
Why do you hate us?


First of all, the FCC should fine CNN and Fox News for this type of irresponsible journalism.

Secondly, I don't believe people like Anne Coulter and Tucker Carlson even believe the rediculous opinions that they preach - they're irresponsible pricks, but they're not stupid. They have dollar signs in their eyes and every time they make such comments, they get richer.

Lastly, many people, including most of Archinect's readers, are informed enough to know that these types of opinions are ignorant and irresponsible enough to be quickly disregarded. Sadly, however, there is a growing majority in this country that is not well-informed, and will believe what they see on the "official" news networks as the truth. The results from the last election are proof of this growing bi-product of mainstream media.

Jan 4, 05 3:28 pm  · 

where's arch angel when you need him/her to back up the radical right noise machine?

Jan 4, 05 3:40 pm  · 

Unbelievable...sounds a lot more like a daytime talk show than the evening news. What a bunch of trash. You rock Canda.

Jan 4, 05 3:42 pm  · 

For the record - these broadcasts coincided with W's visit to Canada where he was met with vicious protests.

Jan 4, 05 3:45 pm  · 

unbelievable! Thats more obscene than a 2 cold nipple rings and Howard stern's antics combined! Seeing that clip works me up more than any archinecter loosing sleep has ever been worked up!

Its sad what happens when cable "news" channels are forced to pollute the airwaves 24/7 and are reduced to presenting these two (Coulter and Carlson) moronic talking heads.

Ages ago when Jimmy the Greek made a caricature of African-American athletes he was justly promptly fired. T(f)ucker smugly says that "Canadians are busy dog sleeding all the time?" Why has he, his ill fitting tie, and racist remarks not been already dispatched? Had he said similar stuff about African Americans, Asians, Muslims (non-white people) he would have been thrown off the program immediately and fired shortly thereafter without the benefits of being asked if he was spoking "tounge in cheek." there is no excuse for that behavior in that forum.

Paul, is it Archinect petition time? The amazing AFH efforts show how powerful the combined voices of many architects can be.

Jan 4, 05 3:55 pm  · 

vicious protest? lol. that's funny! let me guess...he was pelted with beaver tails while in ottawa. lol.

Jan 4, 05 4:08 pm  · 

The best antidote to all the crap on TV... Frank Rich of the NYTimes. The last paragraph (don't look if you'd rather read the whole article first)

Washington's next celebration will be the inauguration. Roosevelt decreed that the usual gaiety be set aside at his wartime inaugural in January 1945. There will be no such restraint in the $40 million, four-day extravaganza planned this time, with its top ticket package priced at $250,000. The official theme of the show is "Celebrating Freedom, Honoring Service." That's no guarantee that the troops in Iraq will get armor, but Washington will, at least, give home-front military personnel free admission to one of the nine inaugural balls and let them eat cake.

Jan 4, 05 4:15 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

"...let them eat cake."

wow, that's amazing...

Jan 4, 05 4:22 pm  · 

I'm not sure how that video clip had anything to do with the Bush inauguration, but that's another topic.

The one thing I would agree on, is that Canada is raping their natural resources for America. We do need them for oil, gas and lumber. They depend on us as consumers of this - although I hear China has their eye on Canadian resources.

While one could argue that it is our (USA) great demand for resources that is making Canada do this, I would counter and say they haven't shown great care for their environment with their greed of the trading dollar. That is my one and only complaint about our neighbors to the north. Have you seen the photos of the forests that are being stripped for lumber? What about the huge diamond mine holes in the earth?

It's a vast mineral rich nation but please show some restraint. While we have viscious protests about drilling in ANWR Canada ruthlessly digs up the oil sands of Alberta without a peep. I know first hand of this from friends in Calgary who work in the Canadian oil industry.

Environmentally I'd say they don't practice what they preach. Aside from that, yeah, I love the country and their people.
Just my 0.02

Jan 4, 05 4:29 pm  · 

Or how about Mexico and the gigantic dams they plan to build, destroying rivers and displacing thousands in order to pump power back to Texas and California?

Jan 4, 05 4:41 pm  · 

did you forget to get someone something special this last xmas???

.....some gifts from W's inaug site....

money clip....for rich fat cat republicains.....note 2x actual size for global world travelers who cant keep up with the shrinking dollar....

and for those who want to stop the opium trade in afganastan why invest in this purchase to keep you warm and cozy at night.....

"Inaugural Seal Knit Blanket"
Heavy knit decorative afghan made of 100% Virgin Acrylic. 62 inches x 62 inches

at least its not halaburton.....

Jan 4, 05 4:51 pm  · 

"the only two people in the world wearing bow ties are tucker carlson and louis farrakhan. so take that for what it's worth." - j

and peter eisenman...just to keep this architecture related somehow..

Jan 4, 05 4:52 pm  · 

The little “Fox News” at the bottom left (should be bottom ‘right’) is like reading a disclaimer: “This news broadcast is for pure entertainment purposes only, and should not be taken seriously. Please continue to watch as we are broadcasting subliminal messages that you should buy a new Hummer.” What would be really funny, is to take over Fox News’s broadcast and play a continuous loop of ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’. That would really rile up those conservatives – they hate Michael Moore.

It does go both ways (to a certain extent). Canadian landfill in Michigan:
Letter from Carl Levin
Canadian Trash in Michigan

Jan 4, 05 5:23 pm  · 

Those bow tie wearers are crazy squirrels. They become angry, run up a tree, and chatter at you until you go away.

Jan 4, 05 5:40 pm  · 

she is a columnistah?

Jan 4, 05 5:48 pm  · 

I like this one better:

Looks like she’s huntin’ down some dinner. Doesn’t she know that she should be in the woods ‘stalking’ and not sittin’ on the porch. link

Damn hillbillies….

Jan 4, 05 6:17 pm  · 

This is why they hate us, they think we're all savages....
Future Of America

Jan 4, 05 6:20 pm  · 

(try this again) I like this one better:

The picture of refinement

Looks like she’s huntin’ down some dinner. Doesn’t she know that she should be in the woods ‘stalking’ and not sittin’ on the porch.

Squirrel Hunting Tips

Damn hillbillies….

Jan 4, 05 6:26 pm  · 

ann coulter, hotter than maureen dowd, is such a loon. she idolizes mccarthy. doesn't she know dick cheney hid in canada? she needs to run through montreal and be dominated by some burley canadian lumberjack-female of course.

Jan 4, 05 7:14 pm  · 

did someone call me????

but really.... can someone in a short sentence tell me what the link represented. I can't seem to view the/or hear the video/audio for some reason and I was looking online to see if there was any info on said remarks. can anyone help me out. I gathered that it has something to do with the stripping of natural resources and (of course) America's involvement.

So assistance please!

Jan 4, 05 7:29 pm  · 

squirrellly - read this for more info

Jan 4, 05 7:41 pm  · 

That made me ill.

Jan 4, 05 8:06 pm  · 

Regardless of how right he may be, I just can't take Ellis Henican seriously. I just hear his voice and I think of Stormy Waters from Sealab 2021 saying "Look at me, I'm like an otter, a sexy otter."

Jan 4, 05 10:37 pm  · 

quotes from ann coulter,

# "Liberals can't just come out and say they want to take more of our money, kill babies, and discriminate on the basis of race."

# "At least when right-wingers rant, there's a point."

# "Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster."

# "Why not go to war just for oil? We need oil. What do Hollywood celebrities imagine fuels their private jets? How do they think their cocaine is delivered to them?"

# "Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like Liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."

how i wish i could trade her in for any death in iraq or the tsunami..

Jan 5, 05 12:22 am  · 

I am what you would call conservative to say the least but I wouldn't mind seeing Ann Coulter beaten silly on live TV. Actually her, Rush, Billy Boy and the rest of the BS conservative media in one big stupid republican beat down. Sometimes I think that there really is a liberal bias in the media and allowing these idoits on air is their way of preventing any real conservative thinkers on the air therefore ensuring that liberals remain liberals.

Jan 5, 05 12:54 am  · 

At least think of the ratings

Jan 5, 05 12:54 am  · 

hmmm thanks Paulie.....

Jan 5, 05 12:24 pm  · 

I suppose after reading that (thanks Paul) it bothers me (being form Central America) that that man (Tucker) speaks of Honduras. I wonder if he has ever set foot in Honduras (let alone Canada). The mere mention of Canada in comparison to a third world nation, and region (my country - which is part of central america) seems completly unfounded and ridiculous. I suppose that this is the most bothersome (among all the others) because how can someone compare a nation that is underdeveloped in many ways, to one that has/is " life expectancy, quality of life, environmental sustainability, press freedom, opportunity for women, education spending, business innovation and beer; while having a lower crime, divorce and infant mortality rate." much better than many other countries on this planet, including our beloved US.

It just seems completely unfounded and extremely bothersome.

The next thought is....who are these two clowns to make such statements and simply get away with it, without presenting some facts?

My $.02 for today

Jan 5, 05 12:37 pm  · 

perhaps not unrelated and that jon stewart segment from october might have had more influence than not....

from a canadian paper....

CNN lets Tucker Carlson go
Last Updated Wed, 05 Jan 2005 19:10:00 EST
CBC Arts
ATLANTA - Tucker Carlson, the argumentative conservative co-host of Crossfire, has been let go by CNN.

Carlson made a name for himself on the program with his trademark bow tie – and his trademark bullying of guests.

CNN head Jonathan Klein told Carlson on Wednesday that the network has decided not to renew his contract.

Other changes are coming to Crossfire as well. The half-hour show will likely become a shorter segment inside another afternoon program, Inside Politics.

Carlson, who also hosts a show on PBS, has reportedly been discussing the possibility of joining CNN rival MSNBC.

"His career aspirations and our programming needs just don't synch up," Klein told the Associated Press.

"He wants to host his own nighttime show and we don't see that in the cards here. Out of respect for him and his talent, we thought it would be best to let him explore opportunities elsewhere."

Klein added that he hopes Crossfire's other three rotating co-hosts – Paul Begala, James Carville, and Bob Novak – will remain with CNN as commentators.

Launched in 1982, Crossfire was originally hosted by Pat Buchanan on the right and Michael Kinsley on the left.

Once a jewel in the network's crown, it had dropped in the ratings by 21 per cent since last season, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Some guests gave back to Carlson, whose always maintained a smug exterior during the heated exchanges, as good as they got.

Appearing as a guest on Crossfire in October, Daily Show host Jon Stewart called Carlson a "dick" who promotes "partisan hackery."

Stewart said he believes the program's format has become emblematic of the decay of the American political system, a diagnosis with which Carlson's boss appears to agree.

"I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp," Klein said.

In November, Carlson also famously interviewed maverick Canadian MP Carolyn Parrish on fellow host Wolf Blitzer's program Wolf Blitzer Reports.

Ostensibly a discussion of U.S.-Canadian relations, the segment digressed into a showcase for Carlson to outline his belief that Canadians spend a lot of time dogsledding.

"I don't think every Canadian is dogsledding at all times but I do think there's a lot of dogsledding in Canada," he said after Parrish challenged him. "Yes, I do think that's true."

Jan 5, 05 9:01 pm  · 

Why are we even talking about these two clowns?

I feel bad for them and at the same time ignore them as if they are loons on the street corner argueing with thier imaginary friends.....

Jan 5, 05 9:50 pm  · 

jbirl - on one hand i agree with you that they don't deserve any additional attention, but on the other hand it bothers me that they are getting away with this. there are a lot of people out there that believe what they say. they are actually molding some people's thoughts.

That CBC article has made my week.

Jan 5, 05 11:54 pm  · 

I have been sucked in.....

If people really think as they do about Canada, than I think I will move there....wait- its cold up there isn't?

There are alot of people that think alot of stupid things.

I just recall when the KKK paraded through the town next to me when I was in high school. The buzz was that if no one goes, it will be more powerful than huge numbers showing up in protest. The day came, the KKK paraded, and not that many people came out to see them. It was such a non-event. It was considered a success by the diverse majority. The KKK wanted alot of press, and not much happened.

Ignore the knuckleheads...

Jan 6, 05 9:15 am  · 

i agree with jbirl, these people dont deserve us even giving them the time of day (i know what i am doing now, before anyone kindly points it out).

"it's lucky for them we even let them exist on the same continent as us" what the fuck? i honeslty just cant believe some people . . .

Jan 6, 05 9:23 am  · 

they're pretty much the howard sterns of conservative media. it's a contest of who can be more outragous. i think a lot of people hear what they say, but i doubt many take them seriously. but then again as larry flint said, never underestimate the taste of the american public. (or something like that)

Jan 6, 05 11:32 am  · 
Mason White

I hear that Tucker has been dropped from CNN and Crossfire has been discontinued ... baby steps. in the meantime there is always this.

Jan 6, 05 12:13 pm  · 
Mason White

bye-bye bow-tie boy.

Jan 6, 05 12:15 pm  · 

"I want to make interesting television. That's always been my goal."

"Tucker wanted to anchor a primetime show. Eleven o'clock isn't primetime, and that was never on the table,"

-- isnt survivor still on? thats prime time....right?

--maybe someone should email tucker and let them know dan rather may be leaving cbs news soon and he should consider sending his cv in.......

Jan 6, 05 12:41 pm  · 

"Ann tries to tell a Canadian journalist on CBC Newsworld that Canada sent troops to Vietnam to support the U.S. When he corrects her, she has the chutzpah to contradict him."

Feb 3, 05 2:14 pm  · 

she's an idiot just like o'reilly.

Feb 3, 05 2:23 pm  · 

omg, that is infuriating... i really have nothing more to add except that i am personally ashamed for our country that they would say those things.

Feb 3, 05 4:30 pm  · 

In the spirit of the discussion I just booked a flight to Calgary for next week. See you all soon my Canadian neighbors!

Probably worth a different thread, but is there anything architectural I should see in Calgary? Most of my time will be out on the ski slopes but I'll be in town for a couple nights.

Feb 3, 05 5:25 pm  · 
vado retro

Have Fun A make sure you check out the new DogSledding Hall of Fame.

Feb 4, 05 5:40 am  · 

Don't forget to stop by Tim's for a donut or two and don't forget your Toque, eh!

Feb 4, 05 12:04 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

Criticism from a close friend and neighbor should be taken as an indication that there is room for self-improvement.

Feb 5, 05 11:11 am  · 

i am glad there is canada in the world. more civilized than usa and a reliable member of UN. all the canadians i've met are better connected to the rest of the world than americans and that is a big advantage in the changing world. +, they have a great sense of humor and not full of themselves. usa has the belief that canada is their lapdog. false..
fox media is overtly racist and dangerously militaristic. osama got them in his fingertips.

Feb 5, 05 12:04 pm  · 

abra - I mostly agree with you. I love Canada and most of the people there. Not sure about the humor thing and we do have to hold Celine Dion as well as Bryan Adams against them. I've also met Canadians who are ignorant of the world. Americans by no means hold a monopoly on that. Unfortunately we just have a lot more of them here in the states and hold conventions (NASCAR) where they can congregate.

Feb 5, 05 12:17 pm  · 

i think it is fair to say that there are ignorant and intelligent people in every country.

Feb 5, 05 1:28 pm  · 

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