
Richard Meier


It was only a matter of time before our profession was featured in the headlines of bad behavior.

Mar 13, 18 1:47 pm
Non Sequitur

That's what Meier looks like?


Mar 13, 18 1:49 pm  · 


Mar 13, 18 1:58 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit


Mar 13, 18 2:40 pm  · 

Somewhat ironically, I just saw this headline in AR yesterday... https://www.architecturalrecor...


Mar 13, 18 2:11 pm  · 

Rosa Sheng, who is cited in that article, has done some excellent work in this area. She and her colleagues have really helped me get a better handle on where the profession is and where it needs to go.

Mar 13, 18 2:14 pm  · 
No more silence? You haven't been listening!
Cheryl NoelMarch 2, 2018
No more silence? Not all of us have been silent, you - the press - have chosen not to listen or give our voices power. Despite the consequences, and despite being largely relegated to the fringes of the profession, many of us have been speaking out for many years. And before you encourage more people to speak out, you better be ready to have their backs. I have not been the victim of blatant sexual harassment or assault within the profession, but physical assault is not the only form of inappropriate or illegal conduct. My experience and the general state of the profession is much more insidious discrimination, and it extends far beyond architecture to the larger building industry. Anyone who is not a straight white male and has been working in this profession for more than 5 minutes likely has a story, some more outrageous than others. Things have improved somewhat since I entered the profession, but discrimination still runs deep here, and I have not seen signs of any substantive change. There hasn't even been a conversation yet, and not for lack of will. I've taken a handful of 'equity' surveys recently, and they are not even asking pertinent questions. I have even reached out to the survey sponsors as there is no box to capture meaningful input. When enraged by Robert Ivy's response to the election of Donald Trump, I wrote a letter and sent it to every single architectural/design publication, including Architectural Record. You did not chose to publish it, no one did except for Archinect: Silence is not always the result of the lack of voices speaking out, sometimes, maybe most of the time, it is the suppression of those voices by those in power.
Mar 13, 18 4:17 pm  · 
1  · 

I was assaulted by Richard Meier on multiple occasions when I worked for him on the Getty.

Jan 14, 24 4:31 pm  · 
1  · 

What sickens me most is that apparently everyone in that firm knows about Meier's behaviour, including female supervisors who keep on sending women over to his house. Hope that fucking firm goes bankrupt asap.

Mar 13, 18 4:17 pm  · 

That was my big shocker out of the article too... like, as a higher up, how do you do that?

Mar 15, 18 12:58 pm  · 

0 for 2.

Bad architect and a womanizer. Maybe now the fanboys will look at his crappy work more critically.

Mar 13, 18 5:44 pm  · 

Exactly.    "Not only is he a sexual predator, he grids absolutely everything AND can't tolerate color!"

Mar 13, 18 6:01 pm  · 

I suppose now I can feel better about hating the Getty

Mar 13, 18 6:32 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

No feeling bad about that. I tried to like it too, but couldn't.

Mar 14, 18 12:00 am  · 

The only thing good about the Getty? Irwin's gardens.

Mar 14, 18 12:04 am  · 

Getty Villa > Getty Center

Mar 14, 18 8:29 am  · 

B3, There we can agree!

Mar 14, 18 6:17 pm  · 

It it great to see Meier finally getting his comeuppance. His office was the most blatantly sexist environment I've ever been in. It was gross and it came from the top. It was no secret that Meier was a sexual abuser. When I worked there there had just been some sort of settlement with a woman he had harassed. We weren't supposed to talk about it around the office but people did of course. Apart from Meier the things I witnessed when there weren't any women in the room have made me predisposed to totally side with the me too women. 

Mar 13, 18 6:49 pm  · 

What did you do to stop it while you worked there? Or did you just look the other way as well?

Mar 14, 18 2:55 pm  · 

Almosthip that's a pretty accusatorial phrasing. Remember, people who don't have power have all kinds of legitimate reasons to not place themselves in the position to be abused. Rather than attack the powerless focus on making the powerful play fair.

Mar 17, 18 11:14 am  · 

"It was no secret that Meier was a sexual abuser." - This bothers me.

I am going to call for the revocation of his Fellow status, and the revocation his Gold Medal. 

Going to be an interesting Conference in NYC.

Mar 13, 18 10:05 pm  · 

cue Balkins with a bullshit "due process" argument...

Mar 13, 18 10:16 pm  · 

This is an easy call, I'll make the floor motion.

Mar 13, 18 10:24 pm  · 

I really like the "we" part in as a profession ....

Mar 13, 18 10:28 pm  · 

The "we", read Bobby Ivy and Carl, are ducking for cover like this was a "Duck and Cover" drill.

Mar 13, 18 10:32 pm  · 

Rule 1.401 Members shall not discriminate in their professional activities on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation.

Looks like Meier only screwed up by not hitting on men, too.

Mar 13, 18 11:17 pm  · 

That we know of.

Mar 13, 18 11:56 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Bothersome is a start.

Mar 14, 18 12:11 am  · 

Can't believe the lack of humanity of all those employees, male AND female who willingly and knowingly kept on sending fresh meat (apologies for the wording but that's how it seems) over to Meier's home, knowing he's waiting for his next victim wearing nothing but a loosely tied robe, thereby turning #metoo in a continuous stream of #hertoo''s not just Meier, it's the entire firm that's rotten to the core and don't even get me started about their architecture or lack there of.

Mar 14, 18 3:09 am  · 

What infuriates me isn't just Meier's behaviour but the people who knew this fucking thing that's been going on since forever.

Anyway is it too late to rescind his Pritzker?

Mar 14, 18 5:08 am  · 

If you work for a starchitect the likelihood that you or people around you will suffer abuse is unfortunately a possibility. Celebrity in any profession leads to corruption and terrible behavior. This will not just ruin the career of Meier but the people who work in his office.  It is a sad day, but survivable and the profession can be stronger once this is dealt with properly.

No job is worth staying in an abusive work environment. There are other job opportunities, you should not wait for things to change, for people to change because they likely won't. If there is abuse in your workplace get out, you are too valuable to have to put up with it.

Over and OUT

Peter N

Mar 14, 18 10:02 am  · 

not only starchitects, abuse comes from a self image of superiority, and most of small men have it.

Mar 14, 18 1:12 pm  · 

How To Stop Sexual Harassment In Design Right Now.

Don't be a bathrobe.

Mar 14, 18 1:34 pm  · 

It is just not Jewish men who do this! Shame on the Pritzker Prize, the foundation should remove that award.

Mar 14, 18 3:35 pm  · 

who the fuck said it was?

Mar 14, 18 3:38 pm  · 

lol what.

Mar 14, 18 4:04 pm  · 

Whoa, whoa, hang on!  Gentiles do this, too?

Mar 14, 18 4:21 pm  · 

Surprised the Paulo soleri revelation didn’t get more attention.  

Mar 14, 18 7:27 pm  · 

He was just a hippie in a desert. reason it didnt get traction was because he really isn’t considered an A listed architect. If it was Frank Ghery different story.. but for people and architects outside of AZ no one knows who he is

Mar 14, 18 8:12 pm  · 

Soleri's dead for almost 5 years already...

Mar 15, 18 11:36 am  · 

Yeah, isn’t it a funny human thing that with time things are forgiven, and the architecture becomes more and more distanced from the architect and events...a place where slaves where fed to tigers in front of cheering crowds is now a tourist attraction “wow isn’t that lovely...”

Mar 15, 18 11:47 am  · 

“This is where they used to decapitate people and roll their heads down the steps Timmy” “cool, can I buy a montezuma action figure mom!” “Of course you can :)”

Mar 15, 18 11:52 am  · 

Also, but what's to gain from revelations about dead people? He can't be held accountable or even defend himself, so what's the point? I'm not saying it shouldn't have been published but I totally understand that in Soleri's case the attention was/is much less. He's also not that well-known, whereas Meier even won a bloody Pritzker and builds all over the world, The Hague city hall for example with it's beautiful Carl Stahl suicide nets:

Mar 15, 18 11:59 am  · 

More fame = more outrage. Question is, is this a genuine concern for sexual assault, or a collective blood lust to see successful people fall/fail/exposed for being creeps? It’s sad that everyday people are not getting this much/any media coverage.

Mar 15, 18 12:07 pm  · 
form follows gumption

Genuine concern is consistent across the board. The fake outrage is all about moral grandstanding.

Mar 15, 18 12:33 pm  · 

jla-x: "Question is, is this a genuine concern for sexual assault, or a collective blood lust to see successful people fall/fail/exposed for being creeps?" Can't it be both? Why do you need to define everything as black or white?

Mar 15, 18 1:01 pm  · 

just because you don't know, it doesn't mean it's not happening.

Mar 15, 18 1:10 pm  · 

and why does "outrage" over sexual misconduct bother you at all? seems to me to be exactly the right response.

Mar 15, 18 1:31 pm  · 

Bullshit, Balkins. There are a lot of things that don't qualify as a crime that can still make one a shitty human being. The court of public opinion has a place, and sexual abuse / harassment - until our legal system catches up - is a societal issue, not just a criminal one.

Mar 15, 18 2:23 pm  · 

Balkburger, just shut up. You're not doing anyone any favors, least of all yourself.

Mar 15, 18 3:13 pm  · 

I KNEW he'd bring up "due process" sooner or later. goddamn Balkins, you are the fucking worst

Mar 15, 18 3:33 pm  · 

A tree is also one step from lynching. But it very importantly isn't lynching.

Mar 15, 18 7:05 pm  · 

Donna, yes it can be both, and probably is for most people, but I find it sad that these cases get so much attention while I hear about even worse offenses against women, that are just a blip on the local news. This celebrity culture is feeding the problem imo...not saying I’m immune to it. I too pay more attention to the high profile cases...don’t really know why. Maybe a little more introspection is good. Just saying.

Mar 15, 18 11:48 pm  · 

me too!

Mar 14, 18 7:58 pm  · 

Hippies in the desert = free love. Pretty much the opposite of a corporate office.

Mar 15, 18 8:03 am  · 

Paulo Soleri, is different! It was his daughter as I remember reading. 

Dick Meier, had earlier this year that warm, fuzzy press release about being a kindly old grandfather who spends most of his time at home painting water colors.

Mar 15, 18 9:07 am  · 

Different? The fuck are you talking about?

Mar 15, 18 2:00 pm  · 

this thread is deeply depressing on many, many levels

Mar 15, 18 2:14 pm  · 

Mar 15, 18 11:55 am  · 
If I was at Meier's office I'd be putting my resume out like crazy. Watch it as clients begin to cut ties with the firm.
Mar 15, 18 2:33 pm  · 

Fuck those complicit enablers.

Mar 15, 18 2:48 pm  · 

By that I mean all the staff that knew about it, not the clients.

Mar 16, 18 3:22 am  · 

All the members of staff that were complicit and put unsuspecting new employees knowingly in situations where they were sexually harassed should also be investigated and prosecuted, enough already...

Mar 16, 18 3:37 am  · 

I know I shouldn't but okay:

"Conduct that was once acceptable is no longer acceptable."

It was never acceptable behaviour, that kind of behaviour was always wrong and everybody knows that, especially Richard Meier himself. Don't treat his age as an excuse, just because he's old doesn't make it right, it never was.
But also don't tell elderly people who to date, as if it is their decision and their decision alone, it takes two to tango. Also, don't tell younger people who to date or who not to date. If younger people consensually date older men OR women, who are you to interfere. Telling Meier to retire and save his've got to be kidding, right? Too late for that, his name will forever be tarnished, his legacy destroyed and everyone who worked long enough at his office will have some serious explaining to do, rightfully so. Retirement is not a punishment either, let authorities and the legal system do their job.

Mar 16, 18 4:40 am  · 

...And it's an early Christmas for pbts_!

Mar 16, 18 1:51 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm replying to this potential dumpster fire so I can be made aware of it's progress via email notifications. Carry On RB, please enlighten us some more.

Mar 16, 18 2:03 pm  · 

Sorry but you're wrong Rick, those men always knew they were doing something morally and totally wrong, they only were able to get away with it so could continue their behaviour. They didn't harass others because of all that free love and tree huggin' hippy crap but because nobody believed their victims who never could come forward, so they could simply keep on doing what they were doing.

Mar 16, 18 2:31 pm  · 

I feel genuine sympathy for the women with whom Balkins interacts in the real world

Mar 16, 18 3:38 pm  · 

Quick! Your blow up dolls are running away.

Mar 17, 18 2:46 am  · 

Dude, you are profoundly disturbed.

Mar 17, 18 2:46 am  · 

holy crap. the Balkins misogyny train is off the rails, choo fucking choo

Mar 17, 18 2:53 am  · 

that’s right, future google searchers: this is the kind of mind at work you get when you hire Richard Balkins (aka Rick Balkins) of Astoria Building Design in Portland, Oregon. morbid curiosity is going to make you want to take a pretty deep dive into this maniac’s post history, but even if you don’t, just
know that his lunacy-riddled contributions to this thread are totally standard for him.

Mar 17, 18 4:45 am  · 

By the looks of it Rick, I don't think you're on twitter nor ever had to give an elevator pitch, could you maybe summarise your response(s), have a Dostoyevsky waiting ;)

Mar 17, 18 4:47 am  · 

"What do queers know about heterosexual culture.(?)" You are a straight up fucking moron.

Mar 17, 18 9:04 am  · 

I never read the postings of R. Balkins, Esq. as the replies tell me more than I need to know. Which is that medication is required.

Mar 17, 18 9:55 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Intensive cognitive behavioral therapy is required. 24 hours a day intensive.

Mar 17, 18 10:07 am  · 

Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics

Mar 17, 18 10:10 am  · 

i’m not sure deleting Richard Balkins’ aggressively misogynistic and ignorant comments is the way to go here, archinect

Mar 17, 18 11:03 am  · 
form follows gumption

First he gets added to the list. Then his comments get deleted? Absolutely pathet

Mar 17, 18 11:14 am  · 

He was put in timeout, relax Francis. He's a fucking douchecanoe homophobic, misogynistic asshat. If the collective needs a break, then so be it.

Mar 17, 18 12:37 pm  · 
form follows gumption

So the "right side of history" is all about personal attacks and pettiness? You're doing wonders for this movement. Bravo.

Mar 17, 18 12:59 pm  · 

Pettiness? Are you always this fucking dumb? His rampant homophobic and misogyny is why he got dealt with. You don't like it, move the fuck on.

Mar 17, 18 1:15 pm  · 

Also, for what it's worth, I'm the one who called out the assholes that added his name to the list. Aren't you paying attention?

Mar 17, 18 1:16 pm  · 

keep it coming, Balkins, may your well of stupidity never run dry

Mar 17, 18 5:52 pm  · 

I'm somewhat convinced you're a "man", but I am definitely convinced you still don't know what it's like to be a man.

Mar 17, 18 7:48 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I had nightmares about bathrobes last night.

Mar 15, 18 2:53 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Mine is Ralph Lauren and blue. Was it me?

Mar 16, 18 2:04 pm  · 

Open or closed?

Mar 16, 18 2:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

we have very large street-facing windows thus it's closed.

Mar 16, 18 2:07 pm  · 

well, there's one thing i don't have to worry about. i don't own a bathrobe.

Mar 16, 18 3:29 pm  · 

What's the method to stop email notifications of thread responses again?  It used to be a link in the email, but no longer.

Mar 17, 18 1:29 pm  · 

this might be in my personal top ten of Balkins bullshit:

"I expect college graduates to be able to do this in 30 seconds."

let's just have a quick recap of Richard Balkins' educational accomplishments. from LinkedIn:

  • Clatsop Community College: associate's degreemicrocomputer programming and networking (yay! you finished this!)
  • Clatsop Community College: certificate computer aided design drafting (this too, yay! but an associate's and a certificate took you seven years?!?)
  • Clatsop Community College: no degree earned - historic preservation and restoration,
  • University of Oregon: no degree earned (though he says he's on track for a 2022 graduation??) - geography major, historic preservation minor

Balkins' qualifications/comments ratio is approaching zero and getting closer with every stupid wall of idiotic text he posts. it's a thing to behold.

Mar 17, 18 4:26 pm  · 

2011-2022? Going for 10 years to finish a four-year bachelor's degree? Damn.

Mar 17, 18 4:41 pm  · 

Catslop? Never heard of it.

Mar 17, 18 6:23 pm  · 

Listen, if you can't live near Catslop, you're not dedicated to being a design professional, you're a pretender.

Mar 17, 18 7:30 pm  · 

alternate explanation: you're just a stupid, stupid man (in addition to being an unrepentant misogynist and homophobe)

Mar 17, 18 7:42 pm  · 

just shut the fuck up and go away, Balkins. despite your best efforts to sound intelligent and accomplished, it's patently obvious that you're just a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. you're not an educated man, nor are you intelligent, accomplished, interesting, or decent. what you are is an artless asshole who couldn't string together two articulate sentences if your life depended on it. so kindly just fuck off.

Mar 17, 18 7:56 pm  · 

U.S. Federal enclaves (ie. Federal land): - Building Design/Architectural Services* ( Due to Federal jurisdiction is not subject to state-level laws & regulations including licensing regulations and that state laws/regulations may not have applicability to Federal employees and work of those contracted by Federal government to do work on Federal land especially those that are of sole Federal jurisdiction, Astoria Building Design, LLC. can offer full services under the Architect title and across the spectrum of project types in connection with Federal projects on Federal land without necessarily having to have a state-level license much as Astoria Building Design, LLC. has in some countries outside the U.S.)

What the actual f*ck. 

Mar 17, 18 7:59 pm  · 

If those are the only degrees he's listing these days then he's actually scaled back slightly on delusional exaggeration. He used to also list a future M.Arch from a specific university to which he's never even applied.

Mar 17, 18 9:00 pm  · 

The guy, who won't bother to travel five hours to get a BS, expects to get work from other countries? You know, you'll likely have to travel more than five hours, right? You hate women, you hate the LGBTQI community, and you hate yourself. You won't complete your degree[s], you're having too much fun being on the internet.

Mar 17, 18 9:24 pm  · 

Balskid from Catslop: "Male culture is the way it is. It is the male culture message when it comes to sexuality. Besides, what does queers know about heterosexual male culture? They are what the culture called "girlie men".... "women with dicks and no tits"." - Sounds like Balkins.

Mar 17, 18 9:26 pm  · 

He doesn't expect to get work from other countries. His theory is that if he's offering architectural services to North Sentinel Island for example, where there is no licensing required for architects, then he can advertise himself as an architect despite not being one in the US state where his office i

Mar 17, 18 9:33 pm  · 

It's okay Balkins From Catslop. You're done here.

Mar 17, 18 9:33 pm  · 


Mar 17, 18 7:40 pm  · 

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