
Sin City


Anyone see this yet?


I want to go.

Apr 2, 05 4:11 pm

I'm going tonight, with about 20 other people who are anxious to see it as well....I'll let you know.

Word from the first 20 people I know who saw it yesterday was that it was fantastic. Also, check here for a good smattering of reviews:

Apr 2, 05 4:16 pm  · 

it was great!! visually, the selective use of color and framing of each scene looked like he just cut it out of a 1950's comic book. I also enjoyed the way they narrated it (very film noir). Its dark, its violent, its unique. Its great to see a fresh approach every once in a while. I recommend it.

Apr 2, 05 4:32 pm  · 

Was it like a traditional quitin territino (dont know how to spell it) movie?

Apr 2, 05 4:39 pm  · 

You could defiantly tell that Q.T. was involved, but there wasn't anything traditional about the film. It was a great break from traditional films. The camera angles etc. made it feel like you were inside the comic book. This flick is defiantly going to have a cult following. Thumbs up.

Apr 2, 05 4:53 pm  · 

aren't there multiple directors involved?

Apr 2, 05 5:04 pm  · 

2 directors + Q.T. did one scene and was somewhat involved...l

Apr 2, 05 10:48 pm  · 

Q.T. was involved only in one scene...which one i dont says wired magazine

Apr 3, 05 5:11 am  · 
vado retro

jessica a., rosario d, brittany m or carla g???

Apr 3, 05 7:32 pm  · 

There are lots of references to the 'Nolli map'. I keep thinking of this when I was watching it. Personally, I like the last story best, followed by the first one. The second one is the weakest, though Devon Aoki is pretty cool!

Apr 3, 05 8:09 pm  · 

Ok, I saw it. I did like it, stylistically it was gorgeous and all of my comic book-fan friends said that it is very true to form and like Miller's original graphic novels popped off the page. It was funny in very ironic or deliberately cheesy ways, for instance, in order to swallow some of the one-liners of dialogue you would have to imagine them in a bubble next the character's head.

It was also very very violent. As in violent for the sake of violence. This is just a warning for all of you who might not be able to handle it, and especially beware if you have problems with seeing a guy's nuts get destroyed in every imaginable way. But, you know when you are watching it not to take it very is comic land, after all.

Apr 3, 05 9:15 pm  · 

PS. I think Quentin Tarantino directed the second one. It was the one with most bloodshed so it makes sense.....

Apr 3, 05 9:17 pm  · 

A friend at work saw it this weekend and couldn't enjoy it because there was family in the theatre, she couldn't believe the parents brought a 9 and 12 year old to see the film. She said after the first scene she couldn't think of anything but why expose kid's to this so young. I haven't seen it but I am curious of others impressions of her reaction.

Apr 4, 05 4:18 pm  · 

i loved it.
and then today listened to an interview with frank miller in the KCRW archives.
it's comforting knowing that he had so much involvement.

Apr 4, 05 4:34 pm  · 


Sin CIty was by far THE best comic/graphic novel adaption movie of all time!

Must say- it will be very hard to beat. It drew you in at the beginning and didn't let you go- not even at the end, when you want more to happen- more to explain the characters development later on in sin-city life.

The cinematography was stunning- literally frame for frame designed to resemble 100% the comic book's graphics (which neither Xmen, Spiderman, Daredevil and the rest of those weak comic book adaptation movies could achieve) The character selection was great (not the best only because I think Gilmore girl wasn't the right choice for the role she played) but overall, everyone was great- and CARLA G was unbearably hot in her scene. well, her first one anyway- single handedly (inside joke- see the movie)

Maerv (the correct spelling) was realllly intense man. I'd have a beer with that dude anyday. Clive Owen and the assassin MiHo- great jobs. Overall this movie was stupendous. Its a dvd must have.

There best be another one.

Apr 4, 05 4:48 pm  · 

saw it on friday and after reading more about it have gained more appreciation for it. the graphics are great - but after 2 1/2 hours get a bit tiring. tarrintino directed the car scene w/ del torro and owen - and had collaboration with the rest of the film. it looks like he had more involvement than that - reminded me of kill bill somewhat (the saturation of violence).

Apr 4, 05 4:49 pm  · 

rorei...i saw the movie on friday...there is no way children
should be in that movie..i'm not one for censorship or anything...
but i think it's pretty safe to say that it deserved the R rating that
it got...i'm 31 and felt uncomfortable in a couple scenes...and the
violence to me, as an adult, which i can see as stylized and over-
the-top..would not be taken in the same way by a child. i'd hesitate
letting anyone younger than 17 see it..but that's hard to determine
with how early kids are exposed to things these days.

with that said it was a very good film...plot leaves a little bit to
be desired..but i saw that being a function of the fact that it was
basically a comic book made into a far as comic book
plots go it was fairly typical or better...but the way it was shot..
the way shadows and 3d characters at times looked like 2d was
really impressive...i found myself quite often wondering what the
comic looked like and how similar they must have been...just great
framing and great surreal effects/lighting.

Apr 4, 05 5:08 pm  · 

Does Jessica Alba get nekked?

Apr 4, 05 5:39 pm  · 

in the interview i listened to miller said that for some parts they would project his drawings onto a screen and have the actors just standing against his drawings.

Apr 4, 05 7:01 pm  · 

"Does Jessica Alba get nekked?"

We must know!!

Apr 4, 05 7:15 pm  · 
vado retro

she does not. carla g does tho. all in all this movie made me want to see some real noir ala double indemnity/chinatown/maltese falcon/ etc.

Apr 5, 05 12:26 am  · 

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