
studio^RISE Diversity Badge

Black, Female owned

New Orleans, LA

Exterior Render No.1
Exterior Render No.1
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Louisiana Medical Marijuana Pharmacy No.1

With a growing service area from their existing locations, our clients came to us to create a new flagship medical marijuana pharmacy. Their request was for a pharmacy that felt less like a sterile, medical facility and more communal and approachable. The design features warm natural materials, soft edges and curves to feel inviting, and an open floor plan for easy accessibility and future flexibility. The space welcomes all patients looking to fill their prescriptions as well as anyone looking to learn more about the positives of medical marijuana. The project is currently in permitting with construction details being finalized.

Updates of the final design to come.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Louisiana, US
Firm Role: Architect

Interior Render No.1
Interior Render No.1
Interior Render No.2
Interior Render No.2
Interior Render No.3
Interior Render No.3
Interior Render No.4
Interior Render No.4