
Surf's up

wondering if there are other surfing architects out there?

Feb 23, 05 7:52 pm

can't afford a board

Feb 23, 05 8:01 pm  · 

Hell ya. I'm gonna use my CNC fetish to shape boards for the rest of my life. Actually, this is my alterior motive for attending SCI-Arc... continue to procrastinate about the rest of my life, mooch off the government, and surf my home-break as much as possible while pretending to be in studio. Call it a $100,000 dollar, 3-year boat trip.

Feb 23, 05 9:41 pm  · 

where is your home break? i saw the pics in the school blog...

Feb 23, 05 10:20 pm  · 

Royal Palms / White's Point in San Pedro. Basically, if you take Western Ave. South, until you fall over the cliff, you will be in the "Lion's Den".

How 'bout yourself? Where do you other Archinecters call your home?

Anyone incorporating surfing / fluid dynamics into their architecture?

Feb 23, 05 11:41 pm  · 
Clancy Pearson

I started surfing again... it has been 12 years since my last paddle out (well, I went in Dec when it was 10f in so cal - ouch! - and there was that time on Christmas of 96 when I paddled out in my undies and caught a cold after one wave). Bought a Channel Islands Epoxy hybrid pintail - 7' 6" and a Oneill Psycho 2 wetsuit! Going to Hawaii late April. Condo style for a week - without the suit - maybe get back into shortboardin'. Or experience the long board... which I have never done.

Feb 23, 05 11:50 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

right on clancy... don't think I would ever surf again unless I lived somewhere with warm water. cold water? early morning? architecture has made me a wuss...

Feb 24, 05 12:32 am  · 
Clancy Pearson



Feb 24, 05 12:40 am  · 

i boulder.
its cheap.

Feb 24, 05 12:59 am  · 
Clancy Pearson

beat - My Dad helped me rock climb in the 70's when I was a kid... as well as in the 80's.. once he handed me a surfboard the itch was in the wax not the rope. We were both born on the west coast.. Santa Monica... so we can't help

p.s. we can boulder in the backyard... no joke!

Feb 24, 05 1:16 am  · 
Clancy Pearson

and we live in separate locations...

Feb 24, 05 1:19 am  · 

cold water or not, you have no idea how insanely jealous I am of all of you.

Feb 24, 05 5:56 am  · 

cold water and frigid air is a way of life for the northern east coast surfer. i don't surf much in the winter... fall and spring are my limits, and usually produce the best waves for jersey.

i find it hard to beat a beautiful summer day spent on a longboard... the waves are usually too small to have much fun on a shortboard, but fall (hurricane season) is off the hook. my brother and i and a few friends make a point to miss work when the waves get good.

our 'family quiver' has about a dozen boards total.

Feb 24, 05 8:25 am  · 

i am a summer time boogie boarder.

Feb 24, 05 9:17 am  · 

do surfers like frisbee (Not ultimate)
ie non competitive/team

Working on a petition at the moment as its "illegal" to play frisbee in trafalgar square in london

Stupid English Laws

Feb 24, 05 9:39 am  · 

Newps ( many)
Swamis (mini trip...also to many)

Feb 24, 05 11:19 am  · 
Charles Ellinwood

JB, you should bring a football (the oblong kind) to trafalgar and throw it with some friends, just to piss off the bobbies. and take a photo, i'd like to see that.

where are you at pix? there's surf in lots of places. they surf in sheboygan, wisconsin for pete's sake.

i wouldn't say that i am incorporating fluid dynamics into my architecture, but i have learned to stop bitching when the city of santa monica requires storm water mitigation for projects. i've seen what makes it to the ocean, it's pretty gross.

Feb 24, 05 12:45 pm  · 

i'm in southern california and i log at huntington, seal, sunset, and sometimes ventura or cayucos

i've got a 9 foot longboard from rockin fig in HB but i'd like to try and get back into short boards the next few years

it sucks now that i'm in school and have so little time to hit the beach (i'm 35 -40 miles from the closest break) and all of this rain repulses me when i think of how it ends up ruining the beach for a while....

come spring break i'm going to spend a week living out of a tent in baja mexico and surf all day :D

Feb 24, 05 10:41 pm  · 
Clancy Pearson

yeah, the rain sucks... out for a week... trash pile!

Feb 24, 05 10:59 pm  · 

i heard that the some areas around palos verdes is cleaner than the rest but i've never made the trip plus a buddy of mine says don't bother trying because the locals are real dicks

Feb 25, 05 1:28 am  · 

hehe... i surf Palos Verdes quite a bit. I live 5-10 mins South. Yes, it is very localized, but if you are choosey about the time of day you surf, there are usually no problems. Lunada Bay is still a place I avoid, but every place else is game. The water is a bit cleaner on the PV peninsula--I'd have to agree. Though, we do get a lot of muddy water from Portuguese Bend.

A Baja trip sounds nice right about now (minus the rain). Anyone ever surf below Ensenada... some of the best waves of my life down there--besides Hawaii.

Here's the pics mentioned above...

Feb 25, 05 1:59 am  · 
Israel Kandarian

i grew up surfing the left break at brooks street and oak street in laguna beach, then moved to venice for undergrad and started surfing the breakwater break between venice and washington boulevard.

currently wading through melting snow on varick street in nyc and can not wait to move back to socal next year...

Feb 27, 05 7:14 pm  · 

i grew up surfing mush in nw florida but it has been years since i've had the opportunity to put in any real time in the water. will still head out when visiting the parents and if there's any waves to be found...

of course, my youngest brother is out on maui/oahu living the dream for me... ah, to live vicariously through the younger, cooler sibling....

Feb 27, 05 9:41 pm  · 

LOL @ g-love... i too have a younger brother who does things i wish i could.

Feb 28, 05 10:00 am  · 

i would love to work somewhere where i can wake up every morning and hit the surf before heading to the firm for the day.

anyone want to open a real avant garde firm in ohau?

Feb 28, 05 10:26 am  · 

We lived on Oahu (in Pearl City) from 1982-1985. My dad retired on there 6 years ago, and subsequently, I've visited / surfed the biggest waves of my life on the North Shore. Anyone ever surf "Left Overs" (just West of Waimea before you get to Chun's)? Also surfed Ehukai Beach Park (Pipe looked totally nuts), and Haleiwa (surprisingly the lefts) was totally insane just before the Triple Crown. Any good firms on Oahu... hehe. A few years ago I was doing some sole searching and applied to WAT&G. After my masters, I may consider relocating :)

On a sidenote, we should put an Archinect Baja Trip together for the beginning of summer. Both my Jeep and Tahoe are running excellent now. I know some amazing breaks below Ensenada that would be great to camp / surf our asses off. Even a 3-day weekend trip for those of you that are tied to an office would still work.

As for today, my 1/2" toe gash is 80% healed and the surf is head high plus at Palms, so... I maaaaayyyy be a little late to studio :)

Feb 28, 05 12:02 pm  · 
Charles Ellinwood

steve fuchs....what are some good mellow breaks in san diego? my sister & brother-in-law are moving down there and i'll probably be hanging out there more often and would like to try some new spots.

in p.v., do you surf at the cove? i saw a photo of it and it looked like it could be a fun spot, but i read about how some locals are freaks about going leashless there and harsh on anyone who dares wear a leash in their presence.

Mar 3, 05 2:17 pm  · 

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