
longboard or shortboard?


what do you surfers out there prefer?

or do you have both and choose according to the wave action?

Jun 2, 05 10:45 pm

Big days and/or a fast low tide...shortboard
Small slow days...longboard

Either way, I'm not in the water nearly enough.

Jun 2, 05 10:53 pm  · 

no ones in the water enough.
it's not physically possible unless you quit 'normal' life.

Jun 2, 05 11:04 pm  · 

never had a long board proper, but yeah generally the larger the wave the longer the board.
does anyone know exactly how polluted the water is just off los angeles? i've heard some scary stories of disease and floaties.

Jun 2, 05 11:49 pm  · 

I spend most of the year in Hawaii. Shortboards are the way to go! I have a 5'-11", 6'-2" and 7'-2" semi gun for the big days. Longboards are fun on anything too small to shortboard well on.

Jun 3, 05 3:02 am  · 

9'0"x22"x2 5/8" Town & Country shaped by Greg Griffin

Jun 3, 05 4:08 am  · 
too degrading

when i was young and active-short... now that I'm grey and... shall we say "less active" - long boards rule.

But this has absolutely no relationship to actual surf size.... only life cycles.

Jun 3, 05 4:50 am  · 

it really depends on the conditions...

I've got a 9 FT rockin fig ... i'm going to learn and build a 7 FT or 6 FT 8 this summer

Jun 3, 05 7:35 am  · 

i totally agree with "too degarding"..hey, "old guys rule"....
long live the lords of dogown and all of that era!
rhinochaser anyone?

Jun 4, 05 1:09 am  · 

Type "X" Gypsumboard is awesome stuff!

Jun 6, 05 1:27 pm  · 

used a 7' "fun board" this weekend for the first time.
nice size in smooth, gentle waves. lives up to it's name quite well.
check out the company 'sitka' if you have a chance.

Jun 6, 05 1:30 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

6'-1" channel islands.

Jun 6, 05 1:52 pm  · 


Jun 6, 05 2:02 pm  · 
el jeffe

for those of us not near the coast (sigh), how about skateboards?
this'll date me but I have a 27" bahne ash kicktail with bennett pro trucks and road rider 4 wheels that cost me the king's ransom of $67 in 1976...
i'm looking at getting long board now so i can cruise the neighborhood and begin to teach my 4 year old how to skate by taking her on the board with me. It's been a while since i researched skateboards so anyone have any suggestions?

Jun 6, 05 2:08 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

5'10" zippi fish "retro" fish twin keel for smaller days up to a couple feet over head. helps your style. nice rounded turns, but i've seen some guys really go hard and off the lip on these

6'4"x19"x2-3/8" ...Lost squash standard shortboard for beach break days above waist high for more vertical surfing. enough volume to grovel at knee high though.

6'4"x18-1/4"x2-5/16" point blanks / patagonia with a hybrid tail (squash/rounded pin) thinner outline for point breaks. good down the line surfing though i need bigger fins on that sucka.

8'6" wrongboard on the worst days when i'm going insane and the waves are less than knee high. though i've been known to play around on my fat 6'4" shortboard on those days even.

someone described the diff between the two once in a good way.

Longboards keep trim on the wave primarily by changing the surfer's position on the board utilizing the different parts of the board to stall and accelerate on the wave. Turning is more drawn out.

Shortboards more are a board that are equipped for more aggressive turning. The turning helps to generate speed and keep the surfer in trim. The surfer stays in trim by manipulating his position on the wave rather than his position on the board more.

8"x32" standard shortboard for all the silly kickflips and stuff like that.

42" sector 9 cosmic 2 longboard for hill bombing.

Jun 6, 05 3:11 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

kolohe -

current LA water conditions

but it's always more polluted than less populated places. the worst is after rainstorms cause it all just washes out. here's after a rainstorm at malibu...

Jun 6, 05 4:15 pm  · 

that gives me the willies, acfa. do people surf in that stuff? the tennessee river flowed along one border to our highschool campus in chattanooga.. that area of the tn r. was notorious for being polluted but on occasion we'd head over to a remote rope swing for a dip. we never had any problems but....

once i heard the crew team threw their coxen in. when they fetched him out of the water, he had all kinds of welps and rashes developing before their eyes.

Jun 6, 05 4:25 pm  · 
vado retro

long boards for rough framing
shorter boards for finish work

Jun 6, 05 11:17 pm  · 

Almost every place gets like that after a rainstorm, not just california... which is not good. I've seen (and surfed in) the water just like that in Hawaii after heavy rains. It's a strange feeling paddling around it murky brown water when you can generally see straight to the bottom. You hear about people getting sick from it, but none of my friends or myself have had any complications.

Jun 7, 05 12:15 am  · 

the thing is that in hawaii, we might get a little pesticide draining down from the sugarcane fields, but not a lot of raw eewage flowing out into the ocean. i guess that it's just a question of what all the water has to flow through and pick up before it gets to the sea.
thanks for the pic ants. the question mark posts a bigger question mark for me bracketing the 50 miles inland where that stuff came from.

p.s. anyone shaped their own boards?

Jun 7, 05 12:51 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

malibu is all on septic (i think) so all the runoff is from overflowing septic tanks. ew.... and just general pollution. i know this happens up at rincon as well.

in LA, i haven't had any bad infections to cuts or whatnot but had some nasty virus/bug for about 48 hours after a surf this winter. the lineup is gross for about a week or two. all sorts of floating debris. just lots of brown floating chunks ranging in size from fractions of an inch wide to a couple inches... plastic pieces... and god knows what else.

worst part is that the outflow of the river at malibu can pile the sand up and you get point break perfection for a few days. but i've heard amazing stories of cuts with raging infections and near amputations.

want to try to shape but don't have space in my apartment.
i read all the stuff at but am waiting for the opportunity to get a planer in hand. i think i'll leave it to the gurus and spend my meager intern's salary...

Jun 7, 05 3:11 am  · 


yeah, space is essential.
foam and fiberglass resin get quite messy.
john carper's shaping and glassing 101 videos will help out a lot.

i know it's asking a lot, but what are some decent (semi-uncrowded) spots around L.A.?

Jun 7, 05 8:02 am  · 

anyone ever surfed around tofino on vancouver island?
nice scene. some good hidden spots if you're adventurous.

Jun 7, 05 12:01 pm  · 

the longer and wider, the better.

Jun 7, 05 11:52 pm  · 

"the longer and wider, the better."

what a POOF!....;)

Jun 8, 05 12:52 am  · 

summer surf - longboard or funboard

fall/winter/spring surf - shortboard

Jun 8, 05 10:48 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

kolohe -

hehe. secret spots in LA? you've got to be kidding.
a city of 14 million.

PV area is usually less crowded but lots more localism
beach breaks will have less crowds just cause it's all spread out.
look for a good NW windswell crossed up with a S-SW making some nice wedges on beach breaks. any kind of consistency (points, piers, and reefs will be crowded or localized.

Jun 8, 05 7:16 pm  · 

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