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Some aspects of biomimicry have been played around with for a long time for example mimicking the structure of termite mounds. There have been a lot of architects who have toyed with biomimicry, but have been quite dependent on seductive imagery such as spiders' webs, but often the designs haven't been seen through in a particularly thorough way. Sometimes the examples from nature are just used as a departure point for developing original and whacky forms. — Michael Pawlyn, via
the exhibition at the Carnegie is not about the Vietnam memorial or other moving memorials she has done since. Instead, this is a straightforward presentation that wants to lead us to meditate about rivers, seas, lakes, land forms and other elements in the natural environment. What we see here are her persistent efforts to find sculptural forms that will get us to care more about the world around us. All of her recent work, in fact, seems to be an outpouring of her concerns for the environment. —