Donna Hines Rayson

Donna Hines Rayson

Ottawa, KS, US


Cherryvale Community Center

The City of Cherryvale Kansas was awarded a $296,622 grant through the Kansas Department of Commerce KANSTEP Program to renovate the former National Guard Armory into the Cherryvale Community Center.

The Kansas Small Towns Environment Program (KAN STEP) was a competitive self-help program for communities to address water, sewer, sewer and public building needs through greater initiative and with fewer dollars. Communities were required to demonstrate readiness, capacity, and documented cost savings.

The grant required the use of volunteers to match CDBG funds. A 40% savings must be demonstrated to be eligible. The maximum amount awarded for this grant was $300,000 through this annual competition. Funding was to provide professional
services and purchase materials, while the labor and sweat equity was used to construct the project.

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Status: Built
Location: Cherryvalle, Kansas 67335
My Role: Project Architect
Additional Credits: Devore Associates Architects