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  • Thirty-five & 5 - A continuing journey
    By TAB1006: This is an account of my journey towards licensure, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. At 35, many people, including myself at times, doubt that completion of the journey I started nearly a decade ago can be obtained. But here I am, with 2 years of school and all of my internship ahead of me, finally working in a firm after escaping the world of retail. May these thoughts serve as inspiration for those in doubt, encourage supportive wisdom, and of course, an outlet for frustration!
    Thirty-five & 5
    By Rob Mothershed: We want to examine,discuss, and research new paradigms, new spaces, new structures, and new modes of construction. We are looking to 1988-1998 to see how the digital and pre digital has played out. We are tired of seeing the architect- provide a service and we are eager to see the Architect as Master Builder.
  • Interface. Theory and praxis in architecture.
  • Earth Architecture
    By Adriana Duran G: This blog will present earthen construction around the world with some specifics examples of projects that I had the chance to participated with different communities in several places.
    Earth Architecture
  • Professional Δ Academia - Exploring the interstitial space between the professional and academic realms
    By Commix: There is a definite divide between the professional and academic realms of architecture. This blog is an exploration in how each paradigm could be used to inform the other. The commentary is based on my own experience at small firms and the dialog I've had with students, firm principles, contractors, fabricators, and faculty in a major metro area on the East Coast of the United States.
    Professional Δ Academia
  • Architecture is...
    By RGX_MERCADO: I come across very interesting studies and experiments in general context, that can be applied to architecture and design in creative ways. From Autodesk research and development Articles, innovative technology to control Arduino, to my opinions and analysis on the influence of Tadao Ando's architecture in Mexico. My objective is to push the boundaries of research and development borrowing from professional field's in and outside of architecture, as well as sharing current research and work.
    Architecture is...
  • NYC Architecture in Decay - Progressive Architectural Decay
    By jfbautista: Since the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and beyond, urban decay has been associated with Western cities, especially in North America, South America and some parts of Europe. Since then, major structural changes in global economies, transportation, and government policies created the economic and then the social conditions resulting in Progressive Urban Decay.

    Here I'll highlight the Architectural Decay of New York City the way I see it.
    NYC Architecture in Decay
  • name is ROBERT - An open door into J.R.'s domain.
    By R_O_B_E_R_T: No architecture is worse than a missed opportunity.

    ROBERT intends to open the dialogue of Dallas in a manner that focuses on a collective mindset that strives to uncover the critical, praise the successes, and recognize the potential in the Metroplex.

    We have a central voice again....but why not many.

    Whether you live in Dallas or have something to say about it, speak through Robert and submit your piece to

    The basis is open. name is ROBERT
  • MegalopolisNow - city talks
    By Donato de Vivo:

    I created this blog to share each other architectural, urban and technological news and thoughts about the new form of city that is developing now: the megalopolis. The future of all us is playing in these urban settings and we must contribute to the debate for a better way of life, more sustainable and beautiful.
  • Four buildings in Sarajevo
    By st56ar: Quite simply, it’s about four buildings: the Catholic Cathedral, Serb Orthodox Cathedral, the Synagogue and the Ferhadija Mosque.
    Four buildings in Sarajevo
  • bip arquitetura
    bip arquitetura
    bip arquitetura
  • The Kitchen Sink
    By toasteroven: professional practice, sustainability, social justice, urban agriculture, and whatever else that interests me
    The Kitchen Sink

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