
Abortion Policy?


"and as far as homosexuality, sodomy, etc. that the ultra right is screaming about - the ones screaming the loudest have the most to hide."

and don't forget the rape of many, many young boys at the hands of their so called trusted pastors.

Jun 21, 05 4:38 pm  · 

and the rape of many college students at the hands of their dates...

Jun 21, 05 4:43 pm  · 

Cameron Sinclair: I understand the example you gave in regard to other deities and thier religions incorporating homosexual relations within its ethos; however, I guess regarding other "gods" is a mute point because the ethos of religions with regard to Jehovah God at its center all have a premise that states that there are no other gods before him (Jehovah God). Therefore, it doesn't really matter that other religions incorporate homosexual behavior. Now, obviously, we get into the discussion of "why should I believe your God and not that God..." We've all been there before.

Jun 21, 05 7:36 pm  · 

true but isn't tolorance about respecting others beliefs - not about who's god is right or wrong.

I don't care which one you believe in, or if your religion says its' god is greatest, as long as you understand there are others. (NB: as opposed to belief)

Ironically you notes that you are "a theist", which is the belief of one or more gods and/or godesses, though I trust you meant a monotheist - the singular. (did religious studies for 5 years due to the school I attended)

for me there are enough problems in the world to deal with -- I'm more concerned putting a roof over someones head than worry/dictate who is sleeping in the bedroom.

Jun 21, 05 8:27 pm  · 
le bossman

i tend to favor choice, especially in regards to rape, incest, or the mother's life being in danger. i would say though that i definitely don't prefer abortion as a birth control option however. i was adopted; my biological mother making the "simple choice" to not have an abortion has made a definitive difference in my life experience. the main reason why i am pro-choice is that i don't feel uncle sam has a right to get so personally involved in issues of family planning or what a woman does with her body.

Jun 21, 05 9:29 pm  · 

Cameron: It is my attitude to respect everyone, which would include other religions. And yes, I am a monotheist. Where did you go to school and do religious studies? I went to a religious school for undergrad.

Jun 21, 05 9:36 pm  · 

mjh00c - ah ha it all makes sence. As for me, it was actually secondary school (UK) -- ages 12-17 and yes six times a week not including Sunday.

as a side note you should check out the work of Father Curry (second article)

Jun 21, 05 9:47 pm  · 

choice, but only under very limited circumstances (rape, incest, true medical circumstances). reducing the number of abortions is the goal, absolutely, but also the need for abortion. there is a certain sense of responsibility that seems to be skirted too easily under the current law. the reality is, once pregnant, there is a life that has to be cared for, somehow, someway. tell me, what is the difference between a six week old baby and a seven month old fetus? both will survive with proper care, but both can die from neglect just as easily (anyone think a six week old can get food for itself?). why do we protect one so vehemently and give one over to the whims of the mother? there is no intellectual consistency in saying the womb is a domain sacred to the mother's desire only.

i'm not taking into account the roles that various religions, politics, etc. play in the realities of abortion as a cultural instrument. clearly pregnancies occur under 'less than ideal' circumstances and to people in tragic situations. tragically, kids are abused, neglected, etc. and those cases happen, disproportionately, to lower income families. but holding up those examples as a rationale for easy access or for the promotion of abortion is ridiculous. how many kids were born into hard circumstances but rose above it later in life? should they have been terminated in the womb because someone else thinks their life might be 'too hard'? and, as cameron noted above, mixing in religion and politics rarely helps matters. i'm all for birth control, working to help poorer nations, and promoting better, safter alternatives for adoption.

for me, the issue transcends respecting someone else's beliefs. you get the right to raise a child as you see fit (within those boundaries each society has set) - no question. abortion is in a different class, though, from religion, from other 'culture of life' issues (the death penalty, euthansia, etc.) because the fetus didn't have any choice in the matter of its existence. but they can live, they can grow, they can develop. this goes to our defense of a life that has no other means to speak for or defend itself.

Jun 22, 05 1:26 am  · 

Cameron: I appreciate the article. It actually makes me happy to read it. I too plan to do the same. Architecture has been something I have been passionate about even as a young child. My parents told me that when I was young, I would, for some reason which they do not understand why I did it at such a young age, draw aerial views os buildings and homes rather than the outside that one might expect a child to draw. Anyhow, All that to say that I have known for a while that Architecture is what I have always wanted to do, and I plan to use it in the same way as Father Curry has been. I am thinking specifically about homeless architecture. My mom works for a man who builds orphanages in Honduras. They just completed one last year and are working on another. I am interested in raising money as well as designing spaces of this nature. the website is Anyhow, that is my plan one day-have to get through grad school first!

Jun 22, 05 2:13 am  · 

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