
Since Ya'll Hate Gehry, Calatrava....Who Now Has the 'Honeymoon?


Every Architect seems to have a honeymoon period with other architects & it seems that sculptural expression is getting more criticism today than in recent yeara (perhaps a reflection of a more conservative era).
Are we going back to boxes & simple geometric expression, ala I.M Pei, or are we going to recall Post-Modern to make us harken back to 'simpler times' again. Please no more Michael Graves.

So I pose this question: Who now occupies the Architectural Honeymoon period?

Jul 15, 05 9:11 am


Jul 15, 05 9:24 am  · 
Per Corell

Personaly I think it is about knowing what they have in common.
Or maby what they have in common that they do not share.
It is fine to be able to envision grand arches and perspectives, breathtaking paintings and proud words --- but realy isn't the real challance to deliver these cheap houses that fact new architecture the new jobs and realising that the artists tools changed, but not their perception that is still stuck in the old even it show smooth lines.
Make the glorious bridges, the arogant castles the edgy inviroments, then try fit people into it try make them pay the rent ,do the jobs those that did not come those that did not pay as they was frightened by the digital.
Architects outline our world, but if they do not use today's tools and perception, if it is made as spetacular soft lines with no thought about what hold it in the air, would you then expect it to carry the quality when that , it's core existance is omitted, when that don't pay when people are supposed to stay there just the time it take to say "Oh what a splendid look". then where are the real visions.
I love them for their smooth lines but I hate them for their lack of Visions ; Hell proberly look quite smooth from a distance, but if you want to change it, it's about replacing it's core structure. As it is not how Hell look like that count, but what it is made of.

Jul 15, 05 9:49 am  · 

"Architects outline our world"

since when?

Jul 15, 05 10:06 am  · 

huerzog and de mueron seem to be flowing lately.

morphosis is getting a lot of press, but still have a lot of critics (especially for the caltrans bulding which i like).

i have never heard anyone criticize renzo piano. not once.

i certainly hope we are not going back to an IM Pei era. sorry, but i find his architecture a bit brutal. the simple forms make me feel like someone from honey i shrunk the kids, and i am running for my life in a city of "building blocks". just my opinion.

Jul 15, 05 10:09 am  · 

zaha hadid as far as europe is concearned, both in the Architecture world and the normal people world.

piano is like the pope, does nothng really radical, but is so PC nobody really has anything bad to say about him. but i would not say he's inspiring...

Jul 15, 05 10:41 am  · 

glaring error on my part, renzo (with rogers) was criticized for the pompidou. can't think of anything else though.

Jul 15, 05 11:02 am  · 

It's actually "Y'all" not "Ya'll." The Apostrophe is used in the place of letters not used; therefore, "you all" would be the full phrase and the apostrophe would replace the "o" and the "u" to make "Y'all." I was in a museum here in Texas and they actually spelled incorrectly Y'all on a plaque...figures here in Texas. It read "Ya'll come back now!"

Jul 15, 05 11:25 am  · 

European high-tech architects, like Foster & Co., and Piano, are having a blast in these days. People seem to love every single building done by Tadao Ando, no matter when/what.
Is Richard Rogers still practicing, or is he a full-time politician?

Jul 15, 05 12:30 pm  · 

while it's true that Ando, Piano, and Foster (along with Gehry and Calatrava) are having a hey-day right now......the work of all of these men is a guaranteed crowd pleaser (for better or worse)....but i wouldn't call any of these "honeymoons".
i think that both rem and HdM are on honeymoons right now

Jul 15, 05 12:44 pm  · 

I think REM is right now, atleast it sounds like it. I've liked Herzog & DeMueron for about a decade now so I think if there was a honeymoon they may have had it. MVRDV is definitely emerging, I wonder where they will take themselves.

Jul 15, 05 12:52 pm  · 

the dutch and danes. refreshing.

Jul 15, 05 1:42 pm  · 

Interesting you mentioned Scogin-Elam. They seemed to have a heyday back in the mid-90s. I too, think their work is worth mentioning. Maybe we'll see them back in the honeymoon circle soon.

As for Texas know-it-alls: Shaddap!

Jul 15, 05 2:25 pm  · 

ya'll, it's done on purpose. if you've ever heard anyone pronounce it correctly you'll understand what i'm talking about.

Jul 15, 05 2:40 pm  · 

Piano is going to hit a backlash soon. He's overexposed.

Jul 15, 05 2:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i can't wait until per hits his "honeymoon" stage...with the t-shirts on the way, it might be sooner than we think

Jul 15, 05 3:08 pm  · 

Foster is not on a honeymoon. Some of his less well publicised building have been criticised in the press. He is fortunate to have teams within the Practice that produce constant quality at a high level. Even the wobbly bridge debacle didn’t really stick.

I agree with the Piano comments. The guy seems to be made of Teflon and things are not even being thrown at him!

Jul 15, 05 4:14 pm  · 

pei is boooring

Jul 15, 05 11:35 pm  · 

thom. yep. thom.

Jul 15, 05 11:45 pm  · 
Per Corell

puddles thank's for the trust , you are quite right but as I guess most realised a bit more develobment must go into it , still true I think the 3D-H option are still at the state where the promises must be wider known , --- they will and are about to be, so I am glad I had the oppotunity to shape my attitude ; that for the right creative person this is just the right new way to expand further than the building block, that this acturly allow for not just the expression I been able to put in thse forms ,that it will offer even futher expressions and way's to use it way's to hide or show the structure ,shaped by the visions of real architects and finaly showing that even at first maby more expenses , then ofcaurse when the production are fit, then it will be a cabin at a third the cost in a brand new fasion.
Still in the discussions I chosen to wait untill these papers was relesed, still waiting and still trying to find the right attitude, as shuld this hit the headlines , then my attitude and the attitude of the architectural and engineering communities are as important as the promises of the method.

Jul 16, 05 8:14 am  · 

deffinately thom . . . and all things dutch

Jul 19, 05 10:31 am  · 

I think to reduce an architect to a stylistic critique is absurd. And to even further reduce him to a "trend" is counterproductive. If architects cosider architects as trends or styles, what the hell will the rest of the world begin to think.

Jul 19, 05 12:13 pm  · 

We are here idolising about men (and woman) who are all over 60 except the woman (most infact almost 70) - isnt there something wrong with that.

Shift your focus. Worship me instead, young and inspiring, make fetish of me....damnit.

I am architecture, dont y'all (or ya'll for the Texans) know :D

Jul 19, 05 9:56 pm  · 

he's still in his Honeymoon and he's invading the US like a hurricane/tornado

Jul 19, 05 10:01 pm  · 

Texans spell it 'y'all'. They're right, but only in Texas. They invented the word 'nukular', too, ya know (just fergit Jimmy Carter, a nuke engineer pronouncing it that way- too many Texans on his boat) The rest of the sane world spells it 'Ya'll'.

I worship thee as architecture, until the next false prophet comes along.
Well, that's my broken commandment for the hour.

Jul 19, 05 10:01 pm  · 

Hmm Ya'll could only work if one was Greek or Jewish I think Yea-all (Ya'll) other than that i'm stumped

Or Yeah-all but then i just think Vanilla Ice and that creeps me out

Jul 19, 05 10:09 pm  · 

Thom's Caltrans was featured in Alias a few times, as a super-secret operations facility or something (the courtyard and outdoor atrium with the lights, and the lobby). I think I also remember seeing it somewhere else, but not sure where unfortunately.

Jul 20, 05 12:57 am  · 

I also remember reading Rem in The New Yorker saying that after the Seattle library, they've been having sort of a honeymoon, everybody's been loving them and things have been easier...

Jul 20, 05 1:06 am  · 

Gehry go extreme on forms.. that's why he sucks.

Jul 20, 05 1:06 am  · 

I think a good litmus is when you do your first skyscraper. At that point the honeymoon is definitely over. Now that Gehry has won the Grand Ave. project he is at that "therapist ready" point in his marriage.

Jul 20, 05 3:07 pm  · 

Good pointabout the skyscraper litmus. I actually think it's time for a Gehry skyscraper. Now who's gonna ante up.

Jul 20, 05 6:07 pm  · 

he had a shot, but didn't get it. if i'm not mistaken, teflon himself got it... renzo.

Jul 20, 05 6:12 pm  · 

He has to get it built. The beauty of the Grand Ave. project is that he might actually get to do five.

Jul 21, 05 11:30 am  · 


Total Entries: 8
Total Comments: 159

07/15/05 10:42
the dutch and danes. refreshing. .......more like redundancy and regurgitation....nice stuff and all but it all is beginning to blend into each other and losing that initial clever simplicity from it's inception...just my thought.

Jul 21, 05 3:42 pm  · 

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