
Ambito Diversity Badge

Female, Latinx, LGBTQIA+ owned

Miami, FL



Location: 512 Woodcrest Ln. Key Biscayne, FL 
Year Completed: 2016

100% Remodeled

512 Woodcrest Ln. is a remodeled house in its entirety. A new access and porch was designed, as well as a new lobby, which the house did not have. A new stair was also designed and reconfiguration of spaces in first floor and second floor were taken into account and re-organized. In the exterior facade of the first floor, a new store front glass was put forth in order for it to have views into a new exterior yard. A wooden pool deck was designed for the exterior space as well with a pool.

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Status: Built
Location: Key Biscayne, FL, US
Firm Role: Architecture & Supervision