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liberty bell

Sorry rationalist and SBD - I know we shouldn't feed the troll. I just couldn't resist after ACfA's very funny post. I won't do it anymore, promise.

Good, lletdownl, glad you got it. I imagine you'll drive again at some point, but yeah, your fellow passengers probably wouldn't appreciate you belting it out loud during your shared commute!

Aug 1, 06 10:53 am  · 

lletdownl, I'm gonna be moving to Chicago in January at some point and I think it'd be cool to meet. Have there been any chicago meetups? I like pam steiner's blog, too... and there's Living in Gin... I think a few others, too. I always find your comments interesting.

Aug 1, 06 12:00 pm  · 

It's ok lb, I can't stay mad at you. I figure we just keep bitching on the opening soon a firm... post.

Aug 1, 06 12:39 pm  · 

33! Rolling Rock time!

1. "Rolling Rock" appears on the bottle 3 times. There are 11 letters. 33 letters in all.

2. The text on the back contains 33 words. It can be counted 2 ways, always adding up to 33.

3. 33 is in the UPC.

4. Prohibition was lifted in 1933.

5. The rumor has it that the guy who started Rolling Rock used the money he won on a horse numbered 33 to start the business.

6. Roy Roger's (R.R. as in Rolling Rock) horse Trigger died at the age 33. Is that Trigger on the bottle or the winning horse?

7. The original logo had 3 and 3 stars on either side of the horse's head. They recently changed it to 2 and 2. I wrote an angry letter.

8. If you take a brewery tour, no employees actually know the story behind 33.

9. I am a nerd.

Aug 1, 06 1:21 pm  · 

and 3x3=9, the number of points you just made.

Aug 1, 06 1:37 pm  · 

should i start "wienermobile vs. microbe" building thread?
or, should i wait for a while to see if the public opinion goes by the wayside?
i personally think wienermobile is better design.

Aug 1, 06 1:39 pm  · 

yeah, the Hasselhof's junk animation was pretty funny.

Aug 1, 06 2:01 pm  · 

i need real work

Aug 1, 06 2:24 pm  · 

AP, damn you're good!

abra, I LOVE the Wienermobile design. Seriously. I want to live in it. Or some cross between it and an Antfarm creation.

Aug 1, 06 3:03 pm  · 

I just saw the weinermobile on the way to city hall - its so hot out it was cooking itself!

My building has a first name, its O-S-C-A-R...

Aug 1, 06 3:39 pm  · 

I love being around fellow nerds!!! The 33 thing is especially interesting.

So, today I'm in Fayetteville, Arkansas, steps away from Bentonville, AKA the home of Wal-Mart. I contemplated smuggling explosives on the plane but then remembered that whole Homeland Security thing. Also, I'm annoyed because the plane schedule wouldn't allow me to fly back out tonight so I'm stuck. I thought about hoofing it to Little Rock to see the Clinton Library (woo hoo!) but alas, it's 3 hours away, so no dough.

Honestly though, it's not quite as bad as I expected. I went to southern Arkansas last year and was seriously scared to stick around past dusk. This place is one giant construction site (think big box heaven and giant McMansions sprouting up in the middle of farm land). Can you guess why? Probably, as you all are the smartest people I come into contact with, but check out this Washington Post article for the scoop....

Aug 1, 06 6:08 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

wal-mart-onomics is frightening stuff. it's like the economic mad scientists' lab. i interviewed a few wal-mart managers for a project i did in undergrad and they use incredibly cut-throat tactics. this was in a tiny western massachusetts town of less than 10,000. the managers of the wal-mart would go out every week and find the prices of basically everything they carry at wal-mart or equivalents at the local stores and beat every single price. frightening stuff.

Aug 1, 06 7:11 pm  · 

am i the only one getting too stoned from nArchitects' tension structure based on rhytmic composition (or thereof) picture on archinects home page?

Aug 1, 06 9:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dang, abra, I'm not getting stoned enough from it! I must be looking at it wrong...

Aug 1, 06 9:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeepers, WonderK that article makes me ill. And as long as bashing of WalMart is current (and when isn't it, really?), here is a paraphrased version of what I just posted on the Big Box! thread:

re: Costco, I found this article on CostCo as anti-WalMart, including how the CEO makes a pittance in salary compared to similar CEO's, instead giving good benefits and wages to all his suppliers. Seems to me CostCo is an example of a company trying to make enough profit, not maximum pofits. I like that.

Aug 1, 06 9:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ok...this might sound bad of me, but this evening i finally dug through the pile of mail that's been building on my desk and not only did i just now find the invitation to my cousin's wedding, the wedding itself was two weeks ago

maybe i should spend less time on archinect

Aug 1, 06 10:01 pm  · 

bad, puddles, bad!

completely unrelated but there was a festival in my community a few days ago that was a blast. i live in the 5 story walk-ups in the next block, but we do all our shopping in the stores beneath the huge towers in the background of this pic.

there were thousands of people drinking and sitting round the park til midnite, kids too. I never knew my kid's parents were so much fun. had a blast. and my daughter was totally into the dancing, up on the stage with the big ol drum...

and in the funky line dance...

oh, and i got to have a big ol chunk o cotton candy for 50 cents, with all proceeds going to the local kindergarten...first time i've had it in ages. i think i enjoyed it more than my daughter did

anyway, japanese festivals can be very cool, especially when the macho men are not involved.

Aug 2, 06 5:40 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

cue village people reference in 3... 2...

i accidentally stumbled onto previous pages of thread central and started reminiscing about certain characters...

does anyone remember justin hui? what happened to him? did he get into school?

Aug 2, 06 10:25 am  · 
vado retro

that looks fun jump. possibe thread topic: which archinector would you be if you could be any archinector? i'm not sure who'd i choose but it wouldnt be me!

Aug 2, 06 10:40 am  · 

i'd be hasselhoff. but then i like sushi.

Aug 2, 06 10:41 am  · 

I would be WonderK so I could have myself as a roomate. How fantastic would that be?

Aug 2, 06 10:43 am  · 

I'd be e so I could have a garden and a dog and live on the West Coast again.

...or I'd be me and do all those things "when I grow up"!

Aug 2, 06 10:52 am  · 

I'd be diabase, so I could live in New Zealand!

Aug 2, 06 10:57 am  · 

I posted this in the How to Waste an Hour thread, but felt it would be better received amongst the Thread Central folk. Just seems to make sense...


Aug 2, 06 11:00 am  · 
brian buchalski

i thought justin hui said he was heading to cornell in the fall...not that i'm stalking him or anything.

if i could be another archinect, i'd probably choose abracadabra because he's so magical...and smart...and mysterious...and wise...yeah that's all

Aug 2, 06 11:19 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

i'd be steven ward. the ever so calm voice of reason.

Aug 2, 06 12:33 pm  · 

ooh, then acfa you missed my last provocation on the 'architect: the new endangered species part two..." thread. i'm waiting to see who bites first. too much economics talk over there.

i've been trying to be a little more 'peanut gallery' lately, but the feedback is telling me it's not working...

thank you, though.

Aug 2, 06 12:40 pm  · 

i'd be liberty bell so i could impart wise thoughts on all of you, or i'd be myriam who wants to be e so i could have a garden and a dog and live on the west coast. oh wait...

Aug 2, 06 1:12 pm  · 

abra thanks puddles, the noir' architect, who has connections in norway, (remember nobel price jive use to go around).

anyway, i was reading this and remembered the owner steve came to me at aia06 party while i was talking to ray kappe, handing me a business card and agressively told me my piece, hello ray on his pre fab adventure was basically wrong on the price issue and showed his project negatively in the eyes of public (which i think wasn't). at the time, i just wrote it off and moved on to my story about the convention.
well, lo and behold, la times architectural ctitic has just hit him pretty bad even naming the article with cost relation. thank you mr hawthorne, the critic, i take it back what i said about you ;).

moral of the story for the prefab enterpreneur: do not try to play god to people who's only job is to call spade a spade.

Aug 2, 06 1:15 pm  · 

justin hui now goes by sashimi something.

if I could be another archinect...
I would be Medit so i could live in Barcelona.

Aug 2, 06 1:19 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still working those nobel nominations...for both abra and cam sinclair

Aug 2, 06 1:25 pm  · 

no way, sashimi is justin hui?! Hmm. The archinectoplot thickens.

Aug 2, 06 1:26 pm  · 

is a great example of the fantastic-ness of this forum.

from trash to entertainment.

Aug 2, 06 1:41 pm  · 

The top video on right now is about ARCHITECTURE. It feels more and more like we are beginning to be noticed and valued here in America. Seems like the perfect time for the AIA to step up some actual marketing for the profession!

Aug 2, 06 1:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

...and great "noir" reference orhan. for anybody who has no idea who guy noir is, i suggest checking out the recent prairie home companion movie.

Aug 2, 06 1:56 pm  · 

...or better yet, Prairie Home Companion sans the horrible movie.

Aug 2, 06 1:58 pm  · 

I'd be liberty bell because she's so cool!!! Or Cameron Sinclair because he knows how to get sh*t done.

Is that "schools" thread really worth reading?

Aug 2, 06 2:15 pm  · 

what?! no one wants to be me? Fine, I take it all back, I would rather be this guy:

Aug 2, 06 2:40 pm  · 

dubK, it's a space thread. no mention of schools after the first few posts, only space (as in where the shuttle goes), architecture, astroscaping, shooting stars of urine etc.

Aug 2, 06 2:45 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i prefer my interludes about rhubarb pie to guy noir. mamma's little baby loves...

Aug 2, 06 3:01 pm  · 

yeah, WonderK, even SBD and I have joined in. The original author has not been seen in a couple of days. = )

Aug 2, 06 3:09 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?


think of it as a thread hijacking for good instead of evil.

Aug 2, 06 3:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

myriam, are you daft? that movie was exceptional.

Aug 2, 06 3:43 pm  · 

, gang.

FYI, SBD's above post is self-referential.

Aug 2, 06 3:49 pm  · 

Nope! I even like the PHC and have listened to it many a time in my long years. The movie, however, was so poorly done as to be unwatchable. Simply listening to the show for two hours would have been MUCH more enjoyable, not to mention free. Or, if I wanted to see the players for real, I would go to one of the many touring live shows that canvas the country each year, also much more enjoyable. As a movie, however, it SUCKS. Actually that was without doubt one of the worst movies I have seen in awhile, right down there with "Me, You, and Dupree", "the Devil Wears Prada" and "The Family Stone". Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton aside, of course.

Aug 2, 06 3:55 pm  · 

"Actually that was without doubt one of the worst movies I have seen in awhile, right down there with "Me, You, and Dupree", "the Devil Wears Prada" and "The Family Stone"."

What in gods name made you think seeing "Me, You, and Dupree" would be a good idea?

Aug 3, 06 10:50 am  · 

that's sad that SpecialK was the only one that got my self-referential (ofcourse it be sadder if she didn't either).

Aug 3, 06 11:42 am  · 

sorry SBD.... I have no chance of recognizing people here, except the few of them that are my friends on myspace. Speaking of which, seemingly random architects and students ask to be my friends on myspace, and I just assume they're from here. If anyone else friend requests me from here, please also drop me a line identifying yourself by your archinect user name, so that I know who the hell you are!

Aug 3, 06 11:48 am  · 

You really want to know, pixel? You REALLY want to know?????


I'll tell you.

Actually the God's honest truth was that I was in Chicago and it was baking hot with no relief in sight. The bf and I were DYING and all we could think of was a movie. Our choices were Me, You and Dupree and An Inconvenient Truth. Somehow the thought of a movie about global warming just didn't appeal...

I have to say in my defense, however--they billed M, Y, and D as a COMEDY!! I thought it was gonna be stupid sight gags to keep everyone laughing. Boy was I wrong as hell.

Aug 3, 06 11:48 am  · 

no, I got it, too...surely there are others...
I just chuckled and moved on. :)

There's a great song by this artist based in LA - [url=]
Pigeon John[/url], it's called "be" as in 'be yourself'...

or you could SuperBeatleyourself...

Aug 3, 06 11:53 am  · 

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