Leonid Emdin

Leonid Emdin

Sankt Petersburg, RU



The concept of this project is based on the perception of the image-bearing set. These images are somehow or other connected with art as such, with cinematograph in particular.

The main image of this house is a fragment of cine film lying on the editor's table. The film as such looks like the Moebius loop and at the same time like the infinity sign in mathematics; its outward surface passes into internal one. And the motion path inside the house represents a closed curve round which its dweller either soars upwards or dashes. The walls of the house, in their turn, remind as well of the cine film surface – its windows are executed as frames of this film and we, being outside the house, see a cine film through these frames where its dwellers are the actors; while being inside the house we observe the life of the world around.

 Another images evoked by the external look of the house are Rodin's statue "Thinker", the cross with the crest seeming to be dilapidated or, as may be treated differently, its carcass accumulates flesh.

The idea of this house is an attempt to portray at least a particle of the multifaceted talent Ingmar Bergman had …

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Uppsala, Sweden