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WonderK- I know I don't use my brain as much as I used to. I'm afraid that bits of it might shut down from lack of use, or may have already done so. I used to CARE about things so much more... now I just make myself ignore them.

Aug 8, 06 4:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

SuperBug, I like that!!

Sorry DubK and SuperBug yes I am on vacation so I'm not posting. Instead I am playing at the ebach - today we rented these low recumbent trike things and cruised around the wet sand, really really fun, and yesterday I body surfed for about an hour in really rough (to this desert girl) waves, it was a blast, but I think I got a tiny jellyfish sting, I'm scared of the ocean, yet it's so fun!

Last night I convinced my sister to try a Manhattan and she got blotto, it was pretty funny. Tonight it's back to margaritas.

Today sadly the boys are at the aquarium so I could check my email at Starbucks (blech!) and download the cabinet drawings I need to add to my plans and send out to the contractor, sigh. Work never ends even when enjoying the sun and surf!

I'll post like mad next week when I get back to make up for it.....

Last night I dreamt that abracadabraFAIA presented a fully constructed modular-component but super, super cool house inside the main entry of SCI-Arc. Now I've never been to SCI-Arc so I have no idea what that space might be like, but I can honestly say abra's design was amazing and tight as all his work is,and hey, it was MY dream so that means it's actually MY design, right?!? Unless abra was beaming to my brain, which could well have been the case. Strong work, abra!

Steven hope the move is going well! vado hope you're lining up lots of new youtube crap for me to watch! Later, all!

Aug 9, 06 2:51 pm  · 

Yah, I missed lb. And I'll miss Wonderk when she goes on vacation as well.

lb, you like what? the 5 post min. that I propose?

I'm wearing foil on my head tonight so abra doesnt get in it whilst I sleep.

Aug 9, 06 3:33 pm  · 

er, I miss lb.

Aug 9, 06 3:33 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i am not a one noter as i have recently directed fellow archinecters to the writings of ernst cassirer. oh and check the wedding bell blues from youtube on the marriage thread.

Aug 9, 06 3:50 pm  · 

vado - I'm shocked that you haven't posted to the rockstar supernova thread. of all the 'nectors, you rock the most!

Aug 9, 06 4:09 pm  · 

Aw. You'll miss me! I think SuperBug is on a sweet streak ever since he hung out with a girl that he fancies!

I'm going to call this the Summer of Love, since my other options (Summer of WWIII, Summer of the Hottest Temps on Record, Summer of Hate) are much more depressing.

Chris Daniel is on his way to my apartment this evening where he will have dinner with myself and some friends. He just called my mobile and was shocked to find that he could park for free on my street without any sort of pass. He said "it's so easy for cars here".....and I said, "aha! now you are beginning to understand...."

Aug 9, 06 4:25 pm  · 

PS. Hi, liberty bell! Have fun in the waves!!!

Aug 9, 06 4:26 pm  · 

SBD, i think lb liked treekiller's nickname for you - SuperBug.

hey lb, glad you're having fun at the ebach... kick that jelly-fish in the ass if you see him again. bastard.

dubby dubs, hope you have fun hangin' with Chris Daniel
... take pics and share 'em with us.

Aug 9, 06 5:05 pm  · 

AP i believe you are right.

Aug 9, 06 5:22 pm  · 

The human brain will shrink if it no longer has to think about what it eats. If Americans (and the world) continue to look to and trust fast food and processed foods for their every-day diets, their brains will shrink. A reverse evolution. This is true for those science foods. Meals in a bar, and the like.

Case in point, when the panda evolved to be able to digest eucalyptus, it no longer had to think about what to eat, if what it eats is dangerous, if it will taste good, how to prepare it, etc. The panda's brain shrank considerably.

And to add, if a panda's habitat runs out of eucalyptis, the panda dies. Reverse evolution is far faster than the other kind.

So I guess to go back a bit, yes, I think over all, as a species, we are getting stupiderer.

Aug 10, 06 4:16 pm  · 

Yeah, but will we become cute like pandas?

Aug 10, 06 4:25 pm  · 

Ack! Bad crop.

Aug 10, 06 4:27 pm  · 

garpike, this is very intriguing. Do you have some data or research you could link us to to further elaborate this study?

I'll check it after I finish my McFrosty.

Aug 10, 06 4:33 pm  · 

I have been reading Omnivore's Dilemma. I recommend it to anyone interested in this sort of thing.

Aug 10, 06 5:05 pm  · 

i just got back from a 4 day camping trip in eastern washington along icicle creek. absolutely beautiful part of the country. the camp is rather isolated and thus there was only one other group around. never saw them just heard their dog. enjoy the pics.

our site:

view from our site:

icicle creek at the base of camp:

hike along icicle gorge:

big rock on our hike:

sleepy lula:

Aug 10, 06 5:11 pm  · 

Damn! Nice pics!

Reminds me of Lost Lake near Boulder, CO. The closer you got to the site, the fewer the crowds. When I hiked up to the lake with a friend, we arrived to only one other camper. A whole lake at the top of a mountain... for 3 people to share.

Aug 10, 06 5:23 pm  · 

e, i USED to go to places like that every year, sometimes more than once in a summer.

shit, that settles it, i am taking the kids camping!

um, after i finish that article...and the competition with the deadline looming...and that really impt bit of research that i have been putting off...and that meeting to see if we can do some expensive and big architecture for that wealthy friend of a friend...and...

bloody hell, what is wrong with my world. this seriously has got to stop. why is that my father could take us camping every summer for 2 weeks or more, and i can barely stand leaving my computer behind for a few days in the woods? i can feel it...somethings gotta give.

Aug 10, 06 10:40 pm  · 

lula - "it is beadful and evretin' but i prifir ma bed at home"

Aug 10, 06 10:52 pm  · 

lula looks pretty comfy to me...

beautiful, e...

garpike, I posted that amazon link to Channel Archinect after watching Bill Maher's interview with the author (at the bottom of the page) and adding the book to my cart...I dated a nutrition major/enthusiast for 4 years, and picked up quite a bit of 2nd hand info (I traded archi-talk for food talk...everybody won! ;-)...

Aug 10, 06 11:14 pm  · 

e - i grew up in close-by victoria, bc, and those pictures are making me want to move back... especially on a hot, smuggy day like today in LA.

Aug 11, 06 12:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Aug 11, 06 10:10 am  · 

Is anyone else totally creeped out by the picture on the front page? Sheesh.

Aug 11, 06 10:41 am  · 

thx everyone. it's great to detach for a few days.

jump, as you know, find time to get those kids out for a couple of days. leave the computer behind. they'll love you for it. i remember some of my fondest times as a kid where while camping.

abra, ms. lu is a princess and roughing it does not seem to meet her very particular standards. everytime i got up from my chair, she jumped in. she tried not to lay in the dirt. at about 9.30p everynight she would stand in front of the tent with a 'i'm done with this' look.

paul, victoria is a place i have not made it to yet. it is on my list though. i had some friends who took a seaplane there recently. they loved it.

Aug 11, 06 11:19 am  · 

I would love to take a seaplane somewhere, what a fantastic idea. Think that's going to go on my list of things to do before I die.

That park looks amazing! How clear the air must have been.

Aug 11, 06 11:32 am  · 

I just want to go play frisbee, maybe some canoeing, a little rock climbing, followed by getting drunk by a fire and passing out under the stars....aaaaah.

AP, I watched that video too. I love Bill Maher, good stuff.

Myriam, I posted back on page 33 or 32 that the pic was creeping me out too. It' scary stuff, but the article is good.

Aug 11, 06 1:13 pm  · 

AP, I think you'll enjoy the book if you enjoyed the interview. Lots of corn.

Aug 11, 06 1:53 pm  · 

yep. i knew it, because i speak canine.
AP, look at lula's nose (slightly pulled upwards and turned right, like princess' do. try it yourself and you'll know what i mean) and tell me she is not being dismissive of the conditions. thats right she is a princess and would certainly be bothered by a bean under 40 layers of sealy's bed.

e, that is a one beautiful spot man. i camped in 5 continents.
but my avid camping days are over since tina, who doesn't even consider hotels where they don't have a room service.
i just showed her the pictures you posted and she told me wow thats beautiful and if i like it so much i could go by myself. which is i am considering now in our backyard among the urban rats and possums, for warmer uppers. rupi will join me but i really doubt daisy will. she is totally lula kind...

Aug 11, 06 2:28 pm  · 

we are the children of the corn

Aug 11, 06 2:28 pm  · 

abra, you're killing me. bothered by a bean under 40 layers of sealy's bed? ha. the site is a beauty. it is at the top of my list right now. while my wife camps, my best friend's wife does not so i can completely relate to your situation. my friend keeps trying to convince his wife that it would not be that bad for just a night and take care of everthing. she has not taken the bait yet.

camped in five continents huh? that's pretty impressive. my mother's parents used to camp all of the time. they were also tent campers. they've camped in at least one national forest in every state in the u.s. with the exception of hawaii. i could only hope to accomplish something like that. sounds like you've got a couple of continents to hit before you kick it. ;+)

Aug 11, 06 2:40 pm  · 

Using a sample of your hair, a simple test can show what percentage of your food intake is from corn.

Aug 11, 06 2:41 pm  · 

Gov't subsidized corn farming has been possibly the single greatest travesty in the development of food production in the USA. America is fat becasue of gov't subsidized corn farms. Forget vegetarianism, if you want to do something good for the environemetnnand your health swear off products with corn products. Corn is in just about every freaking thing!

Aug 11, 06 3:03 pm  · 

this is what I'm made up of:

5% soda
25% wiskey or hard liqour
35% beer (mostly WI beer)
20% cheese (mostly WI cheese)
15% brats (WI brats only)

Aug 11, 06 3:11 pm  · 

wow, i now see that I'm highly flamable

Aug 11, 06 3:28 pm  · 

superBD, you probably only have to worry bout catching fire in wisconsin. have you ever had the beers of new glarus? they are yummy.

Aug 11, 06 3:35 pm  · 


And to answer your question, yes, it's one of my three favorite beers. I always loved driving out to my best friend dad's house who lived in new glarus. I would often stop and get a freshly brewed case.

Aug 11, 06 3:38 pm  · 

good stuff indeed. i had it a number of time but have yet to visit it. i'd love to do that to get a couple half dozen 750s for the cellar. the belgian red and raspberry tart and cherry stout in particular

Aug 11, 06 4:02 pm  · 

princess lula it is. i retract, due to my not so keen-eyed look. abra, ever perceptive, picked up on the canine cues - i tried the face...reminded me of last week's word of the week - this email thing that I do with friends:

supercilious \soo-puhr-SIL-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Disdainfully arrogant; haughty.



I'm not suggesting that lula the lovely is supercilious...only that when i tried the face, that's how i felt...

i miss having a dog, it's been a couple years now. I have to wait for visits home to see JD, my dad's doberman.

Aug 11, 06 4:26 pm  · 

urbanspec, hear hear. It is in everything!

SBD, your list is 100% corn. Soda is all corn, right down to the caramel color. Whiskey is corn. Beer all depends. Cheese and brats come from cows fed entirely on corn (and each other).

BTW, cows should not eat corn. Besides the health issue (Cows are all sick unless they eat grass. Beef from corn is higher in Omega 6 fatty acids, which we really don't need more of), corn is making cows' stomachs acidic. They are typically neautral, which E Coli is used to. But E Coli is getting used to an acidic stomach. Hey, aren't human stomachs acidic? Uh oh...

Aug 11, 06 5:56 pm  · 

Hey Gang. I feel like a walking brochure. Sorry to pollute TC. I should start an "American Diets are Messed Up" thread.

Aug 11, 06 5:58 pm  · 

we've moved out, everything's in the pod, the new owners have taken possession of our old house, i'm staying at my brothers, wife and baby are staying at her mother's > all waiting for the floors to be refinished.

floor refinisher came in and sanded about half of the house, failed to meet me for a scheduled appt to discuss stain colors two days ago and hasn't been heard from since, despite several messages. it's not looking good for us to move in next week...

Aug 11, 06 6:17 pm  · 

page 35!

Aug 11, 06 6:23 pm  · 


Aug 11, 06 6:25 pm  · 

steven, good to hear of the progress. ms. lu will get on the refinisher for you. damn bastards. AP, she thinks you and the rest here are lovely too.

Aug 11, 06 6:27 pm  · 

Damn, she IS a princess! *I* want a turqoise-studded collar!

Aug 11, 06 6:28 pm  · 

hey, it's the girl's only accessory. do you blame her? with such little to wear, it's gotta be spot on.

Aug 11, 06 6:38 pm  · 

Of course! Can't blame her at all, I am quite green with envy!

Aug 11, 06 6:42 pm  · 

yeah, me too. princess or no princess, she is my hero.

Aug 11, 06 6:56 pm  · 

damn, that sucks steven. you don't have to pay when they walk away though, right?

e, wife and i have decided to make a camping trip next month (thanks for putting idea in me head). was kind of surprised she agreed, cuz the last time we went camping was on a week-long canoe trip in canada that sort of cured her of the idea that roughing it is fun ( it was!) ...she leans a bit towards abra's tina in that respect...but she wants to go with the kids cuz now tokyo gives them such a weird view of the world...

now i have to talk her out of the idea that setting up a tent on a concrete pad in the mountains (in a trailer camp) actually counts as camping.

Aug 11, 06 8:04 pm  · 

ah, good for you and the fam jump.

i hear you on the concrete pad. when i was a kid, my parents loved to go to the places where you are packed in like sardines. doesn't count in my mind either. baby steps my friend. baby steps.

Aug 11, 06 8:24 pm  · 

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