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Sarah Hamilton

Thanks, Rusty.  I just used the windows picture viewer to rotate them.  I've got "File Scavenger" hunting now.  I've always just cut and pasted because it keeps the card clean.  Guess I won't anymore.  I hope the scavenger works.  Although, I guess I should be happy it wasn't all the photos.

Jul 26, 11 4:53 pm  · 

Dammit.  This is the kind of stupid conundrum that makes me obsess and destroys my ability to put together an intelligent thought for hours:

quiz, when you say "exact mirror image" do you mean the same or opposite?!  Because a mirror is the opposite of what exists.  But we imagine it to be a true duplicate image of what exists.  My mind gets really, really confused by mirror images - if I were an amputee, I'd be a great candidate for relieving ghost pain with a mirror box - I'm fooled very easily.


Jul 26, 11 7:35 pm  · 

Erh ... I meant that what I saw in Rusty's post pretty much duplicates my own views.

Sorry if my wording was confusing.

Jul 26, 11 8:04 pm  · 

No, I'm just simple-minded enough to make simple problems complex!  Thanks for clarifying.

rusty's post reflects my thinking, too.  Also, in case I haven't made it abundantly clear here: I'm pretty much anti-politician, of all stripes, these days.  But I'm much more progressive than conservative, and think the Republican party is slightly more idiotically hypocritical these days.

Jul 26, 11 9:03 pm  · 

speaking of mirror images, i've known it for a long time but had never really formulated the thought until very recently: i much prefer the way i look to myself in the mirror to the way i actually look. i expect this is common?

Jul 26, 11 9:10 pm  · 

I'm the opposite, Steven.


Wait...that sentence confuses me too.  I prefer myself in photos to my image in a mirror.

Jul 26, 11 9:51 pm  · 

Donna - sometimes I think we share a brain.  I sat there and pondered the same thing for quite some time as well.  If you have time, would you be willing to look over my resume?

That goes for any other Archinector as well, especially one's whose email address I already have.

Speaking of email... anyone hear from the amazing Mr David Cuthbert of late?  I know he's been very busy of late but I misses his regular stop ins.

Jul 26, 11 10:04 pm  · 

Mr. Cuthbert is fine - dreaming of canned sardines, last I read.  Or was it herring?  And I think he said "tinned" not canned - that cute accent.

melt send the resume on over I'd love to look at it!

manta once said my voice was deep and sexy - that made my month!


Jul 26, 11 10:20 pm  · 

never odd or even


collartim is back


One of these things is not like the other.

Jul 26, 11 10:38 pm  · 

guessing it's the one that isn't mirrored?  although i'd like to think it's taco cat.

Jul 27, 11 1:27 am  · 
vado retro

depends whats happening in the mirror i guess.


Jul 27, 11 7:42 am  · 

im waiting for the mindblowing answer.  taco cat sounds intriguing though.


i thought quizzical meant the mirror=opposite of rusty.  which is possible but no idea how anyone can think the tea party is the good side of anything.  ideology is like videos of masturbation - embarassing and not really meant to be aired in public.  just once can't the politicians keep it in their pants, for the sake of the kids ? !


Jul 27, 11 8:00 am  · 

Angus blew my mind recently when I said "never odd or even" (it is in an art installation at the IMA) is a palindrome and he said "You mean like tacocat?"

I could tell collatrim's thread was by him just from the thread title alone w/o even seeing his name as the OP.

melt I just emailed you, discreetly I hope - I sent it to your work email.

Jul 27, 11 9:05 am  · 

I enjoy collartim's threads...


donna/steven - I might be in evansville for a project within the next couple weeks...  anything worth seeing there?

Jul 27, 11 9:33 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'll join those that were confused by quizz's remarks. I thought it could mean either way too, and couldn't decide which he meant. Steven, I prefer myself in the mirror to my non-mirrored real appearance too. I think it's common.

Jul 27, 11 10:03 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I watched Obama followed by Boner when they were on TV the other night. What a waste of time. What I can't stand is how no one can talk in numbers and facts and let people decide for themselves, it is assumed by both sides that we need to be told how this will effect us. The rhetoric and exaggerating, aka politiking was pretty bad. Which is precisely why I would just rather do away with most of the Federal Gov (by redirecting those efforts through other means).

I can't believe summer is almost over. School is going to start soon! I love autumn.

Jul 27, 11 10:17 am  · 

beccabec are you in school? Or did you mean just generally....

morning all.

Jul 27, 11 11:42 am  · 

Hehehe... you called him Boner.  That man grates on my nerves.  So does our governor... the esteemed Governor Kasich.  There are even Republicans that are wanting to recall him, he's doing that great of a job.

Jul 27, 11 12:20 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

No, not in school myself, but in a college town and work with kids.

Jul 27, 11 12:28 pm  · 

Wow - I really must start being more careful with my use of the language.

Jul 27, 11 1:09 pm  · 

quiz, your statement made perfect sense to me. But then, I am left handed and mirrors don't intimidate me. I look like normal people in them!

Jul 27, 11 1:18 pm  · 

OK, what's with video advertisements auto-playing on archinect now? Those who check the site during breaks at work, turn your speakers down. 

Jul 27, 11 1:23 pm  · 

What I can't stand is how no one can talk in numbers and facts and let people decide for themselves, it is assumed by both sides that we need to be told how this will effect us.


If you were to consolidate, repackage and refinance the entire government debt, the monthly payments on it would be astounding. Depending on how you calculate it (how frequently you compound interest and what interest rate you use, e.g. 3.1%-3.5%), the debt load per person per month is something like $260 to $300— about $12,500 a year for a family of four. Over thirty years.

And this doesn't even address the current budget problems. Basically, we need to figure out a way to magically come up with a little less than $700,000,000,000 by the end of this year.

And people are really overstretching the impact of this. A hike in interest rates would only make new government business more expensive than before. For the general private market, it may mean slower or leaner government services and less intensive government projects but over all it won't affect much of what you do. For big military, technology and energy companies, they're going to have to thoroughly value-engineer their products and switch over to lean project management. They're basically going to have to cut their profit margins to nothing or produce less expensive work.


Jul 27, 11 1:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ack!  I used a program to recover my files, but while trying to get a free key gen for the program, I downloaded something evil.  Suck my luck.  I ended up having to buy the official license for the [program anyway.


Oh, and I have an interview to teach graphic design at the high school level tomorrow.  I haven't had an interview in 3 years!

Jul 27, 11 1:33 pm  · 

Sarah congrats on the interview! Good luck.

Jul 27, 11 2:49 pm  · 

good luck sarah!  sounds like it could be a really fun job.

Jul 27, 11 3:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No doubt I'll need some help from you guys.  If I get the job, I'll be asking things like, At the HS level, how important is typography, histories, ect.  Rationalist, here's looking at you!

Jul 27, 11 5:10 pm  · 

good  luck sarah.  that's great !


rusty you clearly haven't been exposed to enough comic books.  everyone knows that bizarro superman is the mirror opposite of good superman.   And if you put a witch in between two mirrors she will go insane and start building gingerbread houses (with help from students from bartlett).  common sense really.


they talking about the olympics in London on news here.  getting set to go apparently.  wonder if amerika will have to cancel their team.  that could save a trillion or so right there, no?


i keep waiting for someone suggesting a recall of the entire govt in usa, but never happens.  apparently the people who were voted in actually represent the will of the people.  feels like the people have either been conned or made a mistake, but never know...they might actually be happy with the work being done...democracy in in-action at its best.

Jul 27, 11 5:29 pm  · 

toaster - never been to evansville

every now and then you talk to someone who is so smart it just stops you in your tracks. i had one of those conversations today. still recovering.

Jul 27, 11 8:19 pm  · 

Way late to the party, but apparently Philly has a free rain barrel program.

And SH, so you were able to retrieve the files?

And haha, taco cat.

Jul 27, 11 9:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was, but I'm fighting a small virus.  Hoping that the spybot scan and time will fix it.  Check the blog tomorrow to see the photos.

Jul 27, 11 9:24 pm  · 

Sarah, sending good vibes for your interview.  You would be great at teaching graphic design!  If you get it I'll send you a link to a sample project that would be fun for the kids.


Jul 27, 11 10:13 pm  · 

tacocat is so awesome.  I kind of almost want to change my screen name to that.  I would have had to pick my jaw off the floor if a small child said that to me.

I too found myself totally puzzling over quizz's "mirror" image.  I thought and thought and thought, and finally, feeling dumb, moved on... only to discover donna's and melt's comments.  phew what a relief, I'm not an idiot after all!  or at least, I'm not the only idiot in the room.  Safety in numbers!

elinor: I completely agree with your thoughts on anonymity.  My anonymity is one of the things I value most around here.  I take care never to say anything I wouldn't want anyone to know I said - however, I, too, have felt the effects of the intensely small (and competitive) world of architecture and would rather not feel forced to be overly circumspect and cautious.  If archinect were not anonymous I simply would not post here.

*melt you can send me your resume.  I like looking over things like that.  I might need to call you to review, though - am not great with writing out crit stuff - much easier to call.  I do not have a super sexy voice like Donna, however!

Jul 28, 11 12:41 am  · 

that's great, sarah!  i took graphic design in high school...learned to make mechanical layout mock-ups using rubber cement and non-reproducible blue pencils.  the problem was that computers and photoshop and all sorts of graphics software had already been around for quite a while, but nobody told the graphic design teacher!!  haha...she was cool though, so we all had fun in her class of completely outdated of luck!!

Jul 28, 11 3:03 am  · 

oh. man.  i'm doing an interior reno that really threw me for a loop client has a significant other who has completely hijacked the project (it's a purely cosmetic project, so i'm not on the line as the legal architect.) this guy seems like a really good guy in the general sense, but comes from a country where i assume women don't have much authority.  he has taken over much of the decision making over the last week, unbeknownst to me, and has royally f***ed up a number of things.  and even though he's in a completely different line of work, he feels completely fine running the renovation, since he has 'done all this before'.  now even though there's no architecture, plumbing, or electrical work  involved, there is some built-in furniture that requires structural reinforcement...heavy floating shelves and things.  he decided to have the builder reinforce the wall and seal it up again before i could take a look at it...which i learned had been 'reinforced' with plywood (!!) when the fabricator came to drill steel brackets into the wall and drilled them into...not much. 


i had a boss once who told me to never, ever, under any circumstances, say anything negative about a client's crazy wife...he said blaming a spouse is the kiss of death.  it seems like good advice to me.

i did tell my client though that if she ever sells her place, which she is considering, the shelves could fall on someone and she could end up in some serious trouble...

any advice?  this guy will not listen to a word i say, but at this point i'm concerned enough about this being done right to not walk away.


Jul 28, 11 3:17 am  · 

you may be overreacting elinor. Noone likes losing control to others (unless you specifically pay for that service). Make sure you get paid, and don't worry about it. You're iffy on structural integrity of shelfing system? Have a tug at it once it's up (ASTM 9876 monkey tug test). It stays up? Done!

Chances are new owners (if the place is flipped) will find the customization touches grotesque (like they usually do), and will rip them down on day one.

Jul 28, 11 3:57 am  · 

toast, regarding our discussion of permaculture the other day I thought it interesting that the NYT had an article on permaculture in today's Style section The Permaculture Movement Grows From Underground

morning all

Jul 28, 11 8:04 am  · 

hmmm..perhaps, rusty.  right now they're not staying up...if you yank on the backets they come right out.  i'll give them one more day of damage control, then they're on their own.


Jul 28, 11 8:07 am  · 

SImilar to quizzical's mirror statement, I just read about a brain function test that asks semi-conscious people to imagine running around their house.  And I got so hung up on the meaning of "around" - am I IN the house running from room to room, or doing laps around the outside?! - that I had to stumbled in reading the article for a few minutes.  So I posted the question on Facebook.


Personally, I was doing laps around the house.

Jul 28, 11 9:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I have a fence, so that would hurt. I was totally in the house, cleaning mostly. Ah the dreams of an everyday housewife. ( and if you're well versed in classic country, you're now waltzing through your house.)

Jul 28, 11 10:09 am  · 

nam - thanks for the link.


I really need to get back in touch with the local urban farming network - I've been out of the loop for a while.  I was interested in the landscape/ecological urbanist thing for a while - was reading up on it, and met with a few people to see if there was something I could get into, but I think I prefer smaller scale more community-based type stuff.  I still need to figure out how to turn this into more than just a hobby, though...


barry - my PVC post was a joke - although - I get really frustrated at not the lack of knowledge but lack of interest.  it's harder educating when people just don't give a shit.

Jul 28, 11 10:45 am  · 

you know what also frustrates me?  is this polarization of urban ag into the "grand scheme" egghead camp and the extremely small scale "community organizing" camp.  the former seems a little faddish and superficial to me.


plus Duany now has a book on agrarian urbanism.  not sure how I feel about it.


and has anyone seen this?  La Ville Fertile

Jul 28, 11 11:48 am  · 

toaster, it's hard to detect the note of sarcasm in written words. yeah emoticons are annoying too. concur on being frustrated by folks not caring.  I care too much sometimes.



Jul 28, 11 12:32 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

agriculture is the new golf? (from the Duany article) That made my day, in a LOL sort of way.

My garden is producing massive amounts of summer squash these days. I found that it is very good on pizza, I diced it finely and had black olives, fresh basil and onions as co-toppings. Also, I put finely chopped squash in egg salad yesterday for lunch and it was fabulous! I am finding squash can almost be treated like tofu, as a versatile ingredient that will go with whatever. I will try tacos or something next. I did some squash with mint and quinoa too, it was ok. Actually, a friend of mine and me are flirting with the idea of writing a cookbook based on simple recipes that can be made from abundant garden veggies and common pantry items.

Jul 28, 11 12:45 pm  · 

grilled/roasted/oven dried squash freezes well - so don't freak about eating the cornucopia immediately and try storing some for the bleak days of winter.  I tried grilling a cucumber last week and guess what? it tastes like squash!


Jul 28, 11 3:36 pm  · 

I was searching for an e-mail on one of my client's servers and had a look-see at recently received resumes.

I had my first sighting of a link to an Archinect profile. Fun! It works pretty well actually.

I would still strongly recommend not using a profile photo of you holding an iphone against a mirror though.

Or is that arch-nemesis mirror image?

Jul 28, 11 3:55 pm  · 

A friend of mine installed PVC for her water supply pipes up to her bathroom.  I strongly advised her against it.  She insisted that she installed the kind that was safe to use (I guess they are coated with something) but I personally feel it's a bunch of horse shit.  It worries me to even wash my hands at her sink.  I can only imagine the issues she could potentially have if/when she ever sells the house.

Jul 28, 11 4:12 pm  · 

melt - was it PVC or PEX?  I thought you couldn't use PVC for supply.

Jul 28, 11 4:44 pm  · 

melt, you don't like that new car smell in your drinking water? 


Jul 28, 11 4:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I can't help it, I still like waterhose water.


Oh, and I think I aced the interview!  I kept answering questions before the guy asked them, and he pretty much said that he thought I was a great fit, and unless the next interviewer blows them out of the water, the job is mine!


Jul 28, 11 5:30 pm  · 

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