
accepted to grad schools yet?


DBLE--- That sounds like a good option, however I don't think I can get a homeschooled MASTERS Degree that would allow me to be a teacher.

Mar 8, 06 9:57 am  · 
two-headed boy

Is everybody hearing from Parsons by phone or are some receiving letters in the mail?

Mar 8, 06 11:59 am  · 

music man...thank you kindly. I was accepted into the MArch summer program (*i.e. the one that starts in MAY?!?) Sweet. Truthfully, it seems like an awesome program. I just didn't really expect to have to quit my job or begin packing so soon.

SuperHeavy...thanks for the advice. It would seem kind of evil if any program set it up so that you HAD to decide before you had all the information.

I haven't heard a word from Parsons one way or another...I'm going to assume that no news is bad news? But if I hear for sure, I will happily post my rejections on this thread. I have no pride.

Mar 8, 06 1:44 pm  · 

so i applied to u of oregon, ut austin, and an email from oregon telling me my finacial aid was incomplete...thats a god sign right...why would they care about my finacial aid info unless they were letting me this sucks. going to amsterdam in two weeks hopefully by then i will either be on a trip to celebrate...or at least a drug away my sorrows trip.

Mar 8, 06 2:50 pm  · 

if its your typical fafsa stuff, or suggestions on how to apply for bank loans, etc., then no, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. that deptartment is seperate from admissions committee stuff. If the financial aid has to do with recieving money from the school, than you probably have cause to celebrate.

Mar 8, 06 3:13 pm  · 

I applied to grad schools four years ago-I applied to five, got into four of them-had no connections, but what the hell, I applied to (and got into) an Ivy anyway...and I can't remember feeling or acting as annoyingly neurotic as what I am reading in this thread. This is not life and death-I remember feeling more anxious about finishing the applications than about receiving big or small envelopes-after that, the outcome was out of my hands and if I didn't get in anywhere, I would just find something else to do for a year. I was literally suprised when the envelopes came, like "oh yeah, i applied to grad school in December, how funny"-and no one called me. I almost get the feeling this is a feedback loop and you guys are making each other more anxious. Go take a walk in a nice park and calm down.

Mar 8, 06 3:49 pm  · 

thats true. there is a lot of anxiety and lunacy here, but it is okay to get passionate and qorried and upset sometimes, ya know.

we can't all be dr. phil with it.....just kidding oldirty!

Mar 8, 06 4:54 pm  · 

okay I finally heard from one via e-mail. not good. it was my first choice. I won't go into more detail as I contemplate weeping.

Mar 8, 06 6:20 pm  · 

okay. I'm over it.

Mar 8, 06 6:24 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

ouch. condolances JdesP.

and oldirty-
as neurotic and anxious as i am, it does provide me with some excitement in my life. and i rathe renjoy the whiny company of my fellow comrades-in-arms here.

Mar 8, 06 6:31 pm  · 

At least by reading the responses here, I can justify to my bosses and co-workers that I'm not alone in describing my level of anxiety.

As for the earlier discussion on not taking rejections personally, it's easy to say but much harder to do as the work in one's portfolio (and even the portfolio itself) is such a personal display of effort. It really isn't the end of the world if you're not accepted; it happened to me last year, I moved on, found a great job in a small firm, and re-applied this year with a much better portfolio, personal statement, and recommendations. Another year of experience and maturation can do wonders.

To add to the list, I haven't heard from any..still waiting on MIT, Ohio State, UCLA, and SCI-Arc for M.Arch I.

Mar 8, 06 7:01 pm  · 

cincinnati has not made all of their decisions, yet, though they have offered admission to four of their top choices. i believe they're have around 16 seats to fill all told.

Mar 8, 06 7:19 pm  · 

Update: I just received an acceptance email from OSU (M.Arch I) with an offer for a "50% Graduate Assitantship" good for full tuition and generous monthly stipend. Ahhh, I feel about 200 lb lighter now...

Mar 8, 06 9:26 pm  · 

congratulations Ryan.

Mar 8, 06 10:08 pm  · 

It won't be the end of the world if I don't get in ... i actually have a pretty kick ass government job and unlike many architecture students the hours are short and the time off is plentiful. I love my job, but I have never been one to stay in one place more than a year or two.

I just can't wait to get my Masters and hopefully Doctorate someday. Also, I have promised myself that I will apply to Law school next year if I don't get accepted this year.

And I love reading this thread... it may be hightening my anxiety a little... but it is nice to know that I am not alone or crazy.

Mar 8, 06 11:37 pm  · 

Is anyone who applied to pratt going to their open house this weekend? What's the deal with having the open house weeks before you send out admissions decisions? Why not just postpone it a week so you save the majority of the attendees the bus fare and free time?

Mar 9, 06 12:25 pm  · 

hey - congratulations to everyone accepted into these programs! and don't worry about appearing just shows that you care.

Mar 9, 06 12:38 pm  · 

+ Yale - MArch I - via Bob Stern email

Mar 9, 06 12:56 pm  · 

congrats Q, i was wondering when we'd hear from you.

Mar 9, 06 1:07 pm  · 

been busy, busy, busy,
i am actually not probably going to school anyway (at least anywhere in the Northeast), things changed after I sent in my application, and i am not sure i can leave my current job...

Mar 9, 06 1:10 pm  · 

and thanks salparadi!!!!! I am still excited as hell, even if i end up not going no where.

Mar 9, 06 1:11 pm  · 

Thanks for the info, 5! I'm not too worried about Cincinnati, because I'm pretty sure I've made a decision already. Now it's more of a curiosity thing.

Mar 9, 06 1:14 pm  · 

And only 16 openings? Wow, I didn't know they were THAT competitive! :-)

Mar 9, 06 1:15 pm  · 

+q - 1). Congratulations!
2). What a bummer that you may not go to grad school after all. I hope circumstances change to make it a possibility again.

Mar 9, 06 1:19 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

+q) congrats...

now i can officially start freaking out about yale... :-(

Mar 9, 06 1:34 pm  · 

I just got an email accepting me into Yale! woo hoo!

Mar 9, 06 1:48 pm  · 

ditto on the worrying about Yale, and ditto on the congratulations to those accepted already.

I've heard back from one school thus far, UWash Seattle - and acceptance. Yay. Still haven't heard from SCIArc, UT Austin, Penn or UVa. And I've heard through the rumor mill that UVa might have already sent out acceptances?

Mar 9, 06 1:58 pm  · 

at this point i'd rather get a rejection from a school than know that people are getting acceptance emails and that i'm not hearing anything. i'm waiting on some of the same schools - yale, uw - and it would be better to know "no" than to not know at all.

Mar 9, 06 2:00 pm  · 

8888 - I hear you on that, I'd rather it be formal than hearsay and wait even longer for that rejection letter. yippee.

Mar 9, 06 2:09 pm  · 
joe architect

Congrats to everybody thus far...

+q... unless you work for Renzo, Koolhaas, etc. I would go back to school and get that part of the pre-ARE crap done with... trust me you do not want to go through this again, do you? Also once you start working it is much harder to go back to school... I waited almost 7 years; however, it your life so don't listen to me... just a suggestion

8888 & mab82 & myself - keep on truckin' don't fret

Mar 9, 06 2:12 pm  · 

that's joe architect, I'm sure I'll get into where ever I'm supposed to be.

However, if it's any consolation, I wasn't terribly impressed with Yale's admissions office, which is never a terribly good sign...

Mar 9, 06 2:29 pm  · 

geez, I mean thanks joe architect - seems like someone needs to go back to school and work on her basic written English...

Mar 9, 06 2:32 pm  · 

accepted to Yale today!

Mar 9, 06 2:34 pm  · 

ugh...this thread really does make me ill.

Congrats, though, to all those who've been accepted!

I am going to see if I can avoid looking at this thing for the rest of the day, and also avoid compulsively refreshing my email...I think we should all collectively take a deep breath and see if we can let the thread drop off the main page...just as a test, and then we can all go back to neurotically checking it once it does.

(now I'm off to measure my mailbox -- I'm convinced that it must not be big enough to contain large envelopes so the mailman is just holding on to them for me until I expand it)

Mar 9, 06 2:54 pm  · 

just to lighten the mood and provide distraction. this little flash game has kept me occupied for quite a while this past week.


Mar 9, 06 3:17 pm  · 

has anyone heard yet if they were rejected by yale? it seems like everybody's getting in and I haven't gotten an email either way.

if you don't want to reveal your own rejection, just talk about your 'friend'.

Mar 9, 06 3:23 pm  · 

at this point i am very glad that I didn't apply to Yale... I would probably have to jump off a bridge or something if I heard everyone saying they were in while I was still waiting. This isn't going to get any easier is it?

Congrats to everyone that got into YALE! That is awesome. Also I love Seattle and UW would be a lot of fun. I almost applied there, but didn't.

Mar 9, 06 3:24 pm  · 

I wonder what time of the day do school stop sending out emails so i know when to stop checking.

Mar 9, 06 3:25 pm  · 

i think they send out all of the emails at least all of the acceptances and all of the rejections. i've heard that most schools send out acceptances a few days before rejections.
also, be sure that if your email has a spam filter, it is turned off, so any mass emails will get to your inbox (probably obvious, but just wanted to be sure). good luck!

Mar 9, 06 3:33 pm  · 

oh, and i would assume they don't send anything after 5 or 6 pm. i checked the times on the emails that i have gotten from schools regarding application completeness, and they were all sent during typical business hours.

Mar 9, 06 3:36 pm  · 

its only 1245 western time; I figure I can check for another 2 hours. Thanks for the info; I guess it's likely that they send out all the emails at once.

Mar 9, 06 3:42 pm  · 

Um...I think I got into Yale (got the email, "signed" Robert Stern) but the sender has a different Yale address. That someone is still a member of the Architecture Department though.

I'm hoping this isn't some cruel prank. Even though I suppose that's highly unlikely (if someone were to spoof the sender's address, they might as well spoof Robert Stern's) I'm always very skeptical of any unlikely evidence of my self worth, being the self-deprecating person that I am.

Mar 9, 06 3:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Relax. Chances are it's an administrator in the department sending out the e-mail on Stern's behalf.

Mar 9, 06 3:47 pm  · 

so we have 4 acceptances on archinect alone? I'll just assume i am not one of the priveledged few. I've already comitted elsewhere, so i guess i shouldn't care to much, but i worry i'm still going to feel like the last kid picked on the team when all this is up.

oh, and by priveledged, i only mean those hardworking, creative, and intelligent enough to get in, not implying connections or anything.

Mar 9, 06 3:57 pm  · 

Thanks Gin for the reassurrance. And congrats to everyone who did get in, be it to IIT, Yale or anywhere else! All the schools I've heard mentioned are pretty prestigious (although I've heard some people mention a prestigious school and call it their "safety" or "fallback" which I can't understand, in this dicey admissions process).

Just out of curiosity--is this probably the most active internet board for this sort of discussion? I mean, it's no Fark or Slashdot, but I was surprised to find one with this level of activity on this relatively obscure topic anywhere on the internet. I just stumbled upon it by accident.

Mar 9, 06 4:02 pm  · 

again, congrats to those who've received acceptances from Yale! that's really great and you all should be proud of yourselves, no matter what's in your mailbox or not. just gotta keep in mind that no one's received a rejection letter from Yale, which means it ain't over yet - whether that be good or bad. however, to make myself and others feel better - just remember perhaps NOT living in New Haven for 3+ years just might be a good thing... ;-)

Mar 9, 06 4:04 pm  · 

Has anyone who has been accepted to Yale's M.Arch I program NOT had an arch. background???

Mar 9, 06 4:24 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

or better yet, has anyone gotten REJECTED from yale yet?

i'm out of my wits here. i'm dreading that emails are for accepted students and letters are for rejected.... :-(

Mar 9, 06 4:32 pm  · 

who knows, this could just be the first round of acceptances, think positively, although realistically, but positive nonetheless. it's the beginning of March and we weren't supposed to hear from them until April - meaning this could just be the beginning of hearing from them, not the deadline. there's always wait lists and my guess is this is their first round - the ones they really want and perhaps they'll go back after they start hearing from people and give more acceptances, who knows. you won't know until you actually receive something, but stop beating yourselves up over it! :-)

Mar 9, 06 4:40 pm  · 

guys im sorry i really didnt want to make people go crazy.....

Mar 9, 06 4:42 pm  · 

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