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observant: "[Paula Dean] pours it on pretty thick and, if you're not from that part of the country, it comes across as very phony."

Trust me - if you ARE 'from that part of the country' it still comes across as very phony.

I think what bothers me most about the strident criticism of Ms. Dean's testimony is the seemingly total unwillingness of many to even consider that -- just perhaps -- people from the South can change and learn and become more enlightened and less prejudiced with the passage of time.

My great grandfather was a flaming racist and didn't care who knew about it. My grandfather held strong views about race but, being more educated than my great grandfather, recognized that times were changing and made an effort to keep his views more-or-less to himself when outside the home.  My own father - who was the first college graduate in our family - possessed certain latent racist tendencies, but effectively curbed his tongue and his behavior and worked very hard to accept and work with everybody he encountered in life.

Jun 22, 13 6:51 pm  · 


I have worked in that part of the country, though in an urban area, and I actually liked it.  I didn't meet many local urbanites speaking like Paul Deen does, so I could see how it would even annoy a Southerner.  However, it was interesting that the word Yankee blankets everyone else in the U.S., and not just those in the Union states as the U.S. was configured during the Civil War.  It extends all the way out to the West Coast.  I don't know if there is a geographic definition or limitation of a Yankee.

I like the concept of Racist Type 1 and Type 2.  A Type 1 sounds like one who means it.  A Type 2 sounds like one who might be urban and just sort of laughs at all the quirks of the mix of people living in that area, but doesn't mean it.  I know a lot of people like that in large urbanized Western areas.  They have nicknames for neighborhoods which are not PC and can impersonate accents, but that's about it, and they don't have any interpersonal problems with diversity.  Sheez, this label sounds like diabetes ... or a statistical sampling error.

Jun 22, 13 7:02 pm  · 

@Snook: I designed a house on block island. I'll give you a hint, it's a rich person's vacation home.

Jun 22, 13 8:04 pm  · 

The final comment in the article is the icing on the cake:  “Oh please, Paula Deen’s words aren’t hurting black people anywhere near as much as her recipes are.”

Ain't that the truth.  She got diabetes type 2 from her cooking and weight gain.

Actually, I think Paula Deen hurts my ears more than she does my arteries.

Jun 22, 13 9:05 pm  · 

b3....I must have walked past it rode bike past or drove by it in a cab cause I think I saw every square inch of the island.  Ya it would be hard to design a house for a poor person on Block Island.  Actually there are a few units of workers housing, for the common folk. Seems like you have to live five years on the island full time, then you toss your name into a lottery and when one of the houses open up you have a shot at becoming its new owner.  Think they range in $150,000 to $350,000.  The money you put in is what you take out when you move out. 

I was talking to one bartender who with her husband split there time between Naples Florida and Block Island.  There boss owns restaurants in both locations and the high season happens to fall opposite so it works out for them.

Jun 23, 13 10:41 am  · 

b3....give me a hint did it have gray shingles?

Jun 23, 13 10:42 am  · 

Bizarre.  The population centers of Alberta have always had a dry climate, occupying the same position that Denver occupies relative to the Front Range.

The pictures of the flooding in Alberta are alarming, and the city of Calgary has been affected.  The few times I've been, their dry summer weather has been outstanding.  Nice city, too.

Jun 23, 13 9:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm off to Adobe Illustrator training for the next three days, and then get to follow it up with a certification test.  Yay!  Hopefully I will at least learn something useful.  Like maybe there's a secret to those awful Bezier curves.  Or a magic way to PERFECTLY take a jpg to a vector with the push of a button.

And I hope I pass that stupid test in the end.  Stupid test.

Jun 24, 13 8:46 am  · 

mrs sdd...has been doing a lot with adobe these past few months.  It sucks her in just like quick sand.

Jun 25, 13 10:27 am  · 


does mrs s-d-d work for you ... or with you, or is she sensible and does something other than architecture?

Jun 25, 13 12:37 pm  · 

I think Paula Deen should be forgiven by the public and the media long before they ever forgave Martha Stewart.

Jun 25, 13 1:09 pm  · 

i had no idea who paula deen was until this racist thing, but seriously wtf?  why forgive? Shes an obvious muttonhead on so many levels.

Jun 25, 13 11:16 pm  · 

observant....we be 24-7....she has more architectural  education than myself ....which isn't hard since I a guy from the school of hard knocks.  She doesn't work for me....we work together.  She can put my ass in a Tuna Can when I come up with a bad design.....and she has.  We have been doing this for twelve  years ...and we are both still breathing so ....I we believe it works.  She is hell on wheels with graphics  and me I'm the wanderer...who has to pin things down so when they go out the door  contractors can build them and be somewhere near budget....and  of course they have to be reasonable solutions. (that is reasonable to the client).  We be no Zadaha, however we have our moments.

I don't know s... about Paula Dean other than micor -blips on TV.  It sounds a bit like the guy who did sports who got  his jewels in the jammer a few years ago...thinkin like mamograms for Paula.  Can't we just all like one another....wondering if  the Supreme Court will ever understand that states turn away people from voting, or make them wait in long lines to discourage voting....sign...time for  bed and  sweet dreams.

Jun 25, 13 11:26 pm  · 

I related the situation to the Martha Stewart issue of years ago.

Paula Deen did this a long time ago.  Who has a clean slate?  Someone is focusing on this transgression and magnifying it.  I'm no fan of hers.  I don't know squat about cooking.

Martha Stewart's flub had to do with insider stock information courtesy of the VIPs she knows.  She went to jail for it.  She now has a TV show again.

Between the two, the latter is more egregious, at least to me.  The first is in bad taste.  The latter is a middle finger at the little people, as she continues to endorse stuff and show up at quite a few red carpet type events. 

Pick your poison, I guess.  What's next?  Schwarzenegger back on the silver screen?

Jun 25, 13 11:33 pm  · 
Schwarzenegger has had one film out already this year, plus a cameo-like role in last year's "Expendables" sequel. He has another coming out this fall and one more scheduled for early next year. Looks like someone already picked that poison.

In other news, I have to quit my job at the movie theater too. No more free movies for me.
Jun 26, 13 1:50 am  · 

That's what I mean.  Some people have done some bad things and, if they're rich and famous, it's a cat of nine lives scenario in many cases.  That's why the Paula Deen thing bugs me.  Wait.  Her transgression was political incorrectness, the worst possible offense of the namby pamby New Millennium.  On the other hand, Stewart's dealt with financial dishonesty and Schwarzenegger was philandering, so those are "minor" by comparison. 

Eh, enough Paula Deen.  Saw her two sons interviewed on TV and they did not look like their congenial, upbeat Southern gentlemen selves. I hope she gets back in the saddle. 

Jun 26, 13 2:08 am  · 
Only saw on daily show. Didn't seem to be an issue of being pc or not. Seemed like she is just stupid and racist. But I agree who cares about gossip about the stars and the mildly famous. Arni's sex life is even less interesting than some racist who couldn't keep it to herself. Martha on other hand is criminal. Weird that Americans don't give a shit about that sort of thing. We're all such zombies sometimes.

Guess that's why the publicans get to shut down objections to race based voter suppression now. Well done America.
Jun 26, 13 6:13 am  · 

Paula Deen is not a comedian. She is not Michael Richards. She is not Kanye West. She is a fat racist, peddling her Racist Southern Charm, with a side order of Death. She was not being politically incorrect; she was being her awesome self.

As for Martha, what she did, in light of all the idiocy of Wall Street - where no one has been prosecuted - is rather minor. Plus, she went to jail. Paula is not going to jail, all that will happen to Paula is this; fewer people will be forced to suffer her insufferable charm, and even more will be saved from her horrible "food."

Jun 26, 13 8:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So proud that Wendy Davis succeeded in stopping the closing of all but 5 of the women's health clinics in Texas!

It was a crazy night, apparently (I wasn't there), and the republicans stopped her speech on a made-up technicality, but she still stopped them.  Maybe I will vote for her next time.


Ok, enough on crappy Texas politics.  Back to your celebrities....

Jun 26, 13 9:01 am  · 

@ Sarah Wendy and her pink sneakers are awesome!

also hurrah for Supreme Court ruling re: DOMA....

but boo re: their decision on Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District 

Jun 26, 13 10:37 am  · 

I wondered what all that honking and cheering was earlier.

Jun 26, 13 11:45 am  · 
Very awesome sarah. Like mr smith goes to Washington. I can't understand how a state with such a libertarian ethos spends so much time trying to control people's private lives. It's crazy hypocritical. Shit like this is why republicans come off as American Taliban instead of just conservative.

Rachel Maddow has pretty good meme for it - in these crazy ass tough economic times Republicans central legislative goal is jobs jobs jobortion.
Jun 26, 13 7:09 pm  · 

As if Democrats were any different ...

Jun 26, 13 7:47 pm  · 

which is why I always vote for the 12 visions party.


I am currently "riding a prosperity wave to riches."  you know - after I permanently slowed down the aging process.

Jun 26, 13 8:04 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

give her a chance to explain

Jun 27, 13 2:24 am  · 
Democrats don't run campaigns based on idea that govt is the problem not the solution. Ironic isn't it?
Jun 27, 13 4:30 am  · 

^ All posturing. In the end both parties (one party really) create legislation that benefits themselves and their corporate sponsors.  

Jun 27, 13 9:24 am  · 

clinton didn't fire greenspan, and obama hasn't fixed the 'too big to fail' problems with the banks, and the federal reserve still hasn't raised the fed rate or stopped it's bond buying program.  that's true.

however, democrats aren't trying to close public school systems and medicare in favor of private systems designed to cater to the wealthy, they're not trying to shut down planned parenthood, they're not trying to limit marriage or deny equal benefits to gay couples, they're a bit less involved in raising my taxes to give haliburton and lockheed contracts for kickbacks, and they're not trying to kill big bird.

the differences are still important.  people who vote republican should still be shunned in polite society.

Jun 27, 13 9:34 am  · 

not to derail the political aspect of this conversation, but i really am curious as to how other office deal with cell phones

it's hard to say this is an emerging technology since it's been around so long, but considering a phone can be used as a camera, a flashlight, data storage and transfer, etc. -  i can actually get my company's entire server on my phone with webdav.  that also means i can delete my entire server from my cell phone.  autocad 360 is an ap to view cad files on a mobile device (which i've downloaded but haven't actually gotten to work.  also, email goes to my phone.

it's an important tool, almost even necessary.  at my office, i don't give my clients my number since it's a personal phone.  while i do have my company email on my phone, others in the office choose not to do that.  my company isn't going to be buying me a phone or an ipad or anything like that, and they aren't going to reimburse me for anything like that either.  there is no set policy.  of course i use my phone for office related stuff all the time.  it's just too convenient, and carrying around an extra camera (our office camera is kind of old, beat up, fairly unreliable, people don't delete old pictures off the sd card, and is often not available because someone else took it somewhere) is just dumb.  if it's dark until i find an electric panel somewhere, having a light on my phone is pretty useful.  i have a level bubble to check ada slopes, a foot-inch calculator, etc.

so anyway, i have a fair idea of how to use technology to my advantage sometimes.  what i don't know is how this relates to real-life office environments.  in the past, a business would be expected to provide their employees with tools they need.  is that gone now, or is it just my office? i sort of feel like i'm falling behind technology wise, or my office is, or i just don't know what's going on in the world.

Jun 27, 13 10:50 am  · 

sesame street is a dumbed-down shell of its former self.  that shit was edgy and groundbreaking - they had a single-earner gay couple living in a multi-ethnic urban neighborhood with a homeless guy who lived in a trash can and a schizophrenic bird living in an abandoned construction site. They got rid of one of the most endearing characters - a mildly mentally disabled person who had a serious eating disorder.  a recurring joke was a character who was so inept he couldn't hold down a regular job.  plus all the wild hallucinogenic segments that only really make sense if you're high or 4 years old...


now it's all market-tested sanitized schlock aimed at the children of suburban helicopter parents.

Jun 27, 13 11:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, that was out of left-field, Toast!

As for the cell phones, I am in public education.  Policy is that if you have your school email on your cell phone, they can wipe your phone at anytime, should they need to.  Needless to say, I DON'T have my work email on my phone.  As for the money, can't you just write it all off on taxes as a business expense?  My husband writes all his new tools off each year, and that is essentially what you are saying your phone is, a tool. 

Jun 27, 13 2:27 pm  · 

i'm sure i can write it off.  i've never been audited, soooo i guess that means i can claim 12 children too.  i'm not sure i know enough about taxes :(

my concern is more about what should be expected.  i know i have clients that expect me to have a phone, because everyone has a phone, and that leads to a certain expectation to use the phone to call them or be available for them to call me. 

also, i've built expectations by using my phone for work, just not so much as a phone.  now, for example, there is no reason for my company to replace the company camera, since we'll use person equipment anyway.  it's just kind of new to me to have a blurry separation between personal and company equipment, though maybe most firms put in some effort to un-blur that line.

i don't think my company is going to ask to wipe my phone, what with the previous comments of being able to remotely wipe the server.  plus i set up the email.  i would think that puts me in a unique position though, compared to a lot of other architects.

Jun 27, 13 3:15 pm  · 

sarah - I was responding to curt's post about the GOP killing big bird.  my argument is that they'd put him out of his misery. 


also, because of this current lack of gritty realism in children's programming, I've decided to only expose my children to obscure soviet-era polish stop-motion animation while we eat our milk potato dinner.

Jun 27, 13 4:59 pm  · 


Jun 27, 13 6:02 pm  · 
You are too cynical, Miles. Anyway that wasn't the point. But do carry on with the new one.

We all use Cellphones on job to some extent . Company camera and cell pictures are both uploaded to cloud storage and terabyte drive so we can all use as resource. My partner and I are pretty mobile and especially in my case the cellphone and multiple computers at different locations is the only way to work. Couldn't imagine working without the current arrangement. Would be a real pain to have to carry anything but phone and sketchbook with me.

Hadn't thought about the blurred line between company and self though. It's a good point and something we haven't dealt with yet. So far not a problem so ill let the sleeping animal continue its rest. Can see how it would be an issue though. Unfortunate because it means telecommuting has artificial limitations put on it. I would prefer more convenience not less but maybe the only way to get there is to drop all pretense of separation between work and self. Like vernor vinge's rainbows end. Cool.
Jun 27, 13 7:28 pm  · 

Will....we are the COMPANY.......and that is Life...and it is Cool. 

I have been wrangling with 12 sheets 4'X16'  of 16 ga. Corten Steel as part of my day to day tasks. The full story is a lot more more to come as I figure it out. As Willie Nelson  sang a song "On the Road Again."

Jun 27, 13 9:13 pm  · 

I miss Liberty Bell...sign,

Jun 27, 13 9:14 pm  · 

Will, the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

Jun 27, 13 11:26 pm  · 

From a lawyer friend:

"I love archinect! I keep it in my news feed!"

Jun 28, 13 1:25 pm  · 

I keep wondering if these "soft city/arch" people realize just how disturbing their future world is.

Jun 28, 13 4:29 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

What is a "soft city/arch" type? And why is their future world going to be disturbing?

Jun 28, 13 5:59 pm  · 

miles, that is such an observant response.

@snook, das right on.

Jun 28, 13 10:13 pm  · 

tint - you've not heard of the soft systems people?  it's basically a "selectively grafted" version archigram's plug-in city, except we're now continually collecting data on your behavior so that we can inform future decisions on the built environment and infrastructure - and it somehow won't be used by nefarious characters to control society.  and of course all of their "existing examples" are in china.  it's all the rage at the AA.

Jun 29, 13 12:49 am  · 
I have lots of opinions, from cell phones to Martha Stewart, but I'm barely back from my cruise and still have too much to mentally process thinking about it to form decent sentences about anything. So bizarre. Will be a crazy workweek catching up from being gone, too.
Jun 30, 13 3:56 pm  · 
Ooh, off-kilter is an interesting way to start GSA!
Jun 30, 13 8:56 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Just got home from a road trip myself. This country (the US) is beautiful. All of the land is in full bloom right now.

toaster, plug-in city rings bells. thanks.

Jun 30, 13 9:40 pm  · 

Did I mention how amazing the Seattle Public Library is? It's amazing.  A totally complex and contemporary piece of work, but also both materially sound and functional.  Interesting to look at both in context and as an object, and also just a fun place to hang out and enjoy the comings and goings of the community.  Plus, plenty of book storage, but not at the expense of other ways of communicating. So good. 

This is the second of Rem's projects I've been prepared to not really like but instead was blown away by, the other being the IIT Student Center.

Super great work. I still know very little of the theoretical underpinnings, but the work stands on its own.

Jul 2, 13 10:34 am  · 

Marriage is on everyone's mind these days.

First, I've always though architects should be married to those in architecture or allied professions.  Who else is going to understand you?

Now DOMA has been stricken down and more states are allowing for same sex marriage.  Yet, no one has addressed same sex divorce, spousal support, child support, and visitation rights.  When will THAT be coming down the pike?

Marriage is suck a racket, anyway.  More than half of my goody two shoes parochial school friends are divorced from spouses with similar ages, cultures, educational levels, and other demographic similarities.  Others are keeping up appearances.  And a few are indeed happy.

Dogs and cats, anyone?

Jul 2, 13 12:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well that was depressing.

Jul 2, 13 1:33 pm  · 

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