
Dear Abra

le bossman

don't take it personally...i think sage ab is a bit to busy to answer serious questions

Jun 9, 06 7:18 pm  · 

dear auguste, i am gonna post this 1 more tyme and that should do it...

it is that time again. fuck everythingelse...

dear dammson,
here is the scenerio as i could imagine from the pess room in aia convention down in los angeles.
regarding to friend's 'x', the guy is a cb (a problematic person who 'comes back' with a problem after a breakup) and a yoyo (a cb who comes back with a different problem as long as you want them to).
i wouldn't suggest your friend totaly join forces with him and put everything behind and rent a car together and start seeing america and stuff. that would be like a road movie where both of them drive head on to a peterbilt truck and get killed in the toyota.
but seems like your friend is only a step away from it. that stuff is very seductive to many unrealistic people, however it usually less than those stories in the movies. i don't think your friend is very stable and i suggest you take her to an eye doctor she desperately needs to see...

bossman is right. i am on a luch break.

Jun 9, 06 8:47 pm  · 

man, she loves those're on point on that!...
you have to juggle...people need you in here...

Jun 9, 06 9:25 pm  · 


Dear Abra-

You seem to have quite a business designing hair salons. Please help me choose between going to an ol' school barber or a new fangled hair stylest for my next du?

Oct 29, 06 2:33 pm  · 

dear abra-

i am busy rewriting my thesis statement - any suggestion for a long haul topic that avoids verbose crap?


Oct 29, 06 2:43 pm  · 

dear treekiallah,
i'd do it my way with my oster.
in terms of styles;
aren't you in mini-poli? check thiesedu's out.

and if they are sort o too much from the past, update the hair dudu here.

dear TED, i thought you were a Phd passenger. i guess writing a manual on how you've killed erric moss would be a good one.

Oct 29, 06 4:36 pm  · 

great band and better hair cuts! Saw Bob Mould last spring in LA- it was also his birthday, damn that man can still rock! So who is Tarkan?

I'll second offing EOM as a dissertation, but then maybe he would be a good case for CIA rendition...

Oct 29, 06 6:23 pm  · 

deer abra,

two thins, 1 my cat spilleeed oj on my keyboarrd an its sticky any help?
2 we leeaaaave on tues with 3 cats fffor st paul, any thouhts on how to keep sane?


Oct 29, 06 9:21 pm  · 


have a good drive!. try rescue remedy for the kitties. an unpluug theeee keeey boad and washhh thee ojjjay offff.

drop me a line when you arrive!

Oct 29, 06 9:30 pm  · 

thanks killa...will dddrop you a line whn we arrive.

Oct 29, 06 9:50 pm  · 

dear beta,
definetly ditto.
why keep sane when you are better crazy.
have a safe trip and call us when you get there.

Oct 29, 06 9:52 pm  · 

tarkan is the biggest pop star pepsi dog in turkey.

Oct 29, 06 10:12 pm  · 

dear abra,

there is a girl that I like. She is many miles away, however.

What do I do?


Distant Lover

May 1, 07 12:41 pm  · 
serious question

abra my brother

i've been away from my job since January for medical reasons. They've understood if not cooperated with the loss of my presence. However i have exhausted their willingness and they would like me to return. I'm wondering, seriously, if I should say fuck it! stay here teach, get registered and pretty much enjoy the company of my family

you advice as always is seriously appreciated



May 1, 07 1:53 pm  · 

dear 'unaligned in California',

thank you for including a little background and not putting abra in a hard and demanding position by forcing him to go into an ultra-trans state of mind...

your answer lies inside the question; temporary job.. that says it all. just give the prick whatever doodle he wants and keep aligning your bank account...
just visualize this guy as a little boy that has to swallow a doddle or two, everyday.
3 mounths from now this minor genius is going to hit the annals of forgatten pages in your professional history and you'll be able to recognize these types faster and ask more money from them next time, if they want you to move your finger for them.
and, if they don't meet your high priced demands, move your finger anyway...


buddy. like the one you with.^^^^^^


dear techno,

get well soon.
and always remind yourself that your health and happiness should be the priority of your life.
if you can afford the option, i'd say go for it, but you must keep your ambitions and focus intact and that is very important and demands hard work.

"if I should say fuck it! stay here teach, get registered and pretty much enjoy the company of my family"

sounds like a good plan as long as you have projects and can engage actively in the world of architecture.

May 1, 07 2:26 pm  · 

Dear Abra
you one fakking cool super hero
would u like a sidekick??

May 1, 07 4:00 pm  · 

Dear Abra

you got the coolest thread ever.....

May 1, 07 4:01 pm  · 

abra all honour to you, thanks for keeping things in perspective, as always

May 1, 07 7:53 pm  · 

Dear Abra,

Nobody seems to like me :( even though I'm willing to go outside and make out with everybody. What should I do?

With Love,


May 10, 07 2:34 pm  · 

dear eb,

don't worry, you are not alone and nobody likes anything these days.
get a license plate that says 'in god i trust' and leave it to higher authority. everything will be alright. do not drive around liberty bell's neighborhod though. she swings hod rodded sledghammer to people with that license plate, just like Stank Lloyd Wrong does.
if you wanna make out get in touch with mdler or tumbleweed or both. they'll take it from there..

as always bun, take two valium for now and say amen, thy kingdom will cometh.

May 10, 07 5:12 pm  · 

welcome back eb- i'm married so it's not appropriate for me to be alone with you. it seems that people confuse what your evangelical about, if its making out, then everybody would like you. if it's about green things (wanna carrot?) most of us would like that too.

get one of these license plates instead:


May 10, 07 6:10 pm  · 

Thank you, evangelical bunny, for reminding me of Dear Abra!

Dear Abra,
a woman recently hired at my office is the ultimate diet sabateur. She talks about food at least two dozen times per day. I'm already a bit neurotic about eating and weight, and she is driving me into a full-on phsychotic state that could require many overeaters anonymous meetings to reverse. I don't want to let it get that far, but I don't want to hurt her feelings by bursting out with something overly honest like "shut your fat face piggy before I kick it in!" What should I do?

May 10, 07 6:17 pm  · 

dear rationalista,
as your revolutionary name suggests, you must resist and overcome. that is the only way to quit a temptation. take it as an extra challenge and stick to your guns and think about how this is benefiting you and your health.
you are doing this for yourself. she can't do what you are doing or she is not there yet. you are. easier said than done but take it from me, who overcame and still holding against multi addictions on my own without the aa or da or sa or whatever. if you think you need to go to oa, do it. just don't let this person get to you. you are already there with accepting your problem and dealing with it. more power to you. you've got the necessary ingredient to fight.

i fight everyday and resist. i have an addictive personality and i wish i was a lucky one who could sip that drink as a nice boy and go on my merry way.

think about how much work you are putting into this and don't let some weak person like your nemesis to destroy it. if you let her, she'd love to make you in her own image and take advantage over your weakness. it is sometimes called 'control'. you can't blame them and expect her not to talk about food if she wants to. the issue is; how are you going to deal with it without getting violent.

it is all about your own mind set and determination as well as your chemical balance. you need to see some physical and psychological changes soon and that should help you stay the course and make it part of your life permenantly. too bad you have to battle this for a long time, but it is always one thing or another we have to deal with.

anyway getting back to her, just take it as a challenge, a duel for your determination and show her your strength and someday tell her that she has to loose some weight because it is not good for her health and self esteem. she will come down or she will deny it. right now she is in denial.
some people are overweight and never bothers them. some people enjoy getting high and it doesn't bother them. all fine. but being over weight bothers you and that is why you are fighting it. more power to you. good for you. fight, resist and be independent.
belive me i like you either way. it is cliche words but so true.

use your strength. you have it. lucky you.

May 10, 07 7:23 pm  · 

r- you can also switch a chocholate bar with exlax and leave it out where she will munch on it... saw that on tv!

just learned about an emerging fetish: feeders and gainers. feeders like lovin' big people and making them bigger, and gainers get off being big! ask that sabateur if she's heard of this and wants to meet one of your friends that's really into large women... not quite appropriate office conversation, but drastic times require drastic measures. if she says yes, then quickly post a personal ad on craigs list to find that 'friend' of yours.

May 10, 07 10:39 pm  · 

dear abra-
are bunnies evil? all they seem to do is eat all my plants in my garden (what is this eden???) and make babies...

and then there is this:

Jul 12, 07 10:49 pm  · 

eb is back, oh HALLELUJIA!

Jul 12, 07 11:50 pm  · 

dear treekiller,

they aren't evil just vegiterians. a chicken wire fence will stop them. sometimes a layer under the soil is also necessarry. goffers like do dig their tunnels to eden too.

Jul 13, 07 2:01 am  · 

dear abra,

finally ditched the boy. Now I'm sad and lonely and am having a really hard time keeping it together. There's no going back, but this hurts me every minute of the day.

Sep 20, 07 12:25 am  · 

dear rationalist,
well look at it this way, you have actually made your mind two years ago. in two years, you have made big changes and moving towards bigger goals and challenges you have set up for yourself and actually moved away to new city to achieve your goals.
of course it is going to hurt for a while (1-4 months) because this is what we call seperation from someone you know pretty well over the years. you have just moved to a new state, city and school. give yourself some time and some self congratulations for doing all this as you have planned and put in motion. that's a lot of stuff you've achieved.
this is your time now and look forward to new challenges, friendships and surprises. try to focus on what's in front of you and don't look back in a hurting way.
hang in there this is all normal and it will pass.

Sep 20, 07 3:32 am  · 
le bossman

dear abra

i have again become bored with my position. if i move to another side of the country every other year in hopes of escaping the meaning of life, does this make me a douchebag?


le bossman

Sep 20, 07 7:23 pm  · 
le bossman


this is one of my favorite poems; will you please dissect it for me? thanks.

you’re sitting here with us, but you’re also out walking in a field at dawn

you are yourself, the animal we hunt

when you come with us on the hunt

you’re in your body like a plant is solid in the ground

but you’re wind

you’re the divers clothes lying empty on the beach

you’re the fish.

in the ocean are many bright strands and many dark strands

like veins that are seen when a wing is lifted up

your hidden self is blood in those - those veins which are like lute strings which play ocean music

not the sad edge of surf, but the sound of no shore

Sep 20, 07 7:27 pm  · 

Thank you abra. I know you're right, and just need to hear (or even read) it occasionally. I have a lot of people telling me otherwise.

Sep 20, 07 9:22 pm  · 


I start work as an urban planner on Monday, I'm not really nervous but I am worried I won't be motivated - I worry that I won't be as engaged as I am with architecture. As such I feel I won't be firing on all cylinders...what do I do Abra?

Sep 20, 07 9:36 pm  · 

dear le bossman,
you need to go home , different home every two years. travel forever.
here is a favorite poetry of mine from Pier Paolo Pasolini, for you recite this each time you hit a different hometown ;

Song of the Church Bells

When evening dips inside water fountains
my town disappears among muted hues.

From far away I remember frogs croaking,
the moonlight, the cricket's sad cries.

The fields devour the Vespers' church bells
but I am dead to the sound of those bells.

Stranger, don't fear my tender return
across mountains, I am the spirit of love

coming back home from faraway shores.

Sep 20, 07 11:03 pm  · 

dear techno,
for some reason i am never worried about you...
you'll figure it out to enjoy it.
stand up for your island and do the urban design, and if not, fuck it.
(inspired by one jimmy hendrix)

Sep 20, 07 11:08 pm  · 

Dear Abra,

My wife and I are having our first child in two months. My wife would like to deliver naturally (no epidural) but is unsure she will be able to bear the pain. Thus, we are weighing two delivery options and need to make a decision soon.

The first hospital offers a very supportive and nurturing natural birth experience. The 'birth center' is part of a hospital but separate and right down the hall from the normal (typical) labor and delivery area. Should there ever be a problem or should my wife decide at some point to take the epidural, they will move her to this area and she will no longer be a part of the natural birth center. The normal labor and delivery is not the nicest place; in fact, it's a rather depressing. My wife absolutely does not wish to have the baby here. So if we chose this hospital, the hope would be to have a complete natural child birth.

The second hospital is considered to be the standard in the area. Behold, everything money can buy, its cozy food court, shiny new this or that, huge rooms, reputation, etc. etc. They are also a baby delivering machine... 10,000 a year. They are efficient and boast experience. They have a schedule and they like to keep it. They do offer natural child birthing support but it is definitely not the norm and I've heard from numerous sources the nurses are less likely to be patient (or sympathetic) towards women who want to deliver without the epidural. They are a well oiled machine and any deviation from their schedule means more time and less money for them. But again, the hospital is the highly respected and potentially a ‘happier’ environment. Or should something go wrong, there are many options readily available.

So the decision rests on whether or not she will be able to give birth without the epidural... and the obvious answer is who knows. Who knows how bad the pain will be who knows if there will be any complications. Myself and the nurses can only be so supportive. If the pain is too great, then I want her make the decision to have the epidural and not consider the effort a failure.

The first options offers support and confidence, while the second offers peace of mind and comfort. My honest opinion (and I've told her) is to commit to the first hospital but honestly I feel this is her decision alone. It is her body, and the pain will be immense. I want her to be the confident in the decision she makes yet at the moment she is utterly torn. How do I offer guidance and support towards a decision that has so many unknowns?

Lost in labor.


Sep 21, 07 10:28 am  · 

dear abra,

just had a session with my phd supervisors, needless to say it went bad. they want me to do little artifacts and talk about it....i want to save the world. afterall, thats what they do in phds.

when i told them that, they said thats nice but this student they have did some nice things with wax maybe i should look at it.

what should i do?

yours as always,

Sep 21, 07 10:43 am  · 

dear ether,
i was born at home during a military curfew and almost didn't happen because midwife and the dr couldn't get there on time. hold that's not it, they also had to use bicepts to get abra's big head out and caused some trauma before i even had a chance to say fuck the opressive military curfew and be arrested way before i anticipated (it happened later @ 13)

i think home birth is a fad. it is like building a house without power tools. might as well sell the car and get a buggy from millersburg, ohio.
why bother when the well being of mom and the jr is risky, however small it is. check into the hospital, have her pop the jr out, and go home with the radio playing "our house is a beautiful house".

good luck and post pictures.

Sep 21, 07 2:06 pm  · 

dear TED,

i wrote (penned) a nasty letter to supers. the situation should improve greatly for you before the phony baloney wax melts and their dicks are soft again.
how long this fuckin' phd is going to take anyway?
i'd say, if it doesn't happen your way, bobby trap the whole place and say you have to go to chicago on a family matter for few days and watch them supers turn into wax museum material.

Sep 21, 07 2:14 pm  · 

thank you, abra.

Sep 21, 07 2:16 pm  · 

thanks abra - i owe you for postage. i guess now i wont jump off the roof of my 5th floor office. at least if i do it i will wait till monday when the students are back and make it a spectacle.

my fucking conversation with them today just speaks of why there is such a distance between research + architecture - its agendaless research with no comprehension of what the research is for or how those who are influencing the world might use it-

i made certain my body language reflected my true feelings. they might have thought it was gas.

with all the things going on in the world how can i anyone suggest to you to look at material phenomenalogy? i step over 3 people everyday sleeping rough - what the fuck will wax do for them?

when i told them i was an asylum seeker from america they thought i was joking. i wasnt.

and phds require a minimum residency of 3 years full time. they are very nice people and i do respect their opinion

well off to the wax shop before it closes! yippie!

Sep 21, 07 2:30 pm  · 

Dear Abra-

if global warming is real, why is it so cold this winter?

yours truly,


Jan 19, 08 10:37 am  · 

it is not the cold ice age wheather i am worried, but the population increase due to people confined to their home and nothing to do except capulate.
but seriously dear treekiller,
as you know, most weather conditions are produced by oceanic currents that are very active on the surface and in the depths of earth's oceans.
my scientific consultants tell me that melting of the ice cap dramatically alters this flow of salty waters in weird ways leading to strange weather conditions throughout the world.
it is like somethings are out of balance, and we are going to see more abnormal stuff coming soon to our movie theatres.
here in socal, yahoo says it is 48 degrees.
as an ex losangler you know it is equivalent to your minus temperatures, and we have to wear sweaters and shit in the house.
but it is nice to see snow covered mountains while you are driving towards downtown from santa monica. they look specially beautiful framed by palm trees.
stay warm and do some more research...
too bad the junior is already on the way out!

Jan 19, 08 11:30 am  · 

Dear Abra,

If we've been in a recession for the better part of '07, and now its early '08 and the experts are only now saying we may be going into recesion, does that mean when we officially declare its a recession it will actualy be over?

Jan 19, 08 1:53 pm  · 
moose drool

Dear abra,

I recently bought a book of "First Class Forever" stamps at the local post office. However, I soon realized that, given enough time, their value will eventually eclipse my own earnings as an architect or any other shoddy contribution I might make to this planet. As such I have planned to have them framed for posterity. Should I go with a metal frame, or a more rustic oak?

Thank you.


Stamped and Cancelled

Jan 19, 08 3:38 pm  · 

dear evilplatypus,

i have in a perpetual recession since i was 18. so excuse me of my biased opinion...
i like my recession on summer time and i like my recession on even years. one year i had a recession that was pretty bad and i had to take a lot of medication which resulted in actually liking the recession later on that year, even though i lost 50K and some of my focus.
thank god it was an even year. it continued on and off for about 6-8 years after that, sometimes borderlining depression, which was pretty fun i must say.
those were the days. haha. even though we had recession, we were happy.

recessions don't happen as long as job markets are alive and there is no sharp increase in layoffs so far.

about the recession experts who predict recession dates for gamblers;
it sells to say r word.

housing market is bad, but the question remains that, is it bad enough to cause snowball effect?

Jan 20, 08 12:44 am  · 


dear noose drool,
another secret admirer of my sister act...
what can i say, huh? you shall be eclipsed for your sins and must be punished!
regarding the posterity; go with the black leather frame...

Jan 20, 08 12:45 am  · 

dear noose drool,
another secret admirer of my sister act...
what can i say, huh? you shall be eclipsed for your sins and must be punished!
regarding the posterity; go with the black leather frame...

Jan 20, 08 12:45 am  · 

[wow. if lb hasn't bought a big poster of that for her dorm room wall, maybe i'll get it for her for her next christmas.]

Jan 20, 08 7:49 am  · 

Dear Abra,

If I ever find myself in this situation any suggestions on how to extricate myself or explain myself to my family?


Tiger Tamer

Jan 20, 08 10:08 am  · 

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