
Thump the Trump

Jla you really are cuckoo.

Johnson is an idiot who didn't even know who/what/where Allepo is. People still voted for him, and those exact votes in those exact states would have resulted in a trump lose.

A self-centered US would be the death knell of the economy. Some of us who travel outside know that our influence is fast waning while countries like Russia and China gain it. From the center of the universe, we will go back to the center of our own collective assholes.

Yes Jonathon, stay positive because not much will change for you! For some of us who are not white males and are in desperate need of Obamacare, we are fucked (thanks Jla-x and buddies)
Nov 10, 16 4:32 pm  · 

The normalization process has begun.

Might not be so bad after all.

People are just rationalizing their choice.

I wonder if there will be a collective amnesia when shit starts happening.  

Nov 10, 16 4:44 pm  · 

/\  As I said before, YOU ARE WELCOME, now get the fuck out. 

And no, "we" are not screwed. 

(You) are not above the law. 

Nov 10, 16 4:51 pm  · 

I realize not much will change for me but the pain that my daughters, my wife my colleagues and friends who are not white males feel is real to me also. And I think that is the goal of this whole conversation. Empathy. both sides need a lot of empathy for each other and that's not something developed in the echo chambers of social media or some other social enclave. 

Nov 10, 16 4:55 pm  · 

z1111, you sound more and more like a Nazi. I am waiting for when you use the term "ethnic cleansing"

cadomestique, i finally realize your typology. You are an underachieving sort that has continually felt threatened by your non-white colleagues. Just realize, when you are an underachiever, everything is a threat. 

Nov 10, 16 5:03 pm  · 

Nice of you to take time off from translating The Turner Diaries into Pig Latin to post another sane and insightful comment.

Nov 10, 16 5:05 pm  · 

SOD, really? please explain.

Nov 10, 16 5:10 pm  · 

Sorry Z my sarcasm didnt work, nothing wrong intended towards you. 

Nov 10, 16 5:18 pm  · 

No worries, irony can be a tricky thing sometimes.

Nov 10, 16 5:23 pm  · 

Seems like the lesson of the election is empathy doesn't work on the internet. kinda like sarcasm 

People are becoming less empathetic because they have less in-person dialog with people outside their circle.  you can read that as becoming more racist or sexist or as just not caring about a neglected community, the way of life, industry Etc Ect... it's the only common piece that explain the vitriol of both sides. 

Nov 10, 16 5:29 pm  · 

"you are an underachiever" 


Stupid moron, this has little to do with you or my level of achievements. Your have not realized anything.

Eventually all humanity will have one world government and same rules for everyone. For that to happen all races must be elevated to a similar level collective conscience to initiate an organic and peaceful transition. That’s centuries away (maybe millennia) but the elite globalists want it NOW. They are forcing it too hard and too quick. Their machine propaganda is marvelous and is daily reinforced by the media and their results are quite effective.

(((They))) are the inventors of the “political correctness” and are using all available resources to break down the West.  But don’t believe me, read upon “Frankfurt School” and educate yourself.  National socialism is no other than a reactionary force against this bs propaganda forced down our throats on every media outlet, every movie, newspaper etc. It has nothing to do with single individuals, race or violence.

Minorities are just being used as a tool to create racial tension,  not your fault but you have go back. 

Nov 10, 16 5:52 pm  · 

cad, are you quoting Mein Kampf now? Suits you.

"Minorities are just being used as a tool to create racial tension,  not your fault but you have go back. "

What the fuck do you mean by this? I am not going back, I am here to stay, to keep your small penis mentality in check...

Nov 10, 16 6:01 pm  · 

I hope all Trump voters read that.

You all have brought the alt-right out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you elected Trump.

It was not as if it was a secret.

The head mucky muck of the KKK endorsed him should have been a clue. You OWN this shit.

Nov 10, 16 6:05 pm  · 



Please consider ESL Reading Comprehension remedial classes before spouting fear mongering stupidity. 

Nov 10, 16 6:33 pm  · 

You guys are the problem. both of you

Nov 10, 16 6:37 pm  · 

Na·tion·al So·cial·ism



noun: National Socialism

  1. the political doctrine of the Nazi Party of Germany.

Nov 10, 16 6:39 pm  · 


Fuck you, Anti-Semite.

Nov 10, 16 6:59 pm  · 

Grow up, Cadomestique. 

Stop being an asshole. 

Nov 10, 16 7:00 pm  · 

Don't worry, everything is ok. It can't happen here.



[kuh m-pley-suh n-see] /kəmˈpleɪ sən si/ 

noun, plural complacencies.


a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

Nov 10, 16 7:01 pm  · 

Frankly, reminiscent of a lynching

Racism sucks

Nov 10, 16 7:29 pm  · 

Read this Cad and other Trump supporting/enabling shitheads

Nov 10, 16 8:45 pm  · 

Lets start course correcting. 

Nov 10, 16 9:12 pm  · 
wurdan freo


Nov 10, 16 10:07 pm  · 
wurdan freo

same racists that voted for trump in colorado voted for Darryl Glenn for Senator... He lost to the white democrat guy... 

Nov 10, 16 10:09 pm  · 

It doesn't matter to me if you voted for two hundred other people who aren't racist. If you voted for trump, the guy who is openly racist based on the words coming out of his mouth, then you voted hard for racism to prevail in this country.

Is anyone here bold enough to state that they voted for trump? I voted for Bernie, then Hillary, and I'm proud of both votes. If you're not embarrassed to be aligned with trump, say so. If you *are* embarrassed to be aligned with trump, you need to ask yourself why.

Nov 10, 16 10:49 pm  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe

I voted for Pizza! 

Nov 10, 16 10:54 pm  · 
wurdan freo


Nov 11, 16 12:05 am  · 

<sarcasm> Yep, violent men. Exactly what we need more of. </sarcasm>

Nov 11, 16 12:11 am  · 
Pretty clear that this douche wurdan voted for Dump. Donna, it's true -- Dump voters never acknowledge that they voted for him.
They take offense when called racist. They balk for being called sexist.
Pretty fucked up for a populace that hates political correctness - think skinned shits!
Nov 11, 16 12:16 am  · 
wurdan freo


Nov 11, 16 12:17 am  · 

Donna - I voted for bernie first then trump. You're making the mistakes the democratic party made - accusing trump supporters of being bigots/xenophobes when in actuality, not all of us are. By that same merit, since you cast a vote for hillary, can I also say that you're FOR graft and corruption? That you endorse the dealings of the clinton foundation? That you endorse the ISIS atrocities because your role model paid them? You will accept graft money if you're in a position of unyielding influence? Of course not! You need to recognize that decisions aren't absolute and there are a myriad of factors to consider before a vote is cast.

Nov 11, 16 12:24 am  · 

You need to recognize that decisions aren't absolute and there are a myriad of factors to consider before a vote is cast.

You voted to put someone in office with the power to enact his stated policies.

If he follows through on his promises, how are you not responsible when you gave him the power to do it?

Nov 11, 16 1:23 am  · 

There are many different undercurrents to why a pluralistic group of people voted for trump. No doubt some were racist. Sexisim also played a huge part especially in how Hillary was judged. But there were also a large percentage that just threw the economic Molotov cocktail because they are greedy and not very logical. I found this helpful regarding the theory behind the economic component 2016-we-just-saw-what-voters-do-when-they-feel-screwed-heres-the-economic-theory-of-why-they-do-it/ perhaps y'all will too.

Nov 11, 16 1:27 am  · 


Except his policies are better than Hillary's (who's notorious for her flip-flopping stance), more so on the focus on this country.

Just because trump had a few bad stance (to which i acknowledged) doesn't make him an inferior candidate to hillary. You do weigh the pros and cons before making a judgement instead of basing your opinions on mixed media?

Nov 11, 16 1:30 am  · 

Better for whom?

Apparently you don't consider his odious attitude a critical factor.

Serious question, if people get gunned down or badly beaten when he tries to deport them, will you feel no guilt? What level of violence would you tolerate on people here illegally?

Nov 11, 16 1:47 am  · 

Sure, I wouldn't take a pushover for president.

If the police have probable cause to arrest a potential crime suspect AND if said crime suspect were to resist arrest, why would I need to feel any guilt?

Nov 11, 16 2:03 am  · 

That is unacceptable.

I think you are a fascist. You probably thought Trump mocking the disabled person was funny.

You are as bad as that skinhead who posted that alt-right screed.

Fuck off.

Nov 11, 16 2:12 am  · 

^ That's quite a leap of logic but whatever soothes your bleeding heart

Nov 11, 16 2:14 am  · 

Eat shit adolf

Nov 11, 16 2:23 am  · 

^ Mature, for a 65.

Stop being sore and respect the office even if you don't the man. All that shit about moving to canada makes one wonder if libtards even respect the notion of democracy at all, when it doesn't go your way.

Sidenote: No one seems to want to move to mexico though, wonder why.

Nov 11, 16 2:27 am  · 
architechie I said it above: racism is a bright sharp line. If you have a choice between clam chowder and chicken noodle, and the chowder also has balls of human shit in it, you don't get to say you didn't eat shit just because it's one of many ingredients you actually *did* want. You ordered shit, you ate the shit. I can easily plant the flag of saying I will never, ever order a bowl of shit. That's a line that can't be crossed. It's disqualifying.

As for aligning myself with graft and corruption: please point me to any politician, hell to any *human*, that doesn't have a bit of graft and corruption? That's politics; that's understanding the reality of our system. I'll eat the corruption. I won't eat the racist shit.
Nov 11, 16 6:12 am  · 

^^Graft and corruption are equally shitty.  Just another way to use wealth, power and position to suppress people.  Like you said, it happens at all levels of government, meaning everyone, regardless of race has been held down by it.  Perhaps your life is pretty good and you've concluded that you have enough to be happy therefore, the corruption above you doesn't matter.  Reality:  You've just found a bowl of shit you prefer to eat.

Nov 11, 16 7:32 am  · 
Non Sequitur

You guys have terrible tastes for breakfast cereal.

Nov 11, 16 7:59 am  · 
Jerome you're in serious denial if you think standard issue political favor playing is remotely similar to being judged and oppressed based on the color of your skin.
Nov 11, 16 8:15 am  · 

Well, the Republicans have the Presidency and all the executive branches, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and will soon nominate members of the Supreme Court. All the current uber-liberal ideologues at the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, ect. will soon be gone. I am sure the new administration will have plenty of blacks, women, and even black women for those keeping score. Although I don't think Loretta Lynch will make the cut.

Nov 11, 16 9:04 am  · 
won and done williams

Donna, z, others, just for a moment let's frame this slightly differently. Imagine you are a person living a community that has been shrinking for the last 30 years. Jobs have left. Factories have closed. Churches that were once filled with hundreds of your friends and neighbors sit empty. You have been ignored by Washington, D.C. Corporate America has moved on to cheaper markets.  You have been marginalized or mocked by New York and Hollywood. Drugs have come into your communities. You are basically hopeless. Imagine this repeated in hundreds of communities across your state. And yes, the only encounters you really have with transgender people are tabloid stories about Caitlyn Jenner. The only encounters you have with Muslims are the images you see on the nightly news. BLM is only an abstract idea because everyone in your community largely looks the same. That is the formula for the rise of Trump. The Democratic party and the progressive movement have ignored the challenges of these people for too long, and unfortunately Donald Trump was seen as the only voice to address their challenges no matter how perverse or divisive his solutions may be.

Nov 11, 16 9:15 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

But w and d, why don't those people get an education and some skills and use their brains and bodies to create jobs? Instead they are waiting for their factories to reopen. It isn't like there isn't work to do, why are they so lazy? Relying on the federal government for your livelihood is exactly what you are NOT supposed to do.

Nov 11, 16 9:26 am  · 
On the fence

I have to say, I am loving this meltdown we are seeing by the left.

No I did not vote for Trump, nor Clinton.  But either way, this was going to be fun.

Keep providing me with four years of entertainment.

Nov 11, 16 9:56 am  · 

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