
How to authenticate a seal stamp


Greetings everyone 

It’s a pleasure to join here, I’m just an active in earth building.

I used the service of a freelance international architect, to complete a structural design and calculation for a simple residential building. My requirement that the materials should be reviewed, approved and stamped from US certified architect.

I received the material stamped from a certified architect in California.

The international architect failed to connect me with the American architect to authenticate the stamp. I reached a conclusion that it is forged.

I need to reach to an official establishment that confirmed my conclusion, so I can settle the issue.

I appreciate if any of you can lead me to the easiest way.

Kind regards

Jun 13, 24 1:25 am

Wait… i need popcorn brb.

Jun 13, 24 5:44 am  · 
Non Sequitur

hopefully you did not spend more than 3.50$ on this garbage.  Next time, hire a real professional who is local. 

Jun 13, 24 6:23 am  · 
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I’m not in USA, so don’t jump to conclusions

Jun 13, 24 8:11 am  · 
Non Sequitur

This ain't my first BBQ pig roast and you're not fooling anyone. 

You went cheap and sourced a "design" from a set stock options and paid a few $ vs the few thousands it would cost if you had it drawn/designed/reviewed by a real professional. You get what you paid for but you are lucky that there are likely very lax (if non-existent) construction laws in your area so maybe they will accept it? Who knows... but this shit does not work this way in the real world.

Jun 13, 24 12:32 pm  · 
2  · 

It’s easy to judge, I am in Middle East, The budget is very small, It is nonprofit organization, The work is done professionally, The only thing is to review it from certified architect, I approach some firms directly, They don’t answer because the project is a small. Going to a freelance is not a crime.

Jun 13, 24 9:45 am  · 

then why do you need a California stamp if you're half way across the world?

Jun 13, 24 12:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Firms don't answer because you cheaped out and bought stock plans from an unknown source.  We always turn away such projects.

Jun 13, 24 12:29 pm  · 
t a z

Have at it:

Search - DCA

Jun 13, 24 11:00 am  · 
3  · 
t a z

Fine then, I'll upvote myself!

Jun 13, 24 5:31 pm  · 
1  · 

You can find out from the link above whether the architect whose seal is on the documents is currently licensed, but if you find out that they are licensed then you'll still also need to contact that architect directly, to find out whether they did stamp the documents or whether somebody used their credentials without permission.

If the CA architect did in fact just "review" and stamp the foreign architect's documents, that is potentially a crime on the architect's part, as an architect in CA cannot stamp drawings that weren't prepared under his direct supervision: but if the project is not in CA then the board doesn't have standing to address that.

Jun 13, 24 12:04 pm  · 
5  · 

eeayeeayo, thank you so much.

Jun 13, 24 12:14 pm  · 

Sandstoner, I'm curious about the project. Something to do with earth building? In California? Would love to know more about what the organization's goals are, of course absent any identifying information.

Jun 13, 24 12:56 pm  · 

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