

David Cuthbert

The archi-stalker not very different from paparazzi is usually found staring oddly at buildings, by architects of repute. These archi-stalker are usually found with expensive cameras and sketch books. They feed on coffee, cigarettes, and engineers.

May 5, 05 3:39 pm

and listen to mars volta

May 5, 05 3:48 pm  · 

they ask passers-by to step aside so the pictures come out 'people-free'

May 5, 05 3:58 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

or ask people to deliberately pose, or to walk across. so as to get the nice blur of people walking across while you expose for 1.5 seconds with your medium format camera.

May 5, 05 4:49 pm  · 

nothing like a nice scalable figure either.

May 5, 05 4:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

They walk boldly into private buildings, secure in the knowledge that "I'm an architecture student" will likely grant them access.

They touch every surface of the buidling.

They always step into the bathroom, just to see it.

May 6, 05 12:20 am  · 

some -- upholding the epitome of snubbischness -- wait for the buildings to come to them

May 6, 05 7:31 am  · 
David Cuthbert

they wait until the perfect light shines upon the building sometimes hours, sometimes days

They can also be found scrapping off pigeon poo off buildings with their own nails, just to get that perfect shot (been there done that)

May 6, 05 10:53 am  · 

they make detours to drive by the building of their obsession, and circle on one way streets for second glimpes going 10 miles an hour during rush hour.

May 6, 05 1:53 pm  · 
they make detours to drive by the building of their obsession, and circle on one way streets for second glimpes going 10 miles an hour during rush hour

which hadn't been moving at all


May 15, 05 12:01 am  · 

dont they also frequently post in this discussion forum?

May 15, 05 1:42 pm  · 

i needed kids for a rendering i was doing so took my camera to the park and realized quickly i would be considered a 'pervert - stalker' if i my camera focused on the kids. [now if they read my post on archinect, they might think it so.... but my interest with the camera was purely professional]

quickly went to the zoo where there were virtually hundreds of kids and great disabled folks in wheelchairs which are always good for a rendering or two. easy to shot because everyone and everything was being shot with cameras.

moral; if your interested in stalking, stay in a crowd setting or where tourist hang out.

May 15, 05 2:34 pm  · 

they plan their trips around archi-destinations such as basel or como.

they knock on strange people's doors and go in their apartments so they can get a look at the inside...

they have nice manners but fake complete ignorance of basic private property guidelines...

and sometimes also basic safety guidelines like not standing on ledges of high buildings to take pictures of gutter details...

May 16, 05 10:06 am  · 

they ?

WE make reservations to visit foreign countries' famous public buildings, and the people who work there get a little annoyed and after hanging up the long distance call with US, probably look at all the information they have just wrote down on their activity note book, from a weirdou half way across the planet, asking themselves, why doesn't he just come and visit like everyone else.

May 16, 05 11:53 am  · 

archi-stalking has become a recent hobby of mine. so when i'm checking out the many famous houses here in la, is it in bad taste to knock the door and ask to have a peek inside?

May 16, 05 4:14 pm  · 

well by 'they' we mean 'we,' of course, but we're just adapting to jam-arch's preset mock documentary style...

May 16, 05 5:45 pm  · 

...may lead to archi-calepto, where one not only documents the building, but feels the need to take something material away from it. (I know such people)

Also archi-perversion...

On private buildings, identify youself as an architect, not a student, and act important, but friendly; like enterign a bar underage- act like you belong there.

May 17, 05 6:46 pm  · 

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