
Help with Cincinnati Living


LOL I just can't believe you have so many problems over there. I mean, that sucks, and I'm sorry. But you know it gets lively down here every summer.

Jun 23, 05 9:03 pm  · 

my apologies...they werent behind my apartment...they were here

Jun 24, 05 8:44 am  · 

Yeah I heard about that. Scary shite. But you know that's like two miles from you.

Jun 24, 05 8:49 am  · 

I second Tuckers.

Jun 24, 05 9:09 am  · 

Happy Hour tonight at Courtyard on Main. Anyone up for it? Was inspired by earlier thought of it. 5:30-6 ish.

Jun 24, 05 2:18 pm  · 

a WHOLE 2 MILES AWAY! whew! that was close. good thing you can't walk it in 25 minutes, ride it in 10 and drive it in 5. everyone who lives in OTR eventually dies........and I mean everyone

there is no happy hour when everyone is dead.

Jun 24, 05 3:44 pm  · 

aeaa, you crack me up. when i get to new york i am going to kill you ..OTR style Biotch!

Ok lets start over. I'm gonna throw something your way...if you dont like it, send it right back. You have..a phenomenal...hiney...I mean that things nice...I wanna be friends with it.

Jun 24, 05 3:48 pm  · 

This thread has officially escaped me. Fair enough. I like hineys as much as the next person.

Jun 24, 05 4:49 pm  · 

You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.

Jun 24, 05 5:17 pm  · 
vado retro

is this cincinnatti slang that i just dont understand or what?

Jun 24, 05 7:44 pm  · 

Anchorman! See it..Learn it...Love it..Live it

Well, all you new OTR dwellers. I recomend looking into a garage to park in. Last night my truck got broken into for the second time this year....two fucking days before i am transfering the title to the new owner. Broke the window and scratched the door to hell took everything inside...nothing of extreme value. My phone charger, a cb radio(yes i am a redneck), a gutting knife ( i gotta have somthing), my car manual w/registration..and i am sure other stuff i didnt know i has in there.

Now i gotta wait probably 2 weeks before i can hand over the car to the new owner...if he still wants it.

I love this city. SO thats 2 break-ins for my car and 2 for my wife's car. IN 2 YEARS!!!! God i cant wait not to have cars.

Another fucked up thing was it was parked on a busy street. when i called the cops this morning it took an hour for one to get there..and i had to flag him down. when i was waving he said on his loud speaker "what do you want" i told him i've been waiting for a fucking hour..he replied "you'll have to wait, we are short handed"

WTF!!!1 one of the most dangerous neighborhoods inthe country and we have not only a poorly trained police force but an inadequatley staffed one as well.

Ciny is great!

Jun 25, 05 12:38 pm  · 

You know why we're short handed on police don't you? Because we have to fight the war on terror in Iraq! The money's gotta go somewhere!

Sorry dude. But yeah it sounds like a move will be really good for you. Which street were you parked on? I never leave anything out in my car. You had a CB radio? Ha ha. Trucker 1-9, we have a disgruntled designer in the 'hood......

Also, thanks for keeping a gutting knife in your car. No doubt that will be used on someone else tonight.

Jun 25, 05 1:37 pm  · 

But monkey, a much more expensive and effective way to solve our race/poverty/crime problems is to build a 'freedom' center that no on can afford in the middle of nowhere. Oh, yeah, and to pay for that glass wall on elder so whitey can have his lofts.

Jun 25, 05 3:58 pm  · 

Oh, and BTW>I've had two break-ins in two years, and I live in gaslight. Well, one was actually just a break.

OH, and ex-DAAP-cincy-dwellers--escape your bleak downtown existence and come up the hill tonight at 6 to CALVARY CHURCH on clifton--the new class of m arch 4+ students is hosting a feast for friends, family, faculty and alumni--I'm sure that you're all busily checking archinect right now looking for something to do on a Saturday....

Jun 25, 05 4:02 pm  · 

Man--every time a cincy thread comes up, you guys totally hijack it. beatledud is long gone from this one.

Jun 25, 05 4:03 pm  · 

sorry, gotta go hang with the in-laws tonight.

Jun 25, 05 4:11 pm  · 
vado retro

you all are making some ringing endorsements for moving to cincy.

Jun 25, 05 4:22 pm  · 

First Vado, you're right, so far I haven't had many great endorsements. I've already decided to move to Cincy and OTR, I don't need a reality check, I"ll get it when I move there. I need to know what cool things are happening in Cincy and OTR, you know be possitive about everything.

Secondly I'm still reading (obviously). I haven't had much to say, just listening to the good information once in a while and then roling my eyes/laughing at the craziness that fills in the rest.

Plus I've been in Vegas for the last 4 long as someone isn't asking me for a tip for supplying me for electricity or breathing in my face, I'll take OTR over Vegas any day (had fun, but I got my fill).

Jun 28, 05 12:54 am  · 

Don't let the realities of OTR get you down, beatledud...sure there is crime...its a big city with big city problems...but it isn't representative of the plethora of things Cincinnati can offer. i've lived here ten years and I have really fallen in love with the city. The summer/fall is a great time to be in Cinci.

Take for instance my roommate's last saturday schedule. Rec League Soccer game in the morning, then floating down the Little Miami River Cabrewing, er...canoeing...then on to Greek Fest. a full day of fun, to be sure. Later in the summer we have a kickass Oktoberfest, Reds games, Bengals games, hell we even have a semiprofessional women's full contact football club...what's not to love about this city??? Good museums, great architecture, good people, good music scene, good bars, etc...there is plenty to do, i'm not sure where to begin...tell you the bars/club give us a topic and we'll give you suggestions. sound like a plan?

Jun 28, 05 10:01 am  · 

hey cncy... JavDog is gonna spa-ify your city July 4 to 11. iOa, monkeyBoy, wK, et al... Friday July 8 - any plans?

Jun 28, 05 10:15 am  · 

I'm free. What do you want to see, Javier? I would suggest Nicholson's but that's because Mike the Bartender is awesome and I'm partial to kilts. They are centrally located though, right next to the CAC too. There might be an opening that night, I'm not sure. That would be cool.

Jun 28, 05 10:39 am  · 

Anyone Mountain bike? Any wicked trails nearby? Let me know.

Plus, I'm so fucking broke and depressed it's aweful. No one should go to Vegas unless they make at least 70k a year or have an extra grand to spend (which I never have, I THINK I have it...then I spend it and realize I need it for something else and therefore broke and in debt.)

Oh?! And did I mention I lost my Credit Card in Vegas? Yeah, the guy on the phone laughed at me when I canceled it and answered his question on where I lost it.

Jun 28, 05 10:58 am  · 

geez beatledud, you're not making any ringing endorsements for Las Vegas....;-)

Jun 28, 05 11:04 am  · 

ceaser's creek is the best by far....long single track, good mix of topography. harbin park is a mud hole unless it has been dry for weeks.

Jun 28, 05 11:22 am  · 

general cycling link for the cincinnati area
also i know that the erlanger montgomery cyclery store has weekly road and mountain rides saturday mornings.
and definitely hit up bio-wheels for information, Mitch is a great guy and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. my favorite shop in town.

Jun 28, 05 12:21 pm  · 


Jun 28, 05 12:24 pm  · 

Tower Park in Ft. Thomas--only about ten miles of trails, but all different skill levels, and all designed and built by mountain bikers. Mainly it's cool because it's so close. I'll ride with you if we have time.

Jun 28, 05 1:20 pm  · 

You better be packing up monkeyboy so you can move east.

Then you can get here, and help me move.

Jun 28, 05 1:54 pm  · 

Randy!?!? Ha haha..... where are you going?

five, excellent tip on the park in Ft. Thomas, I had no idea. that's pretty sweet. I need to get a bike.

Jun 28, 05 2:19 pm  · 

WK, you can borrow mine, I have 2. One's a hybrid though and the other is a hardcore mountain both can do some street biking but both can't do mountain biking.

Jun 28, 05 2:28 pm  · 

I don't think she'll be hitting tower park with a hybrid...

Jun 28, 05 5:20 pm  · 

While I have everyone's attention:

Does anyone have any of the following that they might want to sell?


Portable Dishwasher (one that isn't built into the counter that is)




Bed Frame.

I have to sell/throw away all my stuff before moving and will have to buy new...but I have no $ to do so, so I'm looking for used. Let me know, thanks.

Jun 28, 05 5:27 pm  · 

Why do you need al that stuff for an apartment?

Jun 28, 05 5:37 pm  · 

dont live in otr

Jun 28, 05 5:39 pm  · 

What r u talking about five? that stuff is apartment stuff. Dishwasher and bed frame aren't a must, but it's a huge one bedroom apartment, why wouldn't someone need a dresser or desk or couch and chair. there is no washer/dryer in the apartment (private or communal), but there's a room and hookup for it in my apartment..

Jun 28, 05 5:46 pm  · 

and mdler, I don't know who you are, but don't come in here trashing my future home unless you do it for good reason (aka state so) and with some class.

Jun 28, 05 5:47 pm  · 

i used to live in cincinnati...born and raised...went to UC, did the save over the rhine studios...

Jun 28, 05 6:21 pm  · 

I suppose I live more simply than you. Plus, dragging that shit from place to place would be a hassle. Different folk, different...

Anyway, check classifieds--usually there is that kind of stuff there. Plus, OTR being ghetto, there are tons of used appliance/houseware shops all over.

Hey--you think that 3+ and 4+ will be involved with each other much.

Jun 28, 05 8:27 pm  · 

Way to qualify that statement, mdler...

Jun 28, 05 8:27 pm  · 

In order to bring the whole "crime - bike - DAAP" conversation full circle, I will mention this bit of irony: the reason I don't have a bike is because the last one I had got stolen off of my front porch when I lived in Clifton and was attending DAAP. Even more ironic was that mine was the cheap one but the roommate's was there too, and it cost at least $300 more than mine. So, yeah.

Jun 28, 05 8:45 pm  · 

i'll have to ask the parents ( the original owners of my furniture) but i mayhave a dresser or two, possibly some ikea chairs and possibly a desk.

Jun 29, 05 2:02 am  · 
vado retro

if you were a hardcore architect you would move into your new digs with no furniture, spend some time sleeping on the bare floor until the apartment tells you how it wants to be furnished and then build it all yourself. god what is it with kids these days. softies.

Jun 29, 05 7:06 am  · 

vado's probably its a great crime deterrent...nothing to move in...nothing to steal ;-) and if the apartment doesn't tell you what it wants to be just ask a brick.

Jun 29, 05 9:09 am  · 

right.....are you all just screwing with me?

Jun 29, 05 9:23 am  · 

from my vantage point, the people screwing with you are Vado and myself. monkeyboy's probably got stuff he'd sell you if he can, and i think five was spot on with the citybeat classifieds...and maybe craigslist too.

You will do fine in OTR beatledud, don't let anybody scare you....just take care and read our earlier posts about the cautions one should take when living there and you'll be fine.

i was just making fun of vado with the 'ask a brick what it wants to be' reference...learn to love those ";-)" on archinect beatledud...they'll keep you sane.

Jun 29, 05 9:33 am  · 


You'd think that we'd get tired of inside architect we haven't used that Louis Kahn bit about "what the brick wants to be" a zillion times. But no. It's still amusing.

Jun 29, 05 9:35 am  · 

yep, still giggling. its not actually the kahn quote that gets me laughing...its that horrible scene in Indecent Proposal where Woody Harrelson is the Arch prof and gives his students the lecture on 'what the brick wants to be'...and they all eat it up like it was brand new rhetoric...i can't think about that scene without laughing. -so sorry to disturb everyone.

Jun 29, 05 9:39 am  · 

cant sell you the dressers but may have some chairs and a desk.

also, you can look at craigslist in cincy. my dad also got on this kick of going to you sign up in your region and people basically send out emails about giving away stuff. i was signed up for it to see if i could find anything good but i mostly got just shit loads of emails. but it may be worth it.

Jun 30, 05 10:34 am  · 

If you guys have some pics of the stuff, email them to me at [email protected]

Jun 30, 05 10:40 am  · 

well, i would but i busted my camera while at a bachelor party. so when i get a chance i will.

Jun 30, 05 10:47 am  · 

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