Leonid Emdin

Leonid Emdin

Sankt Petersburg, RU


Condominium Tower

- Each apartment is located in two levels.

- Each apartment has views on all four sides of the world.

- All rooms of common areas (a living room, a dining room, kitchen) and an cabinet with a    

  master's bedroom have views on Lima Golf Club.

- Each apartment has an open terrace (about 100 square meters) with the pool and green plants

- The cafe and the office have an each own entrance.

- The garden is located in a courtyard of the house.

- The spacious hall with the reception is located on the first floor.

- All technical rooms are located in an underground floor and have a separate entrance.

- Two pools for adults and children and the terrace-garden are located on a roof.

- On a staircase there are two lifts, an evacuation ladder and a refuse chute.

- Each apartment has open and French balconies.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: San Isidro, Peru