
single all-time favourite motion picture scene


mine is the uma thurman toe-wiggling scene in kill bill.

and if you are a negative fuck who can't help it, i suppose you could post your least favourite as well.

Jun 17, 04 11:01 pm

The scene in “Bad Lieutenant” where Harvey Keitel cries on the floor to Jesus high on Crack.

Jun 17, 04 11:30 pm  · 

The scene in the Director's Cut of True Romantic where the chick stabs, or burns, or whatevers James Gandolfini.

In fact, the other best scene is the dialog with Chris Walkon in the trailer where they talk about eggplant.

Jun 17, 04 11:37 pm  · 

what about in King of New York where christopher walken says “hey you” and pulls a shot gun out of a limo…..

Jun 17, 04 11:44 pm  · 

But seriously, my favorite all time movie scene is in Raiders of The Lost Ark, where that one guy screams so loud when the ark is opened up.
I think it was this guy on the right (on the left to them)

Jun 17, 04 11:59 pm  · 

Klaus Kinski trotting around on a sinking raft full of apes in the end of Werner Herzog's "Aguirre - Wrath of God" is really great.

Jun 18, 04 3:40 am  · 

Michael Rooker shadow-boxing naked in Mallrats.

Jun 18, 04 3:43 am  · 

For a while now I've thought that Donald Rumsfeld reminds me of the guy in the black hat (above.)

I'm not sure what my single favorite scene is, but Peter Sellers comes to mind. Also, La Dolce Vita is full of them--like the opening scene; a helicopter is carrying a statue of Jesus Christ over vignettes of Rome.

Jun 18, 04 5:54 am  · 

duvall in Apocalypse Now on the beach while mortars are blasting his men, and while some of his men are surfing as well, dodging mortars and getting blasted, talking to Martin Sheen - i think - about the smell of napalm in the morning....well you know the rest, it, it smells like victory!

Jun 18, 04 8:09 am  · 

the 45th second or so of 'un chien andalou'...
actually, here it is:
weak stomachs abstain

Jun 18, 04 8:45 am  · 

the scene in Wim Wenders' Until the End of the World when they're gliding over the Australian outback after the Indian nuclear satellite has crashed. Peter Gabriel's Blood of Eden is playing. Quite beautiful.

Jun 18, 04 10:42 am  · 

Three Amigos : "How can you tell it is a mail plane?"

Jun 18, 04 10:56 am  · 

Yah, that Apocalypse Now scene is fantastic.

Also great from that movie is the scene with the boat driver breathing his last words: "A spear."

This is a good list, keep em coming.

Jun 18, 04 11:06 am  · 

cracking the model of the childrens center, screaming,
dissapointed that the kids will not fit in the project

Jun 18, 04 12:03 pm  · 

not my favorite, but the scene in the Limey where Terrence Stamp first tries to rough some people up at the warehouse is pretty hot. He goes in, talks some shit, gets the shit kicked out of him, gets thrown out, gets up, walks back in, kills a couple of people, chases another back out, screams "tell him i'm coming" while hanging on the "g" in "coming" like maybe he is coming right there in his pants. The scene is divided with high contrast images of him walking allong a brick wall on his way to the warehouse.

Jun 18, 04 12:07 pm  · 

in 7

with brad pitt (whaddyaknow?!), spacey, freeman

the point of decision while realizing whats in the box, where he totally loses it in the fields pointing his gun at spacey.


what would you all have done if you found what was in that box?

Jun 18, 04 12:16 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Similar to the Lebowski moment but in Being John Malkovich:
Malcovich himself is dumped on the side of the New Jersey turnpike and someone driving by yells, “Malkovich!” and throws an empty beer can at his head.

Jun 18, 04 12:18 pm  · 

as a general rule, any person getting hit in the head by a projectile is funny.

Jun 18, 04 12:45 pm  · 

final scene in, the good the bad and the ugly.
you can rotate the character designations endlessly.

Jun 18, 04 12:58 pm  · 

Also in 7, before they are going with Spacey to the field, Morgan Freeman says "If John Doe's head splits open and a UFO flies out, don't say we didn't expect it."

Seriously, that is my all time favorite movie quote ever.

Jun 18, 04 1:09 pm  · 

I agree w/ jhopkins -
Especially in GLORY when the commander turns around and gets his head blow off with a cannonball.

Jun 18, 04 1:13 pm  · 

The final scene in the trois coleurs trilogy, rouge, when the main characters from the three films are shown on television in a life boat.

Jun 18, 04 1:21 pm  · 

Will Farrel in Old School when he's singing at Blue's funeral

Jun 18, 04 1:26 pm  · 

on an architectural note:

the interview room [ chair with multiple viewing screens}designed by lebbeus woods which was later brought up in a lawsuit...

harrison fords house [ennis brown house] flw

vision of a future manhattan in fifth element

los angeles getting ruined my tonandos in day after tomorrow

the implosion of the empire state building in independence day

to name a few

Jun 18, 04 1:30 pm  · 

i like the opening to "Way of the Gun"
after he clocks that chick in the head,
i thought it was gonna be a great movie, it turns out only the first ten mintues is good, but "shut that cu#t up before i fuckstart her head"

Jun 18, 04 1:36 pm  · 

"time to do the man dance"

Jun 18, 04 1:36 pm  · 

pulp fiction:
when christopher walken is explaining how he had the watch up his ass for years trying to get it back to his friend's son. the look on the kid's face is priceless.

Jun 18, 04 2:21 pm  · 
joe entrada

Goodfellas, the camera follows ray liotta and his girl from the car, through the basement of the copacabana, past waiters, through the kitchen, all the way to the front of the club where table and chairs are quickly produced by the waitstaff for them, all in one shot.
classic. totally classic.

Jun 18, 04 2:36 pm  · 

i like when bambi's mother bites it.


Jun 18, 04 3:00 pm  · 

In Throw Momma From The Train, as Billy Crystal and Danny Devito are driving and arguing when DD, suddenly distracted by a billboard depicting cows, exclaims "cows!"

Also, and similarly, near the end of Shot In The Dark, when Peter Seller's Inspector loses complete control of the room with everyone yelling in each others' faces, and turns to the cinema audience in helpless frustration.

Can't get enough of silly surprises....

Jun 18, 04 4:07 pm  · 

in pulp fiction, after bruce willis kills zed, and asks Marsellus Wallace if hes okay, to which wallace replies 'no, im not okay man, im not okay'

Jun 18, 04 4:38 pm  · 

i'll be taking these huggies here and whatever cash you got in the register...

raising arizona is chock full of classic scenes.

Jun 18, 04 4:50 pm  · 



Jun 18, 04 5:00 pm  · 

In that Warren Miller film were all the people are falling off the ski lift...that shit kills me.

Jun 18, 04 5:02 pm  · 

from David Lynch Blue Velvet

Dennis Hopper: You wanna go for a ride?
Kid: No thanks.
DH: No thanks. What does that mean?
k: I don't want to go.
DH: Go where?
k: On a ride.
DH: A ride? Hell, that's a good idea. Okay, let's go. Hey, let's go.

Jun 18, 04 8:55 pm  · 

"Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man INSTINCTS! He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusment, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste! Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha! And when you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off. He's a tight-ass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord. Worship THAT? NEVER!"

Apologies for the profanity - but the truest line ever written for a film.

Jun 18, 04 9:30 pm  · 

That was a good Pacino scene. . .

Image- Face Off - Nick Cage walking out of the hanger with a black trench coat flying in the wind, two pistols and sunglasses - badass scene in a rather lame movie.

Scene- Leon the Professional - Jean Reno questions (13 year old) Natalie Portman, she grabs the gun off the kitchen table and sprays off 5 rounds into the street.

Jun 18, 04 10:56 pm  · 

best Al Pacino scene has got to be his final tirade in devil's advocate...

Jun 19, 04 9:38 am  · 

Best pacino scene ever MUST really be the school-play-remake of Serpico in Rushmore (wonderful film without mr. Pacino).

Jun 19, 04 10:00 am  · 

I like the part in American Psycho where Patrick Bateman is in the club and he says to the bartended "You're a f*%king stupid bitch, I want to stab you to death and then play around with your blood."

Also from that movie, the intro in his apartment when he's getting ready, the business card scene, the part when he tries to choak Carruthers in the bathroom, and his frantic phone call to his lawyer. I really like that movie. And really any scene when he says something ridiculous, like "I thought we would get a bad table, but we didn't and relief washed over me in an awesome wave."

A cool ground breaking scene is in T2 when the T1000 emerges from the flames after the truck explode and changes from liquid to solid. That was mind blowing when that came out.

Jun 19, 04 11:54 am  · 

Alec Baldwin as a doctor giving the "God Complex" monologue in Malice.

That's one to memorize.

Jun 19, 04 12:46 pm  · 

a certain moment in a certain gay porn when it became almost -painfully- obvious that the actors were all straight

I didn't write this down

Jun 19, 04 7:01 pm  · 

Donald Sutherland's death at the conclusion of Nicolas Roeg's "Don't Look Now"

Shiver. Ooooh. Scary.

Any scene from Wender's "Wings of Desire"

The dining scene in "Tom Jones"

Jun 19, 04 7:38 pm  · 

hey mauOne, this ring a bell?

"what is this a school for ants?" - zoolander

*brief pause*

"how can we expect them to learn, if they cant even get into the building?" - zoolander

"You're absolutely right." - Motunda

I cant really think of a scene I like, but I guess Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction right before he but a cap in the muther fucker's head.

"The path of the righteous man..."

Jun 20, 04 12:40 am  · 

I like all the scenes of symmetry in THE RULING CLASS--the best movie utilizing schizophrenia ever?

Liz Taylor on the phone with shampoo in her hair in BUTTERFIELD 8.

(sounding like she just took a crap and then realized there's no toilet paper) Liz Taylor (from off-screen) in WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOLFF yelling, "Heeeey! Where the hell is everybody?"

Liz Taylor putting on eye makeup in THE DRIVER'S SEAT--definitely the Ur-Linda Richards as portrayed years later by Mike Myers.

Liz Taylor playing an actrees reenacting a quondam part she played, now used as an alibi in response to the detective investigating her husband's murder in THE MIRROR CRACKED, followed by the shock when the detective names the movie within which the just reenacted scene occurred.

Jun 20, 04 11:27 am  · 

Masturbation scene in 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'

Jun 20, 04 2:02 pm  · 

Christina Ricci in Pecker - "I HATE modern photography!'

Jun 20, 04 4:38 pm  · 

Not sure if that's my favorite but here's the one that first came to my mind : In Scarface, when under attack by a bunch of columbians, Al Pacino high on coke gets out of his office carrying a huge machine gun and says: 'say hello to my little friend' and then starts shooting the fuck out of everybody in the house. an instant classic.

Jun 20, 04 5:57 pm  · 

What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus. But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I was gonna fuck you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Wooo! You got a date Wednesday, baby!

Jun 21, 04 10:52 am  · 

any scene with jenna j. on her knees.....

Jun 21, 04 2:59 pm  · 
James Bucknam

car chase scene in BULLITT, steve mcqueen. through the streets of san francisco.

and yes 'jhopkins', the dude abides! that lebowski scene has to be the best introduction to a character ever

Jun 21, 04 3:42 pm  · 

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