
6 Nations 2005


Never mind football.

Feb 5, 05 2:32 pm

How happy am I

Feb 5, 05 2:33 pm  · 

Answer - very... I think I celebrate this great win with few pints of Brains SA :->

Feb 5, 05 2:36 pm  · 

2 teams down, 3 to go

Feb 13, 05 7:59 am  · 
vado retro

the brains rock dude!!! go brains!!!

Feb 13, 05 9:31 am  · 

oh dear.. two poor performances two wins. Wales next?

Feb 13, 05 12:25 pm  · 

I can't resist - a new welsh love spoon...

Feb 16, 05 8:46 am  · 

you've not won the tournament yet my friend. True, your boys looked good. Very good actually. But don't brag too early, you still have to beat Ireland and they look pretty hungry too...

Feb 16, 05 3:47 pm  · 

one game at a time, I know ;-)

Feb 16, 05 5:07 pm  · 

were it the wales boys whose coach fed them male potency drugs (viagra) during training to help their performance?

Feb 16, 05 5:20 pm  · 
vado retro

what game is this exactly???

Feb 16, 05 7:03 pm  · 

wales are looking good this year but Ireland will win the Slam!

Feb 17, 05 3:57 am  · 

vado retro -International Rugby Board

Feb 17, 05 4:36 am  · 

I'll put my dough on Ireland to win the tournament. Not necessarily the slam though, but they've got some big games at home which should help them quite a bit. I love that game...

Feb 17, 05 6:22 am  · 
vado retro

it doesnt look as though those fellows are quite as juiced with steroids as they might be. who should i root for and why???

Feb 17, 05 6:51 pm  · 

BOTS are you looking forward to the upcoming slaughter of the Lions by New Zealand?

Feb 17, 05 7:00 pm  · 

later diabase, we can also beat the French!

3 teams down

Feb 26, 05 1:53 pm  · 
vado retro

go brains!!!!!

Feb 26, 05 2:52 pm  · 

due to advertising rules in France the shirts this time said BRAWN instead of BRAINS

well rugby is a game of brains & brawn of course!

Feb 26, 05 7:41 pm  · 
vado retro

they should have switched the i and the a and became the "brians"

Feb 26, 05 10:02 pm  · 

Scotland put to the sword

NOW I can look forward to a potential Grand Salm.
It's been a long time coming.

Mar 13, 05 12:01 pm  · 

does anyone here actually play rugby?

Mar 13, 05 3:10 pm  · 
vado retro

go brians brians rule!!!

Mar 13, 05 3:43 pm  · 

Good on you Bots - delightful to see Wales prevailing. Down here in NZ we are all loving it - mainly because we are actually going to have some competition this year...

Mar 13, 05 4:34 pm  · 

lol at vada and retro, what ignorami :)

Mar 13, 05 6:00 pm  · 
vado retro

unfortunately the ignorami didnt field a very good squad this year and will have to watch all the exciting action from their sofas.

Mar 13, 05 8:54 pm  · 


Mar 14, 05 7:51 am  · 
David Cuthbert

go Wales!

really looking forward to Ireland coming up tho

hope you do as well with the int'l

Mar 14, 05 10:24 am  · 

true true diabase. I'm hoping we might see some on the telly all the way over here in London. Fingers crossed.

Mar 15, 05 8:51 am  · 

Those late to this babble

Well it's the eve of a momentous occasion in rugby, the Grand Slam. That is not only for Wales to win the championship but to win the championship undefeated. To put this in context, the 70's produced a team that won 3 grand slams, 2 back to back - the last in 1978. I was a bit too young to remeber that one, however tomorrows match against Ireland (KO 15:30 BST) promises to be part of a great rugby festival.

The City is already packed with our drunken Irish brothers celebrating St Paddy's day in advance of the match. Unfortunately a ticket for the match remains elusive (talk on e-bay of £2000 a ticket).

Rumors are also afoot that the city may run out of Brains beer, it's happened before. Brains is epecting to sell a weeks worth of beer in one day - about 500,000 pints (total population of Cardiff 300,000).

Sorry for hijacking the Architecture for sport, my last post will be tomorrow if I can stagger back to the flat and work the computer

Mar 17, 05 9:30 pm  · 

Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn!
Twll dîn pob Sais!
But New Zealand am byth!

Mar 17, 05 9:40 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

sure, sure, international rugby... meanwhile back at the super12...

Mar 17, 05 10:00 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

go wales, but.

Mar 17, 05 10:02 pm  · 

agfa8x - Super 12? Where are you from? I am assuming from the 'but' at the end of you last reply that you are Australian...

Mar 17, 05 10:10 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

nope, nz, i'l be at eden park tomorrow night (along with the rest of ak by the sounds of it). just between you and me though, the blues are gonna lose.

Mar 17, 05 10:24 pm  · 
vado retro

i didnt see the brians in any of the field of 64 for the tourney. what gives???

Mar 17, 05 10:43 pm  · 

agfa - I am also in the city of sails... nice day is'nt it?

Mar 17, 05 11:49 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

yeah, its nice to have another warm one.

Mar 18, 05 12:19 am  · 

i was really starting to miss the big 'A'. Thankfully the snow in London has stopped and I can finally wear my jandals to work. Choice.

Mar 18, 05 8:25 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

congratulations BOTS!

(unfortunately, as predicted, the blues got creamed)

Mar 19, 05 8:26 pm  · 

Aye good stuff, fantastic play from the Welsh

Mar 20, 05 6:10 am  · 

...and the city rocked on into the early hours - brilliant

bring on the Lions tour, you can never have enough rugby in Wales.

Mar 20, 05 6:28 am  · 

putting the 'ale' in wales again i see. nice work.

Mar 21, 05 8:58 am  · 

Well done Wales. I look forward to the next few games to see if that's not just a flash in the pan, considering how crap England were this year and that it shouldn't take them too long to straighten that out. Things change fast in the world of rugby... but well done nonetheless.

Mar 21, 05 10:52 am  · 
David Cuthbert

well England didn't have their prize, good ol' Johnny. Don't care what anyone thinks but he's the reason they played so well in the World Cup...allow them to by a very different game...kick and run well actually run and kick...fewest scrums in a World Cup final ever..proof in the pudding.

Now onto the Hong Kong 7s

Mar 22, 05 6:34 am  · 

So BOTS, 25 all against Argentina aye? Prepare to be slaugtered...

May 24, 05 6:07 pm  · 

Yeah, not the best and £52 to watch.

Furtunately I ditched the Millenium Staduim to get to the Millenium Centre to watch Rigoletto with the missus. Very good!

... and Xavier Rush is coming from the Blues to the Cardiff Blues. We need something for next season.

May 25, 05 7:58 am  · 

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