
Thread Central


That's it, I'm done.

Somebody email me when Rick has been banned from the forum or killed by invading Chinese. Either one is entirely acceptable to me.

Until then, adios boys and girls.

Feb 29, 16 3:39 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Miles, is there a decent pub halfway between our homes? Let's move the forum there and hang a no Balkins allowed signed.

Feb 29, 16 3:41 pm  · 

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...

Feb 29, 16 3:44 pm  · 

Non Sequitur,

I've shot deers and elk for hunting. I have seen footage of bullet impact on human skulls and other skulls. Take a very close look at the film of the Zapruder film. You should realize the impact caused the head to go back and to the left before natural elastic rebound due to the fact that the back spinal structure does not like being bent backward for prolong period of time.  A bullet send a lot of kinetic energy. The only way for a head shot to cause JFK's body to go back and to the left (back and towards Jackie who was sitting to his left) can only occur if shot from the front and right arc. If that bullet was shot from the book repository, his movement would have been to the front and left and largely slump down as the elastic rebound would not occur quite the same due to skeletal structure which would go along with our natural fetal position. There is biological design reasons that I am referring to. 

The impact and movement fits a shot from the front and right side. While there is an initial spray, that is understandable from the view and angle and considering a high velocity bullet but watch the mechanical movement of the body right after the spray at impact.

If you looked and seen autopsy photos of Kennedy after the initial blood is cleaned up, there is only a small impact injury. You never see the blown out back section but a rifle round like that which was claimed to have kill JFK would have literally blown out and done very serious damage to the front face and cheek bone. 

Feb 29, 16 3:49 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Balkins, let's just pretend I read your rambles.

Feb 29, 16 3:51 pm  · 

i always thought thread central was supposed to be the safe place away from the crazies :(

i wonder if there can be a ban for specific threads?

Feb 29, 16 4:26 pm  · 

TC isn't always safe, but it's usually fairly relaxed.

Today has been fun for me on Archinect, because my day at work has been pretty shitty.  I did manage to bang out a presentation drawing of a floor plan, though, with at least 30 minutes to spare before the meeting!


Feb 29, 16 4:41 pm  · 


regardless of the banter.... I'll say congrats on getting something done with 30 minutes to spare before the meeting.

Feb 29, 16 4:43 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ agreed. The last hour and a half of door & hardware shop drawing reviews have flown by thanks to old-man El Balkinario up there and his crazy "get the kids off my mom's lawn" antics.

Feb 29, 16 4:43 pm  · 

b3ta, you are a cruel person for sticking that cursed song in my head.

"oooo, give you up..."

Feb 29, 16 4:44 pm  · 

Where did this gun shit come from?



I grew up in the mountain west and know how to safely own and operate a firearm... I also know that no one who truly has a healthy fear and respect of guns would post such a diatribe on the internet.


I do wish Nam, Amelia, Nikolas, etc would take the position that Archinect IS NOT America and there is no harm in censoring an internet forum, especially when it is so egregiously off-topic.

Feb 29, 16 6:19 pm  · 


No body should shoot a firearm at another person except in self-defense against someone trying to kill you. In an ideal FANTASY world, we would never kill another person. That is a fantasy and never will happen. Humans race is incapable of achieving that goal. It is genetically..... impossible.

No fire arm should ever be carried loaded. This would prevent any accidental discharge. Part of this relates to the broader subject point of whether the 2nd Amendment right be revoked or not. As long as the bullets are not in the chamber or otherwise in the loading clip or revolver cylinder or any other mechanism where the bullet can be loaded into the firing chamber.... AS LONG AS NO BULLET IS EVER IN THE CHAMBER THE GUN CAN NOT BE USED TO KILL ANOTHER PERSON EXCEPT AS A BLUNT OBJECT.



I said before, owning/keeping guns and carrying guns carries with it a responsibility. A bullet traveling a mile a second can very easily be lethal and more often is especially if targetted at the right location.

Should guns be respected, YES. Just as you would with safe driving of an automobile licensed or not. A lot of things are lethal even ones hands. I can kill a human being with my bear hands in a very short period of time.  Hands are lethal weapons if used as such.

So is a knife.... even a spoon. As silly as it sounds, it isn't so silly... really.

Feb 29, 16 6:33 pm  · 

i have promised myself no non architecture posts outside of TC for 2016. so far I think i am sticking to it............this forum does begin to suck when the shit people fanatically believe in, blindly, like politics and other crap, for the most part imaginary conditions of humanity ....whatever, nothing to do with the price if bread or architecture.......i do like though, if you can talk about humanity and politics within a dialogue of architecture like Rem koolhaas or Sanfor Kwinter or even Patrik schumacher. take Junkspace by Koolhaas, its about our world but through the lens of architecture..........if you do want to introduce god, guns, and politics do it through the lens of architecure and not the other way around.

Feb 29, 16 6:35 pm  · 

wtf? I'm out.

I'll see you all when Dick gets banned.

Feb 29, 16 6:36 pm  · 

Trust me, Big Green Head is listening benevolently in the background. It'll all be ok.

Feb 29, 16 6:38 pm  · 

archanonymous remember that Parametric Details thread, not a peep from Balkins and minimal trolling........i was trying to find a philosophy forum for non architecture stuff and the one I found is quite moderated, even incomplete sentences do not fly. they also move your topic around if it isnt quite you can imagine - as a philospher its quite annoying to see questions like - is God Real? - when you come to discuss Heraclitus' Logos or Hume' s conception of God........could we have an archinect category like that, like more of a discussion panel?

Feb 29, 16 6:45 pm  · 


You really should check the politics of parametrics out. Good reads. I do need to post more about that too- when I'm not cranky (whine).

Feb 29, 16 6:50 pm  · 


The conditions I have given has happened in the past. Lets remember that China has nuclear missiles. Remember the COLD WAR? U.S. and U.S.S.R. built its arsenal to keep China at bay. 

Remember, China is a frenemy. Lets remember, Japan was more or less a friend of the U.S. with trade deals since Commodore Perry open trade with Japan and we had been doing trade deals and building an economic partnership between the U.S. and Japan and then they attacked Pearl Harbor.

All it takes is a change in leadership, focus, direction, etc. 

With the economy as it has been and the shaky stability of this country's future, I don't expect the status quo to remain the same over the next 10-20 years or 50 years. With terrorist groups that has no national borders, it is impossible to know when and where one of these terrorist groups commits an act of terror. The notion that it has to be a big city is not necessary. Does this mean one goes out looking to kill.... oh hell no.

You just have to keep your awareness. Being armed simply provides for some measure of safety in case a situation arises. You never know if you are going to have the unlucky moment to be confronted by armed bad guys.

It doesn't mean to tout and wave your gun around drawing attention to yourself.

We been arguing this too much on this thread.

Feb 29, 16 6:55 pm  · 

Marc you need to be less cranky. Should I ship you some red bull. Your kind is much enjoyed around here, taking basic threads to the next level.....and i never finished ordering that book. its a collection of texts right, politics of parametrics.......half way through the AD book edited by Menge(?).........just remembered to order Niklas Luhmann today (shumachers source of inspiration). Social systems and the one on religion. also ordered Christianity and Capitalism. American Style......wondering if i can translate that into the piggy bank known as NYC......

Feb 29, 16 7:08 pm  · 

olaf, if you ever find yourself back in kansas, maybe we should start a book club.  marc too if he finds himself this way.  we can start with politics of parametrics.

Feb 29, 16 7:20 pm  · 

"A lot of things are lethal even ones hands. I can kill a human being with my bear hands in a very short period of time.  Hands are lethal weapons if used as such."

Trying to decide which picture I want to associate with this ... TC please cast your votes.

Picture A (crazy psycho, but obviously works out more than Balkins)?

Or Picture B (cute and harmless, but still quite disturbing)?

Feb 29, 16 7:46 pm  · 

I like the cute cuddly one. My right to bear arms feels fulfilled by that one.

Feb 29, 16 7:54 pm  · 

Ricky Balkins, our own little Private Pyle.

Feb 29, 16 7:58 pm  · 

"I like the cute cuddly one. My right to bear arms feels fulfilled by that one."

ROFL  Now picturing Picture B with full arm coverage.  

Feb 29, 16 8:17 pm  · 



Exactly but sorry I meant bare but exhaustion with responding to 5+ people over 2-3 threads gets exhausting quick.

Feb 29, 16 8:31 pm  · 
Feel free to stop anytime you want Richard. It won't be as exhausting.
Feb 29, 16 8:43 pm  · 

Curtkram, I'm down, assuming we meet in Tank 7 at the Boulevard Brewing company...

Marc, I know that ain't your thing, so we can meet at Oklahoma Joe's (still around?)

but first the beer tank

Books and Beer!

am I the only one that finds passive mental stimulation (lack thereof) boring as hell! (TV, facebook feeds, youtube shit in general....there are good bucky lectures to be found though)

Feb 29, 16 9:31 pm  · 

Sure, you all can fill up on fluids. I'll pace on a full rack, but pardon the use of sauce instead of a highlighter (this is book club).

Feb 29, 16 10:16 pm  · 

oklahoma joe's changed their name to joe's kansas city bar-b-que.  what with them not being in oklahoma and all.  just give me enough of a heads-up to actually find and read the book....

while i find most tv pretty boring, the mckenzie brothers are worth watching.

Feb 29, 16 10:35 pm  · 

nice marc. lick your fingers or highlight important sections of text with bbq sauce.

Mar 1, 16 6:15 am  · 

Might as well make it seem intentional...

Mar 1, 16 9:27 am  · 

Lost another chicken to a hawk yesterday.  That makes half a dozen I've had to clean up in addition to four I've intentionally killed. Interesting how accustomed we can become to gore.

Mar 1, 16 9:34 am  · 

It’s two am and once again Donna can’t quell the voices in her head.  Quietly she opens the secret compartment in her steel banana sculpture and dons her steel tipped bear arms.  The hens, quiet in the moonlit hen house are unaware of the carnage that is about to befall them again.  “I wonder how long they’ll believe the hawk story?” she briefly contemplates.  But the yearning calls…  The fowl play begins.

Mar 1, 16 12:46 pm  · 

you may be able to find a fly net on craigslist.  its a huge pain but keeps the birds safe from above

Mar 1, 16 12:52 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Why not give guns to the Chickens?

Mar 1, 16 1:01 pm  · 

mightyaa that is magical! Love, love, love. I'll have to ask my son to illustrate it as a cartoon.

shuellmi I have a network of fishing line strung all over the yard where the chickens live. But we had high winds Sunday - really high - and a branch blew onto the web, knocking part of it down. Chicken was eaten the next day. So my husband and I fixed it up again yesterday evening, after disposing of the chicken body.

Mar 1, 16 1:04 pm  · 

my chickens have a 10x25 run with netting on top, and wire on all 4 side with the wire extending 20" horizontally.  Predators still find a way in if I'm not vigilant.  They definitely need extra protection in winter when there is less other forage.

Currently brooding 19 in my basement - 8 did not survive the journey with the USPS.

Mar 1, 16 1:40 pm  · 

Black Mirror is amazing. The first episode is especially wrenching, but they all are, really.

Mar 1, 16 6:49 pm  · 

Husband and I binged on every one of them, one per night, knuckles clenched and jaws agape at every episode. SO freaking good.

Big Green head here on Archinect is who turned me onto the series! He talked about them on the podcast.

Mar 2, 16 9:44 am  · 

Walking dead has been pretty nuts lately.

Mar 2, 16 9:50 am  · 

i'm a little behind - just started watching Gotham.  

I Iike to wait until there are about 5 seasons available before trying out a show, its a big commitment and I don't want to watch a show that was cancelled to early

Mar 2, 16 12:50 pm  · 

I hate to be cynical, but this seems like one more unwanted development that us students will have to pay for...  

Mar 2, 16 1:58 pm  · 

This is how it's done, ya'll:

Summer Internship 2016 Deborah Berke Partners is looking for a hard-working, detail-oriented graduate student to work with us during a summer 2016 architecture internship. This is a full-time, paid internship in an award-winning architecture and design firm. The internship will include projects intended to give a comprehensive picture of our firm’s “whole-vision” approach to architecture. From our Manhattan office we work on architectural projects ranging in size from lofts to university buildings, academic research and lecture projects, as well as interior design assignments. Interns will be immersed in our design projects in various ways, including but not limited to drawing and model-making.

Bold emphasis mine. Deborah Berke is awesome.


shuellmi I loved Jada Pinkett-Smith's performance in Gotham. Delectable.

Mar 2, 16 2:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Anyone else notice the half dozen or so "best architecture firms in dubai" spam bots today?

Mar 2, 16 4:47 pm  · 

Why is architecture school a waste of time???

Why is Trump is the second coming of Leon Trotsky??

Let me tell you why!

Mar 2, 16 11:25 pm  · 

Image doesn't work.  Probably would have been funny too.

Mar 3, 16 7:16 am  · 

i know i said i was done w/ tc, but a) haven't seen rick in a while and b) i have to share with someone:


Just got my final ARE score report.... and I passed!!!!!!11!!!! Done with tests. Suck it NCARB!

I just have a couple hundred pesky hours in hard-to-get categories and i'll be totally finished with IDP. So excited.

and now I can start studying for LEED BD+C... gotta keep performing in the dog and pony show.

Mar 3, 16 10:33 am  · 

Congrats archanonymous!

good luck with idp.

Mar 3, 16 10:58 am  · 

congratulations, archanonymous. that's huge! 

Mar 3, 16 11:04 am  · 

Congrats archanonymous. Don't let IDP get you down. Which categories do you have left, if you don't mind saying?

Mar 3, 16 11:11 am  · 

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