
Thump the Trump


won - the article you linked to talks about global trade agreements specifically regarding "green energy" - Maybe she can't backpedal on TPP anymore, but the rest is something that will be fleshed out at the committee level in the legislative branch even if they are pushed for by a Clinton admin.  I'm sure people who still have this naive idea that the rust belt will one day return to the 20th century automotive and manufacturing economy will get all worked up over this - but we need to move forward, and i'd be pissed too if someone is going around leaking how we're going to maintain our power over the global economy as we shift everyone away from fossil fuels (which Russia cares a lot about, btw).


These speeches are essentially about lowering the price of solar panels.  You wanna get people all worked up over this to deflect from someone who is clearly a bigot and a rapist?

Oct 8, 16 11:01 pm  · 

won - "You can laugh for the next four years as Hillary Clinton ships American jobs overseas."

Hmmmm - I thought it was the Trumpster who already manufactured his clothing line overseas. His position on this issue is just BS to pull the wool over the eyes of prospective voters. He can't - and probably doesn't want to - deliver on this so-called promise.

won - face it, your guy is going down - hard.

Oct 8, 16 11:30 pm  · 
won and done williams

You all are being snowed by pencil-neck John Podesta, and it's sad.

Oct 8, 16 11:39 pm  · 

^ hah, the ones being "snowed" are the Trump supporters who seem to actually believe Donald gives a rat's ass about them or their problems. Donald only cares about Donald (and getting a piece of ass).

Oct 8, 16 11:46 pm  · 

What will it take?

Donald Trump apologized by saying that these comments were "locker room banter" from 11 years ago, but that somehow he has been changed by his experience traveling the US. 

This statement is as insulting to the American people as it is false. Trump is asking voters to treat these lewd and horrifying comments as an anomaly, and essentially to forget the other outrageous and offensive statements he has made in the last year/month/48 hours. 

What will it take?

He casually declared that Mexico was sending murderers and rapists across the border. He has repeatedly supported a ban for all Muslim immigrants to the US. He promotes a xenophobic, isolationist agenda that turns back the clock by decades and is in direct opposition to both the First Amendment and the principles of religious freedom on which this great country was founded. 

But that wasn't enough. 

He has shown himself to be completely tone deaf on issues of racial equality and police relations. In his business endeavors he demonstrated discriminatory hiring behaviors and housing practices, and bragged that he settled lawsuits without admission of guilt. He proudly touted the benefits of stop and frisk, a policing policy that was ruled unconstitutional. 

But that wasn't enough. 

He has bragged that he would "bomb the hell out of ISIS" and claimed that more countries should develop nuclear weapons. He openly challenged Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's emails, while also somehow he believes that his 10 year old son could have hacked into our "cyber." He bragged during the primaries that the only foreign policy advice he needed was from his own brain. 

But that wasn't enough. 

And he is a bully, a misogynist, a racist, a homophobe, and someone who proudly believes that because he outsmarted the tax code on the backs of taxpayers (by making a catastrophically bad business deal), millions and millions of struggling middle and lower income voters should trust him to vouch for their well-being. This scandal is not an anomaly - it is indicative of the kind of man Donald Trump is. 

But that isn't enough. 

So what will it take? Will he have to, as he spectacularly has bragged, walk down 5th Avenue and shoot someone before his supporters take notice? Would that be enough to sway votes toward a woman who, after decades of public service, eight years as First Lady, eight years as a senator, and four years as Secretary of State, is still seen as untrustworthy because of an email account, one terrorist attack in Benghazi, and some speeches for political donors?

What will it take?

(The above is a repost of a FB essay by Colin Britt)

Oct 9, 16 12:21 am  · 

Not an endorsement for Stein, but she is clearly a person who cares about the country.  

Oct 9, 16 1:48 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

If Trump happens to get elected, he'll be assassinated. Hopefully.

Can we all break up, as a nation, please? Go our separate ways.... Ypu guys can make a new country where grabbing pussy is a fine thing to do. You can raise your kids there. All the Ttump voters will be on an easy to find database and we can give you land (for a cost) and you can make a pussy grabbing nation founded on the love of money and power and then you can behave like that on each other.

Oct 9, 16 7:01 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

You'll build a wall around it too. And pay for it. You'll build it without tools and you'll be naked, chained together and there will be hecklers, non-stop. Yeah, build a wall around it. Trump nation, where there be pussy to grab whenever you need to satisfy a primal urge.

Oct 9, 16 7:09 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I was just thinking, the only reason I'm not a rape victim was because I ran and hid behind a wall. Lucky for me, the brute was slow and stupid (and drunk). Maybe it is a good thing that we talk about this because maybe people don't know how common sexual assault is. Make America Great again... when women kept their mouths shut?

Oct 9, 16 8:15 am  · 

Making America Great Again ... one moronic episode after another.

Oct 9, 16 12:37 pm  · 

We already know Trump is a piece of shit.

His recent "locker room" comments are not excusable. But how far are we willing to dig through a candidates past to find dirt? At this rate, no one from my generation will be qualified to run for president, given the paper trail of shit that's said on social media.

It just kinda bugs me out.

Also, if you are voting for Trump you are a fucking moron.

Oct 10, 16 11:08 am  · 

Trump was wrong. I'm not tired of winning yet.

Oct 10, 16 11:42 am  · 

The last debate should be a rap battle. 

Oct 10, 16 11:45 am  · 

I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do."

Hmmmm, well ... among many others, Carly Fiorina, Alicia Machado, Megyn Kelly, Rosie O’Donnell, Ghazala Khan, Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Beck, Gail Collins, Arianna Huffington, Heidi Klum, and the plaintiffs in 20 gender bias lawsuits  might beg to differ with you. Oh, and you might as well add Hillary Clinton to that list too.

This is guy who encouraged Howard Stern to call his daughter Ivanka "a piece of ass".

Oct 10, 16 2:58 pm  · 

babs your last statement is inaccurate according to some news sources, but who cares right??. this entire presidential race is a race to the bottom. both sides are equally pathetic in their own ways. as offensive as Trump is to the moral liberals, so to offensive is Clinton's service to the American public. get it? your choice is a smooth criminal or an abbrasive asshole. not voting, and debating paying taxes. fuck this shit.

Oct 10, 16 3:37 pm  · 

olaf: "according to some news sources" -- what news sources, Fox News ?  

You can listen to the original audio here:

The Trumpster doesn't even protest -- not even mildly.

Oh, and I notice you didn't defend any of his other egregious statements about women.

Every day more and more members of his own frigging party are abandoning him -- now even Ryan is cutting him loose. While very, very late to the party, these terrified Republicans can identify a sinking ship when they see one.

Oct 10, 16 3:52 pm  · 

CNN actually. For the purpose of this excercise, both sides of the aisle only hear what they want, like talking to your parents....from the CNN bit In another interview, from September 2004, Stern asks Trump if he can call Ivanka "a piece of ass," to which Trump responds in the affirmative. "My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka," says Trump. "By the way, your daughter," says Stern. "She's beautiful," responds Trump. "Can I say this? A piece of ass," Stern responds. "Yeah," says Trump..............vs Babs - This is guy who encouraged Howard Stern to call his daughter Ivanka "a piece of ass".

Oct 10, 16 6:14 pm  · 

i didnt bother listening to the audio, which is the point i am trying to prove here. strictly based on the qoute above where does he "encourage"? not defending Trump, just pointing out how much of a close minded person you may be and how both sides are essentially bigots. we all know who the white racist sexist fucks are. the other extreme side, not talking the rational people, but the other side is just as sexist racist and full hate and only hears what fits their mental babs you are a bigot, haha. like i said, not voting, this whole electoral process is embarassing. the Real World starring Trump and Hillary. way to go America!

Oct 10, 16 6:19 pm  · 

"Yeah" is an affirmative statement ... unlike "Hey, hold on there Howard - that's a terrible thing to say about my sweet daughter".   "Yeah" is the direct opposite of "You should not do that". "Yeah" indicates consent, hence encouragement to continue down that path.

Really, if you think I'm a bigot, you - like many other Trump supporters - demonstrate once again that you have zero clue about the true nature of bigotry.

I guess when your candidate has become a dead nutter, it sucks to be you.

Oct 10, 16 6:30 pm  · 

babs you have poor reading skills. "encourage" would suggest Trump brought it up. also i never wtote i was a Trump supporter and nor did I write I was defending him. i actually wrote "not defending Trump." your ignorance is astounding my friend. could it be your as ignorant as the deplorables?

Oct 10, 16 6:36 pm  · 

incase you lack the intelligence to be a keen observer of spin. "encourage" does not equal "affirmative". all day. reading and writing 101. shoot me an email if you need tutoring.

Oct 10, 16 6:38 pm  · 

Trump: "Hey babe, I'd like to grab your pu**y. Can I do that?"

Babe: "Yeah"

Sounds both "encouraging" and "affirmative" to me.


Stern: "Can I say this? A piece of ass,"

Trump responds: "Yeah,"

Oct 10, 16 6:58 pm  · 

Olaf how are the Left bigots?

Oct 10, 16 6:58 pm  · 

babs, no, we are getting nowhere. write carefully, thanks.

Oct 10, 16 7:08 pm  · 

Donna, my response will relate to my disgust for Babs writing, whether intentional or unintentional. and this will be a dissertation, one of which the left media has inherited, and rightly so, best expressed by right wing whack jobs who say - don't trust the media. lets start woth basics. on phone so will hit enter and then continue....

Oct 10, 16 7:11 pm  · 

bigotry - "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself."

Oct 10, 16 7:12 pm  · 

^ sounds like olaf would characterize himself as a bigot, based on the intolerance he demonstrates above.

Oct 10, 16 7:30 pm  · 


While appreciate your control in staying above the fray, I can't tell you how much I miss Liberty Bell at times like these...

Oct 10, 16 7:55 pm  · 

you're debating how to use the word 'encourage" in a sentence? 

do we agree that howard stern expressed an interest in referring to donald trump's daughter as a "piece of ass," and that donald trump responded in the affirmative?

i can see how maybe there are instances where "encourage" is just too strong of a word. in this case though, donald trump looks bad either way.  the emotional surge from the term "encourage" just isn't enough to tilt this story.

Oct 10, 16 7:56 pm  · 

Thanks, urbanity! I don't accept the "they're both the same" argument, but Olaf will make an argument for it I'm sure.

Oct 10, 16 8:11 pm  · 

donna, you could go back to having a nom de plume, like olaf.  nobody would ever know you were actually LB.

Oct 10, 16 8:35 pm  · 
won and done williams

I've seen countless posts on this site intended to insult or demean Christians and their faith. If any other religious, racial, or ethnic group were inserted into those posts, people would be up in arms with cries of bigotry. Double standard, Donna, or is some bigotry socially acceptable?

Oct 10, 16 9:08 pm  · 

they weren't demeaning your religion.  they were demeaning what you chose to do with your religion. . .

there is a difference between being the minority who faces systemic disadvantage in your culture and being the force that perpetuates that disadvantage.  trump's bigotry is not improving the status quo, it's aimed and strengthening the status quo to benefit the lives of a few majority stakeholders at the expense of those other religious, racial, and ethnic groups.

i suppose this could be a primer if you really think there's no difference between being the group in control and the minority group:

or, for more words and some statistics, this guy did some research on how reinforcing stereotypes continues to cause harm to the groups being attacked.

Oct 10, 16 9:56 pm  · 

Person A: "The earth is round. There's centuries of scientific research saying so, and now that we can travel in space, we can plainly see it with our own eyes."

Person B: "That's a bunch of libtard bullshit cooked up by elitist academics. My religion says the earth is flat, and you're persecuting me if you say otherwise." [posts link to Brietbart article claiming the earth is flat]

Person A: WTF?

Olaf: "See? Both sides are equally bigoted."

Oct 10, 16 10:13 pm  · 

poor, poor put upon christians. such fragility. waa.....the left is far from bigots. my inability to tolerate one's intolerant behavior is not bigotry.

Oct 10, 16 10:15 pm  · 

For a religion that's responsible for two thousand years of genocide and persecution, some of their members sure have thin skins.

Oct 10, 16 10:26 pm  · 
won and done williams

For a religion that's responsible for two thousand years of genocide and persecution, some of their members sure have thin skins.

How is this any different than blaming all Muslims for radical Islamic terrorism? Let me tell you - it's not.

Oct 10, 16 10:40 pm  · 

if you read through that first link, you would see that it is different when you're in a culture where the majority group has kept the minority group in a systemically unequal position.

your analogy would be more correct if you were to say discriminating against christians in a predominately muslim country was similar to discriminating against muslims in a predominately christian country.

Oct 10, 16 11:17 pm  · 

wad, well, Christianity has 600 years on Islam, for one. So, if you want to place radical jihadism on an equal playing field, based on the past 30 years, you are the problem, not Islam. Also, if you are going to be taking land, owned by muslim people, and handing it over to people that believe in zionism, and you, as part of that group of people, handing over said territory, believe, fundamentally, in the second coming; you. are. the. problem.

now, you either believe in second coming, or you're a fraud.

Oct 10, 16 11:22 pm  · 

Wooden Nickel Drumpf

Oct 10, 16 11:27 pm  · 

Seriously, did anybody NOT see this coming .... ?

Oct 11, 16 2:40 pm  · 

Pass the marshmallows.

Oct 11, 16 2:45 pm  · 

Trump declares war on the GOP !!!!!

Oct 11, 16 6:38 pm  · 

Glenn Beck: "Opposing Trump is 'moral' choice — even if Clinton is elected."

Oct 11, 16 6:54 pm  · 

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