego has a nice velodrome...

Aug 29, 06 4:15 pm  · 

I've only been to the indoor one at UC Irvine in Carson, CA.

Aug 29, 06 4:39 pm  · 

I was just in San Diego on Sunday. You'd love it, Pix. My flight last week got in at midnight, and as we left the aeropuerta we drove along the harbor road and found ourselves in a pack of bikers on the road! It was Critical Mass night! A beautiful night by the bay. There were tons, more people than there are here in Boston, and they all stopped at the red lights, which is the only reason my dad decided to cheer them on rather than curse them out. Looked like a lot of fun.

Orhan--thanks for the link! I will try to find a cheap copy and read it, it sounds really interesting. I have very little connection to my armenian roots unfortunately as my dad is pretty much French through and through, and mom is something else entirely. But this week while at home I started a little personal research and found out what towns my grandparents were from, which I had never known before. (Malatya and Mush.) We made Moussaka while I was home and it was AMAZING. We make it the Greek way, though, with feta, not the Armenian way with no cheese. I prefer Armenian dolma though and will actually be making it with my roommates next week--I can't wait! They have no idea what they're in for... the problem with Armenian food is that, while delicious, all the recipes take hours to make. They're basically based on having a whole kitchen full of women to cook and laugh together all day.

I had no idea Armenian food held appeal to others. That is good to know! And now the Turks are the restaurateurs to most of Europe... interesting! I love Turkish food, and most Armenian. Some day I would like to go there.

Aug 29, 06 4:47 pm  · 

San Diego is cool with me.

Aug 29, 06 4:49 pm  · 

Also I made a fig/honey cake while at home. I do love to bake. I should scan and post the recipe, it came out great.

Aug 29, 06 4:49 pm  · 

The GF made this wonderful strawberry cheesecake - best ive ever had....too bad i have to lose weight now

Aug 29, 06 6:37 pm  · 

"The GF" has a nice ring to it...I never like using a possessive pronoun when referring to "my" girlfriend... bloody semantics, I know....but that's why I like the docs way^....

and so, what the GF lacks in cooking skills she makes up for with good intention and follow-through. for example, the GF makes a mean bowl of yogurt, granola and berries for breakfast, most every day of the week...she's also proficient in the art of "we're starving, there's nothing in the fridge, Voila" meals that come quickly out of nowhere. ...

Aug 29, 06 6:57 pm  · 

i dont really care AP (and i know neither does she) girlfriend, the girlfriend, my soon-to-be-wife (getting married in december), whatever....

Problem is she wants me to lose weight till december, which i definately should, but at the same time cooks such delicious things that i can not resist eating huge THATS a good dilemma....

Aug 29, 06 7:16 pm  · 

I am so not ethnic. I have no genes that allow me to whip up something spicey, healthy and delicious using a crock pot, a toothpick and a pepper. I am, however, resourceful. We have started having these Wednesday night dinners at my apartment which involve the man-friend, former and current roommates and an assortment of entertaining singles. Usually the former roommate (who is lebanese and therefore able to cook things I can't pronounce) and I open the cupboard, say, "ah, campanelle" and emerge with some sort of 4 cheese pasta bake 2 hours later. We also pump wine into everyone which makes any mediocre dish seem better.

Tomorrow night we are having stir-fry. And wine. Always wine.

Aug 29, 06 7:20 pm  · 

quiet morning.

Aug 30, 06 10:21 am  · 

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