zeki, my pet spider, (it is always zeki and i don't know if they are all the same or zeki's extended family) had built a net and i swear, it looked like a navojo rug pattern. earlier that day i saw zeki coming out the little drawer where is my little piece of hashish located. as i was gonna get my camera, rupi, my boston terror, destroyed the net trying to eat zeki. everybody is ok.
the effects of caffeine - psychosis or creativity?
Image from a NASA study measuring toxicity relationships on spiders dosed with various chemicals
more: NASA
Oh my god that is hilarious!!!!!!
The LSD web looks lovely, on the other hand. Maybe I should switch my morning rug of choice?
think about how you feel after 3-4 cups. now, is there really a difference between psychosis and creativity?
Good point Steven. And really, is spinning a "good" spider web really a matter of creative energy, or is it just a methodical construction?
And how does on dose a spider with caffeine, with a skinny double latte?
is spinning a normal web like coloring in the lines?
maybe you just drop in the spider and stir it around a little.
I never kill a spider (because they eat bugs); I always capture them and throw them outside. Next time I find one, I'll offer it an espresso!
drugs=creative novelty
no drugs=same old bull****
zeki, my pet spider, (it is always zeki and i don't know if they are all the same or zeki's extended family) had built a net and i swear, it looked like a navojo rug pattern. earlier that day i saw zeki coming out the little drawer where is my little piece of hashish located. as i was gonna get my camera, rupi, my boston terror, destroyed the net trying to eat zeki. everybody is ok.
my pet spider, boris, made a beautiful navajo(nizoni dinae) chief's blanket while on peyote. btw the navajo do not have chiefs.
Caffeine is a natural pesticide. If I were spider-sized and caffeinated I too may lose control.
that is the coolest thing i've seen all day.
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