
What not to miss in Brazil (Sao Paulo and Rio)?


I'm going to be in Sao Paulo and Rio, can anyone give me a list of modernist architectures that I shouldn't miss? It's my first trip there.

Also, is Brasilia worth going (again, in terms of architecture)?

Jun 22, 05 12:17 am

forget modernist architectures.
there are more ASS implants in brasil than any other country.

Jun 22, 05 12:24 am  · 
vado retro

my bro went to brazil on business had a body guard the whole time at a cost of 1100 bucks per day.

Jun 22, 05 1:02 am  · 

yeah, go for the music, stay for the women.

just have fun, man.

Jun 22, 05 2:19 am  · 

if i ever go, this would be my list. maybe there's someone else who's actually been there and can contribute more substantially. i'm sorry i don't know how much of this is available for visits but hope it helps somehow.

pampulha, minas gerais
oscar niemeyer casino [now an art museum], also yatch club, dancing club and chapel

sao paulo
lina bo bardi: casa bardi, morumbo;
sao paulo museum of modern art;
fabrica de pompeia

rio de janeiro
alfonso eduardo reidy, residential complez prededulho complex
jorge mario jauregui, favela intervention [not modernist, but looks like its worth it as an urban intervention]

Jun 22, 05 10:11 am  · 

ah, also: casa niemeyer, @ canoas

Jun 22, 05 10:14 am  · 


rio de janeiro:

ministry of health and education [all starting modernist brazilian architects, with le corbusier looking on.. reidy, niemeyer, costa]

alfonso reidy: museum of modern art

belo horizonte:

oscar niemeyer, tancredo neues building

... brasilia: there are plenty of pictures on the web, you should probably revise the history of the place and make a decision depending on how long you'll be there.

Jun 22, 05 10:23 am  · 

There are so many more examples of local creativity w/ Architecture in Brasil than I can name. There is also more of a 'spirit' of Architecture, actually, Life in general, in Brasil than the USA. Of course, there's a lot of
bad to counteract what I just said, too. But mainly, I agree w/ the peerson that mentioned the preponderance of 'ass'. You'll be too busy craning your neck (if you're a straight guy, not that there's anything wrong wid it).

As for the post that said they needed a body guard, that's probably true in Rio or SP, but in the far South, I was safer there than in the USA. Mainly because I was the ugliest MoFo on the beach.

Jun 22, 05 12:00 pm  · 

I was studying in Brazil two years ago and I'd have to say it wasn't dangerous. At least not more than you'd encounter here in the states. You should not pack many clothes, not for the nudist beaches, but rather so that you can buy clothes there. Clothing is cheap (with dollars) and will help you blend in more.

In Sao Paulo make sure you check out the COPAN building by Oscar Niemeyer which houses many architects and which is a few blocks away from the architecture school I was at. This area is home to many firms and coincidentally is the red light district. And be advised the "hot girls" you see around that area are not really girls.

My advise is to get in contact with someone from the Escola da Cidade, which is where I was studying. Many of the professors are sons or daughters of great Brazilian Modernists and all love to go out and have a great time. At first I always went out with the kids from the school and once you get to feel comfortable with getting around on the crowded metro you'll be fine to travel on your own.

These are my picks from what I can remember:

Sao Paulo:
Parque Ibirapuera
Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo
Neighborhood of Pinheiros (bars/clubs)
Central Market (overload of all your senses)

Lapa neighborhood (historic/Art)
The Christ
Sugarloaf Hill (Pao do Azucar)

Enjoy the intensity of life and travel off the beaten path.

Jun 22, 05 1:03 pm  · 

there's a great book titled "When Brazil was Modern" , get your hands on that has a ton of cool early modernist stuff

Jun 22, 05 1:26 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

friend of mine in Rio was out with friends, trying to find a cab. guy claims to have a cab around the corner. they start following him soon realizing it's getting a bit sketchy. my friend protests and the guy pulls a gun and a couple other guys show up. they start handing the guy their wallets, etc. and a police cruiser suddenly pulls up. mayhem ensues. shots fired. guys run off. luckily no one is hurt. police think my friend is one of the bad guys. takes a while to explain...

Jun 22, 05 2:08 pm  · 

Hook up with a Brazilian girl, and travel freely getting to know the non-touristy spots in Brazil and not needing to watch your back every second. If you can't score a girl, make friends quick. Soooo much better travelling and seeing things you'd otherwise miss if you're with a person who's from there.

Jun 22, 05 2:24 pm  · 

is correct. Brasil is much more enjoyable when you're there w/ friends or family.

Jun 23, 05 11:29 am  · 
art tech geek

go to the top floor of the Edificio Italiano. have lunch on the top floor restaurant with its hanging gardens & balconies , check out the view - anything worth seeing is visible from there. Also, they have HyperMercado's (grocery mall).................... with 100 checkstands that go on to infinity. All open in the middle of the night.

leave your passport and anything of value in a hotel safe (jewelry, watches, rings, etc. - carry or wear nothing that is a symbol of consumerism or Americanism), don't trust anyone under 18, especially small cute adorable children. Watch the film - Pixote, before you go. Take what you see into account when you travel around. Brazil is wonderful, if you have eyes on the back of your head. Also - use a local natural leather school book bag to carry stuff around, if you do. You can buy them on the street.

I was there years ago and it has not changed much. Vigelantes were shooting child aged street criminals in the mid - 80's. They still do. My elderly parents went taking my specific advice about 4 years ago. My mom is in a wheelchair with about 10 fractures in her back. They are dyed in the wool travellers. They came back describing with a smiles on their faces - my dad being mugged in a night market in Rio. A gang of 6-8 year olds kicked my dads knees out from behind him dropping him to the ground on his keister, put their small probing hands in his pockets and came up with zilch. My mom described it smiling with humour as an anecdotal aside.

If you have time to take a side trip, a Brazilian Grafitti (american grafitti in SA) experience is a week in Itapataninga or Sorocaba. Brazilians who are not worried about their next meal are the singularly nicest people in the world.................. otherwise beware, think Lord of the Flies in an urban environment.

Jun 27, 05 12:36 pm  · 
art tech geek

also, check out the institute Butantan - the largest herpatology center (zoo for reptiles) in the world. its down by the university of Sao Paolo.

Jun 27, 05 12:38 pm  · 

Thanks for the advices so far. Though I have to say I'm seriously concerned by all the scary talk about the dangers (not just from this thread, it seems like that's what my Brazilian friends' favorite thing to say about their country too: that it is hella dangerous)...

Makes me worried about walking around with my big fancy camera equipment taking photos.

Jun 28, 05 11:47 pm  · 

if you see a chicken
then run away from Ze.

the grittiness being talked about above is as beautiful as Neimeyers spiral stairs.

go rent city of god and buy the modernist book.

have fun and please post pictures on the image gallery when you get back.

Jun 29, 05 12:32 am  · 

Gridskipper guides:
Sao Paulo


Have fun...

Jun 29, 05 12:37 am  · 

Sorry for double post:
I am sure you know this, but, I would realy advise against carrying around photo equipment, at the very least, pack and transport it in non- descript containers/bags and GET INSURANCE! I would hate to lose my cameras..

Jun 29, 05 12:39 am  · 

imo - based on my experience of traveling for 1 month in sao paulo, 1 week rio,2 days brasilia, 3 days of blissful nothingness in parachi (between rio and sao paulo on the coast).

I went naive, traveled freely, most days with my 2.5 year old daughter as an escort, and always carried a bag with a camera (you'd be crazy not to shoot pictures non stop). I only felt truely at risk three times in rio, all of them at night on the streets - all of them when I was alone.

otherwise I traveled freely and did not sense the danger - sao paulo is mindblowing! I'm not telling you that it's not dangerous - but having been there it's worth the risk. very worth the risk.

email me if you want more info
my regard of oscar neiyemeirer went off the charts on this trip
do be careful - but be yourself and enjoy
imo - there is no reason to stay away from brasil

Jun 29, 05 7:10 am  · 


I think theres an exaggeration about safety here. It actually really bothers me the image the rest of the world has of us.
Samba, soccer, pretty women, cute asses, dangerous streets. Unfortunately its probably our fault too that this image its still selling.

Yes, I would watch out for the my camera but dont be overly stressed. Maybe get a bag that's not really a camera case, know what I mean?

Depending of when you are coming, be prepared to melt. The summer months in north America its when I would choose to visit Brasil (winter here, very nice - feels more like spring time there)

Brasilia is another world itself. I don't know how much traveling you have done but it was a huge deal for me at the time. I have only been there once and it was before arch school, ages....

Hope you have a good time and get over the stereotype. ;o)


cheers to you ;o)

Jun 29, 05 12:50 pm  · 
Francisco David Boira

Sorry, but I had to do it. Forza Barca...Forza Brasil!!!

Jun 29, 05 1:07 pm  · 

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