
Thump the Trump


Chris Christie: "I won't defend Trump's comments."

Oct 11, 16 6:57 pm  · 

what did I miss? so here is my dissertations thesis: The Systemic Elitist Bigotry in the form of Academic Liberal Progressive values to prevent the growth of or maintance of "traditonal" values specific to the former representatives of Oppression: White Christians in the form of ridicule and passive aggressive insults and systemic social oppression.....hate to say it, but some Muslims reporting see something as Trump asked via twitter - are right - white supremesists are terrorists or will they be freedom fighters? good luck left wing bigots - once the righty whack jobs realize it aint the Muslims or the Mexicans - its god damn sesame street....i will be enjoying my popcorn....who owns all the guns kids? could you be so liberal you are a bigot?........the russians are coming.... toodles

Oct 11, 16 9:38 pm  · 

conspiracy spawn here (for ye nutts): so the Clinton-Bush Regime needed to distract the Americans from the David Kuresh and Timothy McVeigh incidents, needed to distract the fiery religious bastards who raped the west and claimed it, so they found an old religion to force the rage towards - Islam. 20 years later, the crazy white folk ain't distracted anymore. i think Alex Jones will like that one.

Oct 11, 16 9:46 pm  · 

obama has all the guns.  he's commander and chief of the largest military in the world.  soon, hillary clinton will have all the guns

also, i like sesame street and tolerance towards other races and religions.

Oct 11, 16 9:55 pm  · 

Ditto. Sesame Street is real.

Oct 11, 16 10:39 pm  · 

Trump to a crowd of his supporters in Panama City, Fla., on Tuesday night: "make sure you get out and vote, Nov. 28."

Last I heard the election is scheduled about 20 days earlier than that. This will make it MUCH easier for Hillary to carry Florida.

Oct 12, 16 12:30 am  · 

yes Sesame Street is the Village (NYC). Big Bird is a heroin addict who sees the furry elephant. Oscar the grouch a bum. Ernie and Bert are not just roomates...anyway, not my point......there are white folk claiming a revolution will have to happen if Hillary gets office and Obama will not be commander and chief anymore. see some Pence event, lady is like - revolution......all speculation aside

Oct 12, 16 7:12 am  · 

a refined version of the thesis: The Liberal Agenda and its Systemic Bigotry towards The Conservative Whites - and now the fucking fallout.

Oct 12, 16 7:14 am  · 

there is no fallout.  lazy white baby boomers can spend their money on ar-15s, but you won't drag them away from their tvs long enough to do anything useful.

Oct 12, 16 7:22 am  · 

and my bigotry is based on a rational and statistical view of the social realm, I find both left and right to be equally dumb on many issues........since I am trying explain what is going on here to what appears to be clueless progressive class of college educated people, who cannot see the fundamental paradox of their essentially Christian based liberal views on tolerance I thought I should further clarify the new coming wave of terror that will ensue if Hillary is elected.............sub item within my thesis: The Liberal Pervesion of Christian Tolerance and its fundamental Inadequacy to Address Enemies of the State and Society. In this section of my dissertation I walk you through the historical character of Jesus Christ and forgiveness. The essence of Protestantism and the basis for Western indivisualism and humanism. We arrive at a tipping point, where the values of Jesus Christ tolerate those who do not tolerate the base values of Jesus Christ. This is country is fundamentally Christian, historically and philosophically. The perversion is the use of Christian tolerance and its limit to produce a basis for intolerance of Christians themselves. Its like raising your kids with all your moral values just to have them tell you with your own words you are an ignorant asshole. Tolerate all religions but the ones that draw lines in the sand. What is the limit of tolerance based on forgiveness? An example of the perversion would be: Pence makes statements on abortion and that aussie late night guy cracks a joke about archaic abortion views by Pence. That might be funny to a true libertarian like myself (fuck Johnson) or to a liberal progressive, but in short that is offensive as mockery of the conservative right. its no different than making a cartoon about Alah or the Prophet Mo. Next time you make fun of a christian conservative imagine that your are Charlie Hebdo, get it? I said above. This fallout has been coming for decades and somehow has found its voice in a joker.

Oct 12, 16 7:34 am  · 

curt - and to be clear - the angry people are angry at injustice as they see it, if they were "trru christians" they'd turn the other cheek. i am talking about white folk who feel betrayed by their own values.

Oct 12, 16 7:36 am  · 
Non Sequitur


Oct 12, 16 8:16 am  · 

so, olaf, it's not ok to hate people because of their religion, regardless of whether that religion is christianity or islam or something else.  it is ok to not like someone for being a horrible person though, whether that person is a christian or a muslim or something else. 

there aren't many people that get upset with christians for choosing not to marry someone of their own gender.  people get upset when they tell other people who they're allowed to love, and especially when they try to use the force of the federal government to compel them.

likewise, you shouldn't be upset with all of the muslims in your neighborhood who are just trying to earn a living like everyone else.  they're generally good people, and should be treated as such.  it's ok to be upset with the terrorist that wants to blow shit up, just like it's ok to be upset with your fictitious angry white baby boomer who's going to shoot shit up when hillary gets elected. 

i don't know if that relates to what you're saying.  hope so.  if not, i probably don't understand what you're saying.

Oct 12, 16 9:22 am  · 
Olaf, Jesus never taught to turn the other cheek to *injustice*. He taught to turn the other cheek to violence rather than engage in violence in return.
Oct 12, 16 9:51 am  · 

i think what Olaf is saying is that popular culture, media, literature, and propaganda has become so radically and aggressively against what we would call 'Middle-America' (a real voting constituency in case anyone forgot) that a typical white church going American christian has effectively become the butt-end of all jokes.  Combine that with the echo-chamber that Academia has become and rhetoric espoused by popular shows like the Daily Show, it's easy to see how disenfranchised this very real sector of American society has become, especially when augmented by the socio-economic problems many of them live with.  It's incredibly easy to dismiss Trump's rise due to idiots, bigots, and 'deplorables'; but that very attitude is what underscores his rise!


Maybe.. just maybe, the Left pushed too hard, too quick, and without any sort of compromise? Leaving the bulwark of this group of voters, the GOP, with clipped wings and pride producing 'meh' candidates such as Chris Christie and Ted Cruz, walking parodies of the mockery that portion of society suffers.  Of course it's easy to see someone like Donald Trump rise to power as the result of frustration at the establishment and their own party (as Michael Moore said, the voter's personal Molotov Cocktail to throw in to the heart of Washington and the 'system').

How else can you explain evangelical support for such an irreligious man?  Do you think they actually like him, or they just hate the establishment enough to put him in power as a giant middle finger to their own failed party and the Left in general?  Do you really think a secretly recorded video from 11 years ago documenting a well-known asshole being an asshole matters in this context at all?


I found this piece pretty eye-opening in understanding the phenomenon, without all the name-calling, dirt-slinging, and partisan talk we see circulated within the same echo-chamber mentioned earlier.

Quote from Piece:

Trump can’t reverse globalization. Nor is he likely to save coal in an era of cheap natural gas. His gratuitous insults, evident racism, hair-trigger temper and lack of preparation suggest he would be a reckless, even perilous, choice for the Oval Office. I don’t think he is a danger to the Republic because American institutions are stronger than Trump’s ego, but that the question even arises is troubling.

Still, in a climate where disruption is sought at any cost (whether political in Hazard or economic in Silicon Valley), it would be foolhardy to suggest that Trump cannot win. He can; and he can in part because of the liberal intellectual arrogance that dismisses the economic, social and cultural problems his rise has underscored. Whatever happens in November, these problems will persist, and it will take major public and private investment and an unlikely rebirth of bipartisanship in Washington to make any dent in them.

Oct 12, 16 10:37 am  · 

+++A.I.  Well said.  

Oct 12, 16 11:09 am  · 

Systemic Bigotry towards The Conservative Whites? 

cry me a river

Oct 12, 16 11:19 am  · 

Politics in this country has become a team sport.  A means to assume an identity deemed "good" by the media and peers.  A nonsensical form of belonging and moral high ground based on likes, hates, and weak associations. The only way to have a real election in this country is to dismantle this whole dumb culture of political parties.  

Oct 12, 16 11:19 am  · 

You all are taking the race bait.  The left and right establishment doesn't give a shit about race.  They only care so far as to court votes. 

But let's talk race...more accurately culture...I'm always baffled how the left defends such an  oppressive religion towards women and gays, while also turning a blind eye to the misogyny and homophobia that's rampant in Black and Hispanic culture.  Imo, this is the ultimate form of white idea that we should hold whites to a higher standard as if people of color don't know any better.  

Oct 12, 16 11:38 am  · 

That's said, I defend 100% ones right to follow what ever religion they want or to say whatever they want regardless of how offensive, but you all guilty white people aren't very even when it comes to social consequence. 

Oct 12, 16 11:52 am  · 

Given the same social and economic conditions in America today, but under a Mitt Romney presidency - do we still have a conservative white America (the average Trump supporter), calling for revolution?

Or would their TV screens be telling them how great America is doing?

Oct 12, 16 12:19 pm  · 

the disenfranchised white middle class?  you get the wealth, opportunity and access to justice that other groups don't get.  how are you disenfranchised?  you're the butt of the joke because you think you're entitled to something you're not entitled to. 

why blame obama for your problems?  he doesn't get to write the law.  he doesn't get to set the budget.  he isn't the one driving market forces to make access to natural gas easier.  what is it about him that draws you to make him the scapegoat, rather than a specific policy or the people who put that policy in place?

Oct 12, 16 1:52 pm  · 
won and done williams

Impossible to say, ShakeyDeal, because inevitably, under a Romney presidency we have different social and economic conditions. Also it's not as though conservative American loved Mitt Romney; that is likely why he lost. The whole cultural zeitgiest has changed under Obama as it would have under Romney and will under Clinton or Trump. For many conservatives, that is why this election matters so much (as it does to liberals).

curtkram, go to Saginaw, Bay City, or Jackson, stand on your soapbox, and make that totally detached, highfalutin speech and see how far it gets you. Bernie got it; you do not. Your attitude is precisely why the Democrats deserve to lose.

Oct 12, 16 2:21 pm  · 

Bernie got it; you do not

sounds to me like you think you're the victim, but then it seems to me you're probably doing a lot better than most.  so why blame obama for your problems, especially for those problems he had nothing to do with?

Oct 12, 16 4:34 pm  · 

AI - your first paragraph is 100% what I was saying - but very sensical......Donna, technically you are correct, but is injustice not the premise to any violence?...........curtkram my imaginary white revolutionary army is not imaginary, i am not joking, these cats exist and they scare law enforcement more than a jihadi with a bomb strapped to their back, but don't worry I am out east, its all Blue states out here and we can still make a good living.......also curt, you drank too much of the liberal kool aid. there is only class privilege now. white or black who gives a fuck if you live in podunk Mississippi and the average salary is $16k, everyone is fucked in that scenario. forced to work and shop at company town Wal-mart.

Oct 12, 16 5:29 pm  · 

and JLC-1 - thank you for proving my point (you are probably joking) but go ahead and laugh at some white trash family in a trailer court in the middle of nowhere. Call me if you get out alive.

Oct 12, 16 5:31 pm  · 

Yeah, that's sorta how it makes me feel too ... 

Oct 12, 16 5:43 pm  · 

"Our lives depend on this election. Our kids' futures depend on this election and I will tell you just for me, and I don't want this to happen but I will tell you for me personally if Hillary Clinton gets in, I myself, I'm ready for a revolution because we can't have her in," she said emotionally. (lady at Pence event in Iowa)........if she is saying that out loud at an event, who the hell knows what the men are thinking. you know the silent huntin' fishin' type who start militias and have shoot outs with the FBI.

Oct 12, 16 5:48 pm  · 

curtkram is the one being most reasonable and calm on this thread.

Oct 12, 16 6:02 pm  · 

hey dimwit,  I live in a trailer park, NOBODY in 60 families will vote for that buffoon. And about your threat, violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, and we know how incompetent your raccoon haired leader is.

Oct 12, 16 6:02 pm  · 

JLC-1 it appears you do not read so well, never wrote I was supporting anyone, especially a racoon., although a real racoon might do better than our options... what are the dimensions of your trailer and desribe the layout.

Oct 12, 16 6:11 pm  · 

olaf - so what is your point then?   

A Trump supporter also said that "Obama didn't lift a finger to stop the 9-11-2001 attacks." even though he held no Federal office prior to January 2005.

Are we supposed to alter how we vote out of fear that some disgruntled and ill-informed conservatives might get angry enough to precipitate violence if their guy doesn't win the election?

Oct 12, 16 6:14 pm  · 

falo, It's a single wide from 1969 with multiple additions, we own the 2500 sf of land where it sits. 1064 s.f. built in total. 

I can hear my next door neighbor who is dying from lung cancer coughing when he lights his cigarettes. 

And there;s the usual drunk with guns that likes to shoot at 3 am, but the sheriff takes him to get sober in a cell all the time. 

the park is right behind the tavern with the flying pig if you know so much about political history.

Oct 12, 16 6:36 pm  · 

one more thing "never wrote I was supporting anyone" Yeah I can tell, you should get some support for your tits.

Oct 12, 16 6:37 pm  · 

I thought A.I. explained it much better than I could.

In short the world is very different than you think and don't be surprised.

JLC-1, you could have at least googled standard trailers for standard trailer parks...come on'!

Oct 12, 16 8:00 pm  · 


Rudi Giuliani: "I heard [Hillary] say that she was there that day [9-11]. I was there that day, I don’t remember seeing Hillary Clinton there."

To refresh Mr. 9/11's memory, Sen. Hillary Clinton was in Washington on 9/11,  and arrived at the Senate office buildings as they were being evacuated by Capitol police; it was not yet clear whether those or other government buildings would also be targeted. She and other senators were briefed on the attacks that evening not in those offices, but at a Capitol Hill police station. She took a FEMA plane to New York and visited Ground Zero—with Rudy Giuliani, as in right beside him—the very next day.

There is no record of Hillary having said she was at Ground Zero on the day of the attack.

Oct 12, 16 9:07 pm  · 


Oct 13, 16 7:41 am  · 

Politics in America is more than anything a simple divide between cities and rural areas.  A divide magnified by the fact urban areas define the "mainsteam media" or at least have the capital to create the artifacts that better define culture (Architecture included) 

The division has been magnified for years primarily from one perspective. Creating a population that is disenfranchised. These are two very different countries, begrudgingly dependent on the other and therefore prone to blame the other for their problems, collective and individual.  A Us  vs Them scenario that has existed for years with a lopsided ability for expression. 

until you have a national election.....  

Then all those problems are trotted out to show how can you elect the other side they are the cause of (insert problem) 

Trump embodies this rural / city divide in a strange way.  While he is undoubtedly a city boy. He has chosen to give voice to the segment of the population that has less opportunity to define our cultural narrative. He has embraced and retweeted all kinds of fringe phobias, lies and other detritus of the angst created by this divide. that's how people see him as their champion. They are grasping at straws for ways to articulate their angst at not being represented in many aspects of popular culture. Trump is more than willing to pick up these straws regardless of how crazy because it's giving voice to that section of the electorate. 

Trump's greatest political moves always begin with " I have heard........"  literally articulating that he is listening to this disenfranchised population after which he can repeat anything he wants free from ownership but gaining all the benefit of showing his support for the little guy (who may or may not be crazy, it doesn't matter they can vote) 

Either way the little guy is getting played. Trump has clearly shown himself to be nothing if not self-serving his entire life. Thinking that will change because he waves your flag is ignorance or maybe optimism after living in a country where other people are defining your culture.  

I know it's a cracked article but it's good

Oct 13, 16 12:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I understand nothing... US politics are wack.

Oct 13, 16 12:48 pm  · 

^^Great article!

Oct 13, 16 1:00 pm  · 

JonathanLivingston - thanks for the link - that's a very worthwhile article.

Oct 13, 16 2:17 pm  · 

JL, I disagree.  I don't think the urban/rural divide has anything to do with it.  It's a divide amongst people who are content and people who are deeply dissatisfied with life.  plenty of city dwellers will vote trump...maybe not a majority, but still a significant number.  Many older urbanites feel disenfranchised in their own cities as Gentrification and millennial culture has displaced them financially and culturally.  Old school working class NYers for instance probably have more in common with rural people than with the new Breed of NYers. 

Oct 13, 16 4:21 pm  · 


Sure there are going to be outliers to either side of the theory but this map has been fairly consistent for a long time. This geographic depiction illustrates a fairly clear divide between cities and rural areas analogous to political division. 

I don't think it necessarily has to be geographic though i believe it primarily is. You are right people can be disenfranchised in a number of different ways. The faster the progress the easier it is to create that divide. The divide is then magnified because a smaller group have the capital and ability to control that which we define our culture by.... ie media, institutions, infrastructure. (insert Bernie supporters understanding of the issue) 

Like the author of the article I linked to above I grew up in a rural environment, now live in a big city but have many family members who still live in a rural area. Traveling back and forth between these worlds the difference is incredibly shocking. Much much more shocking then between friends and family of different age or socioeconomic status within one single environment. 

Oct 13, 16 4:45 pm  · 
won and done williams

Great article, JonathanLivingston. Now tell my why those people should vote for Hillary Clinton? 

Oct 13, 16 4:49 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Why should I listen to Rush Limbaugh? Maybe we should just civil war already and break up.

Oct 13, 16 5:17 pm  · 

Trump: "pure fiction" and "outright lies" 

Well, finally ... a topic where Lying Donald actually has some genuine expertise.

Oct 13, 16 5:20 pm  · 
won and done williams

tintt, no one is asking you to listen to Rush Limbaugh. But I don't think it is too much to ask a presidential candidate to represent all Americans and not just the interest groups whom she thinks will get her elected.

Oct 13, 16 5:25 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

^except when they did. I grew up in the middle of all that red too.

w and d, Who is "all americans?" If that article does one thing, it reminds us that there is no such thing, right?

Oct 13, 16 5:47 pm  · 

Even that fucking map is absurd. It paints a picture that is grossly inaccurate to anyone with even half a brain, and suggest something that is not true.

Oct 13, 16 5:52 pm  · 

JL, good article. Thanks for posting it. I'm also one who grew up in a blood red, rural part of the nation and now live in a blue city. 

Won, I don't think the point is to try and persuade people in rural america to vote for Hillary or to get the people in the cities to vote for Trump. Rather, the point is to get people who live in the blue areas of the map to understand the lives of those who live in the red areas and why they feel like their way of life is threatened. 

Asking a candidate to represent all Americans might not be too much to ask, but it would prove impossible to achieve. 

How does one candidate represent both those who favor (insert politically divisive issue here) as well as those who oppose the same issue? And that's assuming that every topic is a binary issue. What happens when you get issues with more than two sides? How does one person represent all those sides simultaneously.

b3ta, what exactly is the map suggesting that isn't true?

Oct 13, 16 6:05 pm  · 

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