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vado retro

time for a pancetta and gouda grilled chees and soup and football.

Jan 20, 08 3:06 pm  · 

mmmmm... pancetta + grilled cheese sounds good...

for treekilla... this is our version of cold in south florida...

Weather for St. Petersburg, FL (4:00 pm)
Partly cloudy
Wind: N at 19 mph
Humidity: 33%

this is heavy jacket weather for most people down here... although it's supposed to be back into the high 60's or low 70's by tomorrow...

Jan 20, 08 4:32 pm  · 

architphil- I still wouldn't want to live in florida. those mosquitos are bigger then my thumb and the entire state will be flooded by rising sea levels in the next 50 years!

Jan 20, 08 4:51 pm  · 

Grilled pancetta and cheese sandwich sounds like the best thing ever!

I should be doing my first assignment for the semester but instead I'm "celebrating diversity" with people on Facebook in honor of MLK day. The good news is I just "leveled up" in SuperPoke and I am getting ready to "yack on" someone. Any volunteers?

(Ha, I just reread that paragraph and it sounds like complete nonsense. I love it)

Time for coffee and exploring weather patterns via Climate Consultant 3. Ciao.

Jan 20, 08 8:11 pm  · 

tk... i don't really want to be here either :) and hopefully will be gone by august or so...

Jan 20, 08 8:20 pm  · 
goo! goo!
Jan 20, 08 8:21 pm  · 

I think I am in an official food coma. Had some really yummy pork coulet at the parental units' residence this evening. At the present moment I sitting here trying to get motivated to go downstairs and bring up my laundry, but that would mean I would have to expend some energy which is not appealing to the senses. I'd also like some hot chocolate too, but that would mean I would have to get up and walk to the kitchen. Talk about a lazy Sunday evening...

DubK - just make sure you clean up after you "yak" on your victim.

Jan 20, 08 8:31 pm  · 
vado retro

yes i am a complicated animal surfing between the packer/giant game and masterpiece theatre's showing of jane austen's northanger abbey...

Jan 20, 08 9:00 pm  · 

we were very good americans (i.e., consumers) this weekend. watch for an end to the recession very soon.

hey, ap, apparently your firm is one of those we're up against. i didn't know you were there until this morning it randomly showed up on linkedin (which i still don't really know how to use to an positive effect).

Jan 21, 08 7:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

ooohhhh could we have an archinect fight on our hands?! You boys be sure to play fair.

Jan 21, 08 8:27 am  · 

ap may not even know that there IS a louisville branch of his office, much less that they participated in this little proposal.

Jan 21, 08 8:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Aw, Steven, thats no fun. Way to quash and potential drama first thing in the morning. Now what am I to entertain myself with today?

Jan 21, 08 8:53 am  · 
brian buchalski

a fight? and the winner is...

Jan 21, 08 9:19 am  · 

well, with the associated press (AP) behind him, i didn't really have a chance!

Jan 21, 08 9:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jan 21, 08 9:27 am  · 

Hey Steven Ward, I work for that same firm too.

Jan 21, 08 9:31 am  · 

this morning I had my first cup of coffee since well mid december. This is most odd for me as I was a 3 cup a morning kinda guy (and maybe one for the afternoon too). But its rainy, sleep and dosy here and well a cup o' joe just seemed right. And I didnt have to drink the pot alone. The coffee isn't fantastic but i'll be changing that in a week or so when i head to JA (finally)...LIG i won't forget your supply.

Oh and i had an archinect free weekend - felt weird, like I was supposed to be somewhere.

Jan 21, 08 9:57 am  · 

so who is working on this MLK day?

We were expecting an important payment from the client today, but since no mail, I'm screwed. Next time my boss sticks a 'first payment by' date on a contract, he better check the calender...

steve, i think it was AP's former firm that you're competing against. there are two philosophies of linkedining, either get as many connections in your network, ie C @420 and counting, or go for specific folks that you don't want to loose touch with. I've only really 'used' linkedin when searching for a new job. but I can see it's utility as a budding entrepreneur as a source of leads and potential clients.

Jan 21, 08 10:34 am  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks, techno!

Well, it's looking like I'll finally need surgery on my shoulder sooner rather than later.

Three years ago I badly dislocated my right shoulder during a kayaking lesson in the Hudson River, and ripped the labrum to shreds. (The labrum is basically a ring of cartilage that, along with the rotator cuff, holds the shoulder joint together.) I had some MRI's taken in 2004 and had surgery scheduled, but I lost my job -- and insurance -- soon afterwards, so surgery had to wait.

When I finally got insurance again in Chicago, I went in for some more MRI's, and the doc wanted me to try some physical therapy before he operated. The PT didn't help much, and the insurance company screwed me over on the MRI's, so I opted out of surgery at that time because I didn't want to get a $10,000 hospital bill based on some stupid loophole in my policy. The doc said my shoulder should be okay as long as I'm cautious about how I move it, but that it will need surgery sooner or later.

Well, last night I was on the sofa watching The Big Lebowski. I had my arms up behind my head when I felt a powerful sneeze coming on. I sneezed, and my right shoulder promptly popped out of its socket. It popped right back into its socket, but not before causing a huge amount of pain... And it's been sore ever since.

Now that I actually have a pretty good health insurance plan, it looks like this is the time to start the process for having this thing operated on. From what I remember being told last time, the surgery will be done on an outpatient basis, I'll be out of commission for a few days, and then I'll need several weeks of physical therapy.

Now I'm wondering if I should go ahead with my plan to enroll on a fairly intensive courseload this semester, or if I should hold off (and delay graduation) until I get this shoulder fixed.

Happy Monday.

Jan 21, 08 10:55 am  · 

sorry to hear that an old problem resurfaced, lig. yeeouch! beware: those bowling movies will getcha.

Jan 21, 08 11:02 am  · 

I had a similar thing happen to my knee years ago...had it operated on and never had any real problems with it since. I was fortunately dating a nurse at the time who worked in the Hospital so her and her friends made sure I had all the comforts of home including a cold beer. Gin best you be looking for a good nurse to take care of you.
Best of Luck. I would say do the surgery and put off the classes, cause you don't want to be over extending yourself...or burning the candle from both ends.....enjoy NYC a lot while your in recovery.

Jan 21, 08 11:50 am  · 

While getting ready this morning for work I almost passed out and got sick all at once. Decided to go back to bed and sleep it off. Now I'm feeling better but am still very slightly disoriented, as I think I've got some inner ear congestion and am wondering if I should go in. We're meeting with the clients on Wednesday and I know there's probably a lot to get done before then. I hate this in-between sick crap.

GIN - hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Jan 21, 08 12:30 pm  · 

While getting ready this morning for work I almost passed out and got sick all at once. Decided to go back to bed and sleep it off. Now I'm feeling better but am still very slightly disoriented, as I think I've got some inner ear congestion and am wondering if I should go in. We're meeting with the clients on Wednesday and I know there's probably a lot to get done before then. I hate this in-between sick crap.

GIN - hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Jan 21, 08 12:30 pm  · 

tuna, I hope you didn't go in. You should be home, celebrating diversity, and getting better of course.

Jan 21, 08 12:45 pm  · 

hey! good luck Steven! I did formerly work for that firm (as treekiller pointed out), and of course n_ still does (although we were at different offices)...but i don't know anyone in the louisville office. that particular firm tends to pool resources for RFPs in order to put forward the best possible face (team composition etc.)...i suppose that's typical of larger practices with multiple branches...

and yeah, puddles, that google fight wasn't fair. and since i no longer work at that firm, maybe we should pitch "Steven Ward" against "n_" in a google fight...(ouch!)

get well soon LiG.

Jan 21, 08 1:21 pm  · 

Gin, seems we are both in the same boat. On the anniversary of my seizure (and forgive me if I said this already) I spoke with my Orthopaedic surgeon who asked if I had my surgery. I thought it strange since I wouldn't use anyone but he, but he said it might be a too late as the material (flesh, cartelidge, etc) might of fused around the pieces of bones that had fractured off. Worse he said that although I was feeling good now, able to put my hands above my head, swim, etc- that I would be in significant pain within a decade. Geeh thanks

But it is no fault of his, the only reason i didn't have the surgery was really because of the neurologist who said he was in charge and that i wouldn't have ay surgery unless he said so. He was also the ninny who wanted to but me on meds for life...even tho my diagnosis said otherwise.

So I'm saying all this to say that we could have two David's out for surgery on their shoulders. My brother from another mother!! Appropriate on MLK eh? who'll recover?

Jan 21, 08 2:21 pm  · 

tuna your illness seems to be causing post double vision. I'd say that's reason enough to stay home.

Jan 21, 08 2:22 pm  · 

Shit mana, I'm double posting... it's more serious than I thought. Better quarantine myself the rest of the week. ;o)

Steven your odds aren't so hot up against n_ either.

I just got back from the grocery store, which I probably shoudn't have done as I almost ran a red light. D'oh! Anyway, hopefully I'll be feeling better son as I just picked up some decongestant, sprite and some Litpon Cup-o-Noodle soup. For whatever reason I crave that crap whenever Im felling under the weather. Not sure why as it's probably got no nutritional value what-so-ever. Oh well.

Jan 21, 08 3:10 pm  · 

I'm a lover, not a fighter. Your firm can have the job.

Jan 21, 08 3:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

icy cool "grotto" with wicked blue ceiling is the result of environmental temperature rising

Jan 21, 08 4:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I'm with you - I've been dizzy all day. Fine if I stay relatively still, but as soon as I start moving I feel like I'm about to fall over. I get this periodically, so I'm not too worried. LiG, go for the surgery and the reduced course load. Better to take care of these things when you're still young and can recover easily (and have GOOD insurance!).

I feel compelled to go back to google now and track down every one of those 13 references googlefight claims to have found for Steven...

I'm very excited Mystery Man is back!

Jan 21, 08 4:40 pm  · 

LB I get it periodically too, so I'm not worried either. It's just annoying as all get out, especially considering I don't feel safe driving.

But for the real reason I'm here. MY GRAY KITTY IS HOME!!!!! I opened the door to let my other cat in as he's been sitting on the porch half wall most of the afternoon, and there she was. Just popped herself right inside the door, like she always does, meowing away, acting like she hadn't been gone 8 days and wanting food. Little shit!!! I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Am off to take down all the signs. YAY!!!

Jan 21, 08 5:06 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Jan 21, 08 5:12 pm  · 

Yahoo and yippy i a!

Jan 21, 08 5:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, that's amazing news tunamelt! Yay!

Jan 21, 08 5:30 pm  · 


[i]the cat came back, we thought she was a goner, but the cat came back (almost) the very next day!!!![i]

Jan 21, 08 6:11 pm  · 

just watch the volume on that clip

Jan 21, 08 6:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

interesting thought...i'm tempted to google "steven ward" too just to find the 13 references. i often google my own name (an ego thing)...but never consider checking out anyone else.

Good to hear about return of cat. i didn't want to share this earlier, but as a child i twice had cats disappear. the first (a very lovely feline) was eventually found dead in the road, run over on return to home. second, was a very rogue cat that with a proclivity for fighting and rough sex...never returned home...probably asphyxiated while indulging one of her more advanced kinks...anyhow, great to hear yours returned safely.

Jan 21, 08 6:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, dear, only you could come up with a cat self-asphyxiating - didn't you drop some crazy nude animal story on us recently? I'm glad you're still alive.

Jan 21, 08 6:32 pm  · 

@ TK-Loved the clip.

Good to see you're still alive puddles. I must admit I was losing hope this weekend. Figured she'd been hit by a car, or gotten trapped somewhere, only to freeze to death in the cold :o/. But no, she's now home and is at the present moment sawing logs on her... I mean my bed.

...Tumbles... I might have to try your suggestion. I used to do that when I was on swim team many years ago, but never thought it would help out in such cases as I'm having right now.

Jan 21, 08 6:46 pm  · 

wait aren't most animals nude? i mean, technically. anyways, yay!!! for tuna's kitty. glad i tunned in to find such good news. nonchalant, that's the word i would use to describe most of my cats when they have finally showed up. "what?" like they just came back from work or something. oh, and "feed me now"

Jan 21, 08 6:52 pm  · 

@ aml - You are so right, that's exactly how she acted. Perfect description. Then, after she ate, she wanted to go right back out. Needless to say, her wish was not granted. She'll be stuck inside for a while.

Nude animal story? I don't think I was around for that one.

Jan 21, 08 7:00 pm  · 

yay for grey-kitty! My dog used to wander off all the time, and then a few days later she'd be sitting on the front porch giving me this look like, "well it's about time you let me in!"

I went snow-shoeing for the first time yesterday, and it was a blast! Much more fun (to me) than either skiing or snowboarding. Those mountain ranger people sure need to work on their terminology though---the avalanche rating for the day was "CONSIDERABLE". Now tell me, what the heck is that supposed to mean? There's a considerable chance of there being an avalanche of some proportion, somewhere, that day? Or there are likely to be considerable amounts of avalanches? And just what odds constitute "considerable", anyhow? We were all a bit put off by this, and discussed how many of the "10 keys to avalanche survival" we had (only about 3 or 4.... oops), and whether or not our housemates knew where the heck we were going (I was the only one slacking in that department). Fortunately, no avalanche(s) did occur, and I'm safely back down the mountain and defrosted.

Jan 21, 08 7:03 pm  · 
vado retro

gin you're a mess. im a mess too and will soon be goin to a sports therapist for all my non sports related maladies. just did a 12 hour day and am havin a glass of wine. ahhhh. tuna my kitty must have telepathically contacted yours to let her know how worried you were. once, the late sidvicious kitty got locked in somebody's garage for a week. fortunately, he tipped the scales at 16 pounds so he survived that ordeal.

Jan 21, 08 7:14 pm  · 

rationalist.....I love it considerable....must be verbage from the prior
Clinton Administration. If you were in a National Park they take these things very you can tell...just like a considerable amount of lumber can be removed from our national parks...and oh ya F**k Canada.....we don't want to be doing business with them when we have billions and billions of board feet of lumber sitting in our National Parks. So lets all be considerable and kiss and make up, before our Golfing CEO's break the country along with our goverment employees.

Jan 21, 08 7:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin
North American Avalanche Danger Scale

I frequently lurk on, and there's been a lot of talk about avalanches on the discussion forums lately. Apparently this has been a particularly bad year, with a number of fatalities already. I don't have much experience hiking in avalanche zones, but I know it's one of the ways you don't want to die.

As for the shoulder, I'm going to go ahead and hopefully get it fixed soon. Classes can wait a while longer. I just need to find a decent orthopedic surgeon here in NYC that's part of my health insurance network. I've been asking some co-workers, so hopefully I'll have an appointment set up soon.

Jan 21, 08 8:10 pm  · 

I've always had a hard time understanding how people die in an avalanche. I mean, snow is soft.... OK, so it's coming at you really fast, but then it hits you and covers you, and then you dig yourself out, right? Not that I plan on testing my theory any time soon but that's just how I think.

Yay for kitty return!

Jan 21, 08 8:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

A little bit of snow is soft, but an entire mountainside coming down on top of you at 70+ MPH may as well be a freight train. It can smother you, smash you against a tree or a boulder, or send you off a cliff.

Jan 21, 08 8:54 pm  · 

thankee, Gin! Apparently we saw several "sluff"s then, and just didn't know that they were even categorized like avalanches.

DubK- have you ever gotten tumbled around by a wave while surfing or swimming? Think of the really hard kind that spins you upside down a couple of times. Then take away the bouyancy factor, and the visibility, and drop the temperature considerably. Seem's like you could have a hard time figuring out which way to dig pretty easily, or simply end up with so much to dig through that you don't make it before hypothermia, dehydration, and/or starvation sets in.

Jan 21, 08 8:55 pm  · 

... or you run out of air. After looking at the chart, I'm really glad nothing happened to you and your friends, rationalist. I must admit I've been wanting to try snow shoeing for years. I don't know, it just looks like fun to me. Hard work, but fun.

Jan 21, 08 9:02 pm  · 

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