
Ambito Diversity Badge

Female, Latinx, LGBTQIA+ owned

Miami, FL



Location: 7910 South West, Miami FL 33064
Year Completed: In Progress
Work Done: Design and Construction

7910 South West, or better known in our office as the Imery Residence, is a home designed and built for a client who was interested in modern architecture but with the use of volumes instead of planes. The final design is composed of various different volumes that overlap one another and that have openings (windows) that look like the volumes/masses have been punctured and light is coming through.

One of the most important aspects of this house is the interior, and the beautiful double height space that it has in the middle. This double height space is surrounded by a glass railing in the second floor, and it lets inhabitants look down into all spaces of the ground level. Inside the house, we also include spaces that could be used for vegetation and these spaces often happen next to windows.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: South Miami, FL, US
Firm Role: Architecture & Supervision