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I love it when Try Google makes a forum appearance.

Dec 21, 07 1:57 pm  · 

Funny where I'm from the festival of lights is Diwali; which was also loads and loads of fun. Granted an idle reason to go drinking again

Dec 21, 07 1:58 pm  · 

thanks sarah. it was great partnering with oska on that job. you can see more of it here:

it's under projects/noah's ark

Dec 21, 07 2:02 pm  · 

Atechno - Oh yeah, I forgot about Diwali. Although, I must admit I don't really know that much about it.

Dec 21, 07 2:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

We have two huge menorahs at my place of worship, which we light during Hanukkah. This is somewhat unique in that we're an Episcopal cathedral, but the cathedral describes itself as "a house of prayer for all people", which they take pretty seriously.

The menorahs were donated to the cathedral by Adolph Ochs, the Jewish publisher of the New York Times, in gratitude for the cathedral's outspoken condemnation of the Russian pogroms against Jews in the early part of the 20th Century.

I found a photo online of the menorahs, flanking either side of the high altar:

(More photos of the cathedral here.)

Dec 21, 07 2:44 pm  · 

I'm beginning to think that LiG is evangelical bunny

Dec 21, 07 3:49 pm  · 
jealous of the world

...almost holiday happy hour. then off until the 2nd!

Dec 21, 07 3:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Today, I'm Minimalist Bunny.

Dec 21, 07 3:55 pm  · 

damn you beat me to it. I'm not fighting every urge in my body not to dance...its Friday, and the Friday before Christmas.

I wonder how many of you TC'ers will be here on xmas day.

Dec 21, 07 4:00 pm  · 

so as a christmas suprise, it turns out that I need to get at least one wisdom tooth removed. They could have done it today, but then if there were complications I'd be out of town and not able to deal with them so well. So we scheduled me for next week, and in the meantime I am loaded up with drugs.

Hoping the vicoden kicks in soon...

Dec 21, 07 4:37 pm  · 

Oh rationalist I empathize greatly with you! I hope you feel better soon. Wisdom teeth issues suck.

Dec 21, 07 4:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just realized my Immigrant Song wail on the previous page could easily be interpreted as a N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nobody's Fault But Mine wail, oops!

Drawing done and delivered with budget and project narrative - with 25 minutes to spare. I'm going home to have a bourbon and collapse!

Dec 21, 07 5:36 pm  · 

wisdom teeth are not fun. i had 2 out last year, both from top. which is suposed to b easier. was a very weird feeling but almost completely normal pain, no discomfort, nothing. it was almost anti-climatic. but good luck anyway. dentistry over the holidays. always fun.

Dec 21, 07 5:45 pm  · 

I have a big mouth - didn't need to have my wisdom teeth extracted. still, good luck and a fast recovery. at least you don't have any classes to worry about.

Dec 21, 07 5:49 pm  · 

I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out at the same time. When I woke up from the gentle hazy sleep they put me under (during which I was supposed to and could hear the procedure, BTW), I started crying for some inexplicable reason, and then laughing because I was crying. I was told this was the drug's fault.

Dec 21, 07 6:00 pm  · 

LiG - It was those pogroms in part that forced my family to emigrate to the states at the turn of the 20th century.

if it weren't for them, i'd be posting to the 'nect in ukrainian or bela-russian.

Dec 21, 07 6:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, ML, would you be as incomprehendable as Per?

Dec 21, 07 6:09 pm  · 

you mean i'm not already?

Dec 21, 07 6:25 pm  · 

They said they won't put me to sleep... since my wisdom teeth are all descended already, they just give me a local anesthetic and yank 'em. Unfortunately I don't get to have them all done at once... though they said I should get all of them out, since it's the emergency clinic they'll only do the one that's absolutely necessary for me right now to stop the pain, and I have to wait until everyone's back from winter break to get the other three yanked that are less critical. So, dental work in stages- fun! Glad that apparently I have insurance again, through school. I haven't had dental insurance since I was about 18, which gives going to the dentist some added embarassment about how long it's been since I went to one. But school's doing a decent job of taking care of me right now, better than work ever did anyway.

Apparently I'm not a prescription drug sort of girl. I don't like this stuff at all. I've only taken a half dose, and I'm pretty jittery. I really don't want to still be on this during school, I can't imagine what my work would look like!!!

WK- the last time I got put under for surgery, apparently I did the count-backwards-from-100 thing all the way through, didn't go under, proceeded to tell the anesthetician that "Your drugs are crap. I don't feel sleepy at all!" and promptly pass out. So yeah, they can do that.

Dec 21, 07 7:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ouch, rationalist.

I've been strongly encouraged to get all four of my wisdom teeth yanked, as they're all badly impacted. The top ones apparently protrude into my sinus cavity (I wonder if that's why I always have sinus infections?), and the bottom ones apparently sit close to the main nerve that provides feeling to my lower jaw and chin. If the oral surgeon accidentally nicks that nerve, I could end up with a numb chin for the rest of my life.

Thankfully, they aren't causing any pain, so I've been content to leave them alone for the time being. Lack of insurance and the fear of somebody mucking around inside my head with power tools may also have something to do with my reluctance.

The good news is, they'd most likely put me under, and I understand that can be an interesting mind-altering experience.

Dec 21, 07 7:54 pm  · 

man, I had 4 taken out at the same time.. all impacted and then ended up with dry sockets in all four.. it wasn't fun. but I hate telling bad stories like that to people who are about to go under (sorry, r)... on the good side, the drugs rocked. just after a day or so call the doctor back and tell them you still have pain and they'll up the dosage.

Dec 21, 07 8:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

If you get a dry socket, you're supposed to put a tea bag over the area and suck on it for a while. Apparently something in the tea leaves will help stop the bleeding and ease the pain, at least until a doctor can look at it. I don't know if you're supposed to use black tea or green tea, though.

Dec 21, 07 8:29 pm  · 

just so no one thibnks it's all scary, i had my WT out years back. no general, just local.

dude popped them all out inside of like, 5 minutes.

i was eating solid food that night with a weeks supply of vicodin to boot.

have fun!

Dec 21, 07 8:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i am drunk and will be finishing off the christmas cookies that ms. liberty bell gave me.

Dec 21, 07 9:36 pm  · 

whatever you do, take the drugs till they run out. I stopped when the first bottle ran out, not realizing there was a refill. bad move!

when I came out of the surgery, my parents kept telling me to bite down on the gauze, but I kept talking 1000 words a minute. I eventually got tired of their nagging and flipped them off. they laughed.

Dec 21, 07 9:41 pm  · 

meh, I'm going to take as few of the vicoden as I can. REally don't like the jitteriness it gives me. I'm only taking half-doses, so theoretically I should only finish half my bottle, unless things get quite a bit worse by the time I get this sucker out. Will take all the antibiotics though, of course.

Thanks for all the well wishes! What a time to have this pop up, eh? Though the vicoden may make dealing with the family over christmas slightly more tolerable. Hoping it goes as smoothly for me as it did for mightylittle...

Dec 21, 07 9:47 pm  · 

if you have any leftovers can you send them to me?

Dec 21, 07 10:48 pm  · 

haha, I don't think so.

For treekiller, some infographics. The rest of the quarter's work won't be up for a bit though, as I want to photograph the physical pieces instead of uploading vector graphics out of context. Time for that crap night-school stuff to get out of there and make room for actual decent typography!

Dec 21, 07 11:29 pm  · 

oh, and after finding out the other person in the class who made the finals for that contest, it's clear that they were definitely going for content over style. Both of us were grad students (the class was mostly undergrads), the other person wasn't even a designer, but we both had a really hyper-rational approach to the whole thing, not a lot of pretty-for-the-sake-of-pretty stuff going on, better writing than most, and solid research. So, a bit of a brains over looks approach to the judging, methinks.

Dec 21, 07 11:37 pm  · 

Oh no, the inner tooth nerd in me is coming out!!! The dangers of having a father and a brother who are both dentists.

Rationalist - You'll more than likely have the same experience that Mighty had. My one suggestion to you would be that if you have the ability, try to seek out an oral surgeon instead of using the emergency services #1: It'll be less expensive and #2: You'll be able to get all removed at the same time. Not sure if you'll need an actual dentist's referral but something tells me you won't. You'll be fine though. The antibiotics should help with the swelling too.

Gin - Everyone who gets their bottom wisdom teeth surgically removed is at risk for getting their nerved nicked. Mind you it's a small risk, but the doctor's have to inform you of it. I remember going through it and being paranoid as it took almost a full 24 hours to go away. Your theory about your sinus infections is an interesting one, that I'll have to ask about.

I remember when I got home from the surgery my tongue was actually so dry it hurt. My dad, trying to be helpful got me some water in which to attempt to drink. But b/c my mouth was still completely numb I poured it down the front of my shirt instead. I finally had to wet a washcloth and suck on it so I could moisten it. My dad just stood there and laughed. Thanks Pops.

Dec 22, 07 2:36 am  · 
liberty bell

KC and the Sunshine Band doing "Kepp It Comin' Love" has to be one of the Best Songs Ever!!

And with that I'm groovin' off (like a huge dork) to do my Chrsitmas shopping!

Dec 22, 07 9:46 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm on an Amtrak train passing through lovely North Philly now, on the way to North Carolina. I suppose I should be grateful we were only three hours late leaving NYC.

Getting into Center City now... Lots of memories in this town.

I hope everybody's holiday weekend is off to a good start... I'll check in again later.

Dec 22, 07 10:58 am  · 

tuna, actually the emergency clinic is the cheapest thing around, since it's through the dental school here, and is the thing that my student insurance covers the highest percentage of as well. If I waited for the oral surgery department to come back from their vacations, I'd be all drugged up for a couple weeks longer than if I just get the painful one out now and wait on the rest, and also risk infection by keeping it in so long. I'm sticking with the UW doctors for insurance purposes, and that's the best way we could work out to get me out of pain as quickly as possible.

Dec 22, 07 12:44 pm  · 

oh and Gin, the sinus infection thing makes sense to me. Actually yesterday they were poking at my sinuses, asking if they hurt, since apparently my roots pass a bit closer to them than normal.

And update on the Eco-Vis thing: in reading their website, I realized that it may mean that my stuff will be on exhibit in New York in a couple of weeks. It's unclear: in one spot it says that all the finalists will be exhibited, and in another spot it says just the winners.

Dec 22, 07 12:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'll probably have a doc take another look at my sinuses once the holidays are over. The congestion is impacting my sleep, which impacts everything else.

Washington, DC now, and they're switching us over from electric to diesel locomotives. I routinely ride NYC subway trains that smell better than this Amtrak coach.

Dec 22, 07 1:16 pm  · 

rationalist - that would be way exciting if your stuff gets exhibited in NY. When will you find out?

Dec 22, 07 1:16 pm  · 

r- very cool! like the middle panel graphics/content the best. guessing you've seen the energy atlas for western states. it was the original source for several bits of graphics for my thesis...

all this dentistry talk is making my teeth hurt. don't we have anything better to complain about?

the EPC thread is very timely for me- since I just submitted 6 months worth of IDP units- the end is in sight (but not from my current gig). so should I wrap up my IDP via EPC or study for the LARE?

happy snow day to everybody in the upper midwest !

Dec 22, 07 3:43 pm  · 

hi tc, happy winter solstice to everyone!

Dec 22, 07 4:25 pm  · 

Happy Winter Solstice to you too aml, my favorite celebration of the year.

Off to bake 6 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange. I don't normally bake, (I cook) so I have this dreaded feeling it's going to take all night. Oh well. The things we do for holidays.

Dec 22, 07 6:25 pm  · 

tuna, I think I've got to call 'em up and ask, since their published materials are so contradictory.

tk, yup, seen that, and anything else energy-related that's out there! The research was killer on this one because we foolishly developed narrative concepts before doing said research, so things didn't always go as planned. We only had to enter two spreads, so I left off the third, which is obviously the weakest.

Don't know how much net I'll have in the next few days, so Merry Christmas to all! I'm headed off to Phoenix (yay, warmth!) in a little bit here.

Dec 23, 07 8:38 am  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in from the vicinity of Raleigh, North Carolina. These words are coming to you from the Ronald Reagan Memorial Shrine, otherwise known as my dad's office.

Lots of strip malls and McMansions down here, but the semi-rural vibe (or what's left of it, anyway) is a refreshing change of pace from NYC. It does, however, make me appreciate NYC that much more.

Next time I think about riding coach in Amtrak for more than an hour, somebody please shoot me in the face. Next time I'll just pony up the cash to either ride in a sleeper coach or rent a car.

Earlier today we visited a small county park nearby that's built around a historic grist mill. I wasn't terribly interested in the grist mill, but the visitor center was actually a pretty nice piece of architecture. Nothing terribly cutting-edge or innovative, but it had nice massing, good use of local materials, decent detailing, and it responded well to the site. Somebody had obviously put some thought into it.

The big plaque by the front door had a list of about a thousand or so people involved in the funding or construction, but of course, no mention of the architect. We asked the guy in the office and he was able to provide a name (a local firm called Willard-something-or-other), but he seemed pretty dismissive when we pointed out that the architect doesn't appear anywhere in the building's credits. "Oh well," he said, "they got paid for it."

Yeah, but for all we know, they may have lost their shirts on the project. Would it have killed you to at least give them a public nod?

Of course I'm preaching to the choir here, but it would have been nice to at least seen them mentioned on the wall.

Rationalist, congrats on the Eco-Vis thing, and keep us updated.

I hope everybody else is well...

Dec 23, 07 10:25 pm  · 

hi everyone its about 28 degrees today (celcius baby); which means there's a light breeze and good sunshine. I know I'm bitch for mentioning that when so many of you are battling snow storms, and bitter chill - but its too beautiful not to mention.

I had a mighty good meal last night with a friend and their dog. I was surprised at how the latter enjoyed the curried sauce.

Anyway its a great warm day over here...if it sucks where you are I'll send over some sunshine.

Dec 24, 07 8:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Please oh please don't let me be the only one on here today....that would make today VERY boring.

Dec 24, 07 8:32 am  · 

hi Sarah...

how's the wee one? Are lots of people taking advantage to rub your belly? I never did understand that one, despite the different cultures in the world that its okay to stroke a pregnant woman's tummy with an extended hand, moments after introducing yourself. Sigh what a crazy world we live in; granted I should be happy that it is those peaceful actions rather those of war.

Dec 24, 07 8:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Actually, only one person has touched my belly with out being invited. I have invited family to touch, more out of courtiousness to them than anything else. I'm not a touchy-feely person. I'm akward at hug-giving and such.

The kid squirms a lot, and we play with him through the belly. You can push on his feet and fists and he pushes back. I also try to wake him in the mornings. I don't want a bum for a kid; well, at least not one that stays up all night and sleeps all day.

Dec 24, 07 9:04 am  · 

Hi TC!

How is everyone?
Rubbing bellies? I am wishing you all the best. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Eve.

Dec 24, 07 9:04 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Does anyone else open presents tonight? We open gifts tonight, and Santa comes leaving gifts unwrapped and assembled. And yes, even though I'm married, with a kid on the way, we still do the whole Santa Claus thing. Its just much harder with only two people.

Dec 24, 07 9:10 am  · 

hah hah Sarah, I was having the same conversation earlier and we've decided to open the gifts tonight in fear that we won't be awake Christmas morning to open pressies like when I was a kid, jolted up on egg nog spiked with white rum.

Also great to see that you've actually invited folks to rub the belly despite you not being a touchy-feely kind of person. I however am very touchy feely, like you aim to raise your child bum-free, mine raised us very well...touchy feely. I'd be the one reaching out to hug you if we met. I don't know if there is therapy for people like me -

Dec 24, 07 9:24 am  · 

I'm very touchy-feely, too. I think it unnerves people (or confuses them as to my intentions) but I can't help it and I can't seem to turn it off. I wouldn't rub your belly, though, because that's a pet peeve of mine!

I'm not at work today, I'm at home in the PST, but I have to send an email off about work and coach an intern through some redlines to I'm up at 6am anyway. Also I just drafted the whole email and lost it when our webmail server kicked me off for having apparently wasted its time. So now I have to rewrite it, and remember to copy-paste it into the clipboard before sending just in case...

After that I still have 3 presents to buy today, one drawing-present to finish, and one series of watercolors to start and somehow finish all before tonight! And mom wants to shop for clothes, too... hmm!

Dec 24, 07 9:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Myriam, sounds like you have a very busy day.

Dec 24, 07 10:03 am  · 

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