
NYC strike - way to start my week


ok, so as a foreigner [that has worked in the states] bear with me...

someone mentioned somewhat jokingly making a union of intern architects... but actually if interns are routinelly underpaid, why not?

ok, so maybe the consequences would be dire...but leather jacket thugs hanging around some starchitects office because he hires non union interns... and installing an inflated rat... does not sound that bad.

what would the harsher consequences to the profession be? because i'm sure there would be some, but i'm not sure how that would work...

Dec 21, 05 11:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

i don't know if it'd be a good idea for interns to unionize because interns are actually preparing themselves to be architects, i.e., professionals.

having said that, a unionization of labor in architects' offices might not be a bad thing. it would definitely stratify class/social distinctions within the profession where right now too many of us have been indoctrinated with the mindset of a professional even though many of us working in architecture firms will never really be true professionals (in the sense of owning a firm, either solely or with partners).

would it be so bad if, for example, two thirds of us currently working in firms settled with an associates degree in drafting/design into roles as employess with benefits (as a result of unionization) and the other one third of us working in firms continued onward to get bachelor's and professional degrees before moving into junior associate roles and eventually either firm partnership or entreprenuer to start own firms?

there's much gray area within the architecture profession presently and i suspect this is the source of much of the angst associated with being an architect.

Dec 21, 05 12:36 pm  · 

Puddles, there are plenty of professions who are unions. I wear a tie everyday and I'm a proud union member. Oh, and I work very hard.

And I was serious about the idea of a Union of Intern Architects. Just imagine if interns were paid fairly, received benefits, and a pension. wow, crazy, isn't it.

Dec 21, 05 12:53 pm  · 

mm, i didn't get that it was no joke, so even better. it just seems that with so much complaining about underpayment, there should be something we can do.

Dec 21, 05 1:08 pm  · 

But the problem typically isn't partners witholding all the spoils from us plebs, just a general level of low pay. And we've had this United Architects Union of Architects (UAUA) discussion before in another thread.

Dec 21, 05 1:27 pm  · 

So long as the UAUA logo was done in a cool font, I'm sure everyone would go for it.

Dec 21, 05 3:12 pm  · 

so any tips on getting from jfk to uptown if this strike continues?

Dec 21, 05 3:38 pm  · 

aml - your an idiot. I know thats harsh, but seriously, your an idiot. You have demonstrated why 90% of Architects are not meant to be in business, or anywhere near a business role. The idea that leather bound thugs have any place in society is absurd and proves why you squirrles need herding.

Dec 21, 05 5:46 pm  · 
Dec 21, 05 5:56 pm  · 

if NY is anything like Chicago, lets give some asshole more money and benefits to stand on a platform gabbing with some fat b--ch.

true stories of the "el"

guy gets mugged infront of me on escalator - mugger gets pushed by old guy further up - 300 lbs of bad ass thug come tumbling down, knock over old mexican lady who i hold up and in the process keep an arm on said thug as he creates tumbling domino effect down escalator.

My leg ripped up on grating, mexican ladys head cut open.

CTA employees asked which way he went then radio'd to nobody ( no response) while explaining theyre not police and CTA rules say they cant go after suspecta.

F-em. Worthless pieces of trash. I hope they fire every last one of them.

Dec 21, 05 6:07 pm  · 

i usually find myself in favor of unions (i do believe that they serve its purpose) but... I agree with evilplatypus on this one. I wish I had the job-security these cats have. I am poor, my job although good doesnt pay me what construction people make, and I can't go to the doctor or go on retirement with promises of upward mobility.
Times is rough for all, and it sounds like the union wants mroe than its fair share.
And Ill say that the AIA needs to do better at adressing some of those issues. I dont think a union for architect interns wou;ld be wise, the AIA needs to make guidelines, and ;lobby much more aggresively to make codes that benefit us so that our firms have mroe money, so that they can be asked (forced) to pay interns more money.

Dec 21, 05 6:24 pm  · 

Im trying to be a happier platypus, especially now that its christmas - but having to deal with these leeches everyday as a nonunion, prevailing wage contractor project manager, and having to have our talented people dodge these bums - and theyre all really fat - is insulting. They send picketers who are the laid off guys to picket guys who choose to not join, for many reasons, some having quit over internal politics and promotions.

People - these unions are truely evil, truely mafia and straight up uncapatalistic. They are a product of a now bygonne fordist style of production, trying to mantain some grip in the new world.

Dec 21, 05 6:30 pm  · 
vado retro
Dec 21, 05 7:16 pm  · 

i stood... on the corner of broadway and houston... cars jammed... roller bladder passing by... wind strong... pulled my hat down... and trudged to grand central...
[i left work early... boss is off to mexico on a business trip ... wink wink] then took the metro north to the boogie down bronx... walked for another half hour... dodging some crunked up man... smell of piss and beer... almost welcoming... 2.5 hours travel time... that or pay 50+ for a cabbie...

Dec 21, 05 11:31 pm  · 

exactly vado - a bunch of wound up duetshes arbeiten - we know how sane those german labor riots were. Lets emulate them please and whip up everyone into a new era of hate filled zeitgeist.

Dec 22, 05 8:36 am  · 
Josh Emig
It's over.
Dec 22, 05 3:33 pm  · 

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