Anchor 3

Tatjana Labus ~ My online portfolio  ››  posted: Oct 28 '11  |  see all My online portfolio

Tatjana Labus
Anchor 3

Abraham N. Rodríguez Guzmán ~ Midterm's a week away and I've made the first design iteration I'm happy with. Better late than never right?  ››  posted: Oct 28 '11  |  see all

Abraham N. Rodríguez Guzmán
Anchor 3

So Young Lee ~  ››  posted: Oct 28 '11  |  see all

So Young Lee
Anchor 3

Diana Chang ~ Contemporary House  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all Contemporary House

Diana Chang
Anchor 3

Diana Chang ~ Restaurant  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all Restaurant

Diana Chang
Anchor 3

Diana Chang ~ Hotel Guest Suite  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all Hotel Guest Suite

Diana Chang
Anchor 3

Diana Chang ~ Corporate Project  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all Corporate Project

Diana Chang
Anchor 3

Diana Chang ~ Corporate Project  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all Corporate Project

Diana Chang
Anchor 3

Alex Imhoff ~ Currently working on ceiling system for Wonder Wonder  ››  posted: Oct 27 '11  |  see all

Alex Imhoff
Anchor 3

Keith Carlson ~ New tile design right out of the kiln  ››  posted: Oct 26 '11  |  see all New tile design right out of the kiln

Keith Carlson
Anchor 3

kaori walter ~ Everytime I come to measure abandoned spaces, I am really scared to open the doors. specially restrooms doors. I'm a wimp and could not open it today.  ››  posted: Oct 26 '11  |  see all Everytime I come to measure abandoned spaces, I am really scared to open the doors. specially restrooms doors. I'm a wimp and could not open it today.

kaori walter
Anchor 3

Tom Pike ~ stealth enclosure-cell tower for AT & T Wireless  ››  posted: Oct 26 '11  |  see all

Tom Pike
Anchor 3

Tom Pike ~!/pages/Pikes-Plans-by-Design/142755175742257  ››  posted: Oct 26 '11  |  see all

Tom Pike
Anchor 3

Jouhanny Virginie ~ Redesigning bathrooms for Hotel Astoria  ››  posted: Oct 26 '11  |  see all Redesigning bathrooms for Hotel Astoria

Jouhanny Virginie
Anchor 3

Danielle Burns ~ The Harlem Edge  ››  posted: Oct 25 '11  |  see all

Danielle Burns
Anchor 3

Luis Guerrero ~ OZN/HPweb_samples  ››  posted: Oct 25 '11  |  see all OZN/HPweb_samples

Luis Guerrero
Anchor 3

Jordan Reyes ~ Redesigning a checkstand for Wells Fargo.  ››  posted: Oct 25 '11  |  see all Redesigning a checkstand for Wells Fargo.

Jordan Reyes
Anchor 3

Keith Carlson ~ Milling with the CNC machine aluminum panels for the National Park Sevice  ››  posted: Oct 24 '11  |  see all Milling with the CNC machine aluminum panels for the National Park Sevice

Keith Carlson
Anchor 3

Jason Claypool ~ I have been intimately involved in the completion of three major planning projects for The City of Fresno - The Downtown Development Code, Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan, and Fulton Corridor Specific Plan. Each of these documents are in the Public Review Process and are available here -  ››  posted: Oct 24 '11  |  see all

Jason Claypool
Anchor 3

Sean Rafferty ~ Currently working on designing a net zero house to be built in summer of 2012  ››  posted: Oct 24 '11  |  see all

Sean Rafferty
Anchor 3

Justin Brouillette ~ the Prop is now Kickstarting! Fund now!  ››  posted: Oct 24 '11  |  see all the Prop is now Kickstarting! Fund now!

Justin Brouillette
Anchor 3

Rachel Lauer ~ Marilyn Monroe Powder Room  ››  posted: Oct 22 '11  |  see all

Rachel Lauer
Anchor 3

Ian Blue ~ Home renovation/addition, Bartlett, NH  ››  posted: Oct 21 '11  |  see all

Ian Blue
Anchor 3

Amy Leedham ~ Overshadowing and solar expisure analysis  ››  posted: Oct 21 '11  |  see all Overshadowing and solar expisure analysis

Amy Leedham
Anchor 3

Fernando Corrales ~ Cinchona Master Plan  ››  posted: Oct 21 '11  |  see all Cinchona Master Plan

Fernando Corrales
Anchor 3

Donal Sheehan ~ Looking for work in New York City  ››  posted: Oct 20 '11  |  see all Looking for work in New York City

Donal Sheehan
Anchor 3

Lucy Stuefloten ~ hallween Event design  ››  posted: Oct 20 '11  |  see all hallween Event design

Lucy Stuefloten
Anchor 3

Lucy Stuefloten ~ Halloween Event Design I am currently working on  ››  posted: Oct 20 '11  |  see all Halloween Event Design I am currently working on

Lucy Stuefloten
Anchor 3

Luis Guerrero ~ Still workn w/forte  ››  posted: Oct 20 '11  |  see all Still workn w/forte

Luis Guerrero
Anchor 3

Lian Chikako Chang ~ Preston Scott Cohen and Stan Allen tonight at the GSD. 6:30pm LIVE BLOG. rah rah.  ››  posted: Oct 20 '11  |  see all

Lian Chikako Chang