
Thump the Trump

won and done williams

It's not that simple, tintt. Neoliberal economic policy has created the conditions for the decline of these places for the last 30+ years. At times, the progressive movement, in people like Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders, has recognized this, but large portions of the Democratic party, the Bill Clintons, the Barack Obamas, have not. Identity politics are clearly winning the day on the left (and understandably so after the election), but a reframing of economic policy that prioritizes people over corporations, from Youngstown to South Central Los Angeles, will need to reshape the party.

Nov 11, 16 9:59 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Ok, I get it, I'm with you, won. But is the solution to try to return to something or to create something new? It is my understanding that these people want the past back and that Trump has promised them their factories back. Is that really going to happen? How about create new factories?

Nov 11, 16 10:16 am  · 

The US worker leads the world in productivity per man hour. There are already quite a few auto and truck assembly plant in the US by German, Japanese, and Korean manufacturers. Airbus has opened an assembly plant in Alabama as well. What is not coming back is the union mind set with union "stewards" sitting on their ass all day doing nothing and the workforce hyper-compartmentalized into doing only one small task. Also on the way out is the tenured college professor riding his bike across campus pulling down $200,000 while his T/A s do all the work for minimum wage.

Nov 11, 16 11:17 am  · 

What we're seeing now is the tolerant left in all its glory. Leftists can't wrap their minds around the fact that you can't keep calling people racists, bigots, misogynists, xenophobes, etc and expect them to back your candidate and regressive policies.

So what do they do now? Similar to BLM, they burn their communities to ground. 

Nov 11, 16 12:02 pm  · 

LITS interesting point for me philosophically. the right's ethics and morals when forced to its extremes reads ultimately towards homicide. The left requires a good grasp of Deleueze, which most do not, and when taken to its extremes reads ultimately toward suicide.

Nov 11, 16 12:19 pm  · 
On the fence


"What we're seeing now is the tolerant left in all its glory. Leftists can't wrap their minds around the fact that you can't keep calling people racists, bigots, misogynists, xenophobes, etc and expect them to back your candidate and regressive policies.

So what do they do now? Similar to BLM, they burn their communities to ground. "

Well, to start they will riot and burn their communities down but then they will ratchet up calling everyone else, especially those who voted for Trump, racists, bigots, misogynists, xenophobes.  The media will also be ratcheting up this tension.  Hoping that by 2020, the message will be gotten.

Nov 11, 16 12:25 pm  · 

Read this Cad and other Trump supporting/enabling shitheads


The Lafayette Police Department issued a news release saying: “During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.”


Wait-  there was no racism?!

Nov 11, 16 12:26 pm  · 

We all knew architecture was always a white MANs profession. This thread, with all the Trump defenders proves it.

Nov 11, 16 1:08 pm  · 

perfect ad hominem

Nov 11, 16 1:16 pm  · 

Shut up Jerome, quoting one wrongdoing. There are thousands of acts on the other side, and you choose to look at one. Go back to your CAD.

Nov 11, 16 1:26 pm  · 

Will I Know Anyone at This Party - explains two things to me ... 1) not everyone in the Republican party are racists and 2) they are worried they don't fit in.

Meanwhile, I read about the ranked choice voting Maine voted in favor of and I want my state to do the same, and would support this locally and nationally. Seems like it would begin to open the door for other parties and allow people the choice of voting for someone they want first rather than against someone they don't want most. Would the results of Tuesday's presidential election have been different if the nation used this voting method? Perhaps, but it could have also resulted in a larger victory for Trump if people really disliked Clinton more than Trump and would have ranked him ahead of her. Either way, it would have given more voice to third-party candidates throughout their campaigns and people voting for them wouldn't be accused of having "thrown away their votes" as dumb as an argument that it is.

Nov 11, 16 1:31 pm  · 

Glad you're enjoying a "meltdown" of people who actually want to *protect* individual rights not oppress them, On the fence!  I'm sure you'll enjoy the consequences, too! </sarcasm>

What I'm enjoying is watching racists - and if you voted for trump, you *are* racist - squirm and get indignant when called out on their racism. "Aw, am I not being PC enough for you? Did my words trigger you? You need a safe space to retreat to?" What a bunch of scrots.

Nov 11, 16 1:49 pm  · 

No Donna, graft and corruption extends way beyond what you stated and imagine. Are you also those on facebook who constantly changes your #prayfor status and profile pictures to stand by victims of terror? I truly hope not because the very "terrorist" that executed those plans are being funded by the one person you're rooting for, Hillary. Like I said, this election goes way beyond racial discrimination and voters aren't one dimensional. Believe it or not, the likelihood of war is lessen with Trump in office, however odious he is.

Nov 11, 16 2:21 pm  · 

I do realize that; I was pointing out that many of the appointments of the executive such as State, Defense, DOJ, ect. belong to the President. His choices must be confirmed by Congress. The cabal of uber-liberal agencies and departments governing by regulation has cratered. Getting Loretta Lynch out of the Attorney General spot was worth electing Trump in itself. She was more corrupt than Eric Holder, which I did not think was humanly possible.

Nov 11, 16 2:26 pm  · 

Donna, do you believe that 13% of black voters and 33%  of Hispanic voters are racist against themselves....?  I'm sure that will be the new talking point for the idiots...they will call it selfism of something and a bunch of people will shed fake tears on CNN.  

Nov 11, 16 2:52 pm  · 

Hillary wanted a nwo.  She needed ww3 to get there.  Why do you think she's so hellbent on maintaining the eu?  That was the first step.  A confrontation with Russia and China would be next.  

Nov 11, 16 3:02 pm  · 


Nov 11, 16 3:03 pm  · 

you're deep in the conspiracy theories there jla-x.  The boogie man 

Nov 11, 16 3:05 pm  · 

i will re-iterate this story. on election night i went to the liqour store to get a beer after a long day and for election night. i fell asleep before it was announced. anyway a Black man was purchasing and the owner or clerk were there said he didnt vote because both candidates sucked (true). i said man you could of voted 3rd party like me and if they get 5% they have a oppurnity for becoming a real party. the black man who looked like he did stuff with his hands explained the 5% and how the electoral college and then asked "who do you think i voted for?" with barely a pause "Trump! I voted Trump. Fuck China. Shitty Trade deals. Thats why I voted Trump. He is going to sort it out." and he went on and on......anyway I work In NYC, Trumps "offensive" languagr is mild compared to real conversations. I made a deportation joke to a Puerto Rican, good guy, all funny calm down. real business may actually happen if you quit giving a shit about sensitivity and peoples emotions......i also wonder about all these demostrators? do they have jobs? do they run businesses? how do you find time for this shit? i get it, you might be an academic and you took a few hours off? but seriosly you are not changing the world bitching loudly. do something meanigful - work.

Nov 11, 16 3:14 pm  · 

Also, do the demtards consider Jill Stein a racist since she ran against Clinton and was very outspoken against her corruption?  I've heard morons say that voting 3rd party is "racist" so wondering if running 3rd party is also racist?  

Democracy is messy.  Some people lost.  I lost.  Get over it and give him a chance.  If he ducks up impeach him.  Be free to protest all you want...I like protests. Just realize that if someone comes at my car with a bat they are getting run over and/or chopped via katana regardless of their color.  Protests are part of the process...breaking people's shit is not.  Those assholes are Just finding an excuse to misbehave imo...Like juveniles who use their parents divorce to go wild.  Because let's face it...going wild is fun...

Nov 11, 16 3:16 pm  · 

She said it herself JL.  It's obvious to anyone with a brain that she is a globalist.  Globalism is expanding and she wants more .  The last stop on that train is a global govt....eventually.  If you deny that trend you are completely blind to the geo politics of the last 50years.  

Nov 11, 16 3:20 pm  · 

And if wiki taught you anything it's that some "conspiracies" are true.  

"Just because your paranoid, don't mean their not after you"

-Kurt cobain

Nov 11, 16 3:22 pm  · 

+++Olaf...that's what I've heard from many people too.  A complete rejection of the bad trade policies of the last 50 years was a big part of it...

Nov 11, 16 3:24 pm  · 

Shut up Jerome, quoting one wrongdoing. There are thousands of acts on the other side, and you choose to look at one. Go back to your CAD.

I think that's called tu quoque

Nov 11, 16 3:27 pm  · 

JL, that's fucking retarded.  The attitude that poc are a monolithic prop and can be told how to vote is why many sat this one out.  That's real racism imo.  But the twitter twit generation puts more emphasis on words than actions...carpet bomb arabs and speak politely about it and your arabs something mean and your a racist...PC fail!

Nov 11, 16 3:30 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The electoral college is racist because it weighs the vote of landowners who are usually white over city dwellers who have more minority populations. When there is a discrepancy between who wins the popular vote and who is elected through the electoral college, we should call it a tie and do a tiebreaker round. Like overtime. 

Nov 11, 16 3:35 pm  · 
On the fence


"Glad you're enjoying a "meltdown" of people who actually want to *protect* individual rights not oppress them, On the fence!  I'm sure you'll enjoy the consequences, too! </sarcasm>"

I'm good right were this sits.  Front row seat.  This was exactly the matchup the left wanted.  Remember, be careful what you wish for.  Well, the left failed horribly.  They have themselves to blame, not white America, which you believe to be 100% racist.  Time to put on those big girl undies.

Nov 11, 16 3:40 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Hillary got the popular vote. Did she really fail? Maybe strategically. 

Nov 11, 16 3:41 pm  · 

Glad to know I'm a racist because I voted against a corrupt, globalist monarch.

The corruption part doesn't even bother me all that much. I have enough stamps in my passport to know how most of the world operates. Have you ever applied for a building permit in Malaysia or Australia? Probably not, but both entertaining and a bit terrifying. 

However, I am 100% against her unapologetic globalist views. That's the thinking that will bring us all down and turn us into the pussies that live across the pond. You know, the ultra-tolerant societies where it's racist to report being raped by a "refugee." So progressive!

But you're right, I'm thoroughly enjoying the triggered snowflakes clutching their university-sponsored therapy dogs and crying because they didn't get their way.

Did anyone riot after Obama won twice? Hell, no. They got back to work the next day and on with their lives. They kept their mouths shut while you continued to hurl insults at them. You had your occupy wall street fun, ironically against the same people who fund the Clinton political machine. You whined for a few weeks in New York and turned Manhattan into a 3rd-world country with shanty camps. Then when Obama won a second time you turned your focus away from the rich white dudes and started calling out every straight white male for being sub-human descendants of slave owners guilty of genocide and all atrocities of the past. Again, great strategy. Keep lumping people into groups and telling everyone how they should feel about them. I thought it was hilarious how people were preaching peace for about 5 minutes after the election. Then their next reaction was to burn this mother down because they weren't prepare for the people that they put down for so long to come together and exercise their constitutional right. 

Maybe you can blame the mainstream media. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is dead. Dead and fucking gone. And they deserve this. They're the ones who really did this. It was awesome watching CNN drag their coverage out as long as possible because they refused to call states that Trump clearly won. These same people lied to and about honest, hardworking American for decades. And now those same people have spoken, and it's beautiful. 

Get ready for 4 years of President Donald J. Trump and all of his conservative supreme court nominations. 

Nov 11, 16 3:42 pm  · 

jla-x, I don't know if Jill Stein is racist or not, but I did not hear any racist comments and opinions come out of her mouth during the campaign. Many people of all political persuasions use dog whistle language, but trump didn't even bother to use dog whistles: he flat-out said incredibly racist (and sexist, and anti-Muslim) things during the campaign.

There is *no* denying that he said these things, and there is *no* denying that if you hear these things and still voted for him then you voted for racist (and sexist and anti-Muslim) attitudes to be brought to the White House. <-----To me, an American citizen, this is unacceptable for my country, and I'm going to call out those who voted this way for it.

Nov 11, 16 3:43 pm  · 

from Scott Adams:

Trump succeeded in large part because of three brilliant, super-tough, ultra-effective women: KellyAnne Conway, Katrina Pierson, and Ivanka Trump

If you cried on election day because it was a bad day for women, perhaps you were looking in the wrong direction.

Nov 11, 16 3:44 pm  · 

Tintt, she barely won the pop vote.  

Nov 11, 16 3:46 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit


Nov 11, 16 3:46 pm  · 

Jeezus LTSZwahtever that's rich. The people claiming Obama isn't an American citizen  " back to work the next day and on with their lives. They kept their mouths shut...'?!? Hahaha have you heard of the birther movement? FFS your comment is so stupid I can't even address it anymore.

Nov 11, 16 3:47 pm  · 

Just saying it was really really close...I agree about abolishing the electoral college though...

Nov 11, 16 3:47 pm  · 
On the fence


"She said it herself JL.  It's obvious to anyone with a brain that she is a globalist.  Globalism is expanding and she wants more .  The last stop on that train is a global govt....eventually.  If you deny that trend you are completely blind to the geo politics of the last 50years. "

We used to call this imperialism.  It was looked at as a bad thing by the left some time ago, especially when used in context of a republican or neocon.  But Hillary would have done it right, so......

Nov 11, 16 3:48 pm  · 

The fact is neither of them got more 27% of the total population of voters, which is straight up ridiculous. Low turnout is how we got to this point in the first place.

Nov 11, 16 3:48 pm  · 

Thank you for making my point. 

Nov 11, 16 3:51 pm  · 

Here is my fear:

Trump will pass an infrastructure bill and who knows it might actually be fairly decent.

People will be euphoric.

He will form his deportation unit and start rounding people up.

There will be inevitable violence.

Some people here feel that illegals deserve getting shot and severely beaten (you know who you are) and will be just fine with authoritarian and autocratic rule.

To the sane Trump supporters:

1. Will you be ok with this?

2. What level of violence will you stand for if the economy improves significantly?

Nov 11, 16 3:52 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The states elect the president. I think the electoral college just needs recalibrating myself. Otherwise if abolished, candidates would entirely pander to the population centers and that is wrong and unbalanced too. But we could recalibrate it so there aren't swing states where most of the election is won. Why does Ohio, Michigan, and Florida get so much say in every election? Fuck that. 

Nov 11, 16 3:53 pm  · 

Donna, I can confidently say she's not a racist...she's actually a pretty awesome choice for a liberal candidate.  I don't agree with much of her policies, but her character is stellar. She got squashed unfairly by the dnc propaganda machine for being an anti-Vaxer..she's an md and simply suggested further research into some preservatives used in vaccines.  The poor woman was attacked and ignored by the corporate media.  Maybe if she wasn't, people who couldn't stand Hillary would have cast their protest vote in her or Johnsons direction rather than casting it towards trump having a null effect rather than a damaging one....

Nov 11, 16 3:55 pm  · 
On the fence


120,000,000 people voted.  The legal population of America is what? 308,000,000 with 57% of voting age population taking part in this election.  That is a good number but yeah, it would be nice if we could get everyone into the polling stations.

2008 Obama had 10,000,000 more votes than Clinton in 2016

2012 Obama had 6,000,000 more votes than Clinton in 2016

See a trend yet?

2016 Clinton got beat by the electorate because the left could not get people to show up for her.  Hmmmmm.

Republicans have stayed at about 59,000,000 votes in each of these three elections.  Barely up or down.

Nov 11, 16 3:59 pm  · 

What's still hilarious to me is no one here on this thread has yet admitted to actually voting FOR trump. No one. They've said they didn't vote for Hillary, but that is meaningless in the context.

People won't admit they voted for trump because they're embarrassed to.  They *know* it was a hideously hateful decision to make, and they can't admit it.

z1111 there apparently ARE no sane trump supporters on this thread because there are no trump supporters at all - none of them will admit it.

I'm really, really enjoying all y'alls uncomfortableness with this. It's making me laugh as I sip my cup of "alpha male" tears.

Nov 11, 16 4:06 pm  · 

Donna, archietechie said they voted for Trump near the bottom of page 21.

"Donna - I voted for bernie first then trump."

Nov 11, 16 4:13 pm  · 

I've said several times that I voted for Gary "Aleppo" Johnson...

Nov 11, 16 4:24 pm  · 

I took my cue from Dr. Benjamin Carson, I voted for Trump. Good enough for him good enough for me.

Nov 11, 16 4:26 pm  · 
On the fence

Sorry donna but I really did not vote for Trump.  I wrote in my candidate of choice which was Marco Rubio.  I don't care for Trumps demeanor, although I agree with a lot of his positions, but I absolutely loathe the Clintons.  Scum of the earth.  Still, I live in Illinois so voting for anybody other than Hillary was never going to damage a Trump win.

Nov 11, 16 4:29 pm  · 

Thank you Everyday Intern! I've been in and out of this thread so I knew I might have missed someone.

So, architechie: Now we know you support racist intentions. Good to know.

And jla-x, I know you didn't vote for trump. Voting for a third party is murkier, in terms of what policies you support, than a straight up vote for trump. I do admit that. I mean, I wish more third party people had supported Hilary, obviously.  And jesus, I do wish some viable alternative parties would arise. Maybe out of the shitstorm of the next four years they might?

Nov 11, 16 4:30 pm  · 

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