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liberty bell

If vado leaves the midwest I'm going to have to get the h*ll out too.

Steven, you can start considering yourself part of the South. Or better, just part of Kentucky - Kentucky really is its own unique place, like Texas.

Actually, vado, I'd pull for Ithaca on that list, if possible. You said you like cold.

Oct 1, 07 10:16 pm  · 
vado retro

well the probs with ithaca is that what am i gonna do for a job. its just a backwater really. of course if i move to boulder, i'll have to turn into a pothead.

Oct 1, 07 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

"...turn into..."????

Kidding!! Kidding!! Attention, TC, vado is not a pothead.

Oct 1, 07 10:37 pm  · 
vado retro


Oct 1, 07 11:00 pm  · 

Vado I thought you were moving to Cambridge - what the hell is going on. Its like its been vado news 24/7 on archinect (only if you've avoided the 3dh madness)

Oct 1, 07 11:06 pm  · 
vado retro

that prolly won't happen but you never know...

Oct 1, 07 11:11 pm  · 

I *love* Boulder. It gets my vote, because it seems like it might fit your daily lifestyle. (Wake up in the middle of yellowing aspens, quivering in the morning mountain breeze... stroll down for a liesurely breakfast at the Teahouse, kick some hippies aside on your afternoon walk around the FlatIrons...

No, seriously though, Boulder is stellar.

Oct 1, 07 11:22 pm  · 

TK, please do tell; what does one get for the 3dh upgrade? :)

Vado! exciting news – keep us updated on the move…

Oct 1, 07 11:25 pm  · 
vado retro

techno the cambridge move hinged on her becoming a postdoc fellow there. which she isn't doing. cuz she's quite tired of england i think and is homesick etc. plus boulder ain't to far from her mom's in nuevo mexico. but far enoough away. if you know what i mean.

Oct 2, 07 9:11 am  · 

katze- you gotta ask per about 3dh, or just run the algorithm to find out ;-)

so vado are you going to become a ski bum?

Oct 2, 07 9:47 am  · 
Attention, TC, vado is not a pothead.

what, next you'll tell me there is no easter bunny?!?

Oct 2, 07 2:04 pm  · 

...wait, there's not easter bunny, then who is putting out those easter baskets at my house?

Oct 2, 07 2:15 pm  · 
vado retro

i did just listen to uncle john's band.

Oct 2, 07 2:21 pm  · 

I'm really loving my new job, have I said this before. I was busily digitizing this masterplan, and someone pops their head in to say there are pastries for us. Cool so I get up and go have pastries. An hour later, another person comes in and says their is lunch for us. Cool so I get up and go have lunch. Its amazing. Ah well

Oct 2, 07 2:23 pm  · 
vado retro

we have that stuff all the time, thazz why i went on a diet.

Oct 2, 07 2:27 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Any office that provides a steady flow of unsolicited, no strings attached food gets an A+.

By digitizing a masterplan, do you mean drawing the hand sketches into the computer? I ask because, I had that as a task on my resume, and some people didn't get it.

Oct 2, 07 2:38 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Yes, free office food can make you fat quick. How much have you lost Vado?

Oct 2, 07 2:38 pm  · 
vado retro

25 lbs. to date

Oct 2, 07 2:55 pm  · 
Dapper Napper


Oct 2, 07 3:10 pm  · 

there are days of digitizing other peeps hand sketches still, but mostly I get to sketch and have others digitize it for me if I'm not designing directly in cad. I thumb my nose at anybody who claims you can't design in cad! I love filleting and half my work seems to be finding the best radius and tangent to connect two axis's...

Oct 2, 07 3:21 pm  · 

well the map has been digitized (wintopo) but I have to go over it create layers, paraline buildings to straight walls, etc - roofs, changes in the design. Thats what I'm digitizing

and I also have the other stuff (leftovers from my previous job), meeting with potential partners, running through the infrastructural plans/tender, etc etc

Oct 2, 07 8:41 pm  · 

Hey everyone-
Just checking in to see what's going on. I'm on the road this week for work. I'm beat and am off to sleep in this god awful hotel bed for hopefully one more night.

Oct 2, 07 9:58 pm  · 

Vado my little sis took up home in Denver two years she is on special assignment to Alaska for three months. Someone needs to tend to her plants....mind you she has a whole condo association of plants...

Oct 2, 07 10:09 pm  · 

tunamelt, are you doing what I think you're doing? Does it start with "New" and end with you and all the girls going crazy?

Everybody see the posting about the Eisenman episode of "Build it Bigger"? Why was my first response an eye-roll?

Oct 3, 07 12:16 am  · 
Living in Gin

I've got a lump in my throat after watching the final episode of "The War" on PBS. The series really shows the blood-soaked horror of the war, behind all the heroic John Wayne bullshit we normally associate with WWII. It's pretty fucking intense.

Both my grandfathers passed away before I was old enough to really understand what they had gone through.... One grandfather was in the British Merchant Marine and made numerous trips back and forth across the Atlantic, mainly between NYC and Liverpool... He loved to tell stories about some of the shit he experienced. My other grandfather also fought in the war, but I have no idea what he did, and I'm not even sure what branch of the service he was in... I think it was the Navy, but I'm not 100% certain. I don't remember him ever talking about it.

Regardless, I wish they were still around so I could thank them.

Oct 3, 07 12:22 am  · 

i'm a sucker for the office candy jar. but i must burn enough (borderline manic?) nervous energy that i don't pick up much weight from it. my office is probably unintentionally leading me to diabetes.

in the meantime, i should be working on what is probably the most exciting project of my career to date but i don't have time for it because of all the daily crap from the 6-7 other jobs going. complicated by the fact that i'm old, don't know revit - in which the project is being generated - so therefore can't really do much work on the project beyond notes and redlines after hours.

i hate being dependent. it's probably my own fault for not having learned the software, but who has time for that?!

Oct 3, 07 7:24 am  · 

regarding living/gin's comment: i feel lucky that i DID get to have a lot of contact with my maternal grandfather who, in our eyes, was an amazing hero. career military, west point, corps of engineers, rose to major general, and served in multiple conflicts up until his retirement in 1972, at which point we think he served in some...unknown... capacity for many more years.

as we talked to him in his later years, the thing that struck me most was his profound ambivalence about what he had been asked to do and done. he always believed in peace and hated conflict, despite his role in so much conflict. in a position of some distance from all of it, he had very clear and surprisingly self-aware opinions about what was appropriate and what was wrong - opinions he said he had never had the time or the inclination to form - and especially not the right to share - while he was serving.

Oct 3, 07 7:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, Aries' hate being dependent. I find it almost impossible to ask for help.

I think our society is far too self-centered. Everything I read lately emphasizes this belief.

At this very moment I imagine my four former students who might be reading Archinect are asking themselves "What the heck is she doing posting on Archinect when my deadline for the letter of recommendation I requested is tomorrow?!?"

That's first on my list this morning. See you all later.

Oct 3, 07 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

none of those guys saw themselves as heroes. even the heroes. they were basically trying not to get them or their buddies killed and many were willing to die for their friends. my nephew is in the war now but since we arent having rubber and metal drives nobody really gives a shit. do they.

Oct 3, 07 10:03 am  · 

...i would like to interview my Oma before she passes regarding her experiences in Holland during the war. my father and his family are from Utrecht, and when the Nazi party came to my Opa and told him to join the party or go to labor camp, the family fled into the nether-regions near an insane asylum; where the Nazi's would not go...

Oct 3, 07 10:50 am  · 

my gramma and grandpa were both involved in wwII and its remembrance. gramps fought in france, apparently lots of it hand to hand and apparently it drove him close to mad. he didn't talk about it much until 60 years later, in an interview before he died.

my gramma recently wrote a book about the role of women in the war. she thought it needed to be done before all the actors in that drama passed on. some amazing stories there. but then again growing up in her time was amazing anyway. my gramma likes to remind me of how she was born in an age when women could not legally vote and how when she started a business she had to get everything in her husband's name even though he had neither the ability or interest to run the also took her years to get a proper wage. respect she always had, but in many ways that didn't carry through to allowing her to be independent (picking up on steven's comment)...she thinks the world is much better now...except for george bush, who she thinks is too scary to be funny...even when he gets his grammar wrog in humourous ways...;-)

Oct 3, 07 12:12 pm  · 

my father trained as a young turkish pilot to protect the country against possible nazi attack, which never happened. second from the left, front row.

Oct 3, 07 12:37 pm  · 

my late father-in-law was an ace in the pacific during wwII. there is a picture in few history books of the surrender with his plane flying in formation overhead. It took him a few years after returning to get married - so mrs. tk grew up with a dad as old as most grandfathers. I'm lucky I got to meet him and that he was at the wedding.

on my side: no warriors, just lovers.

Oct 3, 07 1:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan: you have his looks. It's clear even in that little picture.

vado, I wish we were having something akin to a metal drive now or a push to plant Victory Gardens even. I wish we were feeling it - we're at war for fuck's sake and my only daily connection to it is wondering if I should wait til later in the week to fill up cuz gas may have dropped by a dime.

We're screwed.

Oct 3, 07 2:15 pm  · 
vado retro

my first real grown up girlfriend had a father who had been interned at auschwitz. he was young and strong so he was on work details. his whole family pretty much perished. he eventually escaped and joined some partisans. my dad was in the navy but stationed in panama.

Oct 3, 07 2:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so was it an Earthquake in San Diego, or just a sink hole?

Oct 3, 07 3:00 pm  · 

my mom lived in norway during the war...she still has
nightmares about having to run from them (i'm not sure if
they were ever chased...they just had to go into the mountains
i believe.)

there are other uncles and grandparents that i've never really
known because of mustard gas and working in coal mines..

war is hell.

Oct 3, 07 6:51 pm  · 

your day can totally suck
to the point that you think your career is doomed

and then the baby poops in your lap as soon as you get home
and that puts things in perspective.

Oct 3, 07 7:12 pm  · 
le bossman

my dad was in vietnam. he was drafted after a few bad grades his senior year in college. my grandfather was a drill instructor in the army, though i never knew him.

Oct 3, 07 7:19 pm  · 

when I hear you guys talk like this I feel blessed that part of our condition of commonwealth independence was that would never take part in war. I found out at my grandmother's funeral our family's little involvement in World War II. We were a self sufficient british colony, and served as a training base for british overseas officers. Because of the increase population she opened a grocery then a bar. Oddly the bar was in her name and she could vote - but we had adult sufferage from the 1930s -

Anyhow war sucks, my prayers for those that have to be involved directly or indirectly.

Oct 3, 07 7:52 pm  · 

hi mdler!

Oct 3, 07 8:29 pm  · 

Danny is going to get an award for using a bunch of words in entire sentences that only a small 1%? actually know what they mean. Words like institial!

You are the man Danny - thanks for bringing our world mainstream!!

Oct 3, 07 8:30 pm  · 

I truly enjoyed that show. Its much better than the crap battle ships and what not, museums the true cathedrals of our generation

build it bigger

Oct 3, 07 9:14 pm  · 

I'm contemplating getting some work shirts designed

what are your thoughts? Looking at some light and free feeling - new office has no ac (kinda refreshing actually). And it has to be refined enough to meeting prospective business partners with. Thinking of mostly white shirts with embroidery, decent fit


Oct 3, 07 10:17 pm  · 

i think what enjoyed most about petey's design is how accessible the idea is, for someone known to create impenetrable buildings to create something so about the people, history and site, it just felt like a breath of fresh air...

Oct 4, 07 5:02 am  · 

didn't see the show, but that's a pretty model.

architechnophilia - i'm sure this isn't what you're after because it will seem uninteresting and all-too-common in your setting but why not just get a bunch of the regular panel front (what i've always thought of as cuban-style) guayabera shirts? maybe with a variety of embroidery patterns?

they're made for your climate and your 'program': looking somewhat put-together even when you're working in a hot/humid environment.

granted i'm in ky, but - along with loosely woven linen pants - they're my favorite site-meeting clothing because i can still look respectable without losing 10lbs via perspiration.

Oct 4, 07 7:38 am  · 

Steven you are a genius...that's exactly what I need/want

those guayabera shirts are called bush jackets if you are 90+ miles south of Havana (aka Jamaica)

thanks again...

History of the Guayabera

The guayabera shirt is a happy odd mix of pockets, buttons, tucks and embroidery, yet its look is perennially hip. And its origin is a mystery! Guayaberas have a long history in the Caribbean and South America. So one story goes, the novel design was custom-made for a wealthy Cuban rancher in the 1700s and imported from Spain.

Oct 4, 07 9:25 am  · 

i bought a bunch of them for less than $10 each when i was in san juan a couple of years ago.

Oct 4, 07 9:32 am  · 

Am a little behind on the thread but I thought I'd share. My dad's mom passed away a little after Xmas last year. She grew up in the Ukraine and had just graduated from medical school (surgeon) when she was basically forced to retreat with the German army. She rarely talked about her experiences, only bits and pieces, but it was truly fascinating. PTSD made her very weary to discuss anything. I only wish I had gotten to know her better. I agree with you architechno, war does suck.

Oct 4, 07 12:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, NOW I finally understand your sinkhole reference yesterday!

Oct 4, 07 1:16 pm  · 

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