
lust at first sight


how many of you believe in love at first sight:
1. for a building?
2. for another person?

Lytton Strachey I think said he had an erection the first time he saw Vanbrugh's classical bridge at Blenheim Palace. Any similar experiences out there among you?

Jul 1, 05 7:14 am


in any case, possibility doesn't = likely, but it makes all the difference just to believe that it is possible.

Jul 1, 05 10:22 am  · 

1. i love this falling down concrete plant in san antonio. everytime i have ever passed it i've turned my head just to keep looking at it. i've also gone out of my way to drive past it on occasion. i almost forced it into my thesis even though it just didn't fit into the picture.

2. its possible, i still feel the effects.

Jul 1, 05 10:31 am  · 

both possible to me, 1 and 2. but first sight is just an impression, i usually need/want to see it again (1) or to keep in touch with the person (2).

Jul 1, 05 10:38 am  · 

it's the lusty month of july for for me.
it begins and ends on a near daily basis.
both buildings and humans.
as well as mountains.

Jul 1, 05 11:10 am  · 


Did geno send you a picture??

Jul 1, 05 11:14 am  · 

1.i creme my pants every time i visit this abanoned floor at the ramada in detroit. its hot, beat up piano (still works tho), beer bottles , busted up walls, exposed blg guts, and its just above the manicured lobby you can look down into it. but dont play the piano....that how you get busted.
strange blg. its home to a coney and 2 industrial bars.... city club and the labrynth. only a couple floors are occupyable.
2. i dont like humans especially pompous architects

Jul 2, 05 1:34 pm  · 

(I thought the last was quite brilliant... except that I am always finding people - some people - to be breathtakingly beautiful: on the sidewalks, in the ferry terminals, in the restaurants. I know it's hopeless. Some people stripped of ego: and just having the physicality of their animal, anthropological selves and their clothes...)

Jul 2, 05 1:43 pm  · 

oh you hopless romantic you
but its never simply the anthopological animal self now is it....
underneath it all we are inevitably flawed flaming piles of feces in disguise.

Jul 2, 05 2:38 pm  · 

im sorry ive just reading too much henry miller latley...

Jul 2, 05 2:39 pm  · 

no, no, everything you say is right. I don't want my illusions shattered so stay aloof. Still, to misquote Erroll Flynn, "So many beautiful men, so little time". Also, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"...

Jul 2, 05 2:42 pm  · 

St Paul said it is better to marry than to burn. I'd rather burn: like the young Queen Victoria I have a roving eye. I applaud all the gay marriage legislation. But I am attracted to MANY men. How could I commit to just one? I am not promiscuous, but my eyes are... I am single, celibate, a 'dry tree'...
Sex stains the soul, puts a cloud between me and God. God says she is aware of my needs, and I trust in that...
What the HELL does this have to do with architecture???

Jul 2, 05 3:12 pm  · 

i wouldnt say that it stains the soul.....some would argue that it brings us closer to the damned thing if you want to get all tantric about it... but i dont know anything about that so er...... uh... yeah,what does this have to do with architecture?..... passion..... yes it was passion.... as you were...... before i killed it....again...

Jul 2, 05 5:02 pm  · 

don't mind me... I'm feeling like Henry James tonight: a romantic pessimist. Perhaps the Muslims are right and you contain your appetites in this life to be rewarded with the "dark eyed ladies" in the next life. In my case it is the "dark eyed men" I await with eagerness. Still passion is a thorn which is an enigma to me. God created it, and NOT just a means to an end (e.g. procreation). In same sex attraction there is no means: love is an end in itself, purely and simply. Eros is a gift which can be mis-handled so easily. I don't think you are a conversation killer at all... even if this has nothing to do with architecture. It has lots to do with passion and love, and that is a worthy and noble subject to discuss. Isn't it? Maybe a lot of the solution has to do with sublimation of those lower desires for the sake of artistic creation etc. etc. (which does not have to, but may include, architecture)

Jul 2, 05 5:51 pm  · 

My therapist would probably suggest I not get involved, but I'm a cynical, self depricating, romantic!

What is 'lust'? I don't think I've ever felt it...

And conversationkiller. Where's this Ramada you're talking about. I'm going to be in the general vacinity in a short while and wouldn't mind checking that out, right after I tool around some abandoned factories and burnt out churches. [I'm being perfectly honest about that, too.]

Jul 3, 05 2:28 am  · 

romantic pessimist.....teeeheee
you know i would love to beleive that there is a god that is keeping tabs on all of this but im just far too aware of my own insignificance to share how important certain desicions we make maybe. id get my dark-eyed man on now, just in case.

to mis-quote henry miller ".....and if there happens to be a god, i will meet him calmly, and spit in his face".

+on the ramada:
its located at 2nd and cass.... now to get to this abandoned floor you need to walk in like you own the place. walk right up to the receptionist...dont stop...look busy... and go for the door on the right... he/she will buzz you in... when your not being watched: instead of taking the elevator on the right go past it to the stair case, take it up a floor and your in.

im actually going to be there tonight for the taste fest... i may just be waiting for you drifwood..... in the dark........ with a machete.......mouhahahaha

Jul 3, 05 11:41 am  · 
Ms Beary

1. yes of course
2. yes of course

Jul 3, 05 11:42 pm  · 

1. yes always. I remember when I was in high school there's this building on a medical school campus which I biked by every week and seeing it was the highlight of my week.

2. yes, but at "sight" not in the visual spectrum. then I come to fall for the physical existence.

Jul 4, 05 2:02 pm  · 

It's just that keeps me going.

Jul 4, 05 4:03 pm  · 

1. Tadao Ando
2. Tadao Ando

Jul 4, 05 5:17 pm  · 

Wow lizok. Me too..... meee tooo.

Jul 5, 05 10:19 am  · 
Oana S.

1.Neutra Kaufmann Residence
2.gabriel garcia marquez... rather fell for the atmosphere/universe he creates

Jul 5, 05 6:02 pm  · 

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