Sarah Ann Ocampo, AIA

Sarah Ann Ocampo, AIA

New York, NY, US

aka The Freedom Tower
aka The Freedom Tower
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One World Trade Center

3,500,00 SF, 104 story iconic commercial + mixed use high-rise located at the northern end of the Ground Zero site.  

The first project I was involved in out of college.  An unforgettable, unique experience working with the cream of the crop team of architects, engineers and consultants on an extremely high profile, controversial building.  I was a member of the technical team at SOM coordinating with consultants and producing the construction documents for both the initial twisting tower version and its currently built obelisk design.  WTC One was the first project SOM utilized Revit on.  At that time, Revit was at its beta stages and I worked directly with Autodesk programmers and digital design management to help refine the program for its later releases.  I can safely say I was present for the birth of BIM.  

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Architectural Professional C & D
Additional Credits: Silverstein Properties (developer), Port Authority of NY & NJ, WSP Cantor Seinuk (structural), Jaros Baum & Bolles Consulting Engineers (MEP), Schlaich Bergermann Und Partner GBR (structural), Philip Habib & Associates (civil + traffic), Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers (geotech), Claude R. Engle (lighting), Cerami & Associates (acoustic), Peter Walker & Partners (landscape), Battle McCarthy Ltd, Ducibella Venter & Santore (security), Tishman Construction Corp

Birdseye view
Birdseye view
First steel rising ceremony, 2006
First steel rising ceremony, 2006
Excerpt from original twisting tower design
Excerpt from original twisting tower design
Excerpt from model showing panoramic view at antennae
Excerpt from model showing panoramic view at antennae
Excerpt from revit base model
Excerpt from revit base model