
from our Savior...with love!


i wonder what the architecture is like in heaven... you think God is into ornament?

Jun 15, 05 12:57 am  · 

If I see anything by Gehry or Trump, I'm turning around and going straight to Hell.

Jun 15, 05 1:28 am  · 

And Rizzoli too...

Jun 15, 05 1:28 am  · 

hey is any one here good enought to get in to heaven?
Like hey you are going to die and what then???

Jun 15, 05 12:03 pm  · 

who designed heaven, do you suppose? i mean, do i really wanna go there if the most recent renovation was by bofill?

Jun 15, 05 12:06 pm  · 

some say there are many masion there, Good subject for architects. and they have lots of rooms. Some say it is friendly and fun

Jun 15, 05 12:16 pm  · 

does a child need to learn to do bad?
aren't we always try to teach people to do good things?
every religion in the world teaches people to DO good things..
so, aren't we just bad people trying to do good things?
and we know what is good, our own conscience tells us.
so there is no excuse.

we compare ourselves to one another and rate each other.
don't I hate? don't you? if with right circumstances couldn't you be like someone on deathrow? or usama?
why not?! you have a seed of hate, he just has a full grown tree..
it was watered and pruned to grow, and look at it now.

you can't DO good.. you have to BE good first, otherwise you're just hanging fruit on a dead tree.

Jun 15, 05 3:38 pm  · 

do you know how to get into heaven???

Jun 15, 05 4:18 pm  · 

everybody wants to go to heaven

do you wonder if heaven is true?
do you want to see an angel?
do you want to hear an angel?
do you wonder if angels are true?

the picket and the policeman
the astronaut in space
the skinhead and the student
the one who wears your face

do you want to see the kindom
without a king?
do you ever really wonder
if there is such a thing?

the future king of England
the little boy in school
the t.v. commentator
the prophet and the fool
the vicar and the rapist
the prisoner and the judge
the girl who works in tesco's
the critic with a grudge
the rebel and the teacher
the vandal and the saint
the aids patient and the preacher
the one who says he ain't

everybody wants some heaven

do you want to go to heaven?
do you want to hear an angel?
do you want to see the kingdom?
oh yeah!

:love and rockets

Jun 15, 05 4:25 pm  · 

Every one wants to but, do you know how to get into heaven?

Jun 15, 05 4:44 pm  · 

Does any one even want to go to heaven?

Jun 15, 05 4:48 pm  · 

can't get to heaven on roller skates.

knockin' on heaven's door may not work.

how 'bout this?:heaven. that's how i'd get there.

Jun 15, 05 4:49 pm  · 

he he?? funny, so is that a no or yes

Jun 15, 05 4:53 pm  · 

can't sanctimony be a form of hedonism?

now, cacaphony...

Jun 28, 05 7:07 pm  · 

savior this. savior that.
but really, haven't we had enough threads about Brad Pitt?

Jun 28, 05 7:08 pm  · 

i've worked on several churches and i am a devout athiest go figure

anything for money? have you no morals?

Jun 28, 05 7:11 pm  · 
And I was just questioning why there isn't a song entitled 'When a terrorist talks to God'

that isn't the name of those lyrics?

Jun 28, 05 7:32 pm  · 
Example, what name below instills the most initial sense of personal uncomfort?

luke skywalker?
marion robertson.

Jun 28, 05 7:35 pm  · 

Johnny Appleseed fed "pennies" from electric boxes into the washers at laundromats?

of course you have a sense of humor, eb :-)

Jun 28, 05 7:38 pm  · 
God loves homosexuals so much he burns them in the pits of hell.

hate the sin. ream the sinner.

Jun 28, 05 7:41 pm  · 
Please refrain from posting in all CAPS. It's not natural.

proven by the fact that the caps overheated and broke.

Jun 28, 05 7:43 pm  · 

the classic joke: which came first, christ or christians?
a. good christians have sex only to procreate
b. stop worrying, because, according to the latest image in an old garage sale lampshade, the second coming is always just around the corner.

carry on..

Jun 28, 05 7:52 pm  · 

what will E Bunny do when posts to this thread number 666?

Jun 28, 05 8:34 pm  · 


joke: christian
a. no
b 2nd coming almost here.

according to
vision in Daniel 2 = we are at the toes
vision in Daniel 7 = we are at the
vision in Daniel 8 = 2300 day propheyc 1844 AD.
vision in Daniel 9 =470 weeks completed with the murder of stephen in the book of acts, completed in AD 70 with the destruction of the Temple in jerusalem.
vision in Daniel 10,11 = we are somewhere between vs 41-43

I will be back with more post on were we are in revelation

Jun 28, 05 9:48 pm  · 

daniel 7 we are at the = beginning of judgement of the beasts

Jun 28, 05 9:57 pm  · 

In Revelation 2 + 3: We are at the= the 7th Church
Revelation 4,5,6&7 vision of the 7 seals =we are at the 6th seal
Rev 8 + 9 vision of the turmpets = we are between the 6th and &th trumpet.

I will be back later with more, My time on this computer is up

Jun 28, 05 10:06 pm  · 
vado retro

it takes a long time but god dies too
not before he'll stick it to you.

Jun 29, 05 7:55 am  · 

he is about to return

Jun 29, 05 5:22 pm  · 

icedragon: bullsh*t.

Jun 29, 05 5:25 pm  · 

the beasts of Revelation we are in the Lamb the speaks like a Dragon area.

Jun 29, 05 5:25 pm  · 

Prove it.

Jun 29, 05 5:30 pm  · 

ice, isn't the time on your computer up yet?

Jun 29, 05 5:31 pm  · 
vado retro

can i take my gun up to heaven
you know its always been right here by my side.
can i take my gun up heaven
i'll check it with st. peter at the gate
and if i had a woman who was faithful
or even kind some of the time
i'd drag her on up to the gates of heaven
or follow down to the gates of hell
and when i come home from a hard day of work at the prison
and find my woman she aint around
shes down at dahlie's corner playin cards and drinkin
or sittin on a car singin dixie with the boys.

so can i take my gun up to heaven?

Jun 29, 05 8:28 pm  · 

what proof do you want?

Jun 29, 05 9:12 pm  · 

i wont' be able to convince someone who is closed minded

Jun 29, 05 9:12 pm  · 

and won't be convinced

Jun 29, 05 9:13 pm  · 

you are going to have to look at the bible to determine that, but I have a degree in theology and I can show you why I am convinced

Jun 29, 05 9:14 pm  · 

i cant make you believe, but I can tell what I see? so what do you want me to prove

Jun 29, 05 9:15 pm  · 

I would think that a degree in theology would instil doubt rather than certainty. Where did you study theology?

Jun 29, 05 9:16 pm  · 

You have a degree in theology? Prove it.
The world has been about to end for many hundreds of years, and we are still here...

Jun 29, 05 9:35 pm  · 

ASK FOR REGISTARS OFFICE AND ASK FOR ANITA. i WILL E-MAIL HER AND ASK HER TO TELL YOU. WHAT OTHER PROOF DO YOU WANT. i STUDIED TO BE A MINISTER. SORRY I DID NOT MEAN TO YELL. I JUST REALIZED the caps locks were on. you can also also call Rich Carlson the Chaplin or Stan Hardt the spiritual advisor. they can be reached with same number.

People have been saying it that is true. but the time tables in the prophecys and the event in the world are leading up to it. If you want to study I would be happy to talk to you. I can go over the prophecys and the various schools of interpation if you wish.

I don't know what more proof you want other then to just start discussion.

Jun 29, 05 10:58 pm  · 

ASK FOR REGISTARS OFFICE AND ASK FOR ANITA. i WILL E-MAIL HER AND ASK HER TO TELL YOU. WHAT OTHER PROOF DO YOU WANT. i STUDIED TO BE A MINISTER. SORRY I DID NOT MEAN TO YELL. I JUST REALIZED the caps locks were on. you can also also call Rich Carlson the Chaplin or Stan Hardt the spiritual advisor. they can be reached with same number.

People have been saying it that is true. but the time tables in the prophecys and the event in the world are leading up to it. If you want to study I would be happy to talk to you. I can go over the prophecys and the various schools of interpation if you wish.

I don't know what more proof you want other then to just start discussion.

Jun 29, 05 10:58 pm  · 

icedragon - thanks. Didnt mean to seem to militant, but I have this habit of saying "prove it", and it lead me astray.

Anyway, can you give me just one example of a translation from the prophecies to real world times, that shows why you believe this is the case.

Jun 29, 05 11:06 pm  · 

Sometimes I'm appalled how Christianity is misunderstood and misrepresented. Issues regarding homosexuality and abortion are of course not the central tenents of Jesus' teaching. Forgiveness and love is.

Jun 29, 05 11:08 pm  · 

I believe he is coming, because of many things.

One passage alone would never convice me and should not convince you, but when you take the different passages together. it creates a picture that the time is near. Jesus said" no one knows the day or the hour, but when you see the fig tree bloosom you know that spring is near, so will it be with the coming of the son of man(jesus return)

1 revelation say that at the time of his return
The kings(governments) will be giving there power the beast,(will explain later), to get rich, and they will force(oppress) all people rich and poor, free and slave to recive his mark (sign of his athority). I see this happening , the WTO, Un, New World order, Global village what ever you want to call it. At no time in the history of the world has there ever been the ability to make a world government and to enforce it, until now.
2. Jesus say that @ the time of the end, just before his return pepole would be cry "Peace, peace" then the end shall come. Our world has a misguided belief that humans can bring peace, with polotical force or diplomacy, they might be able to bring peace at the point of the sword, like Rome did to some, but they can not make people value others, or follow God whom alone can make peace.

3. In daniel chapter 2 read for your self c.600 bc the king, nbeucanezzar of the then World power, Babloyon was given a dream of the history of the world until the
coming of the Kingdom of Christ. The king could not interpet it so Daniel the Prophet interpeted. the dream was of a statue of a person

the head was gold
the chest was silver
the thighs were bronze
the legs were iron
the feet were iron and clay
then and then a stone same and destroyed the statue.

Here is the interpation
gold head = babylonian empire
silver chest = persian and mead empire
broze thighs = Greece
Iorn legs = Rome , both pagan rome and papal rome
mixed iron and clay feet = broken roman empire, divided europe
Stone = kingdom of Christ

based on this prophecy we are in the toes. the pattern will be repated in follown prophecys, with differnt amplification. Daniel 2 is the General out line of World history
Rome, pagan and papal
divided europe
Kingdom of Christ

Daniel 7 - read for your self

The prophet daniel was given a vision in Daniel 7 of four beast, a horn and the spoke blasphmies and destroyed 3 of 10 other horns in the forth beast. the beast are as follows with interpation

1. LION the eagle wings= babylon and speed of the conquest of nebucanezzar.
2. Bear 3 ribs in mouth and limping on one side = Pearsians and Meads empire and the unequal power distribution with the persian dominate. the 3 ribs equal lydia,babylon and egypt the kingdoms conqured by P&M to become ruler of the world.
3 Lepord with 4 head and 4 wings = greece, wings equal the speed of the conquest of alexander and the wings equal the break up the the greek empire after the death of alexander
4. the Ferscious Dragon like beast, 10 horns = The Roman empire
10 horns are 10 tribes that made up the roman empire.
a. vandals
b. visigoth
c. heruli
d. ostrogoths
e. frank
f. burgundians
g. alamanni
h. lombards
i. anglo-saxons
j. suevi
5. A little horn that destroye 3 of 10 horns and spoke blaspheme =
This is very touchy interpation. some people may get offended. If you are easily offened you should leave now. if you are opened mined you can contiune. You need to under stand this in not an attack on the person or system whom this interpation represents. just the interpation. The people in the system i don't know anything about there relationship with God, but the system is what i am talking about.

Lets work the interpation backwards and defind some terms and then apply the interpaton
Blasphame= Jesus was accused of this. He was accused of claiming to be God and Claiming to forgive sins(crimes against Gods law) of people.

Little horn speaking blasphmes coming up amist the 10 horns(tribes of the roman empire (see above). the power claiming to be God and claim crimes arises from the 10 tribes of the roman empire.

Little horn destroy 3 of the horns (tribes)

Heruli 493 ad
vandals 534 ad
ostrogoths 538 ad
They all believed in a philosophy called arianism. and were destroyed because of it, by this power and his allies

This Little horn power also "thought" he had power to change God 10 laws and his times(bible language for prophecys)more on this latere

He would also wear out the saints of God( more on that later)
and regin for 1260 years, details later

then this power would be judges at the end of the prophecy

Who is this power.
Lets review

Who was this power
Claims to forgive sins and Be God on Earth
came up from roman empire
destroy 3 tribe of the roman empire
changed gods rules and prophecys
Killed God people
regin 1260 years
then be judged.

it is none other then the .....

The Roman Catholic Chruch.

That is all for now. I will leave you with that. there are many more visions. and I will discuss it later. these vision are filling more details that must be understood to understand that christ is about to retuen.

Jun 30, 05 12:46 am  · 

sorry about the typos, It took a long time to write this

Jun 30, 05 12:50 am  · 

So when did this 1260 year period being, and when is it due to end? And who is little horn?

Jun 30, 05 1:21 am  · 

there are many more prophecy that will add more time details to this and extend the time to our current day, but the time period was from

538 ad to 1798 ad

Clovis king of the franks, which became france, converted to what was called "christianity" and gave his armies to the Chruch to do it bidding. This lasted, until Bethea (pronunced Bur-thee-a) Napolians general came and took the Pope captive and sent him into exile., in 1798. France helped establishe the papacy and France would ultimately bring it down.
In the book of Revelation It is called the "deadly wound of the Beast" This wound would ultimately be healed at a later point in time as foretold in scripture.

there are other time prophecys
daniel 8 a 2300 year prophecy ending in 1844
daniel 9 490 year prophecy endig with the stoning of the myter stephen in the book of acts. that was 34 or 37 ad I am not exactly sure, i dont have the reference in front of me., but i can get it if you want it. This prophecy actually tells when Jesus would start his public ministery and his death this is how we christian know he was the messiah sent from God. The prophet daniel was shown over 400 years in advance
1290 year prophecy- details later
1335 year prophecy - details later
we can go into details later

Jun 30, 05 10:02 am  · 

details later...
details later...
details later...

Jun 30, 05 10:05 am  · 

that is daniel chapter 9, a 490 year prophecy

Jun 30, 05 11:02 am  · 

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