
Help with Cincinnati Living


great monkey, you broke your camera while taking pics of nude women!! i hope you were able to get those off the camera. if so, email them to me.

Jun 30, 05 1:38 pm  · 

my camera was cruched while getting a lap dance.

did you get Ben's drunken message last night?

Jun 30, 05 3:26 pm  · 

Ok, since you guys are talking about lap dances, I get to change the subject too, really I didn't want to start another Cincy thread, I figured no one would read it....

How do you like them apples:

stupid idiots are spending $42 mil to move the fountain

And then Luken suggests that maybe we should disband the Historic Conservation Board: "We cannot let an independent board stand in the way of major development," Luken said.

Hmmmm, Luken, might I suggest that you go f&*$ yourself? What a good-for-nothing ass clown.

Jun 30, 05 4:13 pm  · 

I would love to join in the luken bashing, but I think you said it all, wonderk. Ahh, how I love it when my city spends my money on dumb-ass shit. Actually, that gives me one reason to be glad I'm not getting any paychecks anymore...

Hey, why don't you ex-daapers stop by 7265 and teach the new m archers a thing or two. We're here all day, every day.

Jun 30, 05 5:31 pm  · 

I would love to join in the luken bashing, but I think you said it all, wonderk. Ahh, how I love it when my city spends my money on dumb-ass shit. Actually, that gives me one reason to be glad I'm not getting any paychecks anymore...

Hey, why don't you ex-daapers stop by 7265 and teach the new m archers a thing or two. We're here all day, every day.

Jun 30, 05 5:31 pm  · 

hey i was wondering how difficult it is for non uc or daap people to tresspass in the design library. i have an internship in cincinnati for the summer. looking for something to do between 530 and 7 to avoid commuter traffic. bookstores here are lame.

there's an ok book on cincinnati mt. biking trails.. you can get it at most cyclery stores. its title something nice and obvious like.. 'ohio mt. biking trails' i dont know the first thing about it, otherwise i'd read off the names of trails in the book for you. you could also ask eugene at reliable pawn on court and walnut. he sells good bikes and seems to be very knowledgable about a lot of things.

Jul 1, 05 12:01 am  · 

hey beatlebud,

cincy also has some good local bands, in a weak attempt to return to some of the early discussions... check out a local band called mallory, they have a website. my friends used to date some of them and ran into them in otr last time i was in town... they are better than i expected them to be in concert and bought there first album online to help support them...

on otr... during my "save otr design studio" i was once yelled out, in midaay, from across the street, he stated "get the fuck outta here you honky white mother fucker bitch"... during the same studio, we were told to leave a certain area, as we then saw drug deals going down on the nice children's playground... just watch yourself, though this of course doesn't guarantee a damn thing

Jul 1, 05 12:04 am  · 

hey beatlebud. otr may be a gorgeous urban neighborhood but it smells like pee so first you get all the alley pee-ers and figure out a way for them to pee in toilets.

i've never had anyone tell me to leave for being white but i've gotten some glares going down vine. but.. people also say hello and good day .. and things like do you have a man oh baby you so fine.

Jul 1, 05 12:32 am  · 

during my site visit for the save the OTR studio, an old african american dude came up to me and looked like he was shadow boxing. He gets right in my face and says "punch you out white boy" that was pretty funny. I towered over the guy and could knock him over by breathing on him . thats what made it funny. I think that was the same day some of my classmates got batteries thrown at them from the park.

Another time, as i was sketching on race st. a dude come up to me and asks what we are building. I explain the premise of our studio and he proceeds to tell me that i should design my building like a fortress becasue its always a war in OTR. He then asks "can we get along?" i ask "what do you mean" he replies " white people and black people,..can we get along? I answer: "absolutley, of course". Then as he grabs the sunglasses off the top of my head he says "Good, becasue i was about to take your sunglasses." then he hands them back.

Those were my first impressions of OTR.

Jul 1, 05 11:20 am  · 

Yours are artistic and nice.

Jul 1, 05 11:33 am  · 

in cinc. right now... what's going on this week?

Jul 5, 05 12:22 pm  · 

What are you in town for, J? Did you go to DAAP?

Jul 5, 05 12:34 pm  · 

Javier, et al...any UC archinect'rs up for a meet and greet some evening this week once us working stiffs are done at the office? I know Monkeyboy and Plastic are up for a beer!

Jul 5, 05 3:41 pm  · 

I'm up for anything. Friday night is great. I'll go wherever.

Jul 5, 05 4:17 pm  · 

friday would be great... i'm close to mt. lookout and hap's in hyde park...but I can probably go anyplace. if you want to do anything earlier in the week i can try to work it. five - i've got family here.

Jul 5, 05 4:30 pm  · 

have any of you been to 1020 Bistro or Mt. Lookout Tavern? we could maybe meet there and go someplace else. if there's any live music...all the better...

Jul 5, 05 4:32 pm  · 

Personally, i swore i'd never get kicked out of MLT's again. it seems like i can never walk into that place without hurting some frat boy. no offense, Javier...its just a thoroughly despicable scene there, IMHO.

What about a bar in Clifton then a walk around new construction at UC if you haven't done that yet? Christie's Biergarten... Friday? we could always barge in on the archinect minors at DAAP and hassle them too...or bring them beer.

Jul 5, 05 4:53 pm  · 

Oooh ooh, Hap's....I've heard good things but have never been and couldn't drag anyone with me (my friends don't normally go to Hyde Park on purpose). We could go there.

Don't know about 1020 Bistro, I take it they serve food. We could start there and then go to Hap's. Mt. Lookout Tavern is also known as MLT's, and with another bar in Mt. Lookout, is a primary destination for massive groups of frat boys and other people I don't really want to interact with. Nothing against anyone but I've been there before and I'll not be back.

Jul 5, 05 4:57 pm  · 

Ha, iOFa and I are pretty much in agreement on that one. Anywhere but MLT's.

Jul 5, 05 4:58 pm  · 

As far as music goes...The Cloud Room is playing Wednesday at is Humans Bow Down on Friday. Southgate has a decent chill bar scene if you wanted to do that in conjunction.

Jul 5, 05 5:08 pm  · 

Email guys...IM, phone, everytime someone posts an idea to meet, I get like 6 emails. HAHA. Plus I feel left out cause I'm still im Minneapolis for 2 months.

Jul 5, 05 5:10 pm  · 

sorry beatledud...i never do that email signup for reply just for that reason. there is no "cinci archinect'r newsgroup". I'll post here on the topic of meeting this week just this last time. if you want to join in, i'll be the email depot...PM me with your addy and i'll send out a final destination and time. -iOFa, out.

Jul 5, 05 5:15 pm  · 

What's wrong with cargo shorts and dirty ball caps?? LOL. Woops...Is it a frat scene down there? Let me give you a disclaimer: The people closest to my age here in Cinci are 4 and 8 (niece and nephew). They don't hang out yet. I've never been to these places...just pass them on my way home. So, if you think that band is good...I'll do that w/ you. I have your #. Clifton is fine for Friday also. I kind of drove by the Morphosis bldg today. Would like to check that out too.

Jul 5, 05 6:03 pm  · 

Hey all,

1020 closed down a while ago--that place looked like a freshmen interior design project--nasty. As far as the other mt lookout bars, they are all double-popped collar havens, and you'd do best not to touch them with a stick.

Put me on the email list if you all meet--Arlen's (Arlin's?) on ludlow is a nice little bar, with a good sized patio (and I'll take gaslight over U-Heights any day). Fries is also a good location to take a walk on campus.

If you stop by the studio, no need to bring beer--I've got two bottles of ruby port in my desk locker, and a couple of red stripes in the fridge, all left over from our feast last saturday. Tinydancer and I would be glad to finally meet all of you.

Jul 5, 05 6:52 pm  · 

Hey guys-

Just to follow up, thanks to everyone who showed up on Friday night including all those new UC students who we weren't expecting. It felt good to meet a bunch of new people and walk around campus spouting somewhat pretentious things about buildings in that drunken, pseudo-intellectual way. :o)

Oh and monkeyboy is a dork. (Dude, WTF? You couldn't even come out for one beer? Dork.)

Jul 10, 05 10:41 pm  · 

Aye. The whole experience made me sick of architecture for the whole rest of the weekend, which was a nice break.

Jul 11, 05 7:59 am  · 

Yes, thanks for being excellent guides and also steering me clear of all the MLT! Good luck w/ school. Next time we'll do a real cornhole tournament.

Jul 11, 05 10:07 am  · 

hey y`all DAAPers, i`ve been admitted to the 3+ M Arch and i wanna know something about the school. is the 2+ M arch naab accreditated? i read from the website the 2+ is only for B.S Arch from UC but i know a coupla international applicants who got into the 2+ when i was`nt.

is the 2+ the same as that of 3+ ? does the 2+ have CO-op as well?
sorry for the tangent.

Jul 11, 05 10:11 am  · 

hey beatledud,
going in for the 3+? count me in during winter qtr.

Jul 11, 05 10:12 am  · 

i know i know.. apologies. i had prior dinner plans that lasted longer than expected. I did shoe up to Christies at around 11-11;15...had a drink then went to Arlins to see if you guys were there. No luck.. I went to Fries Cafe for a beer then went home. I wasnt feeling great anyway. I think i had a temporary case of amoebic dysintary. and just for your future knowledge...protein shake and comet burrito do not mix.

i'll make it out next time.

Jul 11, 05 10:13 am  · 

at least you didn't eat at Skyline, mb.

Jul 11, 05 11:38 am  · 

So you went on a little solo bar-hop, monkey?

Jul 11, 05 12:33 pm  · 

yep, actually i went to chirsties with some other architect friends and then i saw some people i know at the last bar.

Jul 11, 05 12:54 pm  · 

Man, this thread really has gone a stray, lol. None of you current/former DAAPers answered chameleon's question.

Chameleon, yes, I'm in the 3+ program, starting this Fall quarter. During the winter quarter, I will be doing my Co-Op, which means I might not be around in Cincy during that time...we'll see (with that said, I will have to sublet my awesomely cool apartment, part of WonderK's building. Interested?)

The 2+ program is only for B.S. Cincy students because they had Co-Op experience during their undergrad. The 3+ program is for students with a B.S./B.A./B.Arch from another school, in which they did not have a undergrad Co-Op program. BTW, where is your undergrad program from? Ofcourse the 4+ is for people with no arch undergrad degree. And yes, the 2+ has Co-Op, graduate Co-Op only, and not as many semesters as teh 3+ have ofcourse.

If they deemed that your previous school had some sort of work study/Co-Op, or if you've been in a firm for long enough (ex: working for a firm for several years out of undergrad and now are coming to grad school), then you can get a 2+ admitance. No worries though, that extra year we take we're getting half of that in pay/work experience/IDP hours.

Not to criticize, but these are all things I would have figured you knew about before even applying to the school. Not to assume though. Either way, make sure you do your research, you want to confirm that this school is a good fit for you. This can be said, DAAP is one of the best, if not THE BEST architecture school in the country. In many rankings (some being ranked by know the one's that give you jobs and decide how much money you get) DAAP is ranked at least in the top 5 if not #1 in some rankings I've seen (TAKE THAT HARVARD BITCHES).

For the rest of you, I've started to confirm my moving plans, and I believe I'll be moving in the weekend of September 3, and I plan on celebrating my new home in style. So starting getting your extra sleep now, you'll all need it.

Jul 11, 05 1:26 pm  · 

Sweet! Party!

beatledud, please note this on your calendar: Sunday Sept 4 is Cincinnati's annual Labor Day Riverfest Celebration. There is a lot of drinking down by the river and then a big fireworks show on one of the bridges. So, work this into your plans.

Jul 11, 05 5:07 pm  · 

and honestly I didn't answer chameleon because I didn't know the answer. I'm a 6-year Bachelor's student, we don't get all of those 2, 3, 4 and plus symbol nonsense.

Jul 11, 05 5:09 pm  · 

"Take that harvard bitches"? UC is #1 in undergrad b/c the ivies have no undergrad program (BTW, it lost out this year to Cornell, and to 4 IV's + MIT for grad). I'm pretty sure DI is the only ranking--am I right? It may be a top school, but don't get it in your head that just because you go to DAAP that your balls are any bigger. And here's the difference: research. DAAP has none to speak of.

Jul 11, 05 5:23 pm  · 

Not to say that the program isn't a fantastic one, because it is--it's just very different from other programs ranked around it. Also, the grad program is extremely new, and it's still unclear where it's going to go, since it is essentially a copy of the undergrad model.

Jul 11, 05 5:24 pm  · 

My balls ARE bigger five. But yeah, not beause I'm going to DAAP.

plus I was only trying to pump the kid up. Thanks for bursting his bubble, it broke and hit my eye! ow!

Jul 11, 05 5:33 pm  · 

And thirdly, Cornell, MIT, and Ivy leagues are too f-ing (can I say the real word on this thread?) expensive. And so they don't exist in my world. Therefore, UC is the best of all the schools that I could ever dream to afford. Loop hole!

Jul 11, 05 5:35 pm  · 

is this the part where we start naming our astrological signs? or where we criticize the new Freedom Tower?

Jul 11, 05 5:44 pm  · 

-I'm a Virgo...and the new design sucks worse than the old design, if that was possible.

come on kids...lets take it down a notch. i can understand wanting to pump up a newcomer AND wanting to rid this site of further threads that degrade into "my USNWR rating is better than your USNWR ranking", "the DI rankings are for cadmonkey asshats" and "Better value for your dollar" arguments. I think we're all tired of it.

So, can't we all just get along? I mean, we're all Bearcats, past present and future...lets learn to focus all that competitive energy into a single, united, and fierce hatred of Miami University where it belongs, ok? hehehe...

Again, it was a pleasure to meet you all on Friday and I look forward to our next get together.

Jul 11, 05 5:59 pm  · 

Dude, I can't stand Miami, they are so annoying. They do have that little community design center around the corner from me though, so props for that I guess.

Jul 11, 05 6:03 pm  · 

I wasn't fighting, I was just bantering. No worries, five's a cool fellow.

Plus I'm not a bearcat yet....I haven't bought a hat. hehe.

Jul 11, 05 6:05 pm  · 

beatledud, i appreciate your response. i thought i had figured out things before i applied but then i got a little concerned when i learnt that ppl other than B.S archs from daap where admitted to the 2+ especially when i also had the same amount of study/work they had. but, still like you say i guess we get more pay/work experience. IDP?

i completed my bachelors in india about a year back and well i`ve deferred my fall admit to winter.i was just concerned if i shud have asked for the 2+ when i applied.
and one more important Q. is the 2+ considered as the post prof degree which is a 1yr in many other univs? and is it a naab accreditated one?

these are the questions which still have not made me confirm my university of study, the other being Nc state. hehe.. funny asking to all u DAAPers.

but frankly i don`t know much about NC apart from hearing about it from a few archinecters. probably i wud like to keep in touch with you since u are joining this fall. good luck beatle and thanks.

Iofa, yeah i`m tired of this DI ranking especially after comparing it with that dr.garry ranking.

anyways, thanks y`ll.

Jul 12, 05 2:25 am  · 

Hey, sorry, y'all--I understand, beatle--I've just been kinda bummed getting here and find little emphasis on or interest in research and publication--that's all. Don't pay my rantings and heed--and, yeah, THE PRICE IS RIGHT at UC. I'm all about that, and the fact that you come out with a year of professional experience and 3 or 4 firms already on your resume, so, given UC or Columbia, I'll take UC any old way.

Jul 12, 05 8:14 am  · 


yeah, you would had to petitioned for the 2+ when you applied. You can always call Gordon Simmons at the arch office (you can get his # off the UC website) and ask if you could try to get into that.

IDP!!!!! Become very familiar with it IF you plan on practicing in the states. Basicaly it's a training program for architects that goes beyond your school studies. You have to register hours in the architecture field in different categories, take all these extra qualify exams, and fill out a ton of paperwork and pay them some big bucks, after all of this (which takes 3-6 years in addition to schooling) you can be a registered architect. The good news? When you become registered (and prob with a masters in your case) your average pay salary jumps considerably, ex: national average of a registered arch with 5 years of experience (doesn't have to be registered) ranges from 55k to 85k. This ofcourse isn't nearly enough money considering all the work we've put into our careers, but it's enough for me to live comfortably and pay off my loans! :-).

As far as NC vs UC goes, I can tell you this: Do you really want to go THAT far south? Assuming you're not from the states, you probably have a gauranteed hatred of Bush right? If so, NC will be waaaaaaaay worse than UC (even though Cincy is pretty awefuly conservative as far as I'm aware...everyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). The city you live should be a part of your decision also. Plus with UC and the 3+ program, you have the opportunity to move anywhere else in the world for a few months like 3 to 4 times. Does NC offer that?

Really what it comes down to, is I'm trying to convince you to come here so you can sublease my apartment for the winter qtr. :-D. Just kidding. Well, I hope that answers all your questions, feel free to ask any more...keeps me distracted from work that way.


visit for info about IDP. Also, yes the 2+ is accredited...its similary to 2 year programs at other universities...again UC is a competitive school (12-14 of use were chosen for the 3+ out of over 250 apps this year if I remember correctly) and if you aren't in their co-op program in undergrad, you're gonna have to take that extra year to say I graduated from DAAP.

Jul 12, 05 9:09 am  · 

But 2+ is not post-professional, cham.

Jul 12, 05 9:29 am  · 

The MS Arch is post-prof, however, but it is an academic degree.

Jul 12, 05 9:31 am  · 

2+ is an M.Arch which makes it a post-professional, doesn't it?

Jul 12, 05 10:17 am  · 

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