
unhealthy obsession


have any of you developed an obsession with the architecture of a building or place to the extent that it overwhelms your imagination and you begin to ascrible universal, magical properties to that architecture? Here's mine. (skip it if you find it too long). Any ideas how I can snap out of this idée fixe so I can move forward with my life in a more healthy way? An extended trip to Africa or India or Australia to wash this place out of my hair?

Jul 23, 05 8:37 am

(sorry for the typo above: for 'ascrible' I mean 'ascribe')

Jul 23, 05 9:45 am  · 
Ms Beary

I know that building and love it too, the first time I saw it it took my breath away, but I couldn't get your pdf to download. Is that a problem on my end?
To relieve obsession, you must transfer your obsession to another medium. Find something else to obsess about, excercise, woodworking, gardening, gambling, smoking... capiche?
Just for, um, scientific purposes, where does this obsession take you and how does it effect you? Do you really want it gone? Is it really unhealthy? How can you be that obsessed with one structure (however magnificent). Maybe you need to capitalize on the obsession and create something out of it, like a documentary or a dissertation. Delve deeper into it till you are sick of it and you can therefore pass your obsession on to your audience.

Jul 23, 05 10:02 am  · 

I find computer games are fun john ;)

Jul 23, 05 10:57 am  · 

Strawbeary: thanks for this. the page that opened up should show the title of a folder "the alchemy of King's College Cambridge". click on that title and the next page that opens up should show a download icon which you then click on to download my essay entitled 'the Alchemy of King's'. sorry about that: my link didn't work the way I thought it would. If you still can't download my essay, email me, and I will send it to you as a PDF attachment.
In a way my obsession has been very creative to me: I have been working on this 1500 word essay on King's for over 2 years. I find your list of other things to obsess about very droll... actually it does not CONSUME me but is a very productive hobby which I work on off & on. It helps to post my thoughts on my homepage: and also produce a useless 361 page portfolio of sketches on Cambridge ideal architecture. My Quicktime movie slideshows were also an outlet. thanks for your interest. I guess I DON'T want it gone until I have thoroughly exhausted the subject. Actually now I am begining to get sick of Cambridge: considering visiting Oxford, which I never have.
signum: can you suggest any computer games that might be fun and not too taxing for a 50 (soon to be 51) year old? I wd. consider that... thanks

Jul 23, 05 1:45 pm  · 

Not sure John, perhaps something strategic, like Civilisation (note the 'S', ha!) which I was once hooked on. There are some new versions Civilization 3/4 or so, I'm sure they're just as fun as the original.

Or perhaps due to your interest in supernatural places (if I may call them that) something like Thief 3 - where you spend all the time wandering about fantastically spooky and wonderful cities and buildings trying to loot them!

Best of luck!

Jul 23, 05 2:05 pm  · 

ughmmm duh! my fetish has a blog

Jul 23, 05 2:22 pm  · 

%%uASCRIBLE%%u more, more riddle for start in curtain open slit open, poco, poco no loco. lightdark at why embrace.

Jul 23, 05 2:59 pm  · 

the object of my unnatural desire

Jul 23, 05 8:18 pm  · 

All my obsessions are Athenian...

Jul 24, 05 4:50 am  · 

Amazing photo john!

Jul 24, 05 6:25 am  · 
vado retro

lets go punting on the cam ya'll

Jul 24, 05 9:54 am  · 

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