Tiffany Dimesky

Tiffany Dimesky

Austin, TX, US

Grid model built of 1/16' chipboard sections cut at 1'=20' intervals offset 10' from models edge and on 1' base. 8'x40'.
Grid model built of 1/16" chipboard sections cut at 1"=20' intervals offset 10' from models edge and on 1" base. 8"x40".
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School Project: Point to plane, section to surface

Point model built of 1/16" bass wood dowels at 1"=20' intervals, on a 1" base of 1/8" chipboard. Grid model built of 1/16" chipboard sections cut at 1"=20' intervals offset 10' from models edge and on 1" base. final dimensions of both being 8"x40". Completed for Design and Visual Studies Studio. Fall 2012.

The means by which landscapes are studied influences how they are interpreted. As abstractions, the types of representation models (2D and 3D drawings, physical or digital models, databases) utilized in the design process privileges how one describes the cultural and natural systems of which the landscape is composed. Different representation models each delineate the "real" landscape in different ways. Utilizing a segment of the Sierra Vieja mountain range, located in Presidio County, TX, a section cut line perpendicular to the slope was used as a baseline for modeling topography. 

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Status: School Project

Point model built of 1/16' bass wood dowels at 1'=20' intervals, on a 1' base of 1/8' chipboard. 8'x40'.
Point model built of 1/16" bass wood dowels at 1"=20' intervals, on a 1" base of 1/8" chipboard. 8"x40".